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Xiang Yi Barbara |
Variation in career and workplace attitudes by generation, gender, and culture differences in career perceptions in the United States and China |
Nnamdi O. Madichie |
An exploratory insight into the workplace demographic challenges in the public sector: A Kenyan perspective |
Aurora Trif |
The purpose of variable pay schemes and trade unions |
Neha Paliwal |
Measuring employee perception of performance management system effectiveness: Conceptualization and scale development |
Riitta Viitala |
Temporary agency workers shake a work community: a social capital perspective |
Yen-Chun Peng |
Workplace bullying and workplace deviance: The mediating effect of emotional exhaustion and the moderating effect of core self-evaluations |
Kasey Windels |
How being female impacts learning and career growth in advertising creative departments |
Loris Guery |
Why do firms adopt employee share ownership? Bundling ESO and direct involvement for developing human capital investments
Arup Varma |
Women and expatriate assignments: Exploring the role of perceived organizational support |
Stephen Swailes |
Employee reactions to talent pool membership |
Geraldine Rieucau |
Getting a low-paid job in French and UK supermarkets: from walk-in to online application? |
Barbara Plester |
Fun times: the relationship between fun and workplace engagement |
Hayfaa Tlaiss |
Neither-nor: career success of women in an Arab Middle Eastern context |
Oscar Rodriguez-Ruiz |
Unions’ response to corporate restructuring in Telefonica: locked into collective bargaining? |
bdallah M. Elamin |
Exploring the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational justice in the Islamic Saudi Arabian context |
Khaled Aladwan |
What determines the work values of employees in a Middle Eastern cultural context? Evidences from Jordanian organizations |
Muhammad Naseer |
Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect reactions to frequency of change, and impact of change: A sensemaking perspective through the lens of psychological contract |
Paul Marginson |
The changing nature of collective employment relations |
Andrew Hambler |
Managing workplace religious expression within the legal constraints |
Gill Dix Sir |
The changing face of work: insights from Acas |
Kan Wang |
Labour resistance and worker attitudes towards trade union reform in China |
Barbara Plester |
The fun paradox |
David Lain |
Managing employees beyond age 65: from the margins to the mainstream? |
Paul Nowak |
The past and future of trade unionism |
Jill Rubery |
Change at work: feminisation, flexibilisation, fragmentation and financialisation
Andrea Ollo-Lopez |
Disentangling the relationship between high-involvement-work-systems and job satisfaction |
Helen Lam |
Social media dilemmas in the employment context |
Xiaoyi Wen |
Employer-initiated collective bargaining: a case study of the Chinese sweater industry |
Mansoor Ahmad |
High performance HRM and establishment performance in Pakistan: an empirical analysis |
Rowena Barrett |
Small firm training: just meeting the day-to-day needs of the business |
Sophie Hennekam |
Competencies of older workers and its influence on career success and job satisfaction |
Anastasia A. Katou |
Transformational leadership and organisational performance: Three serially mediating mechanisms |
Sean Donovan |
Employee voice and silence in auditing firms |
Katherine Karl |
Employee beliefs regarding the impact of unconventional appearance on customers in Mexico and Turkey |
Dave Lyddon |
The changing pattern of UK strikes, 1964-2014 |
Anastasios Hadjisolomou |
Managing attendance at work: the role of line managers in the UK grocery retail sector |
Keith Townsend |
The front-line manager’s role in informal voice pathways |
Richard Saundry |
The challenge of managing informally |
Samantha Evans |
Juggling on the line: Front line managers and their management of human resources in the retail industry |
Fiona Edgar |
The changing dynamic of leading knowledge workers: The importance of skilled front-line managers |
Jennifer Kilroy |
The multiple faces of front line managers: A preliminary examination of FLM styles and reciprocated employee outcomes |
Colin C. Williams |
Rethinking the marginalisation thesis: An evaluation of the socio-spatial variations in undeclared work in the European Union |
John Rodwell |
What is exchanged in psychological contracts? Multiple sets of obligations, targeted effort and uncertainty reduction
Anton Schlechter |
Attractiveness of non-financial rewards for prospective knowledge workers: An experimental investigation |
Roger Seifert |
Big bangs and cold wars: The British industrial relations tradition after Donovan (1965-2015) |
John Kelly |
Conflict: trends and forms of collective action |
Miguel Martinez Lucio |
Beyond consensus: the state and industrial relations in the United Kingdom from 1964 to 2014 |
Margaret Heffernan |
Exploring the HRM-performance relationship: the role of creativity climate and strategy |
Sian Moore |
The changing face of employment relations: equality and diversity |
Premilla D'Cruz |
Target experiences of workplace bullying: insights from Australia, India and Turkey |
Sun Wook Chung |
Industrial relations (IR) changes in China: a foreign employer’s perspective |
Stefanie App |
Lasting footprints of the employer brand: can sustainable HRM lead to brand commitment? |
Petri Ruuskanen |
Third-sector job quality: evidence from Finland |
Kirsikka Selander |
Third-sector job quality: evidence from Finland
Alexandros Psychogios |
A three-fold framework for understanding HRM practices in South-Eastern European SMEs |
Eleni Makri |
Post M&A ill-health: Main, moderating and mediating effects of job stressors and perceived organizational support |
Rae Cooper |
Bringing the “right to request” flexible working arrangements to life: from policies to practices |
Mike Emmott |
Employment relations over the last 50 years: confrontation, consensus or neglect? |
Andre de Waal |
Does Investors in People affect organisational performance: a relevant question? |
M. Dolores |
Flexibility of benefit systems and firms’ attraction and retention capacities |
Nicole Bohmer |
How gender and career concepts impact Global Talent Management |
Karin A. King |
The talent deal and journey: Understanding how employees respond to talent identification over time |
Yvonne McNulty |
Linking global mobility and global talent management: the role of ROI |
Marian Thunnissen |
Talent management: For what, how and how well? An empirical exploration of talent management in practice |
Shatha M. Obeidat |
The link between high performance work practices and organizational performance: Empirically validating the conceptualization of HPWP according to the AMO model |
Hwanwoo Lee |
High performance work systems and organization attraction: The moderating effects of vocational interests |
Denise Thursfield |
Exploring performance management in four UK trade unions |
Andy Hodder |
Young and unionised in the UK? Insights from the public sector |
Barbara Bergbom |
Immigrants and natives at work: exposure to workplace bullying |
Rhokeun Park |
Employee participation and outcomes: organizational strategy does matter |
Xinxin Lu |
Affective and normative forces between HCHRM and turnover intention in China |
Connie Zheng |
Developing individual and organisational work-life balance strategies to improve employee health and wellbeing |
Christeen George |
Retaining professional workers: what makes them stay? |
Michael J. |
Workplace fun matters … but what else?
Na Fu Patrick |
How do high performance work systems influence organizational innovation in professional service firms? |
Karen Modesta |
The power of workers: Knowledge work and the power balance in Scandinavian countries |
Sophie Hennekam |
Employability and performance: a comparison of baby boomers and veterans in The Netherlands |
Eva Gallardo-Gallardo |
Standing on the shoulders of giants? A critical review of empirical talent management research |
Tom Turner |
Did partnership in Ireland deliver for all workers? Unions and earnings |
Marc Ohana |
Distributive justice and affective commitment in nonprofit organizations: Which referent matters? |
Ingi Runar |
Outsourcing and financial crisis: evidence from Icelandic service SMEs |
Marilyn Clarke |
To what extent a “bad” job? Employee perceptions of job quality in community aged care |
Ferry Koster |
Competition and constraint: Economic globalization and human resource practices in 23 European countries |
Giorgos Bithymitris |
Union militancy during economic hardship: The strike at the Greek steel company “Hellenic Halyvourgia” |
Amira Chelghoum |
The challenges and future of trade unionism in Algeria: a lost cause? |
Lorraine Ryan |
Annual hours, workplace partnership and mutual gains: exploring the links |
Toyin Ajibade |
Understanding the causes and consequences of work-family conflict: An exploratory study of Nigerian employees |
Badrinarayan Shankar |
Workplace spirituality and employee well-being: an empirical examination |
Kyung-Jin Hwang |
Labour dispute arbitration in China: perspectives of the arbitrators |
Sajjad Nazir |
Influence of organizational rewards on organizational commitment and turnover intentions |
Jhony Choon |
This is not what I wanted: The effect of avoidance coping strategy on non-workrelated social media use at the workplace |
Kirk Chang |
HR practice, organisational commitment & citizenship behaviour: A study of primary school teachers in Taiwan |
Erling Rasmussen |
The battle over employers’ demand for “more flexibility”: Attitudes of New Zealand employers |
Maria Adamson |
The making of a glass slipper: Exploring patterns of inclusion and exclusion in a feminized profession |
Almina Besic |
Diversity management across borders: the role of the national context |
Marieke Van |
The politics of knowledge: the responses to feminist research from academic leaders |
Benjamin E. |
Think manager, think male? Heterosexuals’ stereotypes of gay and lesbian managers |
Angela Workman-Stark |
From exclusion to inclusion: A proposed approach to addressing the culture of masculinity within policing |
Paula Mulinari |
Exploring the experiences of women and migrant medical professionals in Swedish hospitals: Visible and hidden forms of resistance |
Cordula Barzantny |
Man-Made: Why So Few Women Are in Positions of Power |
Laura Motel |
Increasing diversity through goal-setting in corporate social responsibility reporting |
W. J. Greeff |
Organizational diversity: making the case for contextual interpretivism |
Magdalene C. H. |
A theory of planned behavior perspective on hiring Malaysians with disabilities |
Maria Socratous |
Motherhood: an impediment to workplace progression? The case of Cyprus |
Jason R. Lambert |
The impact of gay-friendly recruitment statements and due process employment on a firm’s attractiveness as an employer |
Nicky Le Feuvre |
Gendered variations in the experience of ageing at work in Switzerland |
David Knights |
(Mis)managing diversity: exploring the dangers of diversity management orthodoxy |
Carol-Anne Gauthier |
Obstacles to socioeconomic integration of highly-skilled immigrant women: Lessons from Quebec interculturalism and implications for diversity management |
Katri Otonkorpi-Lehtoranta |
Intersections of gender, age and occupational group in the Finnish defence forces |
Vijay A. Ramjattan |
Lacking the right aesthetic: Everyday employment discrimination in Toronto private language schools |
Maria Psoinos |
Researching migrants who hold nomadic identities: Analysing multi-level dynamic discourses of power |
Ruedi Epple Martin |
Parenthood and employment: the impact of policies and culture on gender inequality in Switzerland |
Marina Dantas |
Embodied prejudices: a study on diversity and practices |
Tri Wulida Afrianty |
Family-friendly support programs and work family conflict among Indonesian higher education employees |
Jone Martinez |
Equality and diversity in democracy: how can we democratize inclusively? |
Jennifer Anne |
Champions of gender equality: female and male executives as leaders of gender change |
E. Holly |
Racial awareness: effects on justice perceptions and trust in management in the USA |
Farinaz Fassa |
Excellence and gender: Playing the game of scientific excellence or being played by the game? The Swiss example |
Megan Paull |
Dignity and respect: important in volunteer settings too! |
Mikkel Mouritz |
Grounded intersectionality: Key tensions, a methodological framework, and implications for diversity research |
Miriam Moeller |
Interactions among culturally diverse personnel: an analysis of individual difference variables |
Eleonora Karassvidou |
Work-family balance through border theory lens: the case of a company “driving in the fast lane” |
Shireen Kanji |
Young women’s strong preference for children and subsequent occupational gender segregation: What is the link? |
Amy Klemm |
Native American cultural influences on career self-schemas and MBA fit |
Yehuda Baruch |
The moderating effects of single vs multiple-grounds of perceived-discrimination on work-attitudes: Protean careers and self-efficacy roles in explaining intentionto- stay |
Judith K. |
Understanding context in diversity management: a multi-level analysis |
Orly Benjamin |
Gendered corrosion of occupational knowledge: Contracting-out Israeli social services |
Sharon Foley |
Gender, gender identification and perceived gender discrimination: An examination of mediating processes in China |
Inge Bleijenbergh |
Participatory modeling to support gender equality: The importance of including stakeholders |
Ruth Sessler |
Comfort versus discomfort in interracial/interethnic interactions: Group practices on campus |
Cody Logan |
Job expectations of Chinese college students: re-examining gender differences |
Salma Ahmed |
What firm characteristics determine women ' s employment in manufacturing? Evidence from Bangladesh |
Elisabeth Enoksen |
Perceived discrimination against immigrants in the workplace: Influence of personal values and organizational justice |
Anne-Francoise Bender |
Job evaluation and gender pay equity: a French example |
Michelle Hebl |
The efficacy of sexual orientation anti-discrimination legislation |
Lotte Holck |
Identity, diversity and diversity management: On theoretical connections, assumptions and implications for practice |
Silvia Ravazzani |
Understanding approaches to managing diversity in the workplace: An empirical investigation in Italy |
Dimitria Groutsis |
Reporting on the gender and diversity, standing working group at the European group of organizational studies colloquium |
Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur |
Glass ceiling and sticky floors: hurdles for Mauritian working women |
Christian Yao |
Workplace stress in a foreign environment: Chinese migrants in New Zealand |
Helena Liu |
Staying quiet or rocking the boat? An autoethnography of organisational visual white supremacy |
Oscar Holmes |
Exploring the social identity threat response framework |
Mukta Kulkarni |
Workplace inclusion of persons with a disability: Comparison of Indian and German multinationals |
Helene Langinier |
Expatriates’ and teenagers’ nomadic identities: an intersectional analysis |
Helen Peterson |
“Unfair to women”? Equal representation policies in Swedish academia |
Sarah Payne |
Gender equalities work in health organisations in England |
Anita Maharaj |
An account of the 2014 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference held at Technische Universitat Munchen, Munich |
Brooklyn Cole |
Racial dissimilarity and diversity climate effect organizational identification |
Susan M. Hart |
Book review |
Andri Georgiadou |
Reflections from EDI conference: Equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights in times of austerity |
Elisabeth K. Kelan |
The Language of Female Leadership |
Amit Kramer |
The intersection of sex and race in the presence of deep-level attributes |
Carolina Bouten-Pinto |
Reflexivity in managing diversity: a pracademic perspective |
Iolo Madoc-Jones |
“Dangerous conversations”: a case study involving language |
Paula Koskinen |
Non-decision making in the reform of equal pay policy: The case of Finnish gender equality legislation |
Eddy S. |
Introducing a New Editorial Team |
Syed Zamberi |
Strengthening access to finance for women-owned SMEs in developing countries |
Elena Makarova |
Trapped in the gender stereotype? The image of science among secondary school students and teachers |
Erica French |
Women at work! Evaluating equal employment policies and outcomes in construction |
Beth K. Humberd |
In our own backyard: when a less inclusive community challenges organizational inclusion |
Mayssa Rishani |
Lebanese perceptions of the glass ceiling |
Menno Vos |
Making cultural differences matter? Diversity perspectives in higher education |
Benjamin Schoenung |
Reflections on organizational team diversity research: In search of a logical support to an assumption |
Niya Peng |
Feminist thinking in late seventh-century China: A critical hermeneutics analysis of the case of Wu Zetian |
Yvonne Riano |
Shaping gender inequalities: critical moments and critical places |
Jasmin Mahadevan |
Third-country graduates and their transition to the German labor market: Understanding dominant identity categories, strangerness and agency in context |
Ismail Idowu Salih |
Viewing domestic workers problems through a human rights lens |
Celeste C. |
“Us foreigners”: intersectionality in a scientific organization |
Hanna Ylostalo |
Traces of equality policy and diversity management in Finnish work organizations |
Lotte Holck |
Putting diversity to work: An empirical analysis of how change efforts targeting organizational inequality failed |
Mark McKergow |
How to be a host leader: Approaching leadership in new way using the familiar techniques of hosting |
Spanish steps key to transfer training: Education key to skilled and adaptable workforce |
Trainees pick up important signals: How discretion helps in leader behavior |
India needs to improve training image: Multinationals doing better than local-origin firms |
Ron Portis |
Fostering interpersonal trust as a norm in organizations: five key starting points |
Jay Andrew Cohen |
Hidden in practice: the management activities that foster employee learning |
Lampros Lamprinakis |
Participative organizational change and adaptation: insights from a qualitative case study of successful change |
Engagement in the workplace: Identifying its key drivers |
Winning the talent war: How learning impacts on retention |
Nigel Purse |
The 5 conversations that really matter in business: transforming trust, engagement and performance at work |
Julie Starr |
When mentoring relationships fail to thrive – mentoring, managing and the organizational agenda |
Graham Cole |
Emotional management in the workplace: Age and experience as key influences |
Graham Cole |
Upward career mobility: The fit and marketability routes |
Graham Cole |
A positive focus to lessen the stigma: How to increase engagement in coaching |
Graham Cole |
The value of mentoring: A mutually beneficial experience for mentor and mentee |
Swati Panda |
Friends and strangers: leveraging the power of networks for new venture success |
Luqman Hakim |
Return on Investment (ROI) training evaluation in Malaysian SMEs: factors influencing the adoption process |
Mark E. |
Custom executive education program charters: a beneficial task and useful template |
Carrie Louise Foster |
Managing the flow of talent through organizations – a boundary-less model |
Ulrik Brandi |
Innovative organizational learning technologies: organizational learning’s Rosetta Stone |
Arunprasad Purushothaman |
Organizational learning: a road map to evaluate learning outcomes in knowledge intensive firms |
Evgenia I. |
Corporate volunteering: what is in it for knowledge creation? |
Dennis R. Self |
Improving organizational alignment by enhancing strategic thinking |
Future proofing education: Malaysia focuses on sustainability |
Nobin Thomas |
Three debates in organizational learning: what every manager should know |
Jennifer Nabben |
The art of influence: apply emotional intelligence and create time and space for thinking |
Donald Ropes |
Addressing the challenges of an ageing workforce: an intergenerational learning toolkit |
Joan F. Marques |
Why wakeful leadership is more important now than ever |
Michael Balle |
Inclusive versus exclusive learning: the secret ingredient to creating a truly “lean” and “learning” culture |
Training Venusians or Martians?: Earthly explanations for gender differences |
Setting your mind on mentoring: Help on offer to protege school principals |
Ralph Palliam |
The cultural similarities of work as dignity: bringing sense of community in business organizations
Siti Noormi |
Antecedents of philanthropic behavior of health care volunteers |
Marie Anttonitte |
The engagement continuum model using corporate social responsibility as an intervention for sustained employee engagement: Research leading practice |
Robert Swager |
Constituent aspects of workplace guidance in secondary VET |
Paulette Cormier-Mac |
Canadian chefs’ workplace learning |
Florence Nansubuga |
Can reflection boost competences development in organizations? |
Shannon Flumerfelt |
What do organizational leaders need from lean graduate programming |
Saul Carliner |
The job of a performance consultant: a qualitative content analysis of job descriptions |
Paul Campbell |
Reciprocal benefits, legacy and risk: Applying Ellinger and Bostrom’s model of line manager role identity as facilitators of learning |
Jan Posthumus |
Implicit assumptions in high potentials recruitment
Sung Jun |
Critical review on power in organization: empowerment in human resource development |
Abdullah M. |
The perceived effectiveness of the school based support program: A national capacity building initiative by the national center for educational development at Qatar University |
Saeid Abbasian |
Attitudes towards participation in business development programmes: An ethnic comparison in Sweden |
Harris Neeliah |
Does human capital contribute to economic growth in Mauritius? |
Ashutosh Muduli |
High performance work system, HRD climate and organisational performance: an empirical study |
Siew Chin |
Predictors of protean career and the moderating role of career strategies among professionals in Malaysian Electrical and Electronics (E & E) Industry |
Tina Salter |
Exploring shared and distinctive aspects of coaching and mentoring approaches through six disciplines |
Rama Krishna |
HRD interventions, employee competencies and organizational effectiveness: an empirical study |
Torrence E Sparkman |
The factors and conditions for national human resource development in Brazil
Ilaria Setti |
Proactive personality and training motivation among older workers: A mediational model of goal orientation |
Al-Mansor Abu Said |
A career success model for academics at Malaysian research universities |
Arnoud T. |
Organisational and task factors influencing teachers’ professional development at work |
Edwards Witsinee |
GLOBE Study culture clusters: Can they be found in Importance ratings of managerial competencies? Jeremy Michael Clark Louis N. Quast Soebin Jang Joseph Wohkittel Bruce Center Katherine |
Carole Tansley |
Talent development gamification in talent selection assessment centres |
Diane Rose |
HRD challenges faced in the post-global financial crisis period – insights from the UK |
Chih-Hung Chung |
Virtual HRD and national culture: an information processing perspective |
Dusan Gruicic Stephen |
Development of managers’ emotional competencies: mind-body training implication |
Anna Sutton |
A longitudinal, mixed method evaluation of self-awareness training in the workplace
Petra van Heugten |
Characteristics of highly talented international business professionals defined: Qualitative study among international business professionals |
Vishal Arghode |
Exploring trainers’ engaging instructional practices: a collective case study |
Thomas N. |
Human resource development in Mauritius: context, challenges and opportunities |
Giovanni De Zan |
A methodology for the assessment of experiential learning lean: The Lean Experience Factory case study |
Giovanna Esposito |
Examining perception of competency through practicum competencies outline |
Joan Burkhardt |
Shaping the future of a globalized world: A qualitative study of how undergraduate international students’ everyday cross-cultural experiences were impacted by university diversity initiatives |
Sam Joseph |
Developing the Model for Optimal Learning and Transfer (MOLT) following an evaluation of outdoor groupwork skills programmes |
Anugamini Priya |
Training comprehensiveness: construct development and relation with role behaviour |
Sunyoung Park |
Revisiting knowledge sharing from the organizational change perspective |
Eva Schurmann |
What are drivers for informal learning?
Lindsay Elizabeth |
The status of intervention research in HRD: Assessment of an applied discipline and potential for advancement |
Karen J. Lokkesmoe |
Developing cross-cultural awareness through foreign immersion programs: Implications of university study abroad research for global competency development |
Danielle Dimitrov |
Leadership in a humane organization |
Hanna Moon |
Strategic learning capability: through the lens of environmental jolts |
Elisabeth E. |
Opening the black box and searching for smoking guns: Process causality in qualitative research |
Johanim Johari |
Job characteristics, work involvement, and job performance of public servants
Jeong Rok |
Paid educational leave and self-directed learning: Implications for legislation on the learning leave scheme in South Korea |
Thomas G. Reio |
Nonexperimental research: strengths, weaknesses and issues of precision |
Mageswari Kunasegaran |
Talent development environment and workplace adaptation: The mediating effects of organisational support |
Kim Nimon |
Guest editorial: The quest for scientific discipline in HRD research: designs that support causal inference |
Moira Bailey |
Professional development of HR practitioners – a phenomenographic study |
Brad Shuck |
Psychological needs, engagement, and work intentions: A Bayesian multimeasurement mediation approach and implications for HRD |
Luis Eduardo |
Perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness in Colombia |
Linda Zientek |
Analyzing data from a pretest-posttest control group design: The importance of statistical assumptions |
Riccardo Sartori |
Competence-based analysis of needs in VET teachers and trainers: an Italian experience
David Frock |
Identifying mentors for student employees on campus |
Alfonso J. |
The training demand in organizational changes processes in the Spanish wine sector |
Abdul Rahim |
Examining the relationship between perceived organizational support, transfer of training and service quality in the Malaysian public sector |
Eduardo Tome |
Human capital, HRD and VET: the case of India |
Muhammad Ali |
Firm size, ownership, training duration and training evaluation practices |
Sowath Rana |
Promoting self-directed learning in a learning organization: tools and practices |
Mumtaz Ali |
The link between training satisfaction, work engagement and turnover intention |
Marcia Hagen |
We knew it all along! Using cognitive science to explain how andragogy works |
Greg Clydesdale |
Management education: reflective learning on human interaction |
Forouzan Farnia |
Emotional intelligence research within human resource development scholarship |
Simon Smith |
Signs and wonders: Exploring the effects and impact of the Investors in People logo and symbols |
Bello Zainab Muhammad |
E-training adoption in the Nigerian civil service |
Laura Honkaniemi |
Well-being and innovativeness: motivational trigger points for mutual enhancement |
Stephen K. Neequaye |
Off balance: getting beyond the work-life balance myth to personal and professional satisfaction by Matthew Kelly |
Indravidoushi C. |
Is Mauritius ready to become the HRD leader in Africa?: An assessment of strategic human resource development in Mauritius |
Jeff Gold Tony |
Exploring talenting: talent management as a collective endeavour |
Mary Prendergast |
Training and developing non-Irish workers: The perspectives of interested stakeholders |
Rita Alvelos |
The mediating role of social support in the evaluation of training effectiveness |
Waal Michella |
Two profiles of the Dutch high performing employee |
Anugamini Priya |
Authentic leadership for teacher’s academic optimism: Moderating effect of training comprehensiveness |
Achinoam Tal |
Power preference of bank managers in conflicts with subordinates |
Yang Woon Chung |
The mediating effects of organizational conflict on the relationships between workplace ostracism with in-role behavior and organizational citizenship behavior |
Marc Solga |
Political skill in job negotiations: a two-study constructive replication |
Kressel |
Putting the peaces together: a situated model of mediation Peter T. Coleman Katharina G. Kugler Kyong Mazzaro Christianna Gozzi Nora El Zokm Kenneth |
Mamta Tripathi |
When and how does counterfactual thinking prevent catastrophes and foster group decision accuracy |
Karen A. |
Task conflict asymmetries: effects on expectations and performance |
Rashmi Singh |
Parent-adolescent conflict and choice of conflict resolution strategy: Familial holiday planning |
Kjell Hausken |
Cost benefit analysis of war |
Lihua Yang G. |
Roles of scholars in environmental community conflict resolution: A case study in contemporary China |
Fei Lanfang |
The role of the law in Chinese judicial mediation: a case study |
Umar Aimhanosi |
Shari‘ah court-annexed dispute resolution of three commonwealth countries – a literature review |
Galia Weinberg-Kurnik |
It takes three to dialogue: considering a triadic intergroup encounter |
Alfred Wong |
Business confidence in government regulators: Cooperative goals and confirmation of face in China |
Su Juan |
Emotional intelligence, conflict management styles, and innovation performance: An empirical study of Chinese employees |
Dannii Y. |
Managing conflict at work: comparison between younger and older managerial employees |
Alfred Wong |
Extending credit to small and medium size companies: Relationships and conflict management |
Ummad Mazhar |
Do remotely piloted aerial vehicles make terrorism more costly for terrorists?: Empirical evidence from Pakistan |
Kirsten A. |
Shared perceptions of supervisor conflict management style: A cross-level moderator of relationship conflict and employee outcomes |
Xueting Jiang |
The effect of team empowerment on team performance: A cross-cultural perspective on the mediating roles of knowledge sharing and intra-group conflict |
Aran Martin |
International mediation in low intensity conflicts: Evaluating reputation outcomes for state mediators |
Yongkyun Chung |
Arbitrator acceptability in international commercial arbitration: The trading firm perspective |
Prakash Bhattarai |
Third-party coordination in conflict resolution: evidence from Nepal and the Philippines |
Lu-Ming Tseng |
The link between guanxi and customer–salesperson collusion: The case of Taiwan’s insurance industry |
Tamar Arieli |
Borders, conflict and security |
Dejun Tony |
Negotiators’ emotion perception and value-claiming under different incentives |
Albert Vollmer |
Conflicts in innovation and how to approach the “last mile” of conflict management research – a literature review |
Elvira Bobekova |
Third party conflict management of transboundary river disputes |
Mei-Yu Yang |
The role of affects in conflict frames and conflict management |
Jocelyn J. Belanger |
Handling conflict at work: The role of fit between subordinates’ need for closure and supervisors’ power tactics |
Wonjun Chung |
Community relations dealing with a not in my back yard (NIMBY) context: An experimental application of situational theory of publics and social exchange theory |
Yuntao Bai |
Good and bad simultaneously?: Leaders using dialectical thinking foster positive conflict and employee performance |
Carol Reade |
Does ethnic conflict impede or enable employee innovation behavior?: The alchemic role of collaborative conflict management |
Lianying Zhang |
The impact of interpersonal conflict on construction project performance: A moderated mediation study from China |
Tachia Chin |
Understanding labor conflicts in Chinese manufacturing: a Yin-Yang harmony perspective |
Angela Shin-yih |
Handling conflict at work – the impact of active and agreeable conflict styles |
Martijn Jungst |
Work relationships: counteracting the negative effects of conflict |
Daphna Motro |
Back to the basics: how feelings of anger affect cooperation |
Lena Aline |
Conflict management and age in service professions |
Richard A. |
Social context and employment lawsuit dispute resolution |
Kevin Hill |
Changes in relationship conflict as a mediator of the longitudinal relationship between changes in role ambiguity and turnover intentions |
Frieder Lempp |
A logic-based model for resolving conflicts |
Yaqing Lin |
Political networking strategy and firm performance: a moderated mediation model |
Jacob Guinot |
The effects of altruism and relationship conflict on organizational learning |
Emer Groarke |
“Mission impossible”: exploring the viability of power-sharing as a conflictresolution tool in Syria |
Oluremi Bolanle |
Workplace conflict and willingness to cooperate: The importance of apology and forgiveness |
Barry Goldman |
Towards an understanding of the role of anticipatory justice in the employment dispute-resolution process: An investigation of EEOC-sponsored mediation |
Ravinder Jit |
Servant leadership and conflict resolution: a qualitative study |
Mahsa Izadinia |
Preservice teachers’ professional identity development and the role of mentor teachers |
Megan Tschannen-Moran |
Cultivating the emotional intelligence of instructional coaches |
Chad R. |
The politics of coaching assistant principals: exploring principal control |
Frances Langdon |
Educative mentoring: a way forward |
Jennifer N. |
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education The role of mentoring relationships in counseling programs |
Ann Darwin |
Graduates giving back – a mentoring program for MBA students |
Frances Kochan |
Cultural influences in mentoring endeavors: applying the Cultural Framework Analysis Process |
Maria Nicolaidou |
Feedback-based coaching towards school leaders’ professional development: Reflections from the PROFLEC project in Cyprus |
David Jack |
Mentoring aspiring racialized leaders: A review of a pilot program in the Peel District School Board
Andrew J. Hobson |
Judgementoring and how to avert it: introducing ONSIDE Mentoring for beginning teachers |
Brenda Service |
Implications of a shadowing/mentoring programme for aspiring principals |
Kathleen M. |
The relevance and promise of relational mentoring for school leadership: a conversation |
Lindy Nahmad-Williams |
Experimenting with dialogic mentoring: a new model |
Paula Kwan |
Striving for a way out from a rock and a hard place: Vice-principals’ development in Hong Kong |
Catherine Marshall |
As assistant principals enter their careers: a case for providing support |
Jia Liang Donna |
Mentoring and induction for new assistant principals: the Kansas Educational Leadership Institute |
Diane Morin |
Mentoring for women starting a PhD: a “free zone” into academic identity Aurianne Stroude Tanja Bellier-Teichmann Odile Cantero Nora Dasoki Laure Kaeser Miriam Ronca |
Gabriela Pleschova |
Enhancing university teaching and learning through mentoring: A systematic review of the literature |
Marcy Meyer |
Dialectical tensions experienced by diversified mentoring dyads |
Vicki S. Collet |
The Gradual Increase of Responsibility Model for coaching teachers: Scaffolds for change |
Christine Angela |
Coaching in organisations: how the use of fictional characters can develop coaching practice |
Linda J. |
Supporting the development and professional growth of middle space educational leaders through mentoring |
Twyla Salm |
Building a sustainable structure to support the Adaptive Mentorship model in teacher education |
Christine Grima-Farrell |
Mentoring pathways to enhancing the personal and professional development of pre-service teachers |
Ekaterina Arshavskaya |
Complexity in mentoring in a pre-service teacher practicum: a case study approach |
Drew Polly |
Perceptions of the roles and responsibilities of elementary school mathematics coaches |
Tina Salter |
Equality of mentoring and coaching opportunity: making both available to preservice teachers |
Vicky Duckworth |
Extending the mentor role in initial teacher education: embracing social justice |
Rebecca Eliahoo |
An analysis of beginning mentors’ critical incidents in English post-compulsory education: navigating stormy waters |
Deborah M. Netolicky |
Coaching for professional growth in one Australian school: “oil in water” |
Marion Jones |
Mentoring and coaching in education practitioners’ professional learning: Realising research impact |
Eli Lejonberg |
Mentor education: challenging mentors’ beliefs about mentoring |
Debra L. |
Supporting faculty mentoring through the use of creative technologies: There’s an app for that |
Patricia Susana |
Mentoring for educators' professional learning and development: a meta-synthesis of IJMCE volumes 1-4 |
Margaret O'Rourke |
The LifeMatters programme for developing life-skills in children: an evaluation |
Andrew J. |
Editorial |
Charles Feldhaus |
STEM mentoring and the use of the principles of Adult Mentoring Inventory |
Goran Fransson |
Online (web-based) education for mentors of newly qualified teachers: Challenges and opportunities |
Tove Brink |
Passion and compassion represent dualities for growth |
Neha Verma |
Exploring decision making style as a predictor of team effectiveness |
Natalia Garcia-Carbonell |
Is double fit a sufficient condition for SHRM success?: The missing link between intended and implemented HRM strategy |
Ajay Singh |
Adoption and correlates of Western concepts of high performance work system in the IT industry in India |
Anthony Hussenot |
Toward a process and situated view of compromises |
Subhash C. |
Impact of workplace characteristics on work-family conflict of dual career couples |
Tomohiko Tanikawa |
Top management team (TMT) tenure diversity and firm performance: Examining the moderating effect of TMT average age |
G.Page West |
Making wine and making successful wineries: resource development in new ventures |
Sharon Foley |
Antecedents and consequences of upward and downward social comparisons: An investigation of Chinese employees |
Patthera Suwannathat |
Fostering innovation in public organizations in Thailand |
Kaj Untamo Koskinen |
Identity change in organizations: a philosophical exposition |
Charles E. |
Fairness judgments and counterfactual thinking: pricing goods versus services |
Mehmet Yusuf Yahyagil |
Constructing a typology of culture in organizational behavior |
Farveh Farivar |
Growing corporate social responsibility communication through online social networking in Iran |
Tiina Brandt |
The effect of transformational leadership on the profitability of Finnish firms |
Anton Robert |
Assessing quality of management practices in Palestinian hospitals |
Mohamed Behery |
Examining the impact of leadership style and coaching on employees’ commitment and trust: Mediation effect of bullying and job alienation |
Nicolay Worren |
Functional analysis of organizational designs |
Tuan Luu |
The relationship between cultural intelligence and i-deals: Trust as a mediator and HR localization as a moderator |
Olga Chapa |
Oh, the places you’ll go!: Pre-employment relocation decision making by college graduates in the US |
Shahriar Tanvir |
Transitivity, hierarchy and reciprocity of organizational communication network during crisis |
David William Stoten |
Education work and identity in an English Sixth Form college |
Jarle Trondal |
Ambiguities in organizations and the routines of behavior and change |
Annick Willem |
Motivational paradigms for the integration of a Belgian hospital network and merger presented in the printed press |
Flevy Lasrado |
Critical success factors for employee suggestion schemes: a literature review |
Flevy Lasrado |
Employee suggestion scheme sustainability excellence model and linking organizational learning: Cases in United Arab Emirates
Robert Zinko |
A development of the dimensions of personal reputation in organizations |
Laura L. |
Workplace quotas: Building competitiveness through effective governance of national-expatriate knowledge transfer and development of sustainable human capital |
Huynh Thao |
Proactive personality, organizational context, employee creativity and innovative capability: Evidence from MNCs and domestic corporations |
Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique |
The way justice unleashes staff’s compassion toward hotel guests |
Abhilasha Singh |
Job characteristics model (JCM): utility and impact on working professionals in the UAE |
Stuart Allen |
Graduate leadership students’ perspective on including spiritual topics |
Francis C. Uzonwanne |
Influence of age and gender on decision-making models and leadership styles of non-profit executives in Texas, USA |
Mike Schraeder Mark H. |
Unlearning cynicism: A supplemental approach in addressing a serious organizational malady |
Mostafa Kamal |
ERP and organizational change: A case study examining the implementation of accounting modules |
Alexander Styhre |
The decline of managerial capitalism and visionary leadership literature: Revisiting the writings of an automotive industry leader |
Kader Sahin |
The moderating effects of a board of directors on FDI’s international diversification in Turkey |
Andrew R. |
Employee silence and the authoritarian personality: A political psychology of workplace democracy |
Kristian Johan Sund |
Revisiting organizational interpretation and three types of uncertainty |
Joshua Chang |
Demographic influences on employee trust towards managers |
Kurmet Kivipold |
Organizational learning in context of part-time employment: A case study of an Estonian media company |
Uma G. |
Culture and intellectual capital: towards a conceptual framework |
Samuel Mafabi |
Creative climate and organisational resilience: the mediating role of innovation |
Jiri Sindelar |
Investigation of factors influencing employee performance: A case of sales forecasting |
Bjorn Schmitz |
Hybrid organizations: concept and measurement |
Janita Vos Marjolein |
Bridging the transactional and relational view on management-stakeholder cooperation
Anne M. H. |
Trust antecedents: emotional intelligence and perceptions of others |
Guglielmo Faldetta |
Organizational caring and organizational justice: Some implications for the employment relationship |
Hanan AlMazrouei |
Expatriate leadership competencies and performance: a qualitative study |
Carlos Martin-Rios |
Sensemaking of organizational innovation and change in public research organizations |
Upasna A. Agarwal |
Examining perceived organizational politics among Indian managers: Engagement as mediator and locus of control as moderator |
Eric Shaunn |
Enacting change through borrowed legitimacy: an institutional perspective |
Arunprasad P. |
Guiding metaphors for knowledge-intensive firms: Strategic HRM practices and knowledge strategies |
Seth Ayim |
Organizational citizenship behaviour: An empirical investigation of the impact of age and job satisfaction on Ghanaian industrial workers |
Amjad Al-Nasser |
Examining the relationship between organizational coaching and workplace counterproductive behaviours in the United Arab Emirates |
Anton Robert |
The effects of organizational and job characteristics on employees’ organizational commitment in artsand- culture organizations |
David Giles |
A storyline of ideological change in a New Zealand primary school |
Valerie Priscilla |
Interpersonal communication and diversity climate: promoting workforce localization in the UAE |
Robert P. French II |
The fuzziness of mindsets: Divergent conceptualizations and characterizations of mindset theory and praxis |
Max Visser |
Organizational learning capability and battlefield performance: The British Army in World War II |
Linda K. |
A mathematical model for exploring the evolution of organizational structure |
James B. |
An examination of training and development of middle level managers in emerging economies: Evidence from financial institutions in Ghana |
Riitta Viitala |
The connection between organizational climate and well-being at work |
Yulia Chilipenok |
Survey of formal and informal labour relations in contemporary Russian businesses |
Pep Simo Jose M. |
Change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: Analysis of antecedents centered on regulatory theory focus at the workplace |
Nader Asaad |
A framework for leading change in the UAE public sector |
Fauzia Jabeen |
Examining the relationship between the psychological contract and organisational commitment: The mediating effect of transactional leadership in the UAE context |
Christopher Ray |
Human resource management executive presence in top management |
Gabriela Goncalves |
Cultural intelligence and conflict management styles |
Hanan AlMazrouei |
Expatriate managers decision-making practices within the UAE: A qualitative study |
Alexander Styhre |
Coping with irrationality in orthodox economic theory: moralization as expedient theorizing |
Gulshan Chauhan |
An analysis of the status of resource flexibility and lean manufacturing in a textile machinery manufacturing company |
Pascal Paille |
Perceived organizational support and work outcomes: The mediating role of psychological contract violation
Francesca Culasso |
Family Italian listed firms: Comparison in performances and identification of two main configurations |
Bindu Chhabra |
Work role stressors and employee outcomes: Investigating the moderating role of subjective person-organization and person-job fit perceptions in Indian organizations |
Gerry Larsson |
Swedish military officers through other nations’ eyes: Experiences related to leadership theory, stereotypes, identity and military contextual history |
Afif Saif |
Correlates of employee turnover intentions in oil and gas industry in the UAE |
Khaled Aladwan |
The effects of human resource management practices on employees’ organisational commitment |
Abhilasha Singh |
Strategies for talent management: a study of select organizations in the UAE |
Avichai Shuv-Ami |
Brand equity for football club organizations |
Ozen Asik-Dizdar |
Sensemaking at work: meaningful work experience for individuals and organizations |
Promila Agarwal |
Redefining the organizational citizenship behaviour |
Debadutta Kumar Panda |
Public private partnerships and value creation: the role of relationship dynamics |
Farhad Panaihfar |
Developing retailer selection factors for collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment |
Maomao Chi |
Mediation and time-lag analyses of e-alignment and e-collaboration capabilities |
Seyoon Lee |
Explaining knowledge sharing with social capital theory in information systems development projects |
Cristiane Drebes |
Value-focused objectives for CRM system adoption |
Si Shi Wing |
Trust development and transfer in social commerce: prior experience as moderator |
Minghong Chen |
Members’ satisfaction and continuance intention: a socio-technical perspective |
Po-Yen Lee |
Developing dynamic capabilities in culturally distant service multi-units |
Hulya Gucdemir |
Integrating multi-criteria decision making and clustering for business customer segmentation |
Jun-Jie Hew |
What catalyses mobile apps usage intention: an empirical analysis |
Reyes Gonzalez |
Information systems outsourcing satisfaction: some explanatory factors |
Chien-Ta Ho |
Effects of outsourced service providers’ experiences on perceived service quality: A signaling theory framework |
Binghai Zhou |
Optimizing preventive maintenance: a deteriorating system with buffers |
Jong Roul |
Media channels and consumer purchasing decisions
Antonio C. |
A decision model for selecting parts feeding policies in assembly lines |
Eugene Ch'ng |
Social information landscapes: Automated mapping of large multimodal, longitudinal social networks |
Qiang Wang |
Modes of service innovation: a typology |
Alexandros Bousdekis |
A proactive decision making framework for condition-based maintenance |
Amir Hossein Niknamfar |
Multi-objective production-distribution planning based on vendor-managed inventory strategy in a supply chain |
Eric W.T. |
Social media models, technologies, and applications: An academic review and case study |
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah |
A unified framework for incorporating decision making into explanations of business failure |
Kun Chen |
On the model design of integrated intelligent big data analytics systems |
Yiwen Gao |
An empirical study of wearable technology acceptance in healthcare
Kris M. Y. |
How schedule issues affect drug logistics operations: an empirical study in hospitals in China |
Jin Shen |
Personalized configuration rules extraction in product service systems by using Local Cluster Neural Network |
Jihwan Lee |
Design freeze sequencing using Bayesian network framework |
Wu He Jiancheng |
Industrial Management & Data Systems Gaining competitive intelligence from social media data: Evidence from two largest retail chains in the world |
Jinze Chai |
Alleviating feature fatigue of multi-generation products |
Ying Kei |
Unlocking supply chain disruption risk within the Thai beverage industry |
Yong Lin |
Exploring the service quality in the e-commerce context: a triadic view |
Anming Li |
Friend recommendation for healthy weight in social networks: A novel approach to weight loss |
Jordi Perramon |
Quality practices in travel agencies: A mediating factor in non-financial indicators of advanced information systems |
Ifeyinwa Orji |
A detailed calculation model for costing of green manufacturing |
Frederic Marimon |
Assessing the internalization of the mission |
Dipak Damodar |
Using Twitter data to predict the performance of Bollywood movies |
Zhiqiang Wang |
A resource-based view on enablers of supplier integration: evidence from China |
Qinming Liu |
Multi-component manufacturing system maintenance scheduling based on degradation information using genetic algorithm |
S.H. Chung |
Managing disruption risk in express logistics via proactive planning |
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah |
Safety or no safety in numbers? Governments, big data and public policy formulation |
Wasim Ahmad |
Big Data promises value: is hardware technology taken onboard? |
Xiande Zhao |
Improving the predictability of business failure of supply chain finance clients by using external big dataset |
Hamid Afshari |
Modeling and quantifying uncertainty in the product design phase for effects of user preference changes |
Jongsawas Chongwatpol |
Prognostic analysis of defects in manufacturing |
Sumit Sakhuja |
Genetic algorithm based fuzzy time series tourism demand forecast model |
Yong Liu |
Modeling consumer switching behavior in social network games by exploring consumer cognitive dissonance and change experience
Kannan Govindan |
A grey DEMATEL approach to develop third-party logistics provider selection criteria |
Xuefeng Zhao |
Social capital, motivations, and mobile coupon sharing |
Zhen Shao |
Impact of chief information officer’s strategic knowledge and structural power on enterprise systems success |
Lijun Liu |
Influence of technological innovation capabilities on product competitiveness |
Mohammad Asif |
Simulation based decision support system for optimization: A case of Thai logistics service provider |
Aries Susanto |
Determinants of continuance intention to use the smartphone banking services: An extension to the expectation-confirmation model |
Sanna Ketonen-Oksi |
Social “media-based” value creation and business models |
Miao Yu Jun |
Optimal design of a multi-server queueing system with delay information |
Romano Dyerson |
Revisiting IT readiness: an approach for small firms |
Sangsung Park |
Methodology of technological evolution for three-dimensional printing
Quan Zhu |
Collaborate or not? A system dynamics study on disruption recovery |
Li-Chun Hsu |
Understanding community citizenship behavior in social networking sites: An extension of the social identification theory |
Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent |
Antecedents of online purchasing behaviour in the tourism sector |
Tehseen Aslam |
Combining system dynamics and multi-objective optimization with design space reduction |
Rutilio Rodolfo |
Evaluating hotels rating prediction based on sentiment analysis services |
Shadrack Katuu |
User studies and user education programmes in archival institutions |
Lin He Vinita Nahar |
Reuse of scientific data in academic publications: An investigation of Dryad Digital Repository |
Peyman Akhavan S. |
Knowledge-sharing determinants, behaviors, and innovative work behaviors: An integrated theoretical view and empirical examination |
Dalibor Fiala Peter Willett |
Computer science in Eastern Europe 1989-2014: a bibliometric study |
Yu-Wei Chang |
The effect of customer power on enterprise internal knowledge sharing: an empirical study |
Isto Huvila |
Situational appropriation of information |
Klen Copic Pucihar |
An empirical study of long-term personal project information management |
Alexander Stocker |
Exploring barriers of enterprise search implementation: a qualitative user study |
Ei Pa |
Why do people play human computation games? Effects of perceived enjoyment and perceived output quality |
Keliang Zhang Qingfei |
Understanding Microblog Continuance Usage Intention: An Integrated Model |
Suraya Hamid Sarah |
Role of social media in information-seeking behaviour of international students: A systematic literature review |
Imran Khan Han |
Does Culture Matter in Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Strategy? An Investigation of Brand Fan Pages |
Cheng-Min Chao |
How to overcome the digital divide? An empirical study of Taiwan’s DOCs |
Tayybah Kiren |
A novel ontology matching approach using key concepts |
Yosef Solomon |
Serendipity in legal information seeking behavior: Chance encounters of familylaw advocates with court rulings |
Kyoungsik Na |
When two heads are better than one: Query behavior, cognitive load, search time, and task type in pairs versus individuals |
Montserrat Garcia-Alsina |
Competitive intelligence theoretical framework and practices: The case of Spanish universities |
Larissa von Alberti-Alhtaybat |
Investor relations via Web 2.0 social media channels: A qualitative study of Middle Eastern corporations and investors |
Mashael AL-Omar |
Scholars’ research-related personal information collections: A study of education and health researchers in a Kuwaiti University |
Ozlem Oktal |
Measurement of Internal User Satisfaction and Acceptance of the E-Justice System in Turkey |
Jacobus Philippus |
Delineating knowledge management through lexical analysis – a retrospective |
Maria Pinto |
Assessing disciplinary differences in faculty perceptions of information literacy competencies |
Zheshi Bao |
Exploring continuance intention of social networking sites: An empirical study integrating social support and network externalities |
Dong Zhou Seamus |
A study of user profile representation for personalized cross-language information retrieval |
Yujong Hwang |
A study on the multidimensional information management capability of knowledge workers |
Vimala Balakrishnan |
Improving retrieval relevance using users’ explicit feedback |
Kamal Badar |
Research Performance and Degree Centrality in Co-authorship Networks: The Moderating Role of Homophily |
Roozbeh Hesamamiri |
Knowledge management reliability assessment: an empirical investigation |
Chirag Shah |
The blind leading the blind: Impromptu leaderships influenced by awareness in collaborative search |
Lutz Bornmann |
Usefulness of altmetrics for measuring the broader impact of research: A case study using data from PLOS and F1000Prime |
Esther MengYoke |
Presenting social media information on mobile devices using multiple contexts |
Haakon Lund |
Company taxonomy development: the case of an international emergency response organization |
Noa Aharony |
The importance of the Whatsapp family group: an exploratory analysis |
Mike Thelwall |
Alternative metric indicators for funding scheme evaluations |
Zoe Dickinson |
Canadian public libraries and search engines: barriers to visibility |
Tariq Ahmad |
Authors self-citation behaviour in the field of Library and Information Science |
Ya-Ching Lee |
Determinants of effective SoLoMo advertising from the perspective of social capital |
Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet |
Testing the stability of “wisdom of crowds” judgments of search results over time and their similarity with the search engine rankings |
Danijela Tesendic |
Web service for connecting visually impaired people with libraries |
Alesia A. Zuccala |
Altmetrics for the humanities: Comparing Goodreads reader ratings with citations to history books |
Lars Michael Wendt |
Product advertising and viral stealth marketing in online videos: A description and comparison of comments on YouTube |
Isto Huvila |
Affective capitalism of knowing and the society of search engine |
Anita Greenhill |
Playing with science: Exploring how game activity motivates users participation on an online citizen science platform
Minsoo Park |
Human multiple information task behavior on the web |
Sri Devi Ravana |
Document-based approach to improve the accuracy of pairwise comparison in evaluating information retrieval systems |
Sameer Kumar |
Efficacy of a giant component in co-authorship networks: Evidence from a Southeast Asian dataset in economics |
Rodrigo Costas |
The thematic orientation of publications mentioned on social media: Large-scale disciplinary comparison of social media metrics with citations |
Juan Pablo Alperin |
Geographic variation in social media metrics: an analysis of Latin American journal articles |
Timothy D. Bowman |
Differences in personal and professional tweets of scholars
Henna Kim Yan Zhang |
Health information seeking of low socioeconomic status Hispanic adults using smartphones |
Elizabeth McDonald |
Book or NOOK? Information behavior of academic librarians |
Jutta Haider |
The structuring of information through search: sorting waste with Google |
Chris Leeder Chirag Shah |
Collaborative information seeking in student group projects |
Liuhan Zhan |
Understanding the influence of social media on people’s life satisfaction through two competing explanatory mechanisms |
Xianjin Zha Li |
Exploring digital library usage for getting information from the ELM perspective: The moderating effect of information need |
Antonio J. |
Visualization and analysis of SCImago Journal & Country Rank structure via journal clustering |
Juho Salminen |
Developing a regional design support service |
Yvonne Franz |
Designing social living labs in urban research |
Ewan Sutherland |
Bribery and corruption in telecommunications: the case of Kenya
Peter Curwen |
The licensing of mobile operators in European markets and the consequences of new entry for competition |
ChienHsing Wu |
The role of individual-social-technology fit in online social network value development: an empirical study
Ewan Sutherland |
India – The evolution and corruption of licensing |
Jie Guo Harry |
An ecosystem view on third party mobile payment providers: a case study of Alipay wallet |
Chatchai Kongau |
Towards broadband targets on the EU Digital Agenda 2020: discussion on the demand side of broadband policy |
Hanuman Chowdary |
The Free Basics (of Facebook) debate in India |
Sumedha Chauhan |
Acceptance of mobile money by poor citizens of India: integrating trust into the technology acceptance model |
Jean Paul Simon |
How Europe missed the mobile wave |
Peter Curwen |
4G or not 4G – a progress report: A regular column on the information industries |
Rob Nicholls |
Spectrum management issues for heterogeneous networks in commons spectrum |
Maria Veronica Alderete |
Does digital proximity between countries impact entrepreneurship? |
Nan Zhang Heikki |
Cost efficiency of SDN-enabled service function chaining |
Woohyun Yoo |
Examining predictors of online news use: perceived bias in traditional media and preference for partisan news |
Ewan Sutherland |
Bribery and corruption in telecommunications – The Republic of Azerbaijan |
Jean Paul Simon |
User generated content – users, community of users and firms: toward new sources of co-innovation? |
Florian Saurwein |
Governance of algorithms: options and limitations |
Liesbeth Hellemans |
Playing hide-and-seek? A legal perspective on the complex distinction between commercial and editorial content in hybrid advertising formats
Christina Angelopoulos |
Sketching the outline of a ghost: the fair balance between copyright and fundamental rights in intermediary third party liability |
Ashok Kumar |
Why should Indian businesses transition to Enterprise 2.0? |
Natali Helberger |
Regulating the new information intermediaries as gatekeepers of information diversity |
Robin Mansell |
The public’s interest in intermediaries |
Katharine Sarikakis |
Copyright (and) Culture: the governance of audiovisual archives |
Judith Moeller |
Shrinking core? Exploring the differential agenda setting power of traditional and personalized news media |
Peter Curwen |
European mobile markets and the doctrine of “4 networks good, 3 networks bad” |
Ewan Sutherland |
Corporate social responsibility: the case of the telecommunications sector |
Giuseppe Mazziotti |
Another breach in the wall: copyright territoriality in Europe and its progressive erosion on the grounds of competition law |
Ewan Sutherland |
The case study in telecommunications policy research |
Colin Blackman |
Content creation and distribution in the digital single market |
Anthony Morven |
Smart for whom? Cost ambiguity as corporate strategy in the 21st century telco sector |
Peter Curwen |
The tangled web of mobile telecommunication mergers: Hutchison Whampoa, Telefonica and BT |
Eun-A Park |
Multidimensionality: redefining the digital divide in the smartphone era |
Anders Hansen |
Transaction costs and the sharing economy |
Sakari Luukkainen |
Business model analysis of mobile traffic safety services |
Sandip Mukhopadhyay |
Portfolios of control in mobile eco-systems: evolution and validation |
Fuat Oguz |
The politics of margin squeeze in telecommunications: diverging paths of the US and EU |
Ewan Sutherland |
Bribery and corruption in telecommunications – the Kingdom of Morocco |
Simon Forge |
Radio spectrum for the internet of things |
Torsten J. Gerpott |
Integration of Internet of Things components into a firm’s offering portfolio – a business development framework |
Daeho Lee |
The effects of network neutrality on the incentive to discriminate, invest, and innovate: a literature review |
Peter Curwen |
An analysis of the recent restructuring of network assets by the largest international mobile operators |
Damian Tambini |
Digital intermediaries in the UK: implications for news plurality |
Martin Cave |
How incumbents can shape technological choice and market structure – the case of fixed broadband in Europe |
Saibal Ghosh |
How important is mobile telephony for economic growth? Evidence from MENA countries |
Meng-Hsiang Hsu |
Understanding the roles of cultural differences and socio-economic status in social media continuance intention |
Minjeong Kang |
The role of personalization, engagement, and trust in online communities |
Pradeep Kumar |
Are online communities on par with experts in the evaluation of new movies? Evidence from the Fandango community |
Yu-Yin Wang |
Encouraging IS developers to learn business skills: an examination of the MARS model |
Hong Zhang |
Brand loyalty in enterprise microblogs: Influence of community commitment, IT habit, and participation |
Zhaohua Deng |
The health information seeking and usage behavior intention of Chinese consumers through mobile phones |
Mihail Cocosila |
How important is the “social” in social networking? A perceived value empirical investigation |
Michelle Richey M. |
Exploring situationally inappropriate social media posts: An impression management perspective |
Mann Hyung Hur |
Empowering the elderly population through ICT-based activities: An empirical study of older adults in Korea |
Chulmo Koo |
Examining explorative and exploitative uses of smartphones: a user competence perspective |
Ronan de Kervenoael |
Dissidents with an innovation cause? Non-institutionalized actors’ online social knowledge sharing, solution-finding tensions and technology management innovation |
Carlo Gabriel Porto |
Organizational structure and enterprise systems implementation: Theoretical measures and a benchmark for customer teams |
Mengling Yan |
Contributive roles of multilevel organizational learning for the evolution of organizational ambidexterity |
Eunil Park Ki |
Understanding the emergence of wearable devices as next-generation tools for health communication |
Roland K. |
More than meets the eye: working around technology in cross-boundary work contexts |
Guangming Cao |
Systemic capabilities: the source of IT business value |
Robert Newbery |
Evaluating the impact of serious games: the effect of gaming on entrepreneurial intent |
Shih-Wei |
Understanding knowledge outcome improvement at the post-adoption stage in a virtual community |
Pattarawan Prasarnphanich |
Towards a better understanding of system analysts’ tacit knowledge: A mixed method approach
Faisal Aburub |
Impact of ERP systems usage on organizational agility: An empirical investigation in the banking sector |
Jian Mou Donghee |
The role of trust and health belief in the acceptance of online health services |
Aihui Chen |
Enhancing perceived enjoyment in social games through social and gaming factors |
Xiabing Zheng |
Building brand loyalty through user engagement in online brand communities in social networking sites |
Karlene Cousins |
Managing work-life boundaries with mobile technologies: An interpretive study of mobile work practices |
David Forbes |
Ontology based intercultural patient practitioner assistive communications from qualitative gap analysis |
Shu-Hao Chang |
The mediation of cognitive attitude for online shopping |
Wen-Lung Shiau |
Does altruism matter on online group buying? Perspectives from egotistic and altruistic motivation |
Hee-Woong |
Examining information systems infusion from a user commitment perspective |
Matti Nasi Pekka |
Exposure to online hate material and social trust among Finnish youth |
Katherine Choy |
Crowdsourcing for a better world: On the relation between IT affordances and donor motivations in charitable crowdfunding |
Eveline Hage Hans |
The dual impact of online communication on older adults’ social connectivity |
Nick Letch |
Ecologies of interests in social information systems for social benefit |
Kallaya Jairak |
Information technology governance practices based on sufficiency economy philosophy in the Thai university sector |
Ashley D. Lloyd |
Able but not willing? Exploring divides in digital versus physical payment use in China
Aurelie Leclercq |
Managing BYOD: how do organizations incorporate user-driven IT innovations? |
Huifang Li |
Are all signals equal? Investigating the differential effects of online signals on the sales performance of e-marketplace sellers |
Suvil Chomchaiya |
Consolidated performance measurement framework for government eprocurement focusing on internal stakeholders |
Ozlem Bak |
An application of the BPCM model in an e-business driven transformation agenda: Assessing resource implications for a European automotive multinational corporation (MNC) |
Nima Herman |
The role of context in the co-evolution of work and tools: a case from the primary health sector in Tanzania |
Mika Immonen |
Evolution of technology perceptions over time |
Jun Huang |
How do students trust Wikipedia? An examination across genders |
Usman Naeem |
Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis |
Tapio Soikkeli |
Comparison of context-aware predictive modeling approaches: Semantic place in inferring mobile user behavior |
Nacha Chondamrongkul |
Model-driven framework to support evolution of mobile applications in multicloud environments |
Hiroki Takatsuka |
KULOCS: unified locating service for efficient development of location-basedapplications |
Pin Shen |
TDAS: a touch dynamics based multi-factor authentication solution for mobile devices |
Anneke Soraya |
An in-depth analysis of strong t-consistency on secret image sharing |
Ruiwei Shen |
A method for controlling crowd flow by changing recommender information on navigation application |
Maria Torres |
An experimental survey of no-reference video quality assessment methods |
Long Niu |
WIF4InL: Web-based integration framework for Indoor location
Jungkyu Han |
A study on individual mobility patterns based on individuals’ familiarity to visited areas |
Sihem Cherif |
A user-aware approach for describing and publishing context aware composite Web service |
Dominik Gruntz |
MOONACS: a mobile on-/offline NFC-based physical access control system |
Mariam Alnuaimi |
An efficient clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks |
Trung Tran |
Modelling consequence relationships between two action, state or process Vietnamese sentences for improving the quality of new meaning-summarizing sentence |
Tadahiko Kumamoto |
Proposal of a system for visualizing temporal changes in impressions from tweets |
Wilson Abel |
Privacy-preserving biometrics authentication systems using fully homomorphic encryption |
Chii Chang |
Mobile social network in proximity: taxonomy, approaches and open challenges |
Henry Larkin |
A framework for programmatically designing user interfaces in JavaScript |
Ryo Izuta |
Early gesture recognition method with an accelerometer |
Kazuya Murao |
Mobile phone user authentication with grip gestures using pressure sensors
Quang-Minh |
A novel approach for automatic extraction of semantic data about football transfer in sport news |
Yuki Yamamoto |
Multidimensional sentiment calculation method for Twitter based on emoticons |
Aisha Aseeri |
Achieving protection against man-in-the-middle attack in HB family protocols implemented in RFID tags |
Ema Kusen |
A decade of security research in ubiquitous computing: results of a systematic literature review |
Robin Mueller |
Security and privacy of smartphone messaging applications |
Nancy Ambritta |
Collaborative Mutual Identity Establishment (CMIE) for the future internet |
Catia Raminhos |
A serious game-based solution to prevent bullying |
Hajar Mousannif |
Big data projects: just jump right in! |
Hassan Sbeyti |
Mobile User Signature Extraction based on user behavioural Pattern (MUSEP) |
Djamel Guessoum |
Contextual location prediction using spatio-temporal clustering
Adnan Mahmood |
An optimized travelling time estimation mechanism for minimizing handover failures and unnecessary handovers from cellular networks to WLANs |
Harshvardhan Jitendra |
A model for contextual data sharing in smartphone applications |
Dr.Nawaf Alharbe |
Transforming to a Smart Hospital System: Proposed Application in the Medina Maternity and Children's Hospital |
Stephanie Winkler |
An analysis of tools for online anonymity |
Rene Mayrhofer |
Optimal derotation of shared acceleration time series by determining relative spatial alignment |
Yahya M. Tashtoush |
Geometric Sequence Based Multipath Routing Protocol for Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks |
Prabal Pratap |
Switchable dual band equilateral triangular microstrip patch antenna using pin diode |
Michael Holzl |
A password-authenticated secure channel for App to Java Card applet communication
Najd Al-Mouh |
The accessibility and usage of smartphones by Arab-speaking visually impaired people |
Chirihane Gherbi |
Using adaptive clustering scheme with load balancing to enhance energy efficiency and reliability in delay tolerant with QoS in large-scale mobile wireless sensor networks |
Sunghun Chung |
Solving strategy for unintended criticism in online space: Consumer response to firm crisis in online discussion forum |
Shihyu Chou |
Female online shoppers: Examining the mediating roles of e-satisfaction and etrust on e-loyalty development |
Lilia Khrouf |
Web-surfers’ conative reactions to the website’s dominant hue: mental imagery’s role |
Yavuz Akbulut |
Predictors of inconsistent responding in web surveys |
Kuan-Yu |
Predicting mobile social network acceptance based on mobile value and social influence |
Rodney Graeme |
Facebook advertising’s influence on intention-to-purchase and purchase amongst Millennials |
Lun Zhang |
Breadth, depth, and speed: diffusion of advertising messages on microblogging sites |
Baris Sezer Ramazan |
Cyber bullying and teachers’ awareness |
Sedigheh Moghavvemi |
Entrepreneurs adoption of information system innovation: The impact of individual perception and exogenous factors on entrepreneurs behavior |
Young-Soo |
Tariff choice of online contents based on usage goal and self-control: can I control myself? |
Francisco J. |
Consumers’ psychological outcomes linked to the use of an online store’s recommendation system |
Shuiqing Yang |
Social capital on mobile SNS addiction: A perspective from online and offline channel integrations |
James B. Kelley |
Online brand community: through the eyes of Self-Determination Theory
Veronica Liljander |
Young consumers’ responses to suspected covert and overt blog marketing |
Mhamed Zineddine |
Search engines crawling process optimization: a webserver approach |
Fen Liu Xuefeng |
Roles of perceived value and individual differences in the acceptance of mobile coupon applications |
E-government development and the digital economy: a reciprocal relationship Fang Zhao Joseph Wallis Mohini Singh |
Melanie Revilla Daniele |
Do online access panels need to adapt surveys for mobile devices? |
Hao-Chen Huang |
Freemium business model: construct development and measurement validation
Tomasz Szopinski |
Socio-economic factors determining the way e-tourism is used in European Union member states |
Olessia Koltsova |
Communities of co-commenting in the Russian LiveJournal and their topical coherence |
Hong-Youl Ha |
Temporal effects of information from social networks on online behavior: The role of cognitive and affective trust |
Xiaodong Li |
Do buyers express their true assessment? Antecedents and consequences of customer praise feedback behaviour on Taobao |
Mahmud Hassan |
Consumer devotion to a different height: How consumers are defending the brand within Facebook brand communities |
Luis V. |
How customers’ offline experience affects the adoption of online banking |
Vincent Cicchirillo |
Advergaming and healthy eating involvement: How healthy eating inclinations impact processing of advergame content |
Kyung Young |
Online consumers’ reactions to price decreases: Amazon’s Kindle 2 case |
Mirza Muhammad |
Ready for e-electioneering? Empirical evidence from Pakistani political parties’ websites |
Jie Qin Tai-Quan |
Googling environmental issues: Web search queries as a measurement of public attention on environmental issues |
Keqiang Wang |
Using online self-assessment tool to improve conjoint analysis: Application in choices of wildlife excursions
Jin-Feng Wu |
Multichannel integration quality, online perceived value and online purchase intention: A perspective of land-based retailers |
Agata Kolakowska |
Automatic recognition of males and females among web browser users based on behavioural patterns of peripherals usage |
Ki Joon Kim |
An acceptance model for smart watches: Implications for the adoption of future wearable technology |
Hong Zhang |
Understanding group-buying websites continuance: An extension of expectation confirmation model |
Iina Hellsten |
The creation of the climategate hype in blogs and newspapers: mixed methods approach |
May O. Lwin |
The privacy dyad: Antecedents of promotion- and prevention-focused online privacy behaviors and the mediating role of trust and privacy concern |
Qing Tang |
The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on mobile coupon sharing in social network sites: The role of coupon proneness |
Yean-Fu Wen |
Sports lottery game prediction system development and evaluation on social networks |
Sheila Hsuan-Yu |
Predicting good deeds in virtual communities of consumption: The cross-level interactions of individual differences and member citizenship behaviors |
David Tawei |
Influence of wiki participation on transnational collaboration learning anxiety in middle school students: A case study of Google wiki |
Parijat Upadhyay |
Analyzing user perspective on the factors affecting use intention of mobile based transfer payment |
Xi Chen |
The influence of personality traits and social networks on the self-disclosure behavior of social network site users |
Yin Pan |
Consumer attitudes towards online shopping: The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality |
Mingli Zhang |
Understanding relationship benefits from harmonious brand community on social media |
Richard A. Owusu |
Which UGC features drive web purchase intent? A spike-and-slab Bayesian Variable Selection Approach |
Gomaa M. Agag |
Cultural and religiosity drivers and satisfaction outcomes of consumer perceived deception in online shopping |
Nabil Tamimi |
The relative importance of e-tailer website attributes on the likelihood of online purchase |
Ines Lopez-Lopez |
Is a most helpful eWOM review really helpful? The impact of conflicting aggregate valence and consumer’s goals on product attitude |
Gender differences in the climate change communication on Twitter Kim Holmberg Iina Hellsten |
Lorena Perez-Garcia |
The temporal evolution of the normalized web distance: Is a “Wirikuta empowerment” of the Huichol measurable on the internet? |
Maria del Mar |
Drivers of Twitter as a strategic communication tool for non-profit organizations |
Chia-ping Yu |
Consumer software piracy in virtual communities: An integrative model of heroism and social exchange |
Mehwish Waheed |
Students’ perspective on knowledge quality in eLearning context: a qualitative assessment |
Yaniv Gvili |
Antecedents of attitudes toward eWOM communication: differences across channels |
Jake Hobbs |
Success in the management of crowdfunding projects in the creative industries |
Mahmoud Mohammad |
An empirical assessment of the antecedents of electronic-business implementation and the resulting organizational performance |
C.H. Wu |
An online niche-market tour identification system for the travel and tourism industry |
Christy Cheung |
Self-disclosure in social networking sites: The role of perceived cost, perceived benefits and social influence |
Hyo-Jin Jeong |
Combined effects of valence and attributes of e-WOM on consumer judgment for message and product: The moderating effect of brand community type |
Chung-Hui |
Internet advertising video facilitating health communication: Narrative and emotional perspectives |
Yuxian Eugene |
Predicting investor funding behavior using crunchbase social network features |
Gomaa Agag |
Development and validation of an instrument to measure online retailing ethics: Consumers’ perspective |
Ing-Long Wu |
A strategy-based model for implementing channel integration in e-commerce: An empirical examination |
Ya-Ling Wu |
Nurturing user creative performance in social media networks: An integration of habit of use with social capital and information exchange theories |
Hsin-Hui Lin |
Measuring mobile learning readiness: scale development and validation |
Ibrahim Elbeltagi |
E-retailing ethics and its impact on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention: A cultural and commitment-trust theory perspective |
Daniel Edgardo |
Factors influencing pro-social consumer behavior through non-profit organizations |
Dah-Kwei Liou |
The study of the antecedents of knowledge sharing behavior: The empirical study of Yambol online test community |
Stephen Carter |
Mobile apps usage by Malaysian business undergraduates and postgraduates: Implications for consumer behaviour theory and marketing practice |
Anca C. Micu |
Examining search as opposed to experience goods when investigating synergies of internet news articles and banner ads |
Pin Luarn |
Key variables to predict tie strength on social network sites |
Chih-Hung Wu |
Understanding the relationships of critical factors to Facebook educational usage intention |
Abiyot B. Tehone |
Why do people use social computing? An experiential perspective |
Hsiu-Sen Chiang |
YouTube stickiness: the needs, personal, and environmental perspective |
Kyung Young |
The role of online product reviews on information adoption of new product development professionals |
Ming-Chuan Pan |
Measuring the effect of Chinese brand name syllable processing on consumer purchases |
Weng Marc Lim |
Antecedents and consequences of e-shopping: an integrated model |
Shintaro Okazaki |
Using Twitter to engage with customers: a data mining approach |
Yeolib Kim |
Personality predictors for the use of multiple internet functions |
Byoungsoo Kim |
The distinct roles of dedication-based and constraint-based mechanisms in social networking sites |
Dong Hong |
Effects of free gifts with purchase on online purchase satisfaction: The moderating role of uncertainty |
Laura Alcaide-Munoz |
Understanding e-government research: A perspective from the information and library science field of knowledge |
Ying-Yu Kerri |
Effect of digital transformation on organisational performance of SMEs: Evidence /from the Taiwanese textile industry’s web portal |
Marjolein C. J. |
Explaining the internet usage of SMEs: The impact of market orientation, behavioural norms, motivation and technology acceptance |
Su-Houn Liu |
An exploratory study of product placement in social media |
Chwen-Yea Lin |
Understanding players’ achievement values from MMORPGs: an exploratory study |
Wu-Chung Wu |
Intimate knowledge initiators: Bonding the suppliers and buyers in the online group-shopping environment |
Donghee Shin |
Interaction, engagement, and perceived interactivity in single-handed interaction |
Gary P. Radford |
The library as heterotopia: Michel Foucault and the experience of library space |
Isto Huvila |
The unbearable lightness of participating? Revisiting the discourses of “participation” in archival literature |
Ole Olesen-Bagneux |
Mnemonics in the Mouseion: Considerations on spatial mnemonics as a tool for classification and retrieval |
Matthew Jason Wells |
Social semiotics as theory and practice in library and information science |
Ayse Goker Richard |
Expeditions through image jungles: The commercial use of image libraries in an online environment |
Tanja Mercun |
Presenting bibliographic families: Designing an FRBR-based prototype using information visualization |
Maja Zumer |
Grounded theory and ethnography combined: A methodology to study children’s interactions on children’s mobile libraries |
Tjasa Jug |
Focus group interview through storytelling: Researching pre-school children’s attitudes towards books and reading |
Jonas Soderholm |
Borrowing tools from the public library |
Ciaran B. Trace |
Ethnomethodology: Foundational insights on the nature and meaning of documents in everyday life |
Antti Mikael |
A typology of music information for studies on information seeking |
Anna Hampson |
Reading as dialogical document work: possibilities for Library and Information Science |
Andrew Robson |
The Information Seeking and Communication Model: A study of its practical application in healthcare |
Xiao Hu Jin |
Towards global music digital libraries: A cross-cultural comparison on the mood of Chinese music |
Tim Gorichanaz |
Document phenomenology: a framework for holistic analysis |
Geir Grenersen |
Landscapes as documents: The relationship between traditional Sami terminology and the concepts of document and documentation |
Helen Murphy |
Is there nothing outside the tags?: Towards a poststructuralist analysis of social tagging
J. Tuomas Harviainen |
Information literacies of self-identified sadomasochists: an ethnographic case study |
Christine Urquhart |
Commentary on Abrahamson and Rubin (2012) “Discourse structure differences in lay and professional health communication”, Journal of Documentation, Vol. 68 No. 6, pp. 826-851 |
Jennie A. Abrahamson |
Differences over discourse structure differences: a reply to Urquhart and Urquhart |
Mike Thelwall |
Arts and humanities research evaluation: no metrics please, just data |
Cheryl Klimaszewski |
Third-party classification: Exposing likeness between satellites dishes, troll figurines and mass-produced bedspreads in a Romanian local museum |
Irene Lopatovska |
Not just a pretty picture: visual literacy education through art for young children |
Nasrine Olson |
Semantic web, ubiquitous computing, or internet of things? A macro-analysis of scholarly publications |
Anna Hampson |
To assess and be assessed: Upper secondary school students’ narratives of credibility judgements |
Hanna Carlsson |
Researching public libraries and the social web, 2006-2012 |
Karen Tolbol |
Applying an expectancy-value model to study motivators for work-task based information seeking |
Mega Subramaniam |
As simple as that?: tween credibility assessment in a complex online world |
Jessica Robinson |
Re-enactment and its information practices; tensions between the individual and the collective |
Reijo Savolainen |
Information seeking and searching strategies as plans and patterns of action: A conceptual analysis |
Faye Q. Miller |
Experiencing information use for early career academics’ learning: a knowledge ecosystem model |
Christine Gallagher |
Management of acceptable use of computing facilities in the public library: avoiding a panoptic gaze? |
Jiyoung Shim |
Scholarly uses of TV content: bibliometric and content analysis of the information use environment |
Annemaree Lloyd |
Stranger in a strange land; enabling information resilience in resettlement landscapes |
Aira Maria Pohjanen |
Transgender information behaviour |
Dan Wu Weiping Cai |
An empirical study on Chinese adolescents’ web search behavior |
Melanie Landvad |
Order effect in interactive information retrieval evaluation: an empirical study |
Daniel Martinez-Avila |
What is an author now? Discourse analysis applied to the idea of an author |
Ola Pilerot |
A practice-based exploration of the enactment of information literacy among PhD students in an interdisciplinary research field |
Steven Buchanan |
The information behaviours of disadvantaged and disengaged adolescents |
Helena Kansakoski |
Applying the theory of information worlds within a health care practise in Finland |
Katherine Loudon |
The everyday life information seeking behaviours of first-time mothers |
Duwaraka Murugadas |
The Informational World City London |
Pia Borlund |
A study of the use of simulated work task situations in interactive information retrieval evaluations: A meta-evaluation |
Maureen Henninger |
How are the new documents of social networks shaping our cultural memory |
Sonja Spiranec |
Information Literacy in participatory environments: The turn towards a critical literacy perspective |
Marc Forster |
Developing an “experience framework” for an evidence-based information literacy educational intervention |
Roswitha Skare |
Nanook of the North (USA, 1922/1947/1976/1998) and film exhibition in the classical silent era: A document unbounded? |
Michael M. Widdersheim |
Conceptual modelling of the public sphere in public libraries
Petros A. Kostagiolas |
Music, musicians and information seeking behaviour: A case study on a community concert band |
Peter Stokes |
Profiling information behaviour of nursing students: part 2: derivation of profiles |
Allen C. Benson |
Image descriptions and their relational expressions: a review of the literature and the issues |
Ruben Verborgh |
The fallacy of the multi-API culture: Conceptual and practical benefits of Representational State Transfer (REST) |
Carol Sabbar |
Language in the information-seeking context: A study of US scholars using non- English sources |
Sheila Anderson |
Infrastructure as intermeditation – from archives to research infrastructures |
Tingting Jiang |
Online information encountering: modeling the process and influencing factors |
Michael John Khoo |
Augmenting Dublin Core digital library metadata with Dewey Decimal Classification |
Jenna Hartel Reijo |
Pictorial metaphors for information |
Diane Rasmussen Pennington |
“The most passionate cover I’ve seen”: emotional information in fan-created U2 music videos |
Hong Huang |
Domain knowledge and data quality perceptions in genome curation work |
Lynnsey Weissenberger |
Toward a universal, meta-theoretical framework for music information classification and retrieval |
Jill McTavish |
Everyday life classification practices and technologies: Applying domain-analysis\ to lay understandings of food, health, and eating |
Roy Liff Airi |
Systematic and serendipitous discoveries: a shift in sensemaking |
Gary P. Radford |
Slavoj Zizek, Rex Libris, and the Traumatic Real: Representations of the library and the librarian in a modern comic book series |
Scott Hamilton Dewey |
(Non-)use of Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge and Order of Things in LIS journal literature, 1990-2015 |
Jacob Dankasa |
Mapping the everyday life information needs of Catholic clergy: Savolainen’s ELIS model revisited |
Sei-Ching Joanna Sin |
Patterns of perceived public library outcomes in five countries Pertti Vakkari Svanhild Aabo Ragnar Audunson Frank Huysmans Nahyun Kwon Marjolein Oomes |
Isto Huvila |
-“We’ve got a better situation”: the life and afterlife of virtual communities in Google Lively |
Amy VanScoy |
Interpretative phenomenological analysis for LIS research |
Natasha Gerolami |
The library assemblage: creative institutions in an information society |
Sawsan Taha H. |
The individual and the collective: Factors affecting knowledge sharing in Saudi Arabian companies |
Lynn Westbrook |
A feminist information engagement framework for gynecological cancer patients: The case of cervical cancer |
Reijo Savolainen |
The role of emotions in online information seeking and sharing: A case study of consumer awareness
J. Tuomas Harviainen |
Seek, share, or withhold: information trading in MMORPGs |
Lisa Borjesson |
Grey literature – grey sources? Nuancing the view on professional documentation: The case of Swedish archaeology |
Dan Albertson |
Perceived self-efficacy and interactive video retrieval |
Nadine Desrochers |
Illusions of a “Bond”: tagging cultural products across online platforms |
Ulrika Kjellman |
To document the undocumentable: Photography in the scientific practice of physical anthropology and race biology |
Tim Gorichanaz |
How the document got its authority |
Miamaria Saastamoinen |
Queries in authentic work tasks: the effects of task type and complexity |
Peter Stordy |
Taxonomy of literacies |
Pilar Alonso |
A new proposal to improve the description of astronomical resources: The case of historical star catalogues |
Marc Richard |
Disciplinary documentation in Apartheid South Africa: A conceptual framework of documents, associated practices, and their effects |
Lynn Westbrook |
Guidelines for mandated documents: Law enforcement and intimate partner violence survivors |
Jen (J.L.) Pecoskie |
Beyond traditional publishing models: An examination of the relationships between authors, readers, and publishers |
Reijo Savolainen |
The interplay of affective and cognitive factors in information seeking and use: Comparing Kuhlthau’s and Nahl’s models |
Charilaos Lavranos |
Music information seeking behaviour as motivator for musical creativity: Conceptual analysis and literature review |
Philip Hider |
The functional requirements for community information |
Paul Gooding |
Exploring the information behaviour of users of Welsh Newspapers Online through web log analysis |
Boris Bosancic |
Information in the knowledge acquisition process |
Alex H. Poole |
The conceptual landscape of digital curation |
Cameron Stewart |
The construct validity of the h-index |
Petros Kostagiolas |
Linking physicians’ medical practice information needs, resources and barriers to job satisfaction: A moderated mediation model |
Lorraine Dong |
Taking the long view of medical records preservation and archives |
Olle Skold |
Documenting virtual world cultures: Memory-making and documentary practices in the City of Heroes community |
Brendan Luyt |
Debating reliable sources: writing the history of the Vietnam War on Wikipedia |
Anna Reetta |
Knowledge creation and play – a phenomenological approach |
Brendan Luyt |
Replacing the ideology of information by exploring domains of knowledge: A case study of the periodization of Philippine history and its application to information studies |
Miriam Palacios-Callender |
Evaluating patterns of national and international collaboration in Cuban science using bibliometric tools |
David Bawden |
The once and future editorial |
Annikki Roos |
Using the domain analytical approach in the study of information practices in biomedicine |
Kim Martin |
The role of agency in historians’ experiences of serendipity in physical and digital information environments |
John Alexander |
The challenge of the visual: making medieval seals accessible in the digital age |
Silvio Peroni |
Setting our bibliographic references free: towards open citation data |
Stefano De Sabbata |
Geographic dimensions of relevance |
Daniel Carter |
Infrastructure and the experience of documents |
Liangzhi Yu |
Back to the fundamentals again: A redefinition of information and associated LIS concepts following a deductive approach |
Olof Sundin |
Outsourcing trust to the information infrastructure in schools: How search engines order knowledge in education practices |
Pauline Joseph |
Australian motor sport enthusiasts’ leisure information behaviour |
Tibor Koltay |
Library and information science and the digital humanities: Perceived and real strengths and weaknesses |
Liangzhi Yu |
Towards a comprehensive measurement of the information rich and poor: Based on the conceptualization of individuals as information agents |
Rebecca Lea |
The information practices of welfare workers: Conceptualising and modelling information bricolage |
Eystein Gullbekk |
Apt information literacy? A case of interdisciplinary scholarly communication |
Iana Atanassova |
On the composition of scientific abstracts |
Reijo Savolainen |
Conceptual growth in integrated models for information behaviour |
Guillaume Boutard |
Co-construction of meaning, creative processes and digital curation: The transmission of music with live electronics |
Lisa Borjesson |
Beyond information policy: Conflicting documentation ideals in extra-academic knowledge making practices |
Anna Mikkonen |
Readers’ interest criteria in fiction book search in library catalogs |
Pertti Vakkari |
3D online environments: ethical challenges for marketing research |
Btihaj Ajana
Augmented borders: Big Data and the ethics of immigration control |
Erika Pavlin |
From illustrations to an interactive art installation |
Maegan Hendow |
Using technology to draw borders: fundamental rights for the Smart Borders initiative |
Johnny Hartz Soraker |
Gaming the gamer? – The ethics of exploiting psychological research in video games |
Adrienne Muir |
Regulating internet access in UK public libraries: legal compliance and ethical dilemmas |
Damian Okaibedi |
Understanding the relevance of ethics reviews of ICT research in UK computing departments using dialectical hermeneutics |
Simon Rogerson |
Future vision |
Sara Mannheimer |
On the ethics of social network research in libraries |
Norberto Patrignani |
Slow Tech: a roadmap for a good, clean and fair ICT |
Bernd Carsten |
20 years of ETHICOMP: time to celebrate? |
Milica Milutinovic |
Ethical aspects in eHealth – design of a privacy-friendly system
Jani Simo |
The concept of Datenherrschaft of patient information from a Lockean perspective |
Sameera Mubarak |
Developing a theory-based information security management framework for human service organizations |
Joanne E. |
Investigating consumers’ reluctance to give up local hard drives after adopting the Cloud |
Aqdas Malik |
Impact of privacy, trust, and user activity on intentions to share Facebook photos |
Simon Jones |
Doing the right thing: computer ethics pedagogy revisited |
Don Heath |
Sharing personal genetic information: the impact of privacy concern and awareness of benefit
Shona Leitch |
Applying classification controls to Internet content in Australia |
Mirjam Jessica Curno |
Challenges to ethical publishing in the digital era |
Anne Gerdes |
Issues in robot ethics seen through the lens of a moral Turing test |
Abednego Feehi |
Assessing the CSR information needs of Microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) customers |
Robert Hauptman |
Response to Mirjam J. Curno |
Tomayess Issa |
The impact of smart technology on users and society |
Veikko Ikonen |
Human-driven design of micro- and nanotechnology based future sensor systems |
Amaya Noain-Sanchez |
“Privacy by default” and active “informed consent” by layers: Essential measures to protect ICT users’ privacy |
Soraj Hongladarom |
Brain-brain integration in 2035: metaphysical and ethical implications |
Richard Volkman |
Computer ethics beyond mere compliance
Aimee van Wynsberghe |
Ethical considerations of using information obtained from online file sharing sites: The case of the piratebay |
Randy Connolly |
Does computing need to go beyond good and evil impacts? |
Anne Gerdes |
IT-ethical issues in sci-fi film within the timeline of the Ethicomp conference series |
Alistair S. Duff |
Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age |
Neeraj Sachdeva |
Digital disability divide in information society: A framework based on a structured literature review |
Catherine Flick |
Mentorship in computer ethics: ETHICOMP as a “community mentor” for doctoral and early career researchers |
Norberto Patrignani |
The clean side of Slow Tech: an overview |
Ranjan Vaidya |
Trust formation in information systems implementation in developing countries: The role of emancipatory expectations |
Oliver K. |
Rural and remote communities, technology and mental health recovery |
Rollin M. |
Rule based fuzzy cognitive maps and natural language processing in machine ethics |
Marty J. |
There’s something in your eye: ethical implications of augmented visual field devices |
Richard Keeble |
Publication ethics: stressing the positive |
Tricia Bertram Gallant |
The ethics pipeline to academic publishing |
Edgar A. Whitley |
Challenges to ethical publishing in the digital era: A journal editor’s response to the limited mind reading skills of academic authors |
Yeslam Al-Saggaf |
Reasons behind unethical behaviour in the Australian ICT workplace: An empirical investigation
Richard Bull |
ICT as an enabler for sustainable development: reflections on opportunities and barriers |
Kathrin Otrel-Cass |
Commentary: towards more responsibility in ICT |
Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos |
ICT and sustainability: skills and methods for dialogue and policy making |
William M. Fleischman |
Just say “no!” to lethal autonomous robotic weapons |
Matthew Warren |
The Syrian Electronic Army – a hacktivist group |
Matthew Warren |
Ethics and ICT: Why all the fuss? |
Przemyslaw Lech |
Managing knowledge in IT projects: a framework for enterprise system implementation
Denise Bedford |
Leveraging environmental scanning methods to identify knowledge management activities in transportation |
Anne Burmeister |
The micro-processes during repatriate knowledge transfer: the repatriates’ perspective |
Giustina Secundo |
Engineering knowledge and information needs in Italy and Japan: bridging the gap between theory and practice |
Claude Paraponaris |
From knowledge to knowing, from boundaries to boundary construction |
Aurore Haas |
Crowding at the frontier: boundary spanners, gatekeepers and knowledge brokers |
Anis Khedhaouria |
Sourcing knowledge for innovation: knowledge reuse and creation in project teams |
Aurelie Beaugency |
Outsourcing of strategic resources and capabilities: opposing choices in the commercial aircraft manufacturing |
Jian Li Ling |
Knowledge sharing and affective commitment: the mediating role of psychological ownership |
Michel Ferrary |
Investing in transferable strategic human capital through alliances in the luxury hotel industry |
Ali Akbar Khasseh |
Tracing the historical origins of knowledge management issues through referenced publication years spectroscopy (RPYS) |
Mohammadbashir Sedighi |
Exploration of multi-layered knowledge sharing participation: the roles of perceived benefits and costs |
Stavros Sindakis |
Customer-centered knowledge management: challenges and implications for knowledge-based innovation in the public transport sector |
Manlio Del Giudice |
A model for the diffusion of knowledge sharing technologies inside private transport companies |
Loubna Echajari |
Learning from complex and heterogeneous experiences: the role of knowledge codification |
Nathalie Girard |
Knowledge at the boundary between science and society: a review of the use of farmers’ knowledge in agricultural development |
Luciana Castro |
Strategizing across boundaries: revisiting knowledge brokering activities in French innovation clusters |
Antonio-Luis |
Factors that influence the success of a KM-program in a small-sized airport |
Osvaldo Cairo |
Crowdsourcing information for knowledge-based design of routes for unscheduled public transport trips |
Pascal Lievre |
SECI and inter-organizational and intercultural knowledge transfer: a case-study of controversies around a project of co-operation between France and China in the health sector |
Andreas Diedrich |
From implementation to appropriation: understanding knowledge management system development and introduction as a process of translation |
Valerie Lehmann |
Living Lab as knowledge system: an actual approach for managing urban service projects? |
Jean-Philippe |
Solicitation of experts in an undetermined environment: the case of a polar exploration |
Alexeis Garcia-Perez |
Towards a knowledge-based approach for effective decision-making in railway safety |
Alexander Serenko |
Citation classics published in Knowledge Management journals. Part II: studying research trends and discovering the Google Scholar Effect |
Fariza Hanim |
Change readiness creating understanding and capability for the knowledge acquisition process |
Pedro Soto-Acosta |
New ICTs for Knowledge Management in Organizations |
Fernando Carvalho |
Intrinsic motivation for knowledge sharing – competitive intelligence process in a telecom company |
Makoto Matsuo |
Human resource development programs for knowledge transfer and creation: the case of the Toyota Technical Development Corporation |
Victor Martin-Perez |
The mediating role of affective commitment in the rewards–knowledge transfer relation |
Minna Stenius |
Why share expertise? A closer look at the quality of motivation to share or withhold knowledge |
Nobutaka Ishiyama |
Role of knowledge brokers in communities of practice in Japan |
Revti Raman |
Effects of knowledge management on client-vendor relationship quality: the mediating role of global mindset |
Liana Razmerita |
What factors influence knowledge sharing in organizations? A social dilemma perspective of social media communication |
Charles J. McMillan |
Old wine in new bottles: docility, attention scarcity and knowledge management |
Vincenzo Cavaliere |
Exploring different cultural configurations: how do they affect subsidiaries’ knowledge sharing behaviors? |
Hsiu-Fen Lin |
Linking knowledge management orientation to balanced scorecard outcomes |
John Israilidis |
Individual variables with an impact on knowledge sharing: the critical role of employees’ ignorance |
Kai Wing Chu |
Beginning a journey of knowledge management in a secondary school |
Dave Yates |
The impact of focus, function, and features of shared knowledge on re-use in emergency management social media |
Xiao Zhang |
With whom shall I share my knowledge? A recipient perspective of knowledge sharing |
Markus Manhart |
Protecting organizational knowledge: a structured literature review |
Sheng-Wei Lin |
Mechanisms to motivate knowledge sharing: integrating the reward systems and social network perspectives |
Shiva Yahyapour |
A conceptual breakdown structure for knowledge management benefits using meta-synthesis method |
Amal Aribi |
The role of organizational and social capital in the firm’s absorptive capacity |
Daniel Palacios-Marques |
The effect of online social networks and competency-based management on innovation capability |
Diana Clayton |
Volunteers’ knowledge activities at UK music festivals: a hermeneutic-phenomenological exploration of individuals’ experiences |
Jan-Bert Maas |
ERP as an organizational innovation: key users and cross-boundary knowledge management |
Antonio Leal-Millan |
IT and relationship learning in networks as drivers of green innovation and customer capital: evidence from the automobile sector |
Ettore Bolisani |
Factors affecting the use of wiki to manage knowledge in a small company |
Elena-Madalina Vatamanescu |
Harnessing network-based intellectual capital in online academic networks. From the organizational policies and practices towards competitiveness |
Stefania Mariano |
Artifacts in knowledge management research: a systematic literature review and future research directions |
Alexander Serenko |
Understanding counterproductive knowledge behavior: antecedents and consequences of intraorganizational knowledge hiding |
Paul Ihuoma |
Knowledge creation and utilization in project teams |
Rachel Barker |
Management of knowledge creation and sharing to create virtual knowledge-sharing communities: a tracking study |
Gospel Onyema |
Towards building internal social network architecture that drives innovation: a social exchange theory perspective |
Jose Francisco |
IT innovation strategy: managing the implementation communication and its generated knowledge through the use of an ICT tool |
Raul Banos |
Web GIS to enhance relational capital: the case of general merchandise retailers |
Ann-Louise Holten |
Knowledge hoarding: antecedent or consequent of negative acts? The mediating role of trust and justice |
Ilpo Pohjola |
Group dynamics and the role of ICT in the life cycle analysis of community of practice-based product development: a case study |
Bikash Ranjan Debata |
Interrelations of service quality and service loyalty dimensions in medical urism |
S. Vinodh |
Benchmarking agility assessment approaches: a case study |
Hadiyan Wijaya Ibrahim |
A content analysis of global supply chain research
Rameshwar Dubey |
Exploring antecedents of extended supply chain performance measures: An insight from Indian green manufacturing practices |
Mohammad Asjad |
Optimal support strategy for mechanical systems under contract realm |
Stephan Klingner |
Service productivity in different industries – an empirical investigation |
Stephan Klingner Stephanie |
Assessing the comparative performance of banking branches
Shahid Mohammad |
Why interest-rate cannot benchmark for Islamic financial product pricing? |
Bart Wiegmans |
Benchmarking deep-sea port performance in the Hamburg-Le Havre range |
Demand-supply balancing in manufacturing operations |
Parijat Upadhyay |
Impact of exchange rate movement and macro-economic factors on exports of software and services from India |
Elizabeth van |
Benchmarking operating room departments in the Netherlands: Evaluation of a benchmarking collaborative between eight university medical centres |
Vinod Yadav |
Multi-criteria decision making for supplier selection using fuzzy AHP approach |
Rateb Sweis Hannah |
Assessing service quality in secondary schools: the case of Jordan |
Joseph Sarkis Chunguang |
Connecting the pieces of the puzzle toward sustainable organizations: A framework integrating OM principles with GSCM |
David Swanson |
Transportation price benchmarking: implications for firm performance |
Neeraj Anand |
Measuring retail supply chain performance: Theoretical model using key performance indicators (KPIs) |
Rema Gopalan |
Evaluation of retail service quality – a fuzzy AHP approach |
Marcos Ronaldo |
Benchmarking: An International Journal Flexible benchmarking: a new reference model |
Cunlu Zhang |
A comprehensive model for supply chain integration
Alok Kumar Singh |
Competitive service quality benchmarking in airline industry using AHP |
Navin K. |
Using interpretive structure modeling to analyze the interactions between environmental sustainability boundary enablers |
Bassam A. Albassam |
Does Saudi Arabia’s economy benefit from foreign investments? |
Sanjay Kumar Sunil |
Benchmarking supply chains by analyzing technology transfer critical barriers using AHP approach |
Gaurav Kabra |
Analyzing drivers and barriers of coordination in humanitarian supply chain management under fuzzy environment |
Tuli Bakshi |
Introduction to soft-set theoretic solution of project selection problem |
Wanida Jarungkitkul |
Benchmarking the competitiveness of the ASEAN 5 equity markets: An application of Porter’s diamond model |
Ville Hallavo |
Impact of ownership change on plant practice-performance dynamics: A longitudinal multiple case study |
Kamel A. |
Conceptualizing the relative openness of supply chain and its impact on organizational performance |
Multicriteria model for selecting TQM consultancy and certification services Andre Tavares de Aquino
Nick Leithold |
Optimising NPD in SMEs: a best practice approach |
Continuous improvement philosophy – literature review and directions Jagdeep Singh Harwinder Singh |
Rachita Gulati |
Trends of cost efficiency in response to financial deregulation: The case of Indian banks |
Shradha Gawankar Sachin |
Development, measurement and validation of supply chain performance measurement (SCPM) scale in Indian retail sector |
Yewande Adetoro |
A qualitative investigation of benchmarking barriers in Nigeria |
Vesela Veleva Peter |
Benchmarking eco-industrial park development: the case of Devens |
Muhammad Shakeel |
Supply chain strategy and the role of suppliers: evidence from the Indian subcontinent |
S. J. Gorane |
Supply chain practices : An implementation status in Indian manufacturing organisations |
Anil S. |
Analysis of green supply chain barriers using integrated ISM-fuzzy MICMAC approach
Che Khairil |
Application of a team integration performance index in road infrastructure alliance projects |
Hokey Min Thomas |
An exploratory evaluation of state road provision to commuters and shippers |
Chitrasen Samantra |
Interpretive structural modelling of critical risk factors in software engineering project |
Hepu Deng |
Multicriteria analysis for benchmarking sustainability development |
Carlos Renato Trento |
Strategic benchmarking of service pricing based on the value added |
Mohammad Z. Meybodi |
Consistency of strategic and tactical benchmarking performance measures: A perspective on managerial positions and organizational size |
Pekka Toytari |
Assessing value co-creation and value capture potential in services: amanagement framework |
Jyoti Prakash |
Concurrent design of nanofluid for x-abilities using MADM approach |
Leonie Cassidy |
A design science research approach to website benchmarking |
AbdulLateef Olanrewaju |
Measuring the service gaps in the roles of quantity surveyors in the emerging market |
Maria Conceicao A. |
Benchmarking hospitals through a web based platform |
Kong Fah Tee |
Suitability of performance indicators and benchmarking practices in UK universities |
Jan van Lith Hans |
Assessing maturity development of purchasing management in construction |
Susana Garrido Azevedo |
LARG index: A benchmarking tool for improving the leanness, agility, resilience and greenness of the automotive supply chain
Emma Jayne |
Benefits; drawbacks and boundaries to deliver JIT: Re-thinking the UK automotive industry operations supply strategy |
Chhabi Ram Matawale |
Supplier selection in agile supply chain: Application potential of FMLMCDM approach in comparison with Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-MOORA |
Mohsen Afsharian Heinz |
Generalized DEA: an approach for supporting input/output factor determination in DEA |
Dilip Kumar Sen |
Application of TODIM (Tomada de Decision Inerativa Multicritero) for industrial robot selection |
Broto Rauth Bhardwaj |
Role of green policy on sustainable supply chain management: A model for implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) |
Conceptualisation of the service experience by means of a literature review Alexandre Meira de Vasconcelos Rodrigo Barichello Alvaro Lezana Fernando A. Forcellini Marcelo Gitirana Gomes Ferreira |
Mauricio A. Valle |
A survival model based on met expectations: Application to employee turnover in a call center |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial |
Carlos Pombo |
Editorial note on desk rejection policy |
Cristina Lopez-Cozar |
The nexus between size and external business advice in the family firm |
M. Carmen |
Exploring the antecedents of firm performance in a Latin-American and European diverse industrial context |
Ricardo Monge-Gonzalez |
An impact evaluation of a fund to finance innovation in SMEs |
Diogenes Lagos |
Corporate governance in family businesses from Latin America, Spain and Portugal: A review of the literature |
Ana Isabel |
Market orientation and business results among small-scale service firms |
Claudio Mancilla |
Entrepreneurship in regions: differentiated impacts of the socio cultural and gender types |
Antonia Madrid-Guijarro |
Financing constraints and SME innovation during economic crises
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial |
Luis Antonio |
Heterogeneous research networks in Latin American schools of business management |
Luisa Helena |
Work-life interface of Portuguese international business travelers |
Esteban R. |
Centrolac |
Francisco Linan |
Assessing the stability of graduates’ entrepreneurial intention and exploring its predictive capacity |
Leticia Perez-Calero |
Integrating the board’s resources to achieve a firm’s internationalisation |
Jorge Garcia-Unanue |
External constraints on Spanish municipal sports agencies’ finances |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial: in memoriam Luis J. Sanz (1971-2015) |
Carlos Pombo |
Editorial |
Francisco Bravo |
The board of directors and corporate reputation: an empirical analysis |
Mauricio A. |
Explaining job satisfaction and intentions to quit from a value-risk perspective |
J. Emilio |
Revolving doors: are they valued in the Spanish stock market? |
J. Emilio |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion Revolving doors: are they valued in the Spanish stock market? |
Rodrigo Basco |
Open innovation search strategies in family and non-family SMEs: Evidence from a natural resource-based cluster in Chile |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial sobre las publicaciones latinoamericanas de gerencia, con vista a los mejores trabajos de Cladea 2015. |
Ramon Bouzas-Lorenzo |
An evaluation of citizen service web portals in Latin America |
Cristina Gimenez |
The role of information technology in the environmental performance of the firm: The interaction effect between information technology and environmental practices on environmental performance |
Maria Concepcion |
What hampers innovation in Mexican family firms?
Lucia Garces-Galdeano |
Management capability and performance in Spanish family firms |
Jorge Juliao-Rossi |
Persistence in generating and adopting product innovations: Evidence for manufacturing firms in a developing country |
Erwin Hansen |
Political risk and sovereign spreads in Latin America |
Mauricio Jara-Bertin |
Earnings management and performance in family-controlled firms: Evidence from an emerging economy |
Katherina Kuschel |
Copreneurial women in start-ups: Growth-oriented or lifestyle? An aid for technology industry investors |
Elisabete F. |
Investor sentiment and share returns: evidence on family firms |
Jose Maria |
Characteristics and effectiveness of university spin-off support programmes |
Leire Alcaniz |
Firm characteristics and intellectual capital disclosure in IPO prospectuses |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial |
Beatriz Moliner |
ICT adoption in hotels and electronic word-of-mouth |
Nicolas Loewe |
Self-employment as a moderator between work and life satisfaction |
Segundo J. |
Organizational effects and labor behavior of domestic violence |
Martin Solis |
Telework: conditions that have a positive and negative impact on the work-family conflict |
Christian Espinosa |
Adoption of IFRS in an emerging market: the Chilean case
Jorge Ayala-Cruz |
Project risk planning in high-tech new product development |
Daniel Oswaldo Santana |
Fear of failure in the workplace among Brazilian employees |
Diego Armando |
Organizational structure and innovation: analysis from the strategic co-alignment |
Emma Garcia-Meca |
Experience, political connections and efficiency in the financial sector |
Nadia Jimenez |
Trust and satisfaction: the keys to client loyalty in mobile commerce |
Rodrigo Berrios |
The country-brand in the wine industry: how important is variety specialization? |
lkka Sillanpaa |
Empirical study of measuring supply chain performanceI |
Rakesh Kumar |
Green supply chain management (GSCM): a structured literature review and research implications |
S. K. Sharma |
Benchmarking of product recovery alternatives in reverse logistics |
Ajay Singh |
Job involvement, organizational commitment, professional commitment, and team commitment: A study of generational diversity |
Andreas Wibowo |
Benchmarking the efficiencies of Indonesia’s municipal water utilities using Stackelberg data envelopment analysis |
Daisy Mathur |
Impact of pricing and outsourcing models on Indian information technology service outsourcing |
Marko Kohtamaki |
Industrial services – the solution provider’s stairway to heaven or highway to hell? |
Petri Helo |
Performance measures for road managers facing diverse environments |
Vlad Krotov |
Reliability and validity issues in analysis of IT spending using IT managerial control ratios |
Sanjaykumar R. |
Benchmarking of purchasing practices using Kraljic approach |
Ramakrishnan Ramanathan |
Moderating roles of customer characteristics on the link between service factors and satisfaction in a buffet restaurant |
Manik Chandra |
A performance evaluation framework for technical institutions in one of the states of India |
Hadian Zarkesh |
Surgical services efficiency by data envelopment analysis Saeedeh Ketabi Hamid Ganji Samireh Shahin Mehdi Mahnam Marzieh Soltanolkottabi Shirin Alsadat
Bimal Kishore |
Ownership, size, and efficiency: evidence from software companies in India |
Muhammad Asif |
Determining improvement needs in higher education benchmarking |
Subhadip Sarkar |
Assessment of performance using MPSS based DEA |
Aradhana Gandhi |
Strategic resource management model and data envelopment analysis for benchmarking of Indian retailers |
Siddhant Masson |
Operational efficiency and service delivery performance: A comparative analysis of Indian telecom service providers |
Asadullah Khan |
Benchmarking national culture and decent work practice indicators in projectbased industry: Lessons from United Arab Emirates |
Satyendra Kumar |
Optimal selection of third-party logistics service providers using quality function deployment and Taguchi loss function |
Hannah Diab |
Benchmarking of TQM practices in INGOs: a literature review Rateb J Sweis Firas Izzat Mahmoud Saleh Samer Eid Dahiyat Nadia J Sweis Rawan Ali Saleh |
Hokey Min |
Benchmarking the service quality of airlines in the United States: an exploratory analysis |
Juliano Anderson |
Benchmarking by Item Response Theory (BIRTH): A benchmarking method using IRT to build competitiveness scales for Brazilian technology higher education |
Joseph Kwame |
Critical success factors for Ghanaian contractors |
Daisy Mathur |
An empirical comparison of pricing models in information technology service outsourcing in Indian context |
Chhabi Ram Matawale |
Supplier/partner selection in agile supply chain: Application of vague set as a decision making tool
Anoop Kumar |
Application of integrated TOPSIS in ASC index: partners benchmarking perspective |
Sanjaykumar R. Gangurde |
Benchmark the best factory data collection system (FDC) using AHP-GRA method |
Henrik Palsson |
Reducing transportation emissions: Company intentions, barriers and discriminating factors |
Veera Pandiyan |
Supply chain practices and performance: the indirect effects of supply chain integration |
Andreas Taschner |
Improving SME logistics performance through benchmarking |
Niranjan Pati |
Benchmarking presidents’ compensations in institutions of higher education relative to sustainability and other institutional practices |
Gitirana Gomes |
Conceptualisation of the service experience by means of a literature review Alexandre Meira de Vasconcelos Rodrigo Barichello Alvaro Lezana Fernando A. Forcellini Marcelo |
He-Boong Kwon |
Better practice prediction using neural networks: an application to the smartphone industry |
Nikolaos Vlachakis |
A methodology for analyzing shipyard supply chains and supplier selection |
Rameshwar Dubey |
The mediating effect of human resource on successful total quality management implementation: An empirical study on SMEs in manufacturing sectors |
Craig Langston |
The reliability of currency and purchasing power parity conversion for international project cost benchmarking |
Luis Miguel D. |
An environmental balanced scorecard for supply chain performance measurement (Env_BSC_4_SCPM) |
Cristina Gimenez |
The role of information technology in the environmental performance of the firm: The interaction effect between information technology and environmental practices on environmental performance |
Wan Nurul |
Sustainable supply chain management in the oil and gas industry: A review of corporate sustainability reporting practices |
Punita Saxena |
Efficiency evaluation of the energy companies in CNX 500 Index of the NSE, India using data envelopment analysis |
Vikram Sharma |
Empirical assessment of the causal relationships among lean criteria using DEMATEL method
Neelam Singh |
Environmental benchmarking practices in Indian industries: Evidences from an empirical study |
Kathleen Overton |
Benchmarking public school performance by unionized status |
Dilip Kumar |
Extension of PROMETHEE for robot selection decision making: Simultaneous exploration of objective data and subjective (fuzzy) data |
Ahmad Sarfaraz |
A view of development in management for increasing profitability in the corporate landscape |
Asmita Chitnis |
Efficiency ranking method using DEA and TOPSIS (ERM-DT): case of an Indian bank |
Fariborz Rahimnia |
Objectives priority in university strategy map for resource allocation |
He-Boong Kwon |
Best performance modeling using complementary DEA-ANN approach: Application to Japanese electronics manufacturing firms |
Changiz Valmohammadi |
Modeling cause and effect relationships of strategy map using fuzzy DEMATEL and fourth generation of balanced scorecard |
Rajeev Ranjan |
Performance evaluation of Indian Railway zones using DEMATEL and VIKOR methods |
Luciene Eberle |
Service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in a Brazilian university context |
Rajesh Katiyar |
Modelling the measures of supply chain performance in the Indian automotive industry |
Arash Hosseinpour |
A benchmark-based method for sustainable product design |
Sebastian Brockhaus |
A framework for benchmarking product sustainability efforts: Using systems dynamics to achieve supply chain alignment |
M. Punniyamoorthy |
Identification of a standard AI based technique for credit risk analysis
Manfred Fehr |
Search for objective environmental performance indicators of primary schools |
Dotun Adebanjo |
Prioritization of Six-Sigma project selection: A resource-based view and institutional norms perspective |
Ratapol Wudhikarn |
An analytic network process approach for the election of green marketable products |
Suleyman |
Evaluating the comparative efficiency of the postal services in OECD countries using context-dependent and measure-specific data envelopment analysis |
Arash Shahin |
Estimating customer lifetime value for new product development based on the Kano model with a case study in automobile industry |
Rosa Caiazza |
New drivers and challenges in a multi-polar world |
Rene G. Rendon |
Benchmarking contract management process maturity: a case study of the US Navy |
Fekri Ali |
Efficiency assessment of banking sector in Yemen using data envelopment window analysis: A comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banks |
George C. L. |
Performance measurement in airport settings: a systematic literature review |
Yang Liu |
Meteorological information service support system in wind park application |
Tuomo Heikkila |
A decision support system to evaluate the business impacts of machine-tomachine system |
P. Chithambaranathan |
An innovative framework for performance analysis of members of supply chains |
Naga Vamsi |
An empirical study for implementation of lean principles in Indian manufacturing industry |
Wai Peng |
Efficiency analysis of banks in ASEAN countries |
Prashant M. |
A warranty based bilateral multi-issue negotiation approach |
Poonam Garg |
Factors affecting the ERP implementation in Indian retail sector: A structural equation modelling approach |
Lance W. |
International benchmarking for performance improvement in construction safety and health |
Hamed Fazlollahtabar |
Meta modelling of job satisfaction effective factors for improvement policy making in organizations |
Subhadip Sarkar |
Application of PCA and DEA to recognize the true expertise of a firm: a case with primary schools |
Sanna Pekkola |
Exploring added value through the service process: a comparative multiple case study
Sanjaykumar R. |
Segmentation based product design using preferred features |
Anoop Kumar |
Evaluation and selection of resilient suppliers in fuzzy environment: Exploration of fuzzy-VIKOR |
Ville Hallavo |
Strategic roles of service sites: application of Ferdows’s model |
Amir Shabani |
Developing a novel data envelopment analysis model to determine prospective benchmarks of green supply chain in the presence of dual-role factor |
Chhabi Ram |
A fuzzy embedded leagility assessment module in supply chain |
Ana Julia |
Method for evaluation via benchmarking of the lean product development process: Multiple case studies at Brazilian companies |
Wei-Shong Lin |
Developing the capability of marketing intelligence: A subjective dynamic capability study |
Sandeep Kumar |
Slack based measure of efficiencies of public sector hospitals in Uttarakhand |
Alessandro Creazza |
Benchmarking of health technologies distribution models: An investigation of Lombardy’s local health authorities |
Anoop Kumar |
Evaluation and selection of suppliers considering green perspectives: Comparative analysis on application of FMLMCDM and fuzzy-TOPSIS |
Neena Sinha |
Mapping the linkage between Organizational Culture and TQM: The case of Indian auto component industry |
Pankaj U. |
A conceptual framework for product service system design for machine tools: Issues in Indian context |
Alfonsina Iona |
Suboptimal financial policies and executive ownership in the UK: evidence from a pre-crisis |
David Eriksson |
A balance model of theoretical sustainability – framework and propositions |
Olusegun Felix Ayadi |
Gender diversity in the governance of the Nigerian securities market |
Irina Lock |
CSR governance and departmental organization: a typology of best practices |
Mohamed H. |
Antecedents of voluntary corporate governance disclosure: a post-2007/08 financial crisis evidence from the influential UK Combined Code |
Joel Kiplagat |
Does CEO power moderate the relationship between board leadership and strategy involvement in private firms? Evidence from Kenya |
Akshita Arora |
Corporate governance and firm performance in developing countries: evidence from India |
Mariateresa Torchia |
Board of directors and financial transparency and disclosure. Evidence from Italy |
Jon Aarum |
How organisation theory supports corporate governance scholarship |
Sun Liu |
Ownership structure and analysts’ forecast properties: a study of Chinese listed firms
Giovanni Maria |
Untangling the antecedents of code of ethics quality: does corporate governance matter? |
Fabrizio Rossi |
Debt and ownership structure: evidence from Italy |
Emanuele Teti |
Corporate governance and cost of equity: empirical evidence from Latin American companies |
Godfred Adjappong |
Corporate governance and performance of UK listed small and medium enterprises |
Renzo Mori |
Sustainability certification schemes: evaluating their effectiveness and adaptability |
Dogan Altuner |
The linkages among intellectual capital, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility |
Xiaofeng Shi Michael |
Investor protection and market liquidity revisited |
Qaiser Rafique Yasser |
The impact of CEO duality attributes on earnings management in the East |
Tatiana Garanina |
Corporate governance mechanisms and agency costs: cross-country analysis |
Jukka-Pekka Bergman |
Strategic interpretation on sustainability issues – eliciting cognitive maps of boards of directors
Russell Fralich |
CEO social capital and contingency pay: a test of two perspectives |
Arpita Agnihotri |
Whistleblowing policy disclosure: evidence from an Indian emerging market |
Rosa Caiazza |
Directors’ role in inter-organizational networks |
Curtis Clements |
Multiple directorships, industry relatedness, and corporate governance effectiveness |
Sheela Devi |
Board composition and corporate social responsibility in an emerging market |
Palka Chhillar |
Divergence or convergence: paradoxes in corporate governance? |
George Apostolakis |
Pension beneficiaries’ and fund managers’ perceptions of responsible investment: a focus group study |
Enoima Abraham |
Does CEO duality give more influence over executive pay to the majority or minority shareholder? (A survey of Brazil) |
Zhonghui Hugo Wang |
On the impact of outside blockholders’ voting power |
Ehtazaz Javaid Lone |
Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosure: evidence from Pakistan |
Maggie Foley Richard |
An analysis of withdrawn shareholder proposals |
Wan Masliza |
Board and audit committee effectiveness, ethnic diversification and earnings management: a study of the Malaysian manufacturing sector |
Chiara Mio Marco |
Owners’ preferences for CEOs characteristics: did the world change after the global financial crisis? |
Karim S. Rebeiz |
Boardroom’s independence and corporate performance: the ever-elusive conundrum |
Karen Schonfelder S. |
Evolution of international and Chinese anti-bribery and corruption compliance programs |
Bhavesh S. Patel |
Mission statements and performance in non-profit organisations |
Jose Luis Fernandez |
The relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation in a turbulent environment: Spanish evidence of the Ibex35 firms |
Karim S. Rebeiz |
Design guidelines for boardroom’s effectiveness: the case of Fortune 500 firms |
Nazha Gali Dima |
The corporate governance and social responsibility nexus in the Lebanese banking industry |
Ahmed Hussein |
Earnings quality and audit attributes in high concentrated ownership market |
Markus Kallifatides |
Awakening giants? The politically contested modification of institutional investors |
Lawal Bello |
Re: duplication of corporate governance codes and the dilemma of firms with dual regulatory jurisdictions |
Kathryn M. Zuckweiler |
Business students’ perceptions of corporate governance best practices |
Bryane Michael |
Corporate governance and its reform in Hong Kong: a study in comparative corporate governance |
Jean-Charles Deudon |
Ownership concentration of three large Belgian banks during the crisis |
Sudha Mathew Salma |
Boards attributes that increase firm risk – evidence from the UK |
Yulia Titova |
Are board characteristics relevant for banking efficiency? Evidence from the US |
Basil Al-Najjar |
The effect of ownership structure on dividend policy: evidence from Turkey |
Zahid Riaz |
A hybrid of state regulation and self-regulation for remuneration governance in Australia |
Ben Kwame |
Internal control information disclosure and corporate governance: evidence from an emerging market |
Diane Ruwhiu |
Negotiating “meaningful participation” for Indigenous peoples in the context of mining |
Nurlan Orazalin |
Corporate governance, financial crises and bank performance: lessons from top Russian banks |
Leticia Perez-Calero |
A framework for board capital |
Kingsley Opoku |
Remuneration committee and corporate failure |
Josephine Darko Zakaria |
Corporate governance: the impact of director and board structure, ownership structure and corporate control on the performance of listed companies on the Ghana stock exchange |
Nils M. |
A triple bottom line construct and reasons for implementing sustainable business practices in companies and their business networks |
Gary Lynch-Wood |
Unexplored aspects of the social licence for SMEs |
Tamer Mohamed Shahwan |
The effects of corporate governance on financial performance and financial distress: evidence from Egypt |
Nils M. |
Framing the development and directions of business sustainability efforts |
Simona Catuogno Sara |
Alignment vs rent-extraction effects of stock options. A conceptual model |
Carmen Galve-Gorriz |
Institutional framework, concentration of ownership and results of large family corporations in Latin America and Spain |
Marcelle Colares |
Analysis of corporate governance disclosure: a study through BRICS countries |
Omid Sabbaghi |
Corporate governance in China: a review |
Carmen Padin Carlos |
Validating a triple bottom line construct and reasons for implementing sustainable business practices in companies and their business networks |
Sujani Thrikawala Stuart |
Board structure-performance relationship in microfinance institutions (MFIs) in an emerging economy |
Adel Elgharbawy |
Does compliance with corporate governance code hinder corporate entrepreneurship? Evidence from the UK |
Chinyere Uche Emmanuel |
Institutional shareholder activism in Nigeria |
Fernando G. |
Knowledge exchanges in innovation networks: evidences from an Italian aerospace cluster |
Rifat Kamasak |
Creation of firm performance through resource orchestration: the case of ULKER |
Jesus M. |
Do clusters follow the industry life cycle?: Diversity of cluster evolution in old industrial regions
J. Markham Collins |
National factor effects on firm competitiveness and innovation |
Barbara Jankowska |
Clusters on the road to internationalization – evidence from a CEE economy |
Anita Pelle Marcell |
EU member states’ ability to attract intellectual capital in times of crisis |
Dorisz Talas |
Financial competitiveness analysis in the Hungarian dairy industry |
Lee W. Munnich |
Competitive industry clusters and transportation in Minnesota |
Tulsi Jayakumar |
Behavioral lessons from Flipkart’s Big-Billion Day sale |
Romeo V. |
Have we made it? Investigating value-creating strategies in early internationalizing ventures |
Anthony M. Gould |
A spring-clean of Michael Porter’s Attic: The Canadian telecommunications sector as an exemplar of refurbished generic strategy |
Sanjay Sharma Mohd |
Exploring correlations in components of green supply chain practices and green supply chain performance
Saurabh Agrawal Rajesh |
Triple bottom line performance evaluation of reverse logistics |
Rajesh Kr Singh |
Guest editorial |
Deepak Subedi |
Book review: Digital revolution: its impacts on society and economy |
Lars Lindbergh Mattias |
Swedish sustainability through a Zhang and London lens |
Amol Singh |
Sustainable green supply chain management: trends and current practices
Dong-Sung Cho |
Enhancing national competitiveness through national cooperation: The case of South Korea and Dubai |
Stephen Brosnan Eleanor |
From Marshall’s Triad to Porter’s Diamond: added value? |
Raghu Kumar |
Lean management – a step towards sustainable green supply chain |
El Namaki |
How damaged are investment capital markets today? |
Michael E. Dobbs |
Guidelines for applying Porter's five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates |
Hooshang M. |
Supply chain integration and firm performance: an empirical study of Swedish manufacturing firms |
Suhail Abboushi |
Solar trade tariffs |
Robert Huggins |
The Competitive Advantage of Nations: origins and journey |
Singh Sanjay |
Analyzing the factors for implementation of green supply chain management |
Federico Topolansky |
The competitiveness of the Uruguayan rural tourism sector and its potential to attract German tourists |
Karl Aiginger |
Competitiveness: from a misleading concept to a strategy supporting Beyond GDP goals |
Zhanna Belyaeva |
Competitiveness of Russian regional oil complexes |
Marija Stonkiene |
Evaluation of the national higher education system’s competitiveness: Theoretical model |
Ioannis Papadopoulos |
Market potential and determinants for eco-smart furniture attending consumers of the third age |
Vitor da Conceicao |
Twenty years after the Porter Report for Portugal |
Sarah Philipson |
Radical innovation of a business model: Is business modelling a key to understand the essence of doing business? |
Torger Reve |
Theoretical and methodological advances in cluster research |
Niels Ketelhohn |
The Central American Competitiveness Initiative |
Orjan Solvell |
The Competitive Advantage of Nations 25 years – opening up new perspectives on competitiveness |
Roger Martin Richard |
Creativity, clusters and the competitive advantage of cities |
Ruchi Trehan |
Determinants of attitude of teachers – factor analysis and strategies for success |
Kirankumar S. |
City clusters and break-out in corporate competitiveness: Patterns and perspectives focusing on innovation capabilities and India |
Michele O'Dwyer |
Insights into the creation of a successful MNE innovation cluster |
Huerta-Carvajal |
The role of joint actions in the performance of IT clusters in Mexico Isis Gutierrez-Martinez Francois Duhamel Luis F. Luna-Reyes Sergio Picazo-Vela Maria Isabel |
Abbas J. Ali |
Innovation, happiness, and growth |
Towards a new measure of a country’s competitiveness: applying canonical correlation |
Philippe Gugler |
The role of clusters in the global innovation strategy of MNEs: Theoretical foundations and evidence from the Basel pharmaceutical cluster |
Mathieu Resbeut |
Impact of clusters on regional economic performance: A methodological investigation and application in the case of the precision goods sector in Switzerland |
Ilan Alon Michele |
Are the parents to blame? Predicting franchisee failure |
Harm-Jan Steenhuis |
Early stage cluster development: a manufacturers-led approach in the aircraft industry |
Hakki Ismail |
Methodology research of competitiveness and sample application for Turkey’s defense industry |
Hannigan Robert |
Competition and competitiveness in the US airline industry |
Khee Giap Tan |
Empirical assessment on the liveability of cities in the Greater China Region |
Julian Kahl |
Employment performance in times of crisis: A multilevel analysis of economic resilience in the German biotechnology industry |
Amir Sasson |
Complementing clusters: a competitiveness rationale for infrastructure investments |
Francesca Spigarelli |
Chinese M & A in Europe: Emerging market multinational in the heavy construction industry |
Alaka N. Rao |
Should management practice adapt to cultural values? The evidence against power distance adaptation |
Mauricio A. |
A survival model based on met expectations: Application to employee turnover in a call center |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial |
Carlos Pombo |
Editorial note on desk rejection policy |
Cristina Lopez-Cozar |
The nexus between size and external business advice in the family firm |
Carmen Diaz-Fernandez |
Exploring the antecedents of firm performance in a Latin-American and European diverse industrial context |
Ricardo Monge-Gonzalez |
An impact evaluation of a fund to finance innovation in SMEs |
Diogenes Lagos |
Corporate governance in family businesses from Latin America, Spain and Portugal: A review of the literature |
Ana Isabel |
Market orientation and business results among small-scale service firms |
Claudio Mancilla |
Entrepreneurship in regions: differentiated impacts of the socio cultural and gender types |
Antonia Madrid-Guijarro |
Financing constraints and SME innovation during economic crises
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial |
Luis Antonio Orozco |
Heterogeneous research networks in Latin American schools of business management |
Luisa Helena Pinto |
Work-life interface of Portuguese international business travelers |
Esteban R. |
Centrolac |
Francisco Linan Juan |
Assessing the stability of graduates’ entrepreneurial intention and exploring its predictive capacity |
Leticia Perez-Calero |
Integrating the board’s resources to achieve a firm’s internationalisation |
Jorge Garcia-Unanue |
External constraints on Spanish municipal sports agencies’ finances |
Luis Sanz Francisco |
The privatization process in Argentina: the case of the Buenos Aires subway system |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial: in memoriam Luis J. Sanz (1971-2015) |
Elvira Salgado |
Editorial |
Francisco Bravo |
The board of directors and corporate reputation: an empirical analysis |
Mauricio A. |
Explaining job satisfaction and intentions to quit from a value-risk perspective |
J. Emilio |
Revolving doors: are they valued in the Spanish stock market? |
Rodrigo Basco |
Open innovation search strategies in family and non-family SMEs: Evidence from a natural resource-based cluster in Chile |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial sobre las publicaciones latinoamericanas de gerencia, con vista a los mejores trabajos de Cladea 2015 |
Ramon Bouzas-Lorenzo |
An evaluation of citizen service web portals in Latin America |
Cristina Gimenez Vicenta |
The role of information technology in the environmental performance of the firm: The interaction effect between information technology and environmental practices on environmental performance |
Maria Concepcion Lopez |
What hampers innovation in Mexican family firms? |
Lucia Garces-Galdeano |
Management capability and performance in Spanish family firms |
Jorge Juliao-Rossi |
Persistence in generating and adopting product innovations: Evidence for manufacturing firms in a developing country |
Erwin Hansen |
Political risk and sovereign spreads in Latin America |
Earnings management and performance in family-controlled firms: Evidence from an emerging economy |
Katherina Kuschel |
Copreneurial women in start-ups: Growth-oriented or lifestyle? An aid for technology industry investors |
Elisabete F. |
Investor sentiment and share returns: evidence on family firms |
Jose Maria |
Characteristics and effectiveness of university spin-off support programmes |
Leire Alcaniz |
Firm characteristics and intellectual capital disclosure in IPO prospectuses |
Enrique Ogliastri |
Editorial |
Nicolas Loewe |
Self-employment as a moderator between work and life satisfaction |
Segundo J. |
Organizational effects and labor behavior of domestic violence |
Martin Solis |
Telework: conditions that have a positive and negative impact on the work-family conflict |
Christian Espinosa |
Adoption of IFRS in an emerging market: the Chilean case |
Jorge Ayala-Cruz |
Project risk planning in high-tech new product development |
Daniel Oswaldo |
Fear of failure in the workplace among Brazilian employees |
Diego Armando |
Organizational structure and innovation: analysis from the strategic co-alignment |
Emma Garcia-Meca |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion Experience, political connections and efficiency in the financial sector |
Nadia Jimenez |
Trust and satisfaction: the keys to client loyalty in mobile commerce |
Rodrigo Berrios |
The country-brand in the wine industry: how important is variety specialization? |
Ilkka Sillanpaa |
Empirical study of measuring supply chain performance |
Rakesh Kumar |
Green supply chain management (GSCM): a structured literature review and research implications |
Sharma S. K. |
Benchmarking of product recovery alternatives in reverse logistics |
Ajay Singh |
Job involvement, organizational commitment, professional commitment, and team commitment: A study of generational diversity
Andreas Wibowo |
Benchmarking the efficiencies of Indonesia’s municipal water utilities using Stackelberg data envelopment analysis |
Daisy Mathur |
Impact of pricing and outsourcing models on Indian information technology service outsourcing |
Marko Kohtamaki |
Industrial services – the solution provider’s stairway to heaven or highway to hell? |
Craig M. |
Performance measures for road managers facing diverse environments |
Vlad Krotov |
Reliability and validity issues in analysis of IT spending using IT managerial control ratios |
Mohammad Asjad |
Optimal support strategy for mechanical systems under contract realm
Sanjaykumar R. |
Benchmarking of purchasing practices using Kraljic approach |
Ramakrishnan Ramanathan |
Moderating roles of customer characteristics on the link between service factors and satisfaction in a buffet restaurant |
Manik Chandra |
A performance evaluation framework for technical institutions in one of the states of India |
Saeedeh Ketabi |
Surgical services efficiency by data envelopment analysis |
Bimal Kishore Sahoo |
Ownership, size, and efficiency: evidence from software companies in India |
Muhammad Asif |
Determining improvement needs in higher education benchmarking |
Subhadip Sarkar |
Assessment of performance using MPSS based DEA |
Aradhana Gandhi |
Strategic resource management model and data envelopment analysis for benchmarking of Indian retailers |
Siddhant Masson |
Operational efficiency and service delivery performance: A comparative analysis of Indian telecom service providers |
Asadullah Khan |
Benchmarking national culture and decent work practice indicators in projectbased industry: Lessons from United Arab Emirates
Satyendra Kumar |
Optimal selection of third-party logistics service providers using quality function deployment and Taguchi loss function |
Ali Saleh |
Benchmarking of TQM practices in INGOs: a literature review Rateb J Sweis Firas Izzat Mahmoud Saleh Samer Eid Dahiyat Nadia J Sweis Rawan |
Hokey Min |
Benchmarking the service quality of airlines in the United States: an exploratory analysis |
Juliano Anderson |
Benchmarking by Item Response Theory (BIRTH): A benchmarking method using IRT to build competitiveness scales for Brazilian technology higher education |
Joseph Kwame |
Critical success factors for Ghanaian contractors |
Daisy Mathur |
An empirical comparison of pricing models in information technology service outsourcing in Indian context |
Chhabi Ram |
Supplier/partner selection in agile supply chain: Application of vague set as a decision making tool |
Anoop Kumar |
Application of integrated TOPSIS in ASC index: partners benchmarking perspective |
Sanjaykumar R. Gangurde |
Benchmark the best factory data collection system (FDC) using AHP-GRA method |
Henrik Palsson |
Reducing transportation emissions: Company intentions, barriers and discriminating factors |
Veera Pandiyan |
Supply chain practices and performance: the indirect effects of supply chain integration |
Andreas Taschner |
Improving SME logistics performance through benchmarking |
Niranjan Pati |
Benchmarking presidents’ compensations in institutions of higher education relative to sustainability and other institutional practices |
Bikash Ranjan |
Interrelations of service quality and service loyalty dimensions in medical tourism: A structural equation modelling approach |
Vinodh S |
Benchmarking agility assessment approaches: a case study |
Hadiyan Wijaya |
A content analysis of global supply chain research |
Rameshwar Dubey |
Exploring antecedents of extended supply chain performance measures: An insight from Indian green manufacturing practices |
Stephan Klingner |
Service productivity in different industries – an empirical investigation |
Ryan Balfour |
Assessing the comparative performance of banking branches |
Shahid Mohammad |
Why interest-rate cannot benchmark for Islamic financial product pricing? |
Bart Wiegmans |
Benchmarking deep-sea port performance in the Hamburg-Le Havre range |
Joakim Coker |
Demand-supply balancing in manufacturing operations |
Parijat Upadhyay |
Impact of exchange rate movement and macro-economic factors on exports of software and srtments in the Netherlands: Evaluation of a benchervices from India |
Elizabeth van |
Benchmarking operating room depamarkin collaborative between eight university medical centres |
Vinod Yadav |
Multi-criteria decision making for supplier selection using fuzzy AHP approach
Raed El-Khalil |
Managing span of control efficiency and effectiveness: a case study |
Rateb Sweis Hannah |
Assessing service quality in secondary schools: the case of Jordan |
Joseph Sarkis |
Connecting the pieces of the puzzle toward sustainable organizations: A framework integrating OM principles with GSCM |
David Swanson |
Transportation price benchmarking: implications for firm performance |
Neeraj Anand |
Measuring retail supply chain performance: Theoretical model using key performance indicators (KPIs) |
Rema Gopalan Sreekumar |
Evaluation of retail service quality – a fuzzy AHP approach
Marcos Ronaldo |
Flexible benchmarking: a new reference model |
Cunlu Zhang |
A comprehensive model for supply chain integration |
Alok Kumar Singh |
Competitive service quality benchmarking in airline industry using AHP |
Navin K. Dev |
Using interpretive structure modeling to analyze the interactions between environmental sustainability boundary enablers |
Bassam A. Albassam |
Does Saudi Arabia’s economy benefit from foreign investments? |
Sanjay Kumar Sunil |
Benchmarking supply chains by analyzing technology transfer critical barriers using AHP approach |
Gaurav Kabra |
Analyzing drivers and barriers of coordination in humanitarian supply chain management under fuzzy environment |
Tuli Bakshi Arindam |
Introduction to soft-set theoretic solution of project selection problem |
Wanida Jarungkitkul |
Benchmarking the competitiveness of the ASEAN 5 equity markets: An application of Porter’s diamond model |
Ville Hallavo Jarmo |
Impact of ownership change on plant practice-performance dynamics: A longitudinal multiple case study |
Kamel A. Fantazy |
Conceptualizing the relative openness of supply chain and its impact on organizational performance |
Andre Tavares de Aquino |
Multicriteria model for selecting TQM consultancy and certification services |
Nick Leithold Tino |
Optimising NPD in SMEs: a best practice approach |
Jagdeep Singh |
Continuous improvement philosophy – literature review and directions |
Rachita Gulati |
Trends of cost efficiency in response to financial deregulation: The case of Indian banks |
Shradha Gawankar Sachin |
Development, measurement and validation of supply chain performance measurement (SCPM) scale in Indian retail sector |
Yewande Adetoro Adewunmi |
A qualitative investigation of benchmarking barriers in Nigeria |
Vesela Veleva Peter |
Benchmarking eco-industrial park development: the case of Devens |
Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq |
Supply chain strategy and the role of suppliers: evidence from the Indian subcontinent |
Gorane Ravi Kant |
Supply chain practices : An implementation status in Indian manufacturing organisations |
Anil S. Dube |
Analysis of green supply chain barriers using integrated ISM-fuzzy MICMAC approach |
Che Khairil Izam |
Application of a team integration performance index in road infrastructure alliance projects |
Hokey Min Thomas |
An exploratory evaluation of state road provision to commuters and shippers |
Chitrasen Samantra |
Interpretive structural modelling of critical risk factors in software engineering project |
Hepu Deng |
Multicriteria analysis for benchmarking sustainability development |
Carlos Renato |
Strategic benchmarking of service pricing based on the value added |
Mohammad Z. Meybodi |
Consistency of strategic and tactical benchmarking performance measures: A perspective on managerial positions and organizational size |
Pekka Toytari |
Assessing value co-creation and value capture potential in services: a management framework |
Jyoti Prakash |
Concurrent design of nanofluid for x-abilities using MADM approach |
Leonie Cassidy |
A design science research approach to website benchmarking |
AbdulLateef Olanrewaju |
Measuring the service gaps in the roles of quantity surveyors in the emerging market |
Nogueira Silva |
Benchmarking hospitals through a web based platform Maria Conceicao A. Silva Portela Ana Santos Camanho Diogo Queiroz Almeida Luiz Lopes Sofia |
Kong Fah Tee |
Suitability of performance indicators and benchmarking practices in UK universities |
Jan van Lith Hans |
Assessing maturity development of purchasing management in construction |
Susana Garrido Azevedo |
LARG index: A benchmarking tool for improving the leanness, agility, resilience and greenness of the automotive supply chain |
Emma Jayne Dinsdale |
Benefits; drawbacks and boundaries to deliver JIT: Re-thinking the UK automotive industry operations supply strategy |
Chhabi Ram Matawale |
Supplier selection in agile supply chain: Application potential of FMLMCDM approach in comparison with Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-MOORA |
Mohsen Afsharian |
Generalized DEA: an approach for supporting input/output factor determination in DEA |
Dilip Kumar Sen |
Application of TODIM (Tomada de Decision Inerativa Multicritero) for industrial robot selection |
Benedict M. Uzochukwu |
Development and implementation of product sustainment simulator utilizing fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) |
Broto Rauth Bhardwaj |
Role of green policy on sustainable supply chain management: A model for implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) |
Alexandre Meira |
Conceptualisation of the service experience by means of a literature review |
He-Boong Kwon |
Better practice prediction using neural networks: an application to the smartphone industry |
Nikolaos Vlachakis Athanassios |
A methodology for analyzing shipyard supply chains and supplier selection |
Rameshwar Dubey Tripti |
The mediating effect of human resource on successful total quality management implementation: An empirical study on SMEs in manufacturing sectors
Craig Langston |
The reliability of currency and purchasing power parity conversion for international project cost benchmarking |
Luis Miguel D. |
An environmental balanced scorecard for supply chain performance measurement (Env_BSC_4_SCPM) |
Wan Nurul Karimah |
Sustainable supply chain management in the oil and gas industry: A review of corporate sustainability reporting practices |
Punita Saxena Ratnesh |
Efficiency evaluation of the energy companies in CNX 500 Index of the NSE, India using data envelopment analysis |
Vikram Sharma Amit |
Empirical assessment of the causal relationships among lean criteria using DEMATEL method |
Neelam Singh Suresh |
Environmental benchmarking practices in Indian industries: Evidences from an empirical study |
Kathleen Overton Seong |
Benchmarking public school performance by unionized status |
Dilip Kumar |
Extension of PROMETHEE for robot selection decision making: Simultaneous exploration of objective data and subjective (fuzzy) data |
Ahmad Sarfaraz |
A view of development in management for increasing profitability in the corporate landscape |
Asmita Chitnis |
Efficiency ranking method using DEA and TOPSIS (ERM-DT): case of an Indian bank |
Fariborz Rahimnia |
Objectives priority in university strategy map for resource allocation |
He-Boong Kwon |
Best performance modeling using complementary DEA-ANN approach: Application to Japanese electronics manufacturing firms |
Changiz Valmohammadi |
Modeling cause and effect relationships of strategy map using fuzzy DEMATEL and fourth generation of balanced scorecard |
Rajeev Ranjan Prasenjit |
Performance evaluation of Indian Railway zones using DEMATEL and VIKOR methods |
Luciene Eberle Gabriel |
Service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in a Brazilian university context |
Rajesh Katiyar |
Benchmarking: An International Journal Modelling the measures of supply chain performance in the Indian automotive industry |
Arash Hosseinpour |
A benchmark-based method for sustainable product design |
Sebastian Brockhaus Stan |
A framework for benchmarking product sustainability efforts: Using systems dynamics to achieve supply chain alignment |
M. Punniyamoorthy |
Identification of a standard AI based technique for credit risk analysis |
Manfred Fehr Viviane |
Search for objective environmental performance indicators of primary schools |
Dotun Adebanjo Premaratne |
Prioritization of Six-Sigma project selection: A resource-based view and institutional norms perspective |
Ratapol Wudhikarn Nopasit |
An analytic network process approach for the election of green marketable products |
Suleyman Cakr |
Evaluating the comparative efficiency of the postal services in OECD countries using context-dependent and measure-specific data envelopment analysis |
Arash Shahin Somayeh |
Estimating customer lifetime value for new product development based on the Kano model with a case study in automobile industry |
Rosa Caiazza |
New drivers and challenges in a multi-polar world |
Rene G. Rendon |
Benchmarking contract management process maturity: a case study of the US Navy |
Fekri Ali Shawtari |
Efficiency assessment of banking sector in Yemen using data envelopment window analysis: A comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banks |
George C. L. |
Performance measurement in airport settings: a systematic literature review |
Yang Liu |
Meteorological information service support system in wind park application |
Tuomo Heikkila |
A decision support system to evaluate the business impacts of machine-tomachine system |
P. Chithambaranathan |
An innovative framework for performance analysis of members of supply chains |
Naga Vamsi Krishna |
An empirical study for implementation of lean principles in Indian manufacturing industry |
Wai Peng Wong |
Efficiency analysis of banks in ASEAN countries |
Prashant M. |
A warranty based bilateral multi-issue negotiation approach |
Poonam Garg |
Factors affecting the ERP implementation in Indian retail sector: A structural equation modelling approach |
Lance W. |
International benchmarking for performance improvement in construction safety and health |
Hamed Fazlollahtabar Iraj |
Meta modelling of job satisfaction effective factors for improvement policy making in organizations |
Subhadip Sarkar |
Application of PCA and DEA to recognize the true expertise of a firm: a case with primary schools |
Sanna Pekkola |
Exploring added value through the service process: a comparative multiple case study |
Sanjaykumar R. |
Segmentation based product design using preferred features |
Anoop Kumar Sahu |
Evaluation and selection of resilient suppliers in fuzzy environment: Exploration of fuzzy-VIKOR |
Rutilio Rodolfo |
Evaluating hotels rating prediction based on sentiment analysis services |
Shadrack Katuu |
User studies and user education programmes in archival institutions |
Lin He |
Reuse of scientific data in academic publications: An investigation of Dryad Digital Repository |
Peyman Akhavan |
Knowledge-sharing determinants, behaviors, and innovative work behaviors: An integrated theoretical view and empirical examination |
Efficient watcher based web crawler design |
Dalibor Fiala |
Computer science in Eastern Europe 1989-2014: a bibliometric study |
Isto Huvila |
Situational appropriation of information |
Graeme Baxter |
Members of the Scottish Parliament on Twitter: good constituency men (and women)? |
Alexander Stocker |
Exploring barriers of enterprise search implementation: a qualitative user study |
Ei Pa |
Why do people play human computation games? Effects of perceived enjoyment and perceived output quality |
Sri Devi Ravana |
Ranking retrieval systems using pseudo relevance judgments |
Xuemei Li |
The role of arXiv, RePEc, SSRN and PMC in formal scholarly communication |
Keliang Zhang |
Understanding Microblog Continuance Usage Intention: An Integrated Model |
Dan Dan Ma |
Exploring the adoption of mobile Internet services by socioeconomically disadvantaged people: a qualitative user study |
Imran Khan |
Does Culture Matter in Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Strategy? An Investigation of Brand Fan Pages |
Cheng-Min Chao |
How to overcome the digital divide? An empirical study of Taiwan’s DOCs |
Tayybah Kiren |
A novel ontology matching approach using key concepts |
Yosef Solomon |
Serendipity in legal information seeking behavior: Chance encounters of familylaw advocates with court rulings |
Kyoungsik Na |
When two heads are better than one: Query behavior, cognitive load, search time, and task type in pairs versus individuals |
Montserrat Garcia-Alsina |
Competitive intelligence theoretical framework and practices: The case of Spanish universities |
Larissa von Alberti-Alhtaybat |
Investor relations via Web 2.0 social media channels: A qualitative study of Middle Eastern corporations and investors |
Mashael AL-Omar |
Scholars’ research-related personal information collections: A study of education and health researchers in a Kuwaiti University |
Ozlem Oktal Ozlem |
Measurement of Internal User Satisfaction and Acceptance of the E-Justice System in Turkey |
Maria Pinto |
Assessing disciplinary differences in faculty perceptions of information literacy competencies |
Chirag Shah |
Two ' s company, but three ' s no crowd: Evaluating exploratory web search for individuals and teams |
Jenny Bronstein |
An Examination of the Factors Contributing to Participation in Online Social Platforms |
Zheshi Bao |
Exploring continuance intention of social networking sites: An empirical study integrating social support and network externalities |
Dong Zhou |
A study of user profile representation for personalized cross-language information retrieval |
Yujong Hwang |
A study on the multidimensional information management capability of knowledge workers |
David Haynes |
Defining user risk in social networking services |
Vimala Balakrishnan |
Improving retrieval relevance using users’ explicit feedback |
Atieh Bourouni |
Knowledge network creation methodology selection in project-based organizations: An empirical framework |
Roozbeh Hesamamiri |
Knowledge management reliability assessment: an empirical investigation |
Chirag Shah |
The blind leading the blind: Impromptu leaderships influenced by awareness in collaborative search |
Lutz Bornmann |
Usefulness of altmetrics for measuring the broader impact of research: A case study using data from PLOS and F1000Prime |
Haakon Lund |
Company taxonomy development: the case of an international emergency response organization |
Mike Thelwall |
Alternative metric indicators for funding scheme evaluations
Zoe Dickinson |
Canadian public libraries and search engines: barriers to visibility |
Tariq Ahmad Shah |
Authors self-citation behaviour in the field of Library and Information Science |
Hsien-Tsung Chang |
A tracking and summarization system for online Chinese news topics |
Ya-Ching Lee |
Determinants of effective SoLoMo advertising from the perspective of social capital |
Alesia A. Zuccala |
Altmetrics for the humanities: Comparing Goodreads reader ratings with citations to history books |
Lars Michael Wendt |
Product advertising and viral stealth marketing in online videos: A description and comparison of comments on YouTube |
Isto Huvila |
Affective capitalism of knowing and the society of search engine |
Xianjin Zha |
Understanding information seeking in digital libraries: antecedents and consequences |
Sri Devi Ravana |
Document-based approach to improve the accuracy of pairwise comparison in evaluating information retrieval systems |
Sameer Kumar |
Efficacy of a giant component in co-authorship networks: Evidence from a Southeast Asian dataset in economics |
Rodrigo Costas |
The thematic orientation of publications mentioned on social media: Large-scale disciplinary comparison of social media metrics with citations |
Juan Pablo Alperin |
Geographic variation in social media metrics: an analysis of Latin American journal articles |
Henna Kim |
Health information seeking of low socioeconomic status Hispanic adults using smartphones |
Elizabeth McDonald |
Book or NOOK? Information behavior of academic librarians |
Jutta Haider |
The structuring of information through search: sorting waste with Google |
Chris Leeder |
Collaborative information seeking in student group projects
Ko-Chiu Wu |
Affective choosing of clustering and categorization representations in e-book interfaces |
Liuhan Zhan |
Understanding the influence of social media on people’s life satisfaction through two competing explanatory mechanisms |
Xianjin Zha |
Exploring digital library usage for getting information from the ELM perspective: The moderating effect of information need |
Antonio J. Gomez-Nunez |
Visualization and analysis of SCImago Journal & Country Rank structure via journal clustering |
Koteppa Banateppanavar |
Bradford’s zone to LIS publications published in collection building journal from 2009-2012: a citation study |
Susan L. Collins |
The votes are in: a process for selecting reference books and managing the reference budget |
Kelly Marie Blanchat |
Optimizing KBART guidelines to restore perpetual access |
Shankar Reddy Kolle |
Global research on air pollution between 2005 and 2014: a bibliometric study |
Matthew Cook |
Build it and they will come: integrating unique collections and undergraduate research |
Ghalib Khan |
An analysis of collection development in the university libraries of Pakistan |
Ramesh Pandita |
Collection building trend among the institutes of higher learning in india: a preferential race between print and electronic resources |
Alain R. Lamothe |
Comparing usage between a Dynamic and a Static e-monograph Collection |
Denise Rachel Gehring |
Faith-informed intellectual freedom: an annotated bibliography |
Trevar D. Riley-Reid |
The hidden cost of digitization – things to consider |
Victor T. Oliva |
Deselection of print monographs in the humanities and social sciences in the digital age |
Alain R. Lamothe |
Comparing usage between dynamic and static e-reference collections |
Maggie Liu |
Collection analysis on social work: a cost-effective approach |
Dima Ahmadieh |
A Comparative Citation Analysis Study of Master’s Theses at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon |
Mary S. Laskowski |
A collection explosion: finding our collection roots and examining how we got from there to here |
Michael Edward Stoller |
The Janus Conference a Decade Later |
Rabindra K. Maharana |
Mapping of Tuberculosis (TB) research in India during 2004-2013: a bibliometric analysis |
Ewa Dzurak |
Evaluating and planning for interdisciplinary collection development: a case of an East Asian collection at the College of Staten Island Library |
Kay Ann Cassell |
Interview with Pamela Skinner |
Liladhar R. Pendse |
Collecting and preserving the Ukraine conflict (2014-2015): a web archive at University of California, Berkeley |
Julia Proctor |
Demand-driven acquisition and the sunk cost model
Nestor L. Osorio |
Electrical engineering reference resources: a survey from LibGuides |
Karin L. Griffin |
Citation analysis for core journals in educational leadership |
Lisa DeLuca |
Navigating United Nations Data Sources |
Dilani Kanishka Abeyrathne |
Citation analysis of dissertations for collection development |
Aragudige Nagaraja |
Serials use in post graduates’ dissertations of pharmaceutical sciences: collection building by citation analysis |
Abdul Mannan Khan |
A study on collection development and its organizational pattern of university libraries in Uttar Pradesh (India) |
Manpreet Kaur |
Collection development of electronic resources in management libraries of India |
Erin E. Kerby |
Minding the Gap: eBook package purchasing |
Ghalib Khan |
Determinants of academic law libraries’ use, collections, and services among the faculty members: a case study of University of Peshawar |
Nazir Ahmad Bhat |
E-resources: use and search strategies adopted by users of Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture andForestry |
Tony Horava |
Current Trends in Collection Development Practices & Policies |
Kay Ann Cassell |
Report from the Charleston Conference 2015 |
Julia Rachel Tryon |
The Rosarium Project Building a digital collection on the genus Rosa using <oXygen/> and the TEI |
Robert Fox |
Digital libraries: the systems analysis perspective machine erudition |
H. Frank Cervone |
Organizational considerations initiating a big data and analytics implementation |
Donna Harp Ziegenfuss |
Opening up collaboration and partnership possibilities Re-valuing library resources, skill sets, and expertise |
Digital Library Perspectives |
Digital Library Perspectives. The True Cost |
Ana Krahmer |
Digital newspaper preservation through collaboration |
Background |
H. Frank Cervone |
Information doesn’t always want to be free An overview of regulations affecting information security |
Perspectives on informatics in the health sciences for information professionals |
Rebecca Arzola |
Collaboration between the library and Office of Student Disability Services Document accessibility in higher education |
Intro to Koha ILS |
Robert Fox |
Andrea Medina-Smith |
Librarians and scientists partner to address data management Taking collaboration to the next level |
Plato Smith II |
Rediscovering EarthCube: Collaborate. Or collaborate not. There is no I |
Meng-Hsiang Hsu |
Understanding the roles of cultural differences and socio-economic status in social media continuance intention |
Sampsa Hyysalo |
The user as relational entity: Options that deeper insight into user representations opens for human-centered design |
Jinbi Yang |
Sellers versus buyers: differences in user information sharing on social commerce sites |
Minjeong Kang |
The role of personalization, engagement, and trust in online communities |
Katie Jane Taylor |
Adopting Agile software development: the project manager experience |
Pradeep Kumar |
Are online communities on par with experts in the evaluation of new movies? Evidence from the Fandango community |
Yu-Yin Wang |
Encouraging IS developers to learn business skills: an examination of the MARS |
Tiwonge Davis Manda |
Enacting technology: Accounting for the interplay between mHealth solutions and existing paper-based data reporting practices |
Chen-Shu Wang |
How to replicate the cognitive process in computer game-based learning units |
Hong Zhang |
Brand loyalty in enterprise microblogs: Influence of community commitment, IT habit, and participation |
Zhaohua Deng |
The health information seeking and usage behavior intention of Chinese consumers through mobile phones |
Mihail Cocosila |
How important is the “social” in social networking? A perceived value empirical investigation |
Michelle Richey |
Exploring situationally inappropriate social media posts: An impression management perspective |
Mann Hyung Hur |
Empowering the elderly population through ICT-based activities: An empirical study of older adults in Korea |
Hart Okorie |
A model of adoption determinants of ERP within T-O-E framework |
Jong Seok Lee |
The creativity passdown effect: applying design theory in creating instance design |
Ronan de Kervenoael |
Dissidents with an innovation cause? Non-institutionalized actors’ online social knowledge sharing, solution-finding tensions and technology management innovation |
Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini |
Organizational structure and enterprise systems implementation: Theoretical measures and a benchmark for customer teams |
Khorshed Alam |
The digital divide and social inclusion among refugee migrants: A case in regional Australia |
Mengling Yan |
Contributive roles of multilevel organizational learning for the evolution of organizational ambidexterity |
Eunil Park |
Understanding the emergence of wearable devices as next-generation tools for health communication |
Roland K. Yeo |
More than meets the eye: working around technology in cross-boundary work contexts |
Guangming Cao |
Systemic capabilities: the source of IT business value |
Chung-Chi Chen |
A process model for bricolage-based resource co-management for a resourceconstrained government IT project: Lessons learned from Taiwan’s DOC project |
Sungbum Park |
Analysis of influencing factors on the IPTV subscription: Focused on the moderation role of user perceived video quality |
Robert Newbery |
Evaluating the impact of serious games: the effect of gaming on entrepreneurial intent |
Shih-Wei Chou |
Understanding knowledge outcome improvement at the post-adoption stage in a virtual community |
Pattarawan Prasarnphanich |
Towards a better understanding of system analysts’ tacit knowledge: A mixed method approach |
Faisal Aburub |
Impact of ERP systems usage on organizational agility: An empirical investigation in the banking sector |
Jian Mou Donghee |
The role of trust and health belief in the acceptance of online health services |
Li-Chun Huang |
Why do people use microblogs? An empirical study of Plurk |
Vincent Cho |
Sending mobile messages to different social ties in modern urban life: How do anxiety and time-shortage matter? |
Hisham Alhirz |
Do cultural dimensions differentiate ERP acceptance? A study in the context of Saudi Arabia |
Dohyun Ahn |
Observers versus agents: Divergent associations of video versus game use with empathy and social connectedness |
Aihui Chen |
Enhancing perceived enjoyment in social games through social and gaming factors |
Xiabing Zheng |
Building brand loyalty through user engagement in online brand communities in social networking sites |
Karlene Cousins |
Managing work-life boundaries with mobile technologies: An interpretive study of mobile work practices |
David Forbes |
Ontology based intercultural patient practitioner assistive communications from qualitative gap analysis |
Hsin Hsin Chang |
The effects of relationship maintenance and relationship investment on selfservice technology relationship performance |
Shu-Hao Chang |
The mediation of cognitive attitude for online shopping |
Wen-Lung Shiau |
Does altruism matter on online group buying? Perspectives from egotistic and altruistic motivation |
Norberto Patrignani |
Slow tech: bridging computer ethics and business ethics |
Tse-Ping Dong |
Enhancing knowledge sharing intention through the satisfactory context of continual service of knowledge management system
Hee-Woong Kim |
Examining information systems infusion from a user commitment perspective |
Matti Nasi |
Exposure to online hate material and social trust among Finnish youth |
Arthur Tatnall |
Computer education and societal change: History of early courses in computing in universities and schools in Victoria |
Janne Lahtiranta |
Sensemaking in the personal health space |
Katherine Choy |
Crowdsourcing for a better world: On the relation between IT affordances and donor motivations in charitable crowdfunding |
Eveline Hage |
The dual impact of online communication on older adults’ social connectivity |
Nick Letch |
Ecologies of interests in social information systems for social benefit |
Thomas Taro Lennerfors |
ICT and environmental sustainability in a changing society: The view of ecological World Systems Theory |
Meira Levy |
Social networking in an academic conference context: insights from a case study |
Rajiv George Aricat |
Is (the study of) mobile phones old wine in a new bottle? A polemic on communication-based acculturation research |
David Kreps |
Theorising Web 3.0: ICTs in a changing society |
Gunjan Tomer |
Professional identity construction among software engineering students: A study in India |
Jinzhu Song |
Same but different? Mobile technology adoption in China |
Kallaya Jairak |
Information technology governance practices based on sufficiency economy philosophy in the Thai university sector |
Cong Qi |
Relationship or contract? Exploring the key factor leading to IT outsourcing success in China |
Thomas Chesney |
How user personality and social value orientation influence avatar mediated friendship |
Ashley D. Lloyd |
Able but not willing? Exploring divides in digital versus physical payment use in China |
Aurelie Leclercq |
Managing BYOD: how do organizations incorporate user-driven IT innovations? |
Andreea Molnar |
What can people risk attitude tell us about people preference for multimedia quality? |
Huifang Li |
Are all signals equal? Investigating the differential effects of online signals on the sales performance of e-marketplace sellers |
Shin-Yuan Hung |
Knowledge management implementation, business process, and market relationship outcomes: An empirical study |
Suvil Chomchaiya |
Consolidated performance measurement framework for government eprocurement focusing on internal stakeholders |
Ozlem Bak |
An application of the BPCM model in an e-business driven transformation agenda: Assessing resource implications for a European automotive multinational corporation (MNC) |
Nima Herman |
The role of context in the co-evolution of work and tools: a case from the primary health sector in Tanzania |
Mika Immonen |
Evolution of technology perceptions over time |
Netta Iivari |
With best intentions: A Foucauldian examination on children’s genuine participation in ICT design |
Jun Huang |
How do students trust Wikipedia? An examination across genders |
J. K. Vijayakumar |
The role of the document delivery service at an evolving research library in Saudi Arabia |
Xiaoxia Yao |
Cooperative purchase and use: a study of the ProQuest full text database of dissertations and theses (PQDT) |
Tina Baich |
Open access: help or hindrance to resource sharing? |
Mehdi Alipour-Hafezi |
E-lending in digital libraries: a systematic review |
Sema Celikbas |
Library cooperation in Turkey: the results of a survey of ILL librarians in higher education |
Robert A. Seal |
Resource sharing begins at home: opportunities for library partnerships on a university campus |
Saroja Kumar Panda |
Interlending and document delivery in India through INFLIBNET and the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium |
Kurt Munson |
The world is your library, or the state of international interlibrary loan in 2015 |
Joachim Schopfel |
Document supply of grey literature and open access: ten years later |
Jenny Raubenheimer |
An overview of the current state of interlibrary loans in South Africa |
Jacqueline Ann Chelin |
Open Doors: library cross-sector co-operation in Bristol, UK |
Ari Muhonen |
The changing paradigm of document delivery – exploring researchers’ peer to peer practices |
Monique Dikboom |
Tackling Big Deals: the experience of Maastricht University |
Ji Won Lee |
A document delivery service for foreign scholarly journals: the experiences of South Korea |
CJ de Jong |
University of Alberta Libraries Interlibrary Loan Department – Creating new relationships, locally and globally |
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature: No 89 |
Alexander Plemnek |
Sharing resources of Russian libraries: 10 years of consortia services development |
Jonathan Griffin |
“Access to Research”: how UK public libraries are offering access to over 15 million academic articles for free
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature |
Qingkui Xi |
Multi-library union, promoting ILL/DD of the Chinese science digital library |
Johan Stapel |
Interlibrary loan and document supply in The Netherlands |
Jung Sun Oh |
Standing strong in the winds of change: an analysis of a Document Delivery Service in South Korea |
Henrik Haagensen |
The digital article service at the State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark |
Eustache Megnigbeto |
Facing the shortage in Benin: a strategy for information and documentation access at the Universite d’Abomey-Calavi |
John Irwin |
A framework for Interlibrary-loan implementation (in one semester) |
Sharon Ince |
LibGuides CMS eReserves: simplify delivering course reserves through Blackboard |
Stephen G. Marvin |
Resource sharing in Latin America |
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature: 90 |
Raymond Berard |
Academia and document supply: unsustainable contradictions at INIST? |
Gemma Burke |
Share resources through the largest interlibrary loan network |
C. J. de Jong |
CARL Libraries – a Canadian resource-sharing experience |
Robert Hauser |
FIZ AutoDoc – the customer-oriented document delivery service |
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature; 93 |
Bernard Rentier |
Open science: a revolution in sight? |
Gwen Evans |
OhioLINK – recent developments at a United States academic library consortium |
Joachim Schopfel |
Ready for the future? A survey on open access with scientists from the French National Research Center (CNRS) |
Silvana Mangiaracina |
To each his own: how to provide a library user with an article respecting licence agreements |
Mark M. England |
Article delivery using ReadCube Access: a report on use in five US libraries |
Joachim Schopfel |
Open supply? On the future of document supply in the world of open science |
Robert Froud |
Resource sharing in the UK public library system: an update |
Qingkui Xi |
Promoting ILL/DD within the Jiangsu Academic Library & Information System in China by small consortia= |
Peter D. Collins |
User analysis in the Borrow Direct marketplace |
Douglas McGee |
Assessing the Borrow Direct engineering e-book pilot |
Rebecca Daly |
Developing responsive Resource Sharing services at an Australian regional university: University of Wollongong Library |
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature; 94 |
Mike McGrath |
A farewell from the editor to Interlending and Document Supply |
Micquel Little |
Assessing the value of ILL to our users: a comparative study of three US libraries |
Sara Gould |
UK theses and the British Library EThOS service: from supply on demand to repository linking |
Graham Peter Cornish |
Reform of UK copyright law and its benefits for libraries |
Andrew Appleyard |
British Library Document Supply: an information service fit for the future / |
Christopher C. |
Revisiting the cataloging of free Internet resources at the University of Denver |
Helen Sakrihei |
Using automatic storage for ILL – experiences from the National Repository Library in Norway |
Shirley Cousins |
Copac developments and the Copac Collection Management service |
Steven William Glover |
Interlending and document supply in the NHS: a North West case study |
Cathrine Undhjem |
ILL and collection management in Norwegian Public Libraries |
Ludmila Kohoutova |
Interlending and document supply in the Czech Republic |
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature: No 88 |
Ylva Gavel |
Bringing the national interlending system into the local document supply process – a Swedish case study |
Mike McGrath |
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature; 91 |
Ismail Hmeidi |
A lexicon based approach for classifying Arabic multi-labeled text |
Ayano Yoshikuni |
Calculation of account reachability risk for users having multiple SNS accounts from user’s profile and regional information |
Boutheina Gherib |
A method engineering perspective for service-oriented system engineering |
Matthias Elser |
A business-driven framework for automatic information extraction in professional media production |
Samar Mouakket |
Investigating the factors influencing continuance usage intention of Learning management systems by university instructors: The Blackboard system case |
Shuhei Yamamoto |
Twitter user tagging method based on burst time series |
Jianwei Zhang |
Prophetic blogger identification based on buzzword prediction ability |
Takahiro Komamizu |
H-SPOOL: A SPARQL-based ETL framework for OLAP over linked data with dimension hierarchy extraction |
Ioana Barbantan |
Feature Engineered Relation Extraction – Medical Documents Setting |
Dennis Castel |
Design of interactive conjoint analysis Web-based system |
Takuya Sugitani |
A method for detecting local events using the spatiotemporal locality of microblog posts |
Diana Lancheros-Cuesta |
Kamachiy – Mayistru: adaptive module to support teaching to people with learning difficulties |
Tomasz Miksa |
Raising resilience of web service dependent repository systems |
Takahiro Komamizu |
Facet-value extraction scheme from textual contents in XML data |
Savong Bou |
Path-based keyword search over XML streams |
Klaus Ulmschneider |
On maintaining semantic networks: challenges, algorithms, use cases |
Keng Hoon Gan |
Finding target and constraint concepts for XML query construction |
Tuan-Dat Trinh |
Distributed mashups: a collaborative approach to data integration |
Ryo Mashimo |
Implicit communication robots based on automatic scenario generation using web intelligence |
Claudio Lima |
On proposing and evaluating a NoSQL document database logical approach |
Andreas Mladenow |
“Crowd logistics”: the contribution of social crowds in logistics activities |
Devis Bianchini |
The role of developers’ social relationships in improving service selection
Katerina Ksystra |
Formal analysis and verification support for reactive rule-based Web agents |
Maria Consuelo Franky |
A practical experience of implementing a model driven environment in a software development organization |
Abubakar Roko |
Effective keyword query structuring using NER for XML retrieval |
Roslina Othman |
Relevance status value model of Index Islamicus on Islamic History and Civilizations |
Hoang-Minh Nguyen |
GeTFIRST: ontology-based keyword search towards semantic disambiguation |
Masoud Mansoury |
Improving recommender systems’ performance on cold-start users and controversial items by a new similarity model |
Ana Maria |
A semantic integration approach to publish and retrieve ecological data |
Ahmed Abdeen Hamed |
Measuring climate change on Twitter using Google’s algorithm: perception and events |
Angela Carrillo-Ramos |
Generic framework for enriching services: a multiagent approach |
Masoud Nosrati |
Energy efficient and latency optimized media resource allocation |
Valery Gitis |
Web-based GIS technologies for monitoring and analysis of spatio-temporal processes |
Itamir de Morais |
A case study of development of a mobile application from an existing web information system |
Petr Sosnin |
A place and role of an ontology in using a base of experience in designing the software intensive systems |
Camilo Carromeu |
From e-Gov Web SPL to e-Gov Mobile SPL |
Itamir de Morais |
Development of mobile applications from existing Web-based enterprise systems |
Maximiliano Cristia |
Formal and semi-formal verification of a web voting system |
Najd Al-Mouh |
Enhancing web accessibility by implementing context aware proxy |
Rani Qumsiyeh |
Searching web documents using a summarization approach |
Jose Luiz Vilas Boas |
Client-server architecture for pre and post-processing of real problems involving two-dimensional generalized coordinates |
Rui Couto |
The Modelery: a model-based software development repository |
Bundit Manaskasemsak |
Web spam detection using trust and distrust-based ant colony optimization learning |
Sanjay Garg |
A QoS-aware approach for runtime discovery, selection and composition of semantic web services |
Sarath Tomy |
Controlling privacy disclosure of third party applications in online social networks
Amir Hosein Keyhanipour |
Learning to rank with click-through features in a reinforcement learning framework |
Awny Sayed |
CASONTO: An efficient and scalable Arabic semantic search engine based on a domain specific ontology and question answering |
Isto Huvila |
The unbearable lightness of participating? Revisiting the discourses of “participation” in archival literature |
Ole Olesen-Bagneux |
Mnemonics in the Mouseion: Considerations on spatial mnemonics as a tool for classification and retrieval |
Ayse Goker |
Expeditions through image jungles: The commercial use of image libraries in an online environment |
Tanja Mercun |
Presenting bibliographic families: Designing an FRBR-based prototype using information visualization |
Marianne Bamkin |
Grounded theory and ethnography combined: A methodology to study children’s interactions on children’s mobile libraries |
Ciaran B. Trace |
Ethnomethodology: Foundational insights on the nature and meaning of documents in everyday life |
Antti Mikael Rousi |
A typology of music information for studies on information seeking |
Andrew Robson |
The Information Seeking and Communication Model: A study of its practical application in healthcare |
Xiao Hu |
Towards global music digital libraries: A cross-cultural comparison on the mood of Chinese music |
Tim Gorichanaz |
Document phenomenology: a framework for holistic analysis |
Geir Grenersen |
Landscapes as documents: The relationship between traditional Sami terminology and the concepts of document and documentation |
Helen Murphy |
Is there nothing outside the tags?: Towards a poststructuralist analysis of social tagging |
Tibor Koltay |
Data literacy: in search of a name and identity |
J. Tuomas Harviainen |
Information literacies of self-identified sadomasochists: an ethnographic case study |
Christine Urquhart |
Commentary on Abrahamson and Rubin (2012) “Discourse structure differences in lay and professional health communication”, Journal of Documentation, Vol. 68 No. 6, pp. 826-851 |
Jennie A. Abrahamson |
Differences over discourse structure differences: a reply to Urquhart and Urquhart |
Nasrine Olson |
Semantic web, ubiquitous computing, or internet of things? A macro-analysis of scholarly publications |
Anna Hampson Lundh |
To assess and be assessed: Upper secondary school students’ narratives of credibility judgements |
Mega Subramaniam |
As simple as that?: tween credibility assessment in a complex online world |
Reijo Savolainen |
Information seeking and searching strategies as plans and patterns of action: A conceptual analysis |
Angela Pollak |
Information seeking and use in the context of minimalist lifestyles |
Christine Gallagher |
Management of acceptable use of computing facilities in the public library: avoiding a panoptic gaze? |
Annemaree Lloyd |
Stranger in a strange land; enabling information resilience in resettlement landscapes |
Dan Wu |
An empirical study on Chinese adolescents’ web search behavior |
Melanie Landvad Clemmensen |
Order effect in interactive information retrieval evaluation: an empirical study |
Ola Pilerot |
A practice-based exploration of the enactment of information literacy among PhD students in an interdisciplinary research field |
Steven Buchanan |
The information behaviours of disadvantaged and disengaged adolescents |
Helena Kansakoski |
Applying the theory of information worlds within a health care practise in Finland |
Pia Borlund |
A study of the use of simulated work task situations in interactive information retrieval evaluations: A meta-evaluation |
Sonja Spiranec |
Information Literacy in participatory environments: The turn towards a critical literacy perspective |
Marc Forster |
Developing an “experience framework” for an evidence-based information literacy educational intervention |
Michael M. Widdersheim |
Conceptual modelling of the public sphere in public libraries |
Petros A. Kostagiolas |
Music, musicians and information seeking behaviour: A case study on a community concert band |
Peter Stokes |
Profiling information behaviour of nursing students: part 2: derivation of profiles |
Allen C. Benson |
Image descriptions and their relational expressions: a review of the literature and the issues |
Ruben Verborgh |
The fallacy of the multi-API culture: Conceptual and practical benefits of Representational State Transfer (REST) |
Tingting Jiang |
Online information encountering: modeling the process and influencing factors |
Michael John Khoo |
Augmenting Dublin Core digital library metadata with Dewey Decimal Classification |
Jenna Hartel |
Pictorial metaphors for information |
Diane Rasmussen |
“The most passionate cover I’ve seen”: emotional information in fan-created U2 music videos |
Hong Huang |
Domain knowledge and data quality perceptions in genome curation work |
Lynnsey Weissenberger |
Toward a universal, meta-theoretical framework for music information classification and retrieval |
Roy Liff |
Systematic and serendipitous discoveries: a shift in sensemaking |
Scott Hamilton Dewey |
(Non-)use of Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge and Order of Things in LIS journal literature, 1990-2015 |
Jacob Dankasa |
Mapping the everyday life information needs of Catholic clergy: Savolainen’s ELIS model revisited |
Pertti Vakkari |
Patterns of perceived public library outcomes in five countries |
Isto Huvila |
“We’ve got a better situation”: the life and afterlife of virtual communities in Google Lively |
Amy Van Scoy |
Interpretative phenomenological analysis for LIS research |
Natasha Gerolami |
The library assemblage: creative institutions in an information society |
Sawsan Taha H. |
The individual and the collective: Factors affecting knowledge sharing in Saudi Arabian companies |
Reijo Savolainen |
The role of emotions in online information seeking and sharing: A case study of consumer awareness |
J. Tuomas Harviainen |
Seek, share, or withhold: information trading in MMORPGs |
Lisa Borjesson |
Grey literature – grey sources? Nuancing the view on professional documentation: The case of Swedish archaeology |
Nadine Desrochers |
Illusions of a “Bond”: tagging cultural products across online platforms |
Ulrika Kjellman |
To document the undocumentable: Photography in the scientific practice of physical anthropology and race biology |
Tim Gorichanaz |
How the document got its authority |
Peter Stordy |
Taxonomy of literacies |
M? Pilar Alonso Lifante |
A new proposal to improve the description of astronomical resources: The case of historical star catalogues |
Marc Richard Hugh Kosciejew |
Disciplinary documentation in Apartheid South Africa: A conceptual framework of documents, associated practices, and their effects |
Lynn Westbrook |
Guidelines for mandated documents: Law enforcement and intimate partner violence survivors |
Jen Pecoskie |
Beyond traditional publishing models: An examination of the relationships between authors, readers, and publishers |
Reijo Savolainen |
The interplay of affective and cognitive factors in information seeking and use: Comparing Kuhlthau’s and Nahl’s models |
Paul Gooding |
Exploring the information behaviour of users of Welsh Newspapers Online through web log analysis |
Cameron Stewart Barnes |
The construct validity of the h-index |
Petros Kostagiolas |
Linking physicians’ medical practice information needs, resources and barriers to job satisfaction: A moderated mediation model |
Lorraine Dong |
Taking the long view of medical records preservation and archives |
Olle Skold |
Documenting virtual world cultures: Memory-making and documentary practices in the City of Heroes community |
Brendan Luyt |
Debating reliable sources: writing the history of the Vietnam War on Wikipedia |
Anna Reetta Suorsa |
Knowledge creation and play – a phenomenological approach |
Miriam Palacios-Callender |
Evaluating patterns of national and international collaboration in Cuban science using bibliometric tools |
David Bawden |
The once and future editorial |
Annikki Roos |
Using the domain analytical approach in the study of information practices in biomedicine |
Silvio Peroni |
Setting our bibliographic references free: towards open citation data |
Olof Sundin |
Outsourcing trust to the information infrastructure in schools: How search engines order knowledge in education practices |
Tibor Koltay |
Library and information science and the digital humanities: Perceived and real strengths and weaknesses |
Liangzhi Yu |
Towards a comprehensive measurement of the information rich and poor: Based on the conceptualization of individuals as information agents |
Rebecca Lea French |
The information practices of welfare workers: Conceptualising and modelling information bricolage |
Eystein Gullbekk |
Apt information literacy? A case of interdisciplinary scholarly communication |
Iana Atanassova |
On the composition of scientific abstracts |
Reijo Savolainen |
Conceptual growth in integrated models for information behaviour |
Guillaume Boutard |
Co-construction of meaning, creative processes and digital curation: The transmission of music with live electronics |
Lisa Borjesson |
Beyond information policy: Conflicting documentation ideals in extra-academic knowledge making practices |
Anna Mikkonen |
Readers’ interest criteria in fiction book search in library catalogs |
Soohyung Joo |
Factors affecting undergraduates’ selection of online library resources in academic tasks: Usefulness, ease-of-use, resource quality, and individual differences |
Gotz Hatop |
Extraction, analysis and publication of bibliographical references within an institutional repository |
Ina Fourie |
Role of libraries in developing an informed and educated nation |
Younghee Noh |
A study to evaluate the digitization level of Korean libraries (part II) |
Fei Yao |
Smart talking robot Xiaotu: participatory library service based on artificial intelligence |
Jeannet Molopyane |
A framework for workplace information literacy in academic contexts: Central University of Technology, Free State (South Africa) as case study |
Zvjezdana Dukic |
How useful are smartphones for learning? Perceptions and practices of Library and Information Science students from Hong Kong and Japan |
Ruhua Huang |
Information literacy instruction in Chinese universities: MOOCs versus the traditional approach |
Sungin Lee |
Search engine optimization: A case study using the bibliographies of LG Science Land in Korea |
Patrick Lo |
Use of smartphones by art and design students for accessing library services and learning |
Koos de Beer |
Alternate reality games (ARG) as innovative digital information sources |
Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic |
Provision of the European Union information in an acceding country: A survey of the role of public libraries in Croatia |
Gloria Yi-Ming Kao |
A multi-source book review system for reducing information overload and accommodating individual styles |
Michelle Eichelberger |
“How do I send an Email?” : Technology Challenges for First-Year Students in the College Library |
Suoling Zhu |
The use of Geographic Information System in the development and utilization of ancient local chronicles |
Michelle Eichelberger |
Academic technology confidence levels vs ability in first-year traditional and nontraditional undergraduates |
Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha |
An informetrics view of the relationship between internet ethics, computer ethics and cyberethics |
Jessica Lange |
Reducing noise in the academic library: the effectiveness of installing noise meters |
Seulki Do |
A study on the user evaluation for an RDA-based Korean bibliography retrieval system |
Kuo-Lun Hsiao |
How do we inspire children to learn with e-readers? |
Yong Jeong Yi |
The influence of smartphones on academic performance: The development of the technology-to-performance chain model |
The Liquid Galaxy in the Library: A Study of Use and Users of Interactive Digital Display Technology at UNC-CH |
Joseph W. Greene |
Web robot detection in scholarly Open Access institutional repositories |
Jing Chen |
A method for automatic analysis Table of Contents in Chinese books |
Qunyi Wei |
Usability study of the mobile library App: an example from Chongqing University |
Gillian Andrea Nowlan |
Developing and implementing 3D printing services in an academic library |
Doralyn Rossmann |
Social media optimization: making library content shareable and engaging |
IdaMae Louise Craddock |
Makers on the move: a mobile makerspace at a comprehensive public high school |
Lihong Zhou |
Underutilisation of self-service libraries in Chinese cities: The absence of a patron-centric perspective |
Xiao Xie |
The role of memory in document re-finding |
The Application of Social Media in Outreach of Academic Libraries' Resources and Services - A Case Study on WeChat |
Raymond Pun |
Conceptualizing the integration of digital humanities in instructional services: Possibilities to enhance digital literacy in the 21st century |
Jeroen de Boer |
The business case of FryskLab, Europe’s first mobile library FabLab |
Marietjie De Beer |
Legal deposit of electronic books – a review of challenges faced by national libraries |
Heather Michele |
When makerspaces go mobile: case studies of transportable maker locations |
Anika Meyer |
Collaborative information seeking environments benefiting from holistic ergonomics |
Andre Vellino |
Recommending research articles using citation data |
Min Zhang |
Which platform should I choose? Factors influencing consumers’ channel transfer intention from web-based to mobile library service |
Dana Gierdowski |
The MobileMaker: an experiment with a Mobile Makerspace |
Yan Han |
Beyond TIFF and JPEG2000: PDF/A as an OAIS submission information package container |
Chinese Students’ Behavior Intention to Use Mobile Library Apps and Effects of Education Level and Discipline |
Advancing PubMed? A comparison of 3rd-party PubMed |
A survey of WeChat application in Chinese public libraries |
Ebook Design Literature |
Anna Hampson Lundh |
The use of digital talking books by people with print disabilities: a literature review |
Tobias Blanke |
Developing the collection graph |
Linda L. Rath |
Low-barrier-to-entry data tools: creating and sharing humanities data |
Jing Chen |
THC-DAT: a document analysis tool based on topic hierarchy and context information |
Erich Purpur |
Refocusing mobile makerspace outreach efforts internally as professional development |
Kochiu Wu |
Children use second-and third-dimensional digital library interfaces |
Open Government Data |
Eye tracking in Library and Information Science: a literature review |
Laura DeLancey |
Assessing the accuracy of vendor-supplied accessibility documentation |
Ya-Ning Chen |
A RDF-based approach to metadata crosswalk for semantic interoperability at the data element level |
Rongying Zhao |
Investigation and analysis of Informetrics curriculum education in China |
Mathew Miles |
Using web2py Python framework for creating data-driven web applications in the academic library |
The purpose of this study |
Online Library Tutorials in Mexican Universities: Presence and Characteristics |
Catharine Bomhold |
Research and discovery functions in mobile academic libraries: Are university libraries serving mobile researchers? |
Chun-Hua Hsiao |
Investigating factors affecting the acceptance of self-service technology in libraries: The moderating effect of gender |
Parul Zaveri |
Digital disaster management in libraries in India |
Li Si |
An empirical study on the performance evaluation of scientific data sharing platforms in China |
Amanda Roth |
Building a scalable mobile library orientation activity with Edventure Builder |
Michael S. Seadle |
Managing and mining historical research data |
Awadh Alharbi |
User perceptions of ICT at the American University of Kuwait Library |
Michael Groenendyk |
Cataloging the 3D web: the availability of educational 3D models on the internet |
Ina Fourie |
What to make of makerspaces: Tools and DIY only or is there an interconnected information resources space? |
Miquel Termens |
An analysis of file format control in institutional repositories |
Ying-Hung Pu |
The design and implementation of a Mobile Library APP system |
Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic |
European Union information in an acceding country: An investigation of information needs and seeking behavior |
Le Yang |
A complete system for publishing music-related ETDs: Technology development and publishing model |
Magdalena Wojcik |
Internet of Things – potential for libraries |
Younghee Noh |
A study to evaluate the digitization level of Korean libraries (part I) |
David James Johnston |
Ease of use and usefulness as measures of student experience in a multi-platform e-textbook pilot |
Wei Yu |
Constructing linkage between libraries and up-to-date news |
Ko-Chiu Wu |
How curiosity and uncertainty shape children’s information seeking behaviors |
Zoe Chao |
From query analysis to user information needs: a study of campus map searches |
Xianjin Zha |
Comparing flow experience in using digital libraries: Web and mobile context |
Mari Vallez |
A semi-automatic indexing system based on embedded information in HTML documents |
Robin Canuel |
Leveraging apps for research and learning: a survey of Canadian academic libraries |
Yan Han |
Cloud storage for digital preservation: optimal uses of Amazon S3 and Glacier |
Po-Sheng Chiu |
Implementation and evaluation of mobile e-books in a cloud bookcase using the information system success model |
Jonathan Foster |
Towards an understanding of data work in context: Emerging issues of economy, governance, and ethics |
Matt Gallagher |
OpenCon2014 in Washington DC, November 2014. Early Career Researchers and Open Access Advocacy |
Jessica Crossfield McIntosh |
Know the Lingo: how ILEAD Ohio influenced library collaboration and discovery for patrons |
Arif khan |
Library Web sites for people with disability: accessibility evaluation of library websites in Pakistan |
Martin Kesselman |
Current CITE-ings from the popular and trade computing press: telework and telecommuting |
Peter Fernandez |
“Through the looking glass: envisioning new library technologies” social media trends that inform emerging technologies |
Elisha Ondieki Makori |
Koha enterprise resource planning system and its potential impact on information management organizations |
Maitrayee Ghosh |
Transforming our libraries, ourselves: ALA in Las Vegas – a brief outline with focus on international programs |
Donna Ellen Frederick |
On eBooks in academic libraries: an article based on a presentation at the Library 2.014 Conference |
Peter Fernandez |
“Through the looking glass: envisioning new library technologies” mobile libraries, beyond the Web site |
Maitrayee Ghosh |
E-books in the mobile age: advocacy and acceptance in India |
Mayank Yuvaraj |
Li-Fi technology in libraries: an introduction and overview |
Adetoun A. Oyelude |
What’s trending in libraries from the internet cybersphere – digital clutter |
Malathi Letchumanan |
How mathematics postgraduate students use mobile e-book? |
Raymond Pun |
WeChat in the library: promoting a new virtual reference service using a mobile app |
Katie Elson Anderson |
Ask me anything: what is Reddit? |
Martin Kesselman |
On the horizon: international consumer electronics show 2015 |
Greg Rolan |
Broadband, digital literacy and public libraries: the Mill Park story |
Magnus Igbinovia |
Libraries as Vehicle to Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs): Nigerian’s current status and outlook |
Katie Elson Anderson |
Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: Instagram’s instant appeal |
Martin Kesselman |
2016 Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas: Virtual 3D Cameras and More |
Peter Fernandez |
“Through the looking glass: envisioning new library technologies” understanding artificial intelligence |
Imran Khan |
A scientometric analysis of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (2010-2014) |
Donna E. Frederick |
Metadata specialists in transition: from MARC cataloging to linked data and BIBFRAME (data deluge column) |
Kristin M. Woodward |
Students at the center in emerging academic models: embedded information literacy and distance services in the University of Wisconsin System Flex degree |
Tanmay De Sarkar |
Integrating tools to remote access facility for improved online experience |
Maitrayee Ghosh |
ATALM annual conference on Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums |
Mayank Yuvaraj |
Security threats, risks and open source cloud computing security solutions for libraries |
Mayank Yuvaraj |
Cloud libraries |
Katherine Stiwinter |
TMI: using a library staff wiki to manage information and improve communication |
Martin Kesselman |
Conference report of INTED 2015, the International Technology and Education for Development Conference |
Melissa Gasparotto |
Personal Digital Archiving Conference, New York University, April 24-26, 2015 |
Mayank Yuvaraj |
Library automation with cloud based ILMS Librarika: case study of Central University of South Bihar |
Alyson Vaaler |
Using a blog and social media promotion as a collaborative community building marketing tool for library resources |
Aziz Ur Rahman |
Prerequisite and awareness status of Web 2.0 applications in University Libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa |
Martin Kesselman |
Current CITE-ings from the popular and trade computing literature: Google Cardboard – virtual reality for everyone |
Dickens Rodrigues |
Importance of e-Books in Improving Access to Scholarly Materials by University Students in Kenya |
Peter Fernandez |
Through the looking glass: thinking through the internet of things |
Michael Luther |
Comment sifting: pragmatic qualitative analysis of LibQUAL + Comments |
Amanda Izenstark |
Google classroom for librarians: features and opportunities |
Adetoun A. Oyelude |
Open source software for library systems – 1 |
Peter Fernandez |
“Through the looking glass: envisioning new library technologies” how artificial intelligence will impact libraries |
Donna Ellen Frederick |
Libraries, data and the fourth industrial revolution (Data Deluge Column) |
Ramesh Parichi |
Greenstone Digital Library Management System – a functional review based on selected criteria |
Martin Kesselman |
Current CITE-ings from the popular and trade computing literature |
Megan Lotts |
Floating castles, Legos, Candy, and Play: Counterplay 2016 |
Adetoun A. Oyelude |
What’s trending in libraries from the internet cybersphere – bookless libraries – 02 – 2016 |
Kristen Julia Anderson |
Mobile app recommendations: travel apps |
Md. Habibur Rahman |
Modernization of Central library and establishment of an e-resource center at Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU): A case studies |
Peter Fernandez |
“Through the looking glass: envisioning new library technologies” how inexpensive computers can transform information access and literacy |
Katie Elson Anderson |
Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: Tumblin’ through the visual web |