Ўкув ишлари бўйича биринчи проректор
“_____”________________2016 йил
Ушбу ўқув-услубий мажмуа 5350300 - Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари сохасида иктисодиёт ва менежмент, 5350500 - Почта алокаси технологияси, КИФ, ДИФ, ТТФ, ТФ, АКТСКТ таълим йуналишлари учун ишлаб чикилган.
Тузувчилар: катта ўқитувчи В. Х. Газиева
«ЧЕТ ТИЛЛАР» кафедрасининг 30.08.2016 йилдаги йиғилишида
мухокама килинган (1-сонли баённома)
Кафедра мудири В. Х. Газиева
« ЧЕТ ТИЛЛАР » факультетининг 31.08.2016 йилдаги кенгашида тасдикланган (1-сонли баённома)
Факультет кенгаши раиси Ш.Ш.Тураев
1. SILABUS........................................................................................................
MЕTODLARI ...................................................................................
3. AMALIY MASHG’ULOTLAR MATЕRIALLARI ........................................
4. MUSTAQIL TA'LIM MAVZULARI ........................................................
5. GLOSSARIY .................................................................................................
6. ADABIYOTLAR RO'YHATI.............................................................................
2016/2017 O’QUV YILI
Fanning qisqacha tavsifi
OTM nomi va manzili |
Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universitet |
Amir Temur 108, Toshkent |
Fakultet va kafedra |
AKT sohasida Iqtisodiyot va Menejment |
Chet tili |
Ta'lim vo’nalishi |
Barcha yo’nalishlar |
Fanning professor - o'qituvchilari haqida ma’lumot |
Amaliyot: |
e-mail: Телефон: |
gaziyeva@inbox.ru +998712386467 |
Fanning jadvali va auditoriya №. |
142 c |
Fanni o’qitish muddati: |
2016-17 o’quv yili |
Fanga ajratilgan soatlar |
Auditoriya mashg’ulotlari barcha bosqichloar uchun (1/2/3 kurs) yaarim o’qquuv yilliga |
Mustaqil ta’lim: 1 – 2 kurs uchun 28 soat 3 kurs uchun 44
Amaliyot : 1 – 2 kurs uchun 72soat 3 kurs uchun 108 soat 3 kurs uuchun 54 |
Fanning mazmuni
Fanning dolzarbligi va mazmuni
Vazirlar Mahkamasining “Chet tillar bo'yicha ta'limning barcha bosqichlari bitiruvchilarining tayyorgarlik darajasiga qo'yiladigan talablar”ga ko'ra oliy ta'lim muassasalarining ixtisosligi chet tili bo'lmagan fakultetlari bakalavriat bosqichi bitiruvchilari to'rt yillik tahsillari nihoyasida o'rgangan chet tili bo'yicha B2 darajani egallashlari lozim.
Ushbu dastur “Chet tili” fanini ikki bosqichga bo'lingan holda o'qitishni nazarda tutadi:
- umumiy bosqich (umumiy chet tili o'rganiladi).
- kasbga yo'naltirilgan bosqich (chet tili maxsus maqsadlarda o'rgatiladi).
Har bir kurs uchun alohida o'quv soatlari ajratilgan. Kurslar bir-biridan mavzusi, leksik tizimi, o'quv matnlari, nutq faoliyatlari xususiyati va mavqeiga qarab malakalarni rivojlantirish bo'yicha farqlansada, o'quv jarayoni uchun umumiy bo'lgan grammatik mavzular, o'xshash sintaktik hodisalar, nutq ko'nikma va malakalarini egallashda o'zaro uzviy bog’liq va uzluksiz holda o'rgatiladi. Chet tilini o'rgatish ixtisoslik xususiyatlaridan kelib chiqib, “Chet tili maxsus maqsadlar uchun” tamoyillariga va kommunikativ, integrativ kompetentlik yondashuvlariga asoslanadi.
Fanning asosiy vazifalari talabalarga chet tilida erkin mulloqot qilish bilan bir qatorda tehnik termin va atamalarni chet tillida ifodalay olishni va qo’llash ko’nikmalarini hosil qilishdan iboratdir.
Amaliy mashg’ulotlar |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (AKTSIMF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jam i (ATF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (RRTF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (TF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (TTF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Fan bo'yicha maksimal ball, soat |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Minimal o'zlashtirish ball |
55 |
55 |
55 |
55 |
55 |
Mashg’ulot turi |
jami |
haftalar |
1 |
amaliy |
36 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
jami |
36 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
III- IV-semestr
№ |
Mashg’ulot turi |
jami |
haftalar |
1 |
amaliy |
36 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
jami |
36 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
V- VI semester
№ |
Mashg’ulot turi |
jami |
haftalar |
1 |
amaliy |
36 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
jami |
36 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
Ro’yxatga olindi: №___________________ 2016 й. «___» _________ |
“TASDIQLAYMAN” O’quv ishlari bo’yicha prorektor _______ _________________ “___” _________2016 yil |
fanining ishchi o’quv dasturi
Bilim sohasi: 300 000- Ishlab- chiqarish texnik soha
Ta’lim sohasi: 330 000- Kompyuter texnologiyalari va informatika
Ta’ lim yo’nalishlari: 5330500- Kompyuter injinering (“Kompyuter injinering ”,
“АТ- servis”,”Axborot xavfsizligi”, “Multimediya texnologiyalari”);
5330600-Dasturiy injinering
Talim sohasi: 350 000 - Aloqa va axborotlashtirish, telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Talim yo’nalishlari: 5350100- Telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari (Тelekommunikatsiya,Тeleradiouzatish,
Mobil tizimlar);
5350200-Тelevizion texnologiyalari (“ Audiovizual texnologiyalari”,”Теlestudiya tizimlari va dasturlari”);
5350300- Ахборот –kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
sohasida iqtisodiyot va menejment;
5350400- Ахборот –kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari sohasida
kasb ta’limi
5350500- Pochta aloqasi texnologiyalari;
5350600- Аxborotlashtirish va kutubxonashunoslik
Fanning ishchi o’quv dasturi, ishchi o’quv reja ва o’quv dasturiga muvofiq ishlab chiqildi.
Tuzuvchi(lar): M.T. Shaxakimova
Chet tillar kafedrasida muhokama etilgan (2016 yil «__________ » 1 -sonli (bayon) va AKTSIMF fakulteti ilmiy kengashiga tasdiqlash uchun tavsiya etilgan.
Kafedra mudiri V.X. Gaziyeva
AKTSIMF fakulteti ilmiy kengashida tasdiqlangan (2016 yil «……» 1- sonli bayon).
Dekan Sh.To’raev
Kelishildi: O’quv uslubiy boshqarma boshlig’ _____Ergashev A.Q.
1. Kirish
1.1. O'quv fanining maqsadi va vazifalari;
1.2. Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilimiga, ko'nikma va malakasiga qo'yiladigan talablar;
1.3. Fanning o'quv rejasidagi boshqa fanlar bilan o'zaro boqliqligi va uslubiy jihatdan uzviy ketma-ketligi;
1.4. Fanning ishlab chiqarishdagi o'rni;
1.5. Fanni o'qitishda zamonaviy axborot va pedogogik texnologiyalar;
2. Asosiy qism
2.1. 1. Fanning nazariy mashq’ulotlari mazmuni
2.2. Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilim, ko'nikma va malakasiga qo'yiladigan talablar
2. 3. Nutq faoliyati turlariga qo'yiladigan talablar
2. 3.1. Umumta'lim bosqich
2. 3.2. Maxsus bosqich
2.4. Fanni o'qitish soatlari taqsimoti.
2.5. Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilim, ko'nikma va malakasi nazoratiga qo'yiladigan talablar.
2.6. Mustaqil ish mazmuni va shakllari.
3. Informatsion-uslubiy ta'minot:
3.1. Asosiyadabiyotlar
3.2. Elektron adabiyotlar
3.3. Internet saytlar
Mazkur dastur O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2012 yil 10 dekabrdagi “Chet tillarni o'rganish tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari tog'risidagi PQ-1875-sonli, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2013 yil 8 maydagi “Chet tillar bo'yicha ta'limning barcha bosqichlari bitiruvchilarining tayyorgarlik darajasiga qo'yiladigan talablar” to’g’risidagi 124-sonli qarorlari hamda Yevropa Kengashining “Chet tilini egallash umumyevropa kompetensiyalari: o'rganish, o'qitish va baholash” to'g’risidagi umume'tirof etilgan xalqaro me'yorlari (CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference) ga muvofiq qayta ishlab chiqildi.
Vazirlar Mahkamasining “Chet tillar bo'yicha ta'limning barcha bosqichlari bitiruvchilarining tayyorgarlik darajasiga qo'yiladigan talablar”ga ko'ra oliy ta'lim muassasalarining ixtisosligi chet tili bo'lmagan fakultetlari bakalavriat bosqichi bitiruvchilari to'rt yillik tahsillari nihoyasida o'rgangan chet tili bo'yicha B2 darajani egallashlari lozim.
Ushbu dastur “Chet tili” fanini ikki bosqichga bo'lingan holda o'qitishni nazarda tutadi:
- umumiy bosqich (umumiy chet tili o'rganiladi).
- kasbga yo'naltirilgan bosqich (chet tili maxsus maqsadlarda o'rgatiladi).
Har bir kurs uchun alohida o'quv soatlari ajratilgan. Kurslar bir-biridan mavzusi, leksik tizimi, o'quv matnlari, nutq faoliyatlari xususiyati va mavqeiga qarab malakalarni rivojlantirish bo'yicha farqlansada, o'quv jarayoni uchun umumiy bo'lgan grammatik mavzular, o'xshash sintaktik hodisalar, nutq ko'nikma va malakalarini egallashda o'zaro uzviy bog’liq va uzluksiz holda o'rgatiladi. Chet tilini o'rgatish ixtisoslik xususiyatlaridan kelib chiqib, “Chet tili maxsus maqsadlar uchun” tamoyillariga va kommunikativ, integrativ kompetentlik yondashuvlariga asoslanadi.
Kommunikativ faoliyatga yo'naltirilgan yondashuv - ta'limning rivojlantiruvchi, funksional va kommunikativ xususiyatlariga ega bo'lib, ta'lim jarayonida bilish faolligini oshirishga ko'maklashadi. Ta'lim jarayonida mazkur yondashuv talabalarda refleksiya, o'z-o'zini rivojlantirish, namoyon etishga ko'maklashadi; chet tili ta'limini madaniyatlararo muloqot sifatida tashkil etishga; dars jarayonida o'qituvchi talabalarning o'zaro teng xuquqli ishtirokchi sifatida o'zini namoyon etishlarini ta'minlaydi; ta'limning interaktiv shakllarini qo'llash; talabalarda yangi til malakalari, ijtimoiy-madaniy bilimlar, amaliy malakaviy ko'nikmalarni mustaqil egallashni rivojlantirish.
Shaxsga yo'naltirilgan yondashuv - chet tilini o'qitishda nafaqat ilmiy bilimlar berish, balki ta'lim jarayonining ishtirokchilari (talabalar, o'qituvchilar, ota-onalar) munosabatlarining faol shakllariga asoslanish; talaba xarakteri va uning o'zini rivojlantirish usullarini o'rganish; individuallikni shakllantirish uchun talabaga qulay shart-sharoitlar yaratish; madaniyatimizda shakllangan shaxsning psixik rivojlantirish me'yorlari haqidagi tasavvurlarni o'zgartirish (gorizantal emas, balki vertikal, ya'ni talaba rivojlanish dinamikasini uning oldingi holati bilan taqqoslash orqali amalga oshirishni, boshqalar bilan emas, balki uni o'zi bilan taqqoslash).
Integrativ yondashuv - turli fanlardan olingan bilimlar, ko'nikma, malaka va tajribani hisobga olish, tayanish, integratsiya qilish, chet tilida kommunikativ, kasbiy kommunikativ, ijtimoiy kompetentlikni baravar rivojlantirishni nazarda tutadi.
Ta'limda kompetentlik yondashuv - muayyan natijalarga erishish va muhim kompetensiyalarni egallashga qaratiladi. Kompetensiya bo'lajak kasbiy faoliyatga qarab shakllanib boradi. Bunday sharoitda ta'lim jarayoni yangi mazmunga ega bo'ladi, u o'rganish va o'rgatish jarayoniga aylanadi, ya'ni kasbiy va ijtimoiy ahamiyatga ega kompententlikni mustaqil o'qib o'rganish, ijtimoiy-mehnat, madaniy, maishiy hamda madaniy hordiq sohalarda chet tilini qo'llashga erishiladi.
Mazkur ishchi dastur asosida maxsus yo'nalishlar (iqtisodiy, texnik va boshqalar) uchun xorijiy tilni o'qitishda ishchi kalendar rejalari tuziladi va unga mos ravishda soatlar taqsimlanadi.
Mazkur dasturda Axborot texnologiyalari universitetida chet tillarini o'qitishning maqsadi, vazifalari va mazmuni ko'rsatilgan. Chet tilini o'qitishda shaxsga va jonli muloqatga yo'naltirilgan yondashuv asosiy yo'nalishni va uning insonparvarlik xarakterini belgilaydi va boshqa bir qator yondashuvlar bilan birgalikda amalga oshiriladi: Faoliyatli (shaxs bilish faoliyati yordamida rivojlanadi) yoki kommunikativ- kognitiv yondashuv (muloqat va bilish faoliyati asosiy vosita, o'qitish va tarbiya maqsadi sifatida namoyon bo'ladi) lingvo-ijtimoiy-madaniy yondashuv (Xorijiy tilda madaniyatlararo kommunikatsiyani amalga oshiradi).
Malakaviy xorijiy aloqa layoqatini shakllantirishga bir qator didaktik va uslubiy tamoyillar asosida erishiladi. Asosiy didaktik tamoyillarga ilmiylik, hayotiylik, ko'rgazamalilik, nutqiy fikrlash faolligi, muammolilik, yangilik, umumiylik, natijaviylik va boshqalar kiradi. Asosiy uslubiy tamoyillarga ta'limning kommunikativ yo'naltirilganligi, til faoliyati barcha turlarining o'zaro bog’liqlik tamoyili, ona tili va madaniyatidagi til va madaniy tajribalarini hisobga olish tamoyili, dasturlash va nutqni modellashtirish tamoyili, tildagi aniq yo'nalishlarni ajrata olish tamoyillari kiradi.
Mazkur ishchi dasturda xorijiy tillarni o'qitishning mazmuni (nutq mazmuni, bilimi, malaka va ko'nikmalari), Xorijiy tilning har bir bosqichida maqsad va mazmun natijaga mos bo'lishini hisobga olgan holda tayyorgarlik darajasiga qo'yilidagan talablar, nazorat turi va shakllari ko'rsatilgan. Bunda mantiq, o'quv jarayonining uzviyligi va fanlararo o'zaro bog’liqlik hisobga olinadi.
1.1. O'quv faninig maqsadi va vazifalari
Chet tili fanining maqsadi talabalarning ko'p madaniyatli dunyoda kasbiy, ilmiy va maishiy sohalarda faoliyat yuritishlarida kommunikativ kompetensiya (uning tarkibiy qismlari hisoblanuvchi lingvistik, ijtimoiy-lingvistik, pragmatik va boshqa kompetensiyalari)ni shakllantirishdan iborat.
Kompetensiya - kommunikatsiya (muloqot) ishtirokchilari tomonidan ta'limning aniq maqsadlariga qaratilgan nutq faoliyatini rivojlantirishga imkon beradigan bilim, ko'nikma, malaka va shaxsiy fazilatlar yig’indisini ifodalaydi.
Chet tili kommunikativ kompetensiyasi - o'rganilayotgan chet tilida so'zlashuvchilar bilan muloqot qilishni amalga oshirish qobiliyati va tayyorgarligi, shuningdek, talabalarning tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakat madaniyati bilan tanishish, o'z mamlakati madaniyatini yanada yaxshiroq anglash, uni muloqot jarayonida taqdim eta olishini nazarda tutadi. Mazkur o'quv fanini o'rganishning asosiy vazifalariga talabalarda quyidagi kompetensiyalarni rivojlantirish kiradi:
Lingvistik kompetensiya o'rganilayotgan til sohiblari bilan muloqot qilish uchun til materiallari (fonetika, leksika, grammatika)ni yetarli darajada bilish va nutq faoliyati turlari (tinglab-tushunish, gapirish, o'qish va yozuv)da qo'llay bilishni nazarda tutadi.
Ijtimoiy-lingvistik kompetensiya so'zlovchining biron bir nutqiy vaziyat, kommunikativ maqsad va hohish-istagidan kelib chiqqan holda kerakli lingvistik shakl, ifoda usulini tanlash ko'nikma va malakalarni o'z ichiga oladi.
Ijtimoiy-madaniy kompetensiya autentik nutqning milliy xususiyatlarini: o'zi yashayotgan mamlakatning urf-odatlari, qadriyatlari, marosimlari va boshqa milliy-madaniy xususiyatlarini tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakat bilan taqqoslagan holda taqdim eta olish kompetensiyasidir.
Ijtimoiy kompetensiya - ijtimoiy-lingvistik va ijtimoiy -madaniy kompetensiyalarni o'z ichiga oladi. U hozirgi ko'p madaniyatli dunyoda ta'lim oluvchilarda chet tilini o'rganish muhimligi tushunchasi, chet tilida muloqot qilish, o'z ustida mustaqil ishlash va ijtimoiy moslashuv vositasi sifatida foydalanish ehtiyojini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish, fuqarolik, vatanparvarlik fazilatlarini tarbiyalashda, chet tili orqali madaniyatlararo muloqotni amalga oshirish istagi va hohishida namoyon bo'ladi.
Pragmatik kompetensiya quyidagilardan iborat:
Diskursiv kompetensiya (diskurs – og’zaki yoki yozma nutq matni) matnni to'g’ri talqin qilish va tuzish, shuningdek, shunga mos nutqiy muloqot turini tanlash uchun og’zaki va yozma (stilistik hamda tarkibiy qismlarini bilib olishni nazarda tutgan) matnlar tuzish ko'nikma va malakalaridan iborat.
Strategik (kompensator) kompetensiya chet tili muhitida nutqiy hamda ijtimoiy muloqot tajribasidagi kamchilik va nuqsonlarni ayrim verbal/noverbal vositalar yordamida to'ldirish, kommunikativ vaziyatda tushunmovchiliklar paydo bo'lganda takroran so'rash, uzr so'rash va hokazolar orqali murakkab vaziyatlardan uddaburonlik bilan chiqib keta olish qobiliyatini nazarda tutadi.
O'quv - bilish kompetensiyasi ta'lim oluvchining mustaqil bilim olish faoliyatida chet tillar va madaniyatlarni o'rganishning kompetensiyalar yig’indisi bo'lib, zamonaviy ta'lim texnologiyalaridan foydalanish bilan bog’liq bo'lgan mantiqiy, metodologik va umumta'lim vazifalarni o'z ichiga oladi.
Chet tilini o'qitish didaktik, metodik, lingvistik tamoyillarni hamda zamonaviy ta'lim texnologiyalarini qo'llash asosida amalga oshiriladi.
1.2. Fanning o'quv rejasidagi boshqa fanlar bilan o'zaro boqliqligi va uslubiy jihatdan uzviy ketma-ketligi
Chet tili fani ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy fanlar va ixtisoslik fanlari bilan o'zaro bog’liq. Ushbu fan boshqa fanlar bilan integrallashgan holda o'rgatiladi. Xorijiy til predmeti maxsus fanlar va fizika, matematika, raqamli kommutatsiya tizimlari, avtomatik kommutatsiya asoslari, elektr aloqa nazariyasi, menejment va marketing kabi boshqa fanlar bilan uzviy bog’liq.
1.3. Xorijiy til fanining ishlab chiqarishdagi o'rni
Chet tili fani ishlab chiqarish jarayoni bilan bevosita bog’lanmagan. Talabalar mazkur fandan o'rgangan bilimlaridan boshqa ixtisoslik fanlarini o'zlashtirishda (sohaga oid ma'lumotlarni chet tilida izlab topish, tahlil qilish va bilim olish jarayonida, kelgusi kasbiy faoliyatlarida foydalanishlari mumkin. Xorijiy tilni bilish quyidagi hollarda zarur: a) ishlab chiqarishda, shuningdek fanda (konferensiya, simpozium, seminarlarda xorijiy hamkorlar bilan qo'shma korxonalar tuzishda, biznes munozaralari o'tkazishda eksport, importni amalga oshirishda, halqaro loyiqalarni ishlab chiqarish va boshqalarda) xalqaro aloqalar o'rnatish uchun; b) tanlangan faoliyat sohasida kerakli xorijiy til bilimlariga ega bo'lish, o'z ustida ishlash, kasbiy mahoratini oshirish, fan va texnika sohasidagi eng so'nggi yutuqlar haqidagi ma'lumotlarni bilishda qo’l keladi.
1.4. Fanni o'qitishda zamonaviy axborot va pedagogik texnologiyalar
“Chet tili” fanini o'qitishda ta'limning quyidagi ilg’or, zamonaviy texnologiya va metodlaridan foydalaniladi:
· pedagogik mahorat texnologiyasi (YU.N.Kulyutkin, Е.B.Spasskaya);
· bilimdonlar bahsi;
· mavqeingizni egallang - shiorlar asosidagi bahs;
· ta'limning faol uslublari: “Keys-uslubi” (Garvard universiteti biznes maktabi), ishbop o'yinlar.
Ijodiy topshiriqlarni guruh bilan hal qilish uslublaridan:
- delfi uslubi - taklif qilingan echimdan statistik uslub asosida besh kamchilikni aniqlash va ulardan eng yaxshisini tanlab, baholash, kamchiliklar sababini aniqlash;
- qora quti uslubi - masalani tahlil qilish, ijodiy bahs orqali kamchiliklar sababini aniqlash;
- kundaliklar uslubi - guruh a'zolarining yon daftarchalaridagi yozuvlarni tahlili va ularda berilgan taklif-mulohazalarni muhokama qilish, umumiy fikr ishlab chiqish;
- “To'g’ridan-to'g’ri jamoaviy aqliy xujum” (Dj.Donald Fillips) - 20-60 kishilik katta auditoriyada yangi fikrlarni, samaradorlikni oshirish, ish yoki mashq mini-guruhlarda olib boriladi va fikrlar jamoada muhokama qilinadi;
- “Aqliy hujum” - (Е.A.Aleksandrov i G.YA.Bush) - guruh qatnashchilari ijodiy g’oyalarini jamoa g’oyalari bilan qarshi qoyalar yordamida faollashtirish, ularni qo'llashni baholash;
- senektika uslubi (U.Gordon) - muammoni ifodalashga o'rgatish, uning qismlarini aniqlash, muammoni echishdagi o'xshashliklarni topish. Ijodiy yondashuvni o'stirish, oddiy qodisalarning g’ayri-tabiiy tomonlarini topish, ijodiy qobiliyatlarini aniqlash;
- «ARIZ - TRIZ» (G.S.Altshuller va uning maktabi, TRIZ - kashfiyot topshiriqlarni echish hazariyasi yoki algoritmi) - o'rganilayotgan tizim rivojlanishi qonuniyatlariga bo'ysundirilgan mantiqiy operatsiyalar tizimi 40 usuldan iborat: “qo'shilish”, “matryoshka”, “qarama-qarshi”, “zararni foydaga aylantirish” va boshqalar.
- Axborot texnologiyalari: internet, elektron o'qitish dasturlari;
- Interfaol: muammoli, loyihaviy, refleksiv va boshqa innovatsion uslublar.
2.1. Fan mashgulotlari mazmuni:
Tili o'rganilayotgan davlat va O'zbekiston:geografiyasi, iqlimi, iqtisodi, aholisi, shaharlari.
Ta'lim tizimi: Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy dasturi, oliy ta'lim tarkibi, mening universitetim.
Kasb-hunar: mutahassislik,faoliyat sohasi va hamkorlik, mehnatga haq to'lash va ijtimoiy himoya, ishsizlik muammosi.
Fan va texnika: jamiyat rivojlanishida fan va tehnikaning roli, kashfiyotlar, mashhur kishilar, nashrlar, fan tehnikani rivojlantirish fondlari, mahalliy va halqaro konkurslar, Nobel mukofati.
Sport: sport va sog’liq, sport bilan shug’ullanish uchun yaratilgan sharoitlar, musobaqalar, turnirlar, chempionatlar, yozgi va qishki Olimpiada o'yinlari, mashhur sportchilar, O'zbekistonda va tili o'rganilayotgan davlatlardagi ommaviy sport turlari.
Jamiyat , hukumat tarkibi: hukumat, hokimiyat organlari, (qonun chiqaruvchi, ijro etuvchi, sud-huquq organlari)
Davlat siyosati:davlatimizning ichki va tashqi siyosati, tashqi aloqalar, saylov tizimi, siyosiy partiyalar va harakatlar, davlat va nodavlat tashkilotlar va fondlar.
Ommaviy aloqa vositalari: jamiyat rivojlanishida ommaviy aloqa vositalarining roli (gazeta, jurnallar, radio, televidenie, Internet)
Ekologiya: ekologiya muammolari va atrof muhit muhofaza qilish.
Terrorizm: terrorizm va uning asoratlari, terrorizmga qarshi kurash.
San'at: adabiyot, tasviriy san'at, musiqa, arxitektura.
Madaniyat: urf-odatlar, an'analar,bayramlar, ko'ngil ochish, yozuvchilar, shoirlar, musiqachilar, raqqoslar, rassomlar, akterlar.
Transport tizimi: shahar transport turlari, yo'l-harakat qoidalari, aholiga transport hizmati ko'rsatishdagi muammolar.
Maishiy hizmat ko'rsatish: himchistka, kir yuvish, , go'zallik saloni, modalar atelesi, sauna, maishiy tovarlarni ta'mirlash ustahonasi, fotografiya.
Tibbiy hizmat:tibbiy ko'rik, tez yordam, birinchi yordam ko'rsatish qoidalari, statsionar davolash, tibbiy sug’urta.
Halqaro tashkilotlar: YUNЕSKO, SHOS, Еvrouyushma, Halqaro bank, Interpol, OON.
Ishbilarmonlik va tadbirkorlik: Ishbilarmonlik va tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirish, ishbilarmonlikdagi raqobat , savdo xizmatlari va tijorat.
Moliya tizimi: bank, hisob-kitob, kredit, sug’urtalash, pul birliklari, valyuta almashtirish.
Sayohat: samolet, poezd, mashineda sayohat qilish, obslujivanie na transportda hizmat ko'rsatish,bilet buyurtirish, boj deklaratsiyasi.
2.2. Fan bo’yicha talabalarning bilimiga, konikma va malakasiga qo’yiladigan talablar
Til malakalari
Til materiallarini (leksik va grammatik) o'rgatish nutq malakalarini shakllantirish vositasi hisoblanadi, va u tinglab-tushunish, gapirish, o'qish, yozish va tarjimaning muhim qismi sifatida qaraladi.
Fonetika sohasida talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak :
-gapni sintegmatik qismlarga ajratish asnosida pauza normasiga rioya qilish, gap turlariga ko'ra to'g’ri intonatsiyani qo'llash;
-so'zni transkriptsiya qila olish va to'g’ri aksent (urg’u) berish .
Nutqning grammatik sohasi tomonidan talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak :
-gap bo'laklari va o'z turkumlari orasidagi farqni aniq bilish;
-o'rganilayotgan tildagi asosiy gap turlari qurilishini bilish;
-rad etish vositalarin qo'llashni o'rganish (shu bilan birga ta'kidni ifodalovchi vositalarni ham);
- aktiv minimumdagi zamonlar shaklini ifodalovchi vositalarni, modallikni, shuningdek o'rganilayotgan tildagi fazoviy va vaqtli munosabatlarni bilish;
-og’zaki va yozma shakldagi aloqa turlarida gapdagi so'z tartibi mehanizmini va matnlar turlarini bilish;
-biror narsani mo'ljallash, baholash, munosabatini bildirishga hizmat qiluvchi asosiy til formalari va nutq formulalarini bilish.
Leksik soha tomonidan talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
-1100 birlik hajmidagi aktiv leksikani; 2300 birlik hajmidagi reseptiv leksikani va 600birlik hajmidagi professional leksikani;
- o'z sohasiga ayniqsa atamalar sohasiga tegishli bo'lgan so'z yasovchi morfemalar va modellarni bilish;
- yangi nutqiy asarlardagi notanish yasama va murakkab so'zlarning ma'nosiga mustaqil ravishda tushuna olish ;
- sohaga oid adabiyotlar bilan ishlay olish, buning uchun sohaga oid adabiyotlarga xos bo'lgan, ko'p uchrab turadigan frazeologizmlar, qisqartmalar va belgilar bilish.1. Tinglab tushunish bo'yicha:
Kasbga yunaltirilgan matnni tinglash va uni tushunganligini aniqlash maqsadida testlar echish.
2. Gapirish bo'yicha:
Kasbga yo'naltirilgan mavzu bo'yicha batafsil, sinchiklab, argumentlar bilan boyitgan holda o'z fikrini bayon etish.
3. O'qish bo'yicha:
Kasbiy yo'nalishdagi matnni o'qib, tushunganligi asosida test topshiriqlarini echish. O'qigan matn mazmunini aniq va to'liq tushunganligini tekshirishni yozma tarjima bilan amalga oshirish mumkin. Bunda lug’atdan foydalanishga ruhsat beriladi.
4. Yozuv buyicha:
Sohaning dolzarb muammolariga bag’ishlangan esse yozish.
Umumta'lim bosqich
Bu bosqichning vazifalari:
- talabalarning maktab kollej va litseylarda Xorijiy tilda olgan bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarini keng til materillarida to'g’irlash va tartibga keltirish;
-tanlangan soha bo'yicha til ko'nikmalarini va nutq faoliyati turlari malakalarini mukammallashtirish yo'li bilan talabalarni kasbga yo'naltirilgan muloqatga tayyorlash.
Talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
- kundalik muloqatdagi keng tarqalgan holatlarda haqiqiy til vakili nutqining asosiy mazmunini tushuna olishi ;
-turli janrlardagi funktsional (e'lonlar, ko'rsatmalar va boshqalar) va voqeaviy-mavzuli (belgilangan mavzu asosida) audio-video matnlardagi ma'lumotdan kerakli ma'lumotni tanlay olishi.
Eshittirish davomiyligi 3-4 minut.Nutq tezligi minutiga 120-140 so'z.
Dialogik nutq
Talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
-suhbatni boshlash va tugatish;
-o'z sherigiga biror narsani maslahat berish yoki taklif qilish;
- savollarga javob berish;
-ma'lumot so'rash va ma'lumot almashish;
- muhokama qilinayotgan dalilni aniqlashtirish yoki baholash uchun birorta odamni taklif etish;
-o'qilgan va eshitilgan narsani muhokama etish.
Gapirish hajmi: har bir suhbatdosh uchun 7-8 luqma.
Monologik nutq
Talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
-gapning turli strukturalarini qo'llagan holda o'quv vaziyati, mavzusi, o'qilgan kitob yoki gazeta, ko'rilgan teleeshittirish/kino/rasmga taalluqli bo'lgan ma'lumotni yoki tarifni bera olish;
-ma'lumot yoki e'lon berish;
-tayyorlangan ma'lumot bilan chiqish.
Chiqish hajmi: 16-18 ibora.
Talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
-o'rtacha qiyinlikdagi ijtimoiy-siyosiy, ilmiy-ommabop va badiiy adabiyotlarning asosiy mazmunini tushunib o'qish;
-ijtimoiy-siyosiy, ilmiy-ommabop harakterda o'qilgan matnlardagi kerakli ma'lumotni izohlash;
- maxsus adabiyotlar bilan ishlay olish.
Yozma nutq
Talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
-sohaga oid matnga annotatsiya yozish;
-o'qilgan yoki tinglangan matnning qisqacha mazmunini aytib berish;
-anketa to'ldirish;
-berilgan vazifani bajarishda aktiv minimumga kiruvchi so'z va so'z iboralarini to'g’ri yoza olish;
-e'lon yozish;
-ma'lumotning kalit so'zlarini yozib olish;
-blank va anketani to'ldirish;
-kalit so'zlarni gapda qo'llash;
-o'qilgan yoki tinglangan matnni yozma shaklda ifodalash;
-berilgan mavzuga ma'lumot yozish ;
-hususiy hatni yozish va hususiy hatga javob yozish;
- elektron shaklda ma'lumot yozish;
- tarjimai hol va rezyume yozish.
Talabalar quyidagilarni bilishi kerak:
- maxsus matnni chet tilidan ona tiliga va aksincha tarjima qilish usullari;
-tarjima birliklari;
-tarjimadagi o'zgartirishlar;
-o'rganilayotgan tildagi ko'p ma'nolilik hususiyatlarini ;
-sohaga oid atamalar hususiyatlarini ;
-frazeologizmlarni tarjima qilish yo'llari ;
-tarjima tamoyillari;
-tarjimaning asliga to'g’riligi va muqobilligi;
-tarjimaning pragmatik hususiyati;
-ikki tildagi to'g’ri leksik va grammatik muqobillarni topish ;
-bir hil fikrni turli til vositalari yordamida ifodalash;
- maxsus atamali axborotnomalar va lug’atlardan foydalanish.
Maxsus bosqich
maxsus bosqich vazifalari
-nutq faoliyati turlari bo'yicha kasbiy faoliyat sohasida xorijiy tilni amalda qo'llashni rivojlantirish;
-talaba shaxsining ijodiyligin rivojlantirish;
-sohaga oid adabiyotlarni tarjima qilish ko'nikma va malakalarini shakllantirish.
Kurs davlat attestatsiyasi bilan tugaydi.
Qo'yilgan maqsadlarga erishish uchun har bir darsda nutq faoliyati turlari quyidagi nisbatda bo'lishi maqsadga muvofiq:
tinglab tushunish - 25% ;
gapirish - 25%;
o'qish - 30%;
yozuv - 20% .
2.3.1. Umumiy bosqich
Nutq kompetensiyasi
Bosqichning asosiy maqsadi:
· uzluksiz ta'lim tizimining avvalgi bosqichlari (akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari)da talabalar horijiy tilda egallagan malaka va ko'nikmalarini korreksiya qilish va tenglashtirish;
· talabalarni nutq faoliyati turlari bo'yicha kasbiy muloqotga tayyorlashdan iborat;
Tinglab tushunish:
· ma'ruza, taqdimot va munozaralar, radio va televidenie eshittirishlari, yangiliklar, intervyular, hujjatli film va shu kabi oqzaki matnlar.
· reklama va e'lonlar;
· til soqiblari nutq yozuvlari (badiiy, hujjatli filmlar, ommaviy chiqish va hokazo);
· til sohiblarining ijtimoiy mavzulardagi o'zaro suhbati;
· tinglangan axborotning asosiy maqsadi, to'liq mazmunini tinglab tushunish malaka va ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish.
Dialog nutq
· ijtimoiy mavzularda suqbat va norasmiy dialog;
· kasbiy yoki boshqa mavzularda rasmiy va norasmiy munozaralar;
· munozarani boshqarish, intervyu, muzokaralar va telefon orqali muloqot olib borish.
Monolog nutq
· ixtisoslikka oid mavzularda ma'ruza tayyorlash va o'qish;
· munozara, dalil va isbotlarni olg’a surish, fikrni asoslab berish;
· reklama va maxsus mavzularda taqdimot tayyorlash qamda chiqish qilish;
· ma'lumotlarni umumlashtirish, maqolalar yozish, muqokama qilish.
· tanishuv o'qish, ko'z yugurtirib o'qish va sinchiklab o'qish ko'nikma va malakalarini rivojlantirish;
· xat-xabar, yozishmalar va elektron pochtani o'qish;
· maxsus materiallarni o'zida aks ettirgan autentik matnlarni o'qish;
· maxsus so'z va terminlarga ega matnlarni, ilmiy va kasbga oid adabiyotlarni, elektron manbalar va matbuot materiallarini o'qish.
Yozma nutq
· turli yozishmalar, xat-xabarlar va maxsus dokladlar (eslatma CVs va hokazo) yozish;
· esse, bayon, rezyume, tadqiqot ishi (maqolalar, bitiruv malakaviy ishlar) yozish.
2.3.2. Maxsus (kasbga yo'naltirilgan) bosqich
Kasbga yo'naltirilgan bosqichning asosiy maqsadi:
· nutq turlari bo'yicha kasbiy sohada chet tilini amaliy egallash;
· talabani ijodiy shaxs sifatida rivojlantirish;
· soha bo'yicha adabiyotlarni tarjima qilish malaka va ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish;
Tinglab tushunish:
· kasbga yo'naltirilgan autentik materiallarni bir marta eshitib asosiy mazmunini tushunish va zarur axborotni olish;
· kundalik voqealar haqida yangiliklar, reportajlarni tushunish, film qahramonlari nutqini tushunish.
Dialogik nutq
· til sohiblari bilan erkin muloqotda bo'lish va kasbiy mavzularda o'z fikr va mulohazalarini isbotlab berish;
· suhbatni boshlash va tugatishni bilish, suhbatdoshiga taklif va maslahat berish, savollariga javob berish, axborot almashish, muhokama qilinayotgan dalillarni aniqlashtirish, o'qigan yoki eshitganlarini muhokama qilish;
· matnning asosiy mazmunini uni ifodalovchi leksik va sintaktik qurilmalarga asoslanib gapirib berish;
· assotsiativ tafakkurga asoslanib mulohaza, tanqid, baholash dalillar bilan isbotlash orqali o'z nutqini tuzish;
· ritorik xarakterga ega dialog nutq malakalarini takomillashtirish;
· kasbiy muloqotlar, konferensiya, simpozium, uchrashuv va munozaralarda qatnashish uchun nutq faoliyati, ko'nikma va malakalarini takomillashtirish.
Monologik nutq:
· dolzarb muammo yuzasidan barcha “tarafdor” va “qarshi” dalillarni keltirgan holda o'z fikrini bayon qilish;
· tinglagan va o'qigan matn mazmunini gapirish;
· mazmunga baho berish;
· o'rganilgan mavzular bo'yicha axborot berish
· o'qigan matnni tahlil qilish va sharqlash;
· o'qigan yoki tinglagan matnni qisqacha mazmunini bayon etish;
· o'rganilgan mavzuda chiqish qilish;
· ijtimoiy -siyosiy matnlarni o'qib sharhlab berish.
Tanishuv o'qish
· matnni lug’atsiz, berilgan savol yoki umumiy mazmunini tushunish maqsadida o'qish;
· matn: 10 % gacha notanish so'z bo'lgan ilmiy-ommabop, ijtimoiy-siyosiy, mahsus badiiy matnlar;
· matn mazmunini chet tilida yoki ona tilida so'zlab berish, paragraflarni nomlash, test topshirish.
Sinchiklab (o'rganib) o'qish
· matnni asosiy axborotni ajratib olgan holda mazmunini to'liq va aniq tushunib o'qish.
O'qish tezligi, hajmi:
Lug’atdan foydalanib 1600 bosma belgili matnni 1,0 akademik soatda o'qish.
matn: maxsus, ilmiy ommabop 12% gacha notanish so'zga ega bo'ladi.
Ko'z yugurtirib o'qish:
· matn mazmuni xususiyatlarini aniqlash;
· zarur axborotni matndan topish;
· so'z (matn) ma'no mazmunini kontekst asosida fahmlab olish;
· matndagi birlamchi (asosiy) ikkinchi darajali ahborotni ajratish;
· matn kalit so'zlarini ajrata olish;
· matn qismlariga sarlavha qo'yish.
Yozma nutq
Yozma nutq bo'yicha:
· kasbga yo'naltirilgan bosqichda shakllangan malakalarni takomillashtirish;
· referat, annotatsiya yozish texnikasini takomillashtirish;
· xujjatlarni rasmiylashtirishni bilish (tuzilishi, uslubi, hujjat tili) va u asosida hujjatlarni namunaga qarab, sxemaga ko'ra, klishe va frazalarni qo'llab, axborotni hisobga olib, ish yuritish vaziyatlari talablariga mos ravishda rasmiylashtirish;
· berilgan mavzuda bayon, esse, rezyume tuzish,sohaga oid adabiyotlar bo'yicha referat yozish.
Lingvistik kompetensiya
Leksik kompetensiya chet tilida keng qo'llaniladigan receptiv va reproduktiv aktiv, passiv, potencial so'z boyligini oshirishga qaratilgan bo'lib, uning tarkibiga turg’un so'z birikmalari, nutq namunalari, klishe va kasbiy terminlar kiradi. Mazkur leksik minimum tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakat madaniyatini ifodalaydi.
Ihtisoslik bo'yicha leksik minimum metodik principlar - ko'p ma'nolilik, tematik, so'z yasash hususiyatlarini hisobga olish tamoyillariga ko'ra kasbga yo'naltirilgan chet tili ta'limi asosida tanlab olinadi. Sanab o'tilgan tamoyillarga ko'ra leksik minmum 2 turdan iborat:
a) umumta'limiy;
b) kasbiy leksika
Quyidagi jadvalda taklif etilayotgan leksik minimum kurslar bo'yicha taqsimlab berilgan:
Kurs |
Umumta'limiy |
Minimum |
Kasbiy leksika |
Jami |
Aktiv* |
Passiv** |
Aktiv |
1 |
350 |
700 |
100 |
800 |
2 |
350 |
500 |
150 |
800 |
3 |
150 |
500 |
200 |
700 |
4 |
150 |
500 |
200 |
700 |
Jami |
1000 |
2200 |
650 |
3000 |
* Minimumda oldingi bosqichda o'rganilgan leksika soni ko'rsatilmagan. |
*Passiv leksikaga aktiv leksika ham kiradi.
Grammatik kompetensiya
Aktiv grammatik minimum
· darak, so'roq, inkor sodda gaplarning qo'llanilishi;
· buyruq maylidagi inkor gaplar, ko'shma to'ldiruvchining qo'llanilishi;
· shart maylining qo'llanilishi;
· and, but bog’lovchili qo'shma gaplarni qo'llanilishi;
· if, that because, when, before, as soon as, till, until, after bog’lovchili ergashgan qo'shma gaplarni qo'llanilishi.
Passiv grammatik minimum
· gerundiy, sifatdosh, ravishdoshli qurilmalarning ishlatilishi.
Umumta'lim va kasbga yo'naltirilgan bosqichlarda sociolingvistik (ijtimoiy-madaniy, ijtimoiy) va pragmatik (diskursiv, strategik, o'quv-anglash) kompetensiyalarni egallash nazarda tutiladi.
Sotsiolingvistik kompetensiya:
· til materiallarini kasbiy nutq uchun har bosqich talablaridan va vaziyatdan kelib chiqqan holda tanlash va foydalana olish.
Ijtimoiy - madaniy kompetensiya:
· kasbga oid muqobilsiz leksikani (so'rovnomalardan foydalangan holda) bilish va tushunish, asbob-uskuna va jihozlar nomlarini anglatuvchi leksikani bilish;
· nutq kommunikativ tartib va qoidalariga rioya qilgan holda kasbiy muloqot yurita olish.
Ijtimoiy kompetensiya:
o'z kasbiy mahoratini, malakasini oshirish, kasbdoshlar va kollektiv bilan ishlash, ularga nisbatan tolerantlik tuyg’ulariga ega bo'lish, boshqalar tili va madaniyatini xurmat qilish, hamkorlar bilan ishonchli aloqada bo'lish.
Diskursiv kompetensiya
turli janrda mutahassislik bo'yicha autentik diskurslar - kitob, maqola, hujjat, qonun- qoidalardan ta'limning ushbu bosqichiga asoslangan holda kasbiy kommunikativ vaziyatlar doirasiga mos hususiyatlarini ajrata olish.
Strategik kompetensiya:
nutqni mantiqan to'g’ri ketma-ketlikda hamda ishonarli qilib vazifalarni to'g’ri qo'ygan holda tuzish, ta'limning ushbu bosqichiga hos nutq mazmuniga asoslangan holda kasbiy-kommunikativ vaziyatlarga mos tushadigan maqsadlarga erishish.
O'quv-bilish kompetensiyasi:
darsda, uyda, kutubhonada mustaqil ishlay olish, turli ma'lumot va ahborotni autentik-ihtisoslashgan manbalardan olish uchun zamonaviy ta'lim tehnologiyalarini qo'llay olish bilan kasbiy faoliyatni tashkil qilish.
Amaliy mashg’ulotlar |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (AKTSIMF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (ATF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (RRTF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (TF) |
36 |
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36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Amaliy mashg’ulot jami (TTF) |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
54 |
54 |
Fan bo'yicha maksimal ball, soat |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Minimal o'zlashtirish ball |
55 |
55 |
55 |
55 |
55 |
55 |
Mashg’ulot turi |
jami |
haftalar |
1 |
amaliy |
36 |
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2 |
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III- IV-semestr
№ |
Mashg’ulot turi |
jami |
haftalar |
1 |
amaliy |
36 |
1 |
2 |
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V- VI semestr
№ |
Mashg’ulot turi |
jami |
haftalar |
1 |
amaliy |
36 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
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jami |
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2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
AKTsIMF “A”guruhlari 1-2-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Verb forms (revision), Adjectives and adverbs, Comparisions as…as, not so/as….as. Phrasal verbs, Modal verbs, Gerund or infinitive, Present Perfect and Present perfect Continious, Narrative tenses, Relative clause pronouns, Reported verbs, Articles, Modal verbs expressing advice, to be supposed to, Conditional sentences 1, 2, Conditional sentences 3, 4, Mixed conditionals;Mind maps, Describing process, Giving references, e-mail, comment, Writing strategies, Diary writing, Survey report, Anecdote, Transactional letters, Cover letter, Memo /business report, News reports, Paragraph writing, Argumentative writing, Creative writing, Persuasive writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day.Ubiquity of English, Information and security, Studying with multiple sources, On-line etiquette, Learning strategies, Effective study habits, Succeeding in LLL, Social responsibility, Service management, Human resource management , Finance management, Risk management, Career responsibility, Professional development, Latest achievements, World awards.Uzbekistan. Our university. Shopping.Teachers’ Day.Sport and leisure activities. My favorite writer. My favorite singer. Constitution Day. The role of Art. Tashkent. My future profession. Holidays of Uzbekistan, GB and the USA. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Working Language , Speeding of information , Benefits of using multiple sources Ten rules of Netiquette , Effectiveness of learning strategies , Forget what you know about good study habits , Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980- 1037) , Good Uzbek deeds , Development of service management , A letter written by HR manager to his son , Correct financial management , Risk taking and managing , Career responsibility is one of the leading stages to promotion , The main factors of personal development , Inventions that changed the world , “The Golden Pen” award va sohaga oid matnlar. |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
English in Tashkent , Intellectual Property, Interview: Data collection Real life behaviour and on-line behavior, Types of strategies, TV interview with a psychologist, How to succeed in continuing learning, The song “Man in the Mirror”, Iinterview with a successful businessman, Staff management, Tips for managing money, Interview with student organization leaders, A job interview, Professional development opportunities, Recent inventions, Anvar’s award. va boshqa audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AKTsIMF “B”guruhlari 1-2-семестр
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Verb forms (revision), Adjectives and adverbs, Comparisions as…as, not so/as….as. Phrasal verbs, Modal verbs, Gerund or infinitive, Present Perfect and Present perfect Continious, Narrative tenses, Relative clause pronouns, Reported verbs, Articles, Modal verbs expressing advice, to be supposed to, Conditional sentences 1, 2, Conditional sentences 3, 4, Mixed conditionals;Mind maps, Describing process, Giving references, e-mail, comment, Writing strategies, Diary writing, Survey report, Anecdote, Transactional letters, Cover letter, Memo /business report, News reports, Paragraph writing, Argumentative writing, Creative writing, Persuasive writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day.Ubiquity of English, Information and security, Studying with multiple sources, On-line etiquette, Learning strategies, Effective study habits, Succeeding in LLL, Social responsibility, Service management, Human resource management , Finance management, Risk management, Career responsibility, Professional development, Latest achievements, World awards. Uzbekistan. Our university. Shopping.Teachers’ Day.Sport and leisure activities. My favorite writer. My favorite singer. Constitution Day. The role of Art. Tashkent. My future profession. Holidays of Uzbekistan, GB and the USA. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Working Language , Speeding of information , Benefits of using multiple sources Ten rules of Netiquette , Effectiveness of learning strategies , Forget what you know about good study habits , Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980- 1037) , Good Uzbek deeds , Development of service management , A letter written by HR manager to his son , Correct financial management , Risk taking and managing , Career responsibility is one of the leading stages to promotion , The main factors of personal development , Inventions that changed the world , “The Golden Pen” award va sohaga oid matnlar. Sohaga oid matnlar. |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
English in Tashkent , Intellectual Property, Interview: Data collection Real life behaviour and on-line behavior, Types of strategies, TV interview with a psychologist, How to succeed in continuing learning, The song “Man in the Mirror”, Iinterview with a successful businessman, Staff management, Tips for managing money, Interview with student organization leaders, A job interview, Professional development opportunities, Recent inventions, Anvar’s award. va boshqa audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AKTsIMF “C”guruhlari 1-2-семестр
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Ot, Sifat, Fe'l, Ravish, Son va Olmosh so'z turkumlari. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Perfect, qo'llanilishi; -artikllarning qo'llanilishi: aniq, noaniq va artiklsiz; -modal fe'llarning qo'llanilishi (may, can, to be able to, must, need, to have to, should,); -Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, da majhul nisbatning qo'llanilishi; -and, but bog’lovchili bog’langan qo'shma gaplar ; -if, that, because, when, before, as soon as, till, until, after bog’lovchilari yordamida bog’langan ergashgan qo'shma gaplar. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day. About myself. My flat. Our university. Teachers' Day. Sport in our life. My favorite writer. My favorite singer. Constitution Day. Tashkent. My future profession, |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar, dialoglar va monologlar. |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AKTsIMF “A”guruhlari 3-4-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Linking words/phrases, Passives, Need + to / Need + ing, done ... ... had better ... ... need...., Future Perfect Continious, Gradable and Non-gradable adjectives, Participles, Transitions, Phrasal verb (make), Mixed conditionals, Reported passives, Reported questions, Opinion essay, Cause and Effect essay, Providing solutions to a problem essay, Proposal writing, Article writing, Reporting experience, Thesis statement, Survey report, Laboratory report writing, Compare and Contrast, Summary writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day.Problem cause, Unintended consequences, Solutions, Motivation and inspiration, Field of interest, Conference participation, Investigating Skills, Research issues, Social research, Practical and laboratory work , Analyze and report, Top research results. Uzbekistan. Traditions and customs. Health service. Travelling. International Cooperation of Uzbekistan, our university in the sphere of IT. IT development. Famous people and inventions. Sport in Uzbekistan and GB. Mass media. Ecological problems. The economic system of Uzbekistan. Traveling. Using public transport. Relationships. Constitution Day. Leadership and Management. Health service. Ecological problems. Traditions and customs. |
40 |
o'qish |
Scientists’ opinion. The Hole in the Ozone Layer. Basic steps of problem solution. Are you enough motivated? Interests and Hobbies. Don’t miss an opportunity. Poem: “I keep six honest…” by Rudyard Kipling Thomas Edison. Nanina’s research in Uzbekistan. Environmental problems. A Conception of Practical and Laboratory work. Robot Progress va sohaga oid matnlar. |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
How to reveal root causes of problems? Human interference. Song: Hero by Mariah Carey. Radio programme: Motivation and its types. How to define your field of interest. Conversation: Conference preparation. Farobi, Beruniy and Mirzo Ulugbek. Conversation: Undertaking a research. Interview: Clear vision of some social researches. Practicum: Why is considered to be a practical and laboratory work? Conversation: Analyzing some social issues. Radio programme “Best know-hows” va audio-video matnlar . |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AKTsIMF “B”guruhlari 3-4-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Linking words/phrases, Passives, Need + to / Need + ing, done ... ... had better ... ... need...., Future Perfect Continious, Gradable and Non-gradable adjectives, Participles, Transitions, Phrasal verb (make), Mixed conditionals, Reported passives, Reported questions, Opinion essay, Cause and Effect essay, Providing solutions to a problem essay, Proposal writing, Article writing, Reporting experience, Thesis statement, Survey report, Laboratory report writing, Compare and Contrast, Summary writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day. Problem cause, Unintended consequences, Solutions, Motivation and inspiration, Field of interest, Conference participation, Investigating Skills, Research issues, Social research, Practical and laboratory work , Analyze and report, Top research results. Uzbekistan. Traditions and customs. Health service. Travelling. International Cooperation of Uzbekistan, our university in the sphere of IT. IT development. Famous people and inventions. Sport in Uzbekistan and GB.Mass media. Ecological problems. Uzbekistan. Our university. Teachers' Day. Means of transport. Constitution Day. Leadership and Management. Women's Day. Navruz. Health service. Ecological problems. Holidays and celebrations. |
40 |
o'qish, |
Scientists’ opinion. The Hole in the Ozone Layer. Basic steps of problem solution. Are you enough motivated? Interests and Hobbies. Don’t miss an opportunity. Poem: “I keep six honest…” by Rudyard Kipling Thomas Edison. Nanina’s research in Uzbekistan. Environmental problems. A Conception of Practical and Laboratory work. Robot Progress va sohaga oid matnlar. |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
How to reveal root causes of problems? Human interference. Song: Hero by Mariah Carey. Radio programme: Motivation and its types. How to define your field of interest. Conversation: Conference preparation. Farobi, Beruniy and Mirzo Ulugbek. Conversation: Undertaking a research. Interview: Clear vision of some social researches. Practicum: Why is considered to be a practical and laboratory work? Conversation: Analyzing some social issues. Radio programme “Best know-hows” va audio-video matnlar . |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AKTSIMF “C”guruhlari 3-4-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, qo'llanilishi; -artikllarning qo'llanilishi: aniq, noaniq va artiklsiz; -modal fe'llarning qo'llanilishi (may, can, to be able to, must, to be to, need, to have to, should, ought, shall); -fe'lning shaxssiz shakllarining qo'llanilishi (Infinitive; Gerund); -Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuousda majhul nisbatning qo'llanilishi; -and, but bog’lovchili bog’langan qo'shma gaplar ; -if, that, because, when, before, as soon as, till, until, after bog’lovchilari yordamida bog’langan ergashgan qo'shma gaplar. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day. Uzbekistan. Our university. Teachers' Day. Traveling. Constitution Day. Leadership and Management. Women's Day. Holidays of Uzbekistan, GB and the USA. Health service. Ecological problems. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AKTSIMF “A”guruhlari 5-6-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Phrasal verb “bring”, Adverbs. Reporting verbs. Phrasal verb “come”. Expressing certinity, probability, doubt, generalizing and qualifying. Time expressions. Degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Mixed conditionals. Phrasal verbs of expressing action. Prepositions. Relative Clauses. Tag question. Review writing. Abstract writing. Article review writing. Articlereport writing. Blog writing. Newspaper article. Scientific Report Rubric. Argumentative essay. A Letter of certificate. Using Precise Language. Writing process. Critical writing. |
20 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Academic fields. Scientificbreakthroughs.Oriental contribution. Meeting society needs. Freelance. Networking. Satisfaction. Scientific degree. Public speech. Immortal tracks. Personal ambitions in science.Uzbekistan. Education system of Uzbekistan, GB and the USA. Traveling. Women's Day. Political system of Uzbekistan and GB. International relations of Uzbekistan, International Organizations. Financial system. Insurance, Currency, Business and Entrepreneurship. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Article about academic fields. Nobel prize winners in science. Oriental contributions to civilization. Environmental problems. Future of the Networking. Satisfaction. The educational system of G.B . Letter to the dean of our faculty. Recognition. History of the computer. Who invented X-rays? Set ambitious goals va sohaga oid matnlar |
28 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
Radio program, The interview, Contributions of medieval scientists. Social structure and spheres analysis. What is anetworking? Can research be without satisfaction. Types of academic degrees. Robiya’s “steps”. The interview with L.Kirkham. Technological advances. Scientific heritage of ancient scholars. The radio program va audio-video matnlar |
20 |
Jami |
108 |
AKTSIMF “B”guruhlari 5-6-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
- Phrasal verb “bring”, Adverbs. Reporting verbs. Phrasal verb “come”. Expressing certinity, probability, doubt, generalizing and qualifying. Time expressions. Degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Mixed conditionals. Phrasal verbs of expressing action. Prepositions. Relative Clauses. Tag question. Review writing. Abstract writing. Article review writing. Articlereport writing. Blog writing. Newspaper article. Scientific Report Rubric. Argumentative essay. A Letter of certificate. Using Precise Language. Writing process. Critical writing. |
20 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Academic fields. Scientific breakthroughs. Oriental contribution. Meeting society needs. Freelance. Networking. Satisfaction. ScientifiThe economic system of Uzbekistan. Traveling. Constitution Day. Leadership and Management. Women's Day. Political system of Uzbekistan and GB. International Organizations. International relations of Uzbekistan. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Article about academic fields. Nobel prize winners in science. Oriental contributions to civilization. Environmental problems. Future of the Networking. Satisfaction. The educational system of G.B . Letter to the dean of our faculty. Recognition. History of the computer. Who invented X-rays? Set ambitious goals va sohaga oid matnlar. |
28 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
Radio program, The interview, Contributions of medieval scientists. Social structure and spheres analysis. What is anetworking? Can research be without satisfaction. Types of academic degrees. Robiya’s “steps”. The interview with L.Kirkham. Technological advances. Scientific heritage of ancient scholars. The radio program va audio-video matnlar. |
20 |
Jami |
108 |
AKTSIMF “C”guruhlari 5-6-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
Soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous qo'llanilishi; -artikllarning qo'llanilishi: aniq, noaniq va artiklsiz; -modal fe'llarning qo'llanilishi (may, can, to be able to, must, to be to, need, to have to, should, ought, shall); -fe'lning shaxssiz shakllarining qo'llanilishi (Participle 1, 2; Infinitive; Gerund); -Present Simple, Present,Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Future Simpleda majhul nisbatning qo'llanilishi; -and, but bog’lovchili bog’langan qo'shma gaplar ; -if, that, because, when,before, as soon as, till, until, after bog’lovchilari yordamida bog’langan ergashgan qo'shma gaplar. |
20 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. The economic system of Uzbekistan. Traveling. Constitution Day. Leadership and Management. Women's Day. Political system of Uzbekistan and GB. International Organizations. International relations of Uzbekistan. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
28 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar |
20 |
Jami |
108 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT guruhlari “A”1-2-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
Soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Verb forms (revision), Adjectives and adverbs, Comparisions as…as, not so/as….as. Phrasal verbs, Modal verbs, Gerund or infinitive, Present Perfect and Present perfect Continious, Narrative tenses, Relative clause pronouns, Reported verbs, Articles, Modal verbs expressing advice, to be supposed to, Conditional sentences 1, 2, Conditional sentences 3, 4, Mixed conditionals; Mind maps, Describing process, Giving references, e-mail, comment, Writing strategies, Diary writing, Survey report, Anecdote, Transactional letters, Cover letter, Memo /business report, News reports, Paragraph writing, Argumentative writing, Creative writing, Persuasive writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day.Ubiquity of English, Information and security, Studying with multiple sources, On-line etiquette, Learning strategies, Effective study habits, Succeeding in LLL, Social responsibility, Service management, Human resource management , Finance management, Risk management, Career responsibility, Professional development, Latest achievements, World awards. Uzbekistan. Our university. Shopping.Teachers’ Day.Sport and leisure activities. My favorite writer. My favorite singer. Constitution Day. The role of Art. Tashkent. My future profession. Holidays of Uzbekistan, GB and the USA. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Working Language , Speeding of information , Benefits of using multiple sources Ten rules of Netiquette , Effectiveness of learning strategies , Forget what you know about good study habits , Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980- 1037) , Good Uzbek deeds , Development of service management , A letter written by HR manager to his son , Correct financial management , Risk taking and managing , Career responsibility is one of the leading stages to promotion , The main factors of personal development , Inventions that changed the world , “The Golden Pen” award va sohaga oid matnlar. Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
English in Tashkent , Intellectual Property, Interview: Data collection Real life behaviour and on-line behavior, Types of strategies, TV interview with a psychologist, How to succeed in continuing learning, The song “Man in the Mirror”, Iinterview with a successful businessman, Staff management, Tips for managing money, Interview with student organization leaders, A job interview, Professional development opportunities, Recent inventions, Anvar’s award. va boshqa audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT guruhlari “B”1-2-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
Soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
Verb forms (revision), Adjectives and adverbs, Comparisions as…as, not so/as….as. Phrasal verbs, Modal verbs, Gerund or infinitive, Present Perfect and Present perfect Continious, Narrative tenses, Relative clause pronouns, Reported verbs, Articles, Modal verbs expressing advice, to be supposed to, Conditional sentences 1, 2, Conditional sentences 3, 4, Mixed conditionals; Mind maps, Describing process, Giving references, e-mail, comment, Writing strategies, Diary writing, Survey report, Anecdote, Transactional letters, Cover letter, Memo /business report, News reports, Paragraph writing, Argumentative writing, Creative writing, Persuasive writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day.Ubiquity of English, Information and security, Studying with multiple sources, On-line etiquette, Learning strategies, Effective study habits, Succeeding in LLL, Social responsibility, Service management, Human resource management , Finance management, Risk management, Career responsibility, Professional development, Latest achievements, World awards. Uzbekistan. Our university. Shopping.Teachers’ Day.Sport and leisure activities. My favorite writer. My favorite singer. Constitution Day. The role of Art. Tashkent. My future profession. Holidays of Uzbekistan, GB and the USA. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Working Language , Speeding of information , Benefits of using multiple sources Ten rules of Netiquette , Effectiveness of learning strategies , Forget what you know about good study habits , Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980- 1037) , Good Uzbek deeds , Development of service management , A letter written by HR manager to his son , Correct financial management , Risk taking and managing , Career responsibility is one of the leading stages to promotion , The main factors of personal development , Inventions that changed the world , “The Golden Pen” award va sohaga oid matnlar.Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
English in Tashkent , Intellectual Property, Interview: Data collection Real life behaviour and on-line behavior, Types of strategies, TV interview with a psychologist, How to succeed in continuing learning, The song “Man in the Mirror”, Iinterview with a successful businessman, Staff management, Tips for managing money, Interview with student organization leaders, A job interview, Professional development opportunities, Recent inventions, Anvar’s award va boshqa audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT guruhlari “C”1-2-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
Soatlar |
Grammatik Minimum, yozuv |
- So'z tartibi . Buyruq mayli. Ot. Ko'plik va birlik shakllarining yasalishi. Artikl. Sifat. Sifat darajalari Ravish. Ravish darajalari. Olmosh. Predloglar. “to be” fe'li. “to be going to” konstruktsiyasi. there is/ there are konstruktsiyasi. to have/ have got fe'li .Fe'l zamonlari: Present Continuous . Present Indefinite. Past Continuous . Past Indefinite. Present Perfect. Future Indefinite .Modal verbs . |
10 |
Leksik minimum
The Independence Day. About myself. My family. My day off. My flat . Our university. My future profession. My native town. Teachers' day. Holidays of Uzbekistan. Education system in Uzbekistan |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AT,T,TT,AKTSKT, PAT guruhlari “A”3-4-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
Soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Linking words/phrases, Passives, Need + to / Need + ing, done ... ... had better ... ... need...., Future Perfect Continious, Gradable and Non-gradable adjectives, Participles, Transitions, Phrasal verb (make), Mixed conditionals, Reported passives, Reported questions, Opinion essay, Cause and Effect essay, Providing solutions to a problem essay, Proposal writing, Article writing, Reporting experience, Thesis statement, Survey report, Laboratory report writing, Compare and Contrast, Summary writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Problem cause, Unintended consequences, Solutions, Motivation and inspiration, Field of interest, Conference participation, Investigating Skills, Research issues, Social research, Practical and laboratory work , Analyze and report, Top research results. Uzbekistan. Traditions and customs. Health service. Travelling. International Cooperation of Uzbekistan, our university in the sphere of IT. IT development. Famous people and inventions. Sport in Uzbekistan and GB.Mass media. Ecological problems. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT “B” guruhlari 3-4-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
Soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Linking words/phrases, Passives, Need + to / Need + ing, done ... ... had better ... ... need...., Future Perfect Continious, Gradable and Non-gradable adjectives, Participles, Transitions, Phrasal verb (make), Mixed conditionals, Reported passives, Reported questions, Opinion essay, Cause and Effect essay, Providing solutions to a problem essay, Proposal writing, Article writing, Reporting experience, Thesis statement, Survey report, Laboratory report writing, Compare and Contrast, Summary writing. |
10 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. The Independence Day. Problem cause, Unintended consequences, Solutions, Motivation and inspiration, Field of interest, Conference participation, Investigating Skills, Research issues, Social research, Practical and laboratory work , Analyze and report, Top research results. Uzbekistan. Traditions and customs. Health service. Travelling. International Cooperation of Uzbekistan, our university in the sphere of IT. IT development. Famous people and inventions. Sport in Uzbekistan and GB.Mass media. Ecological problems. Uzbekistan. Traditions and customs. Health service. Travelling. International Cooperation of Uzbekistan, our university in the sphere of IT. IT development. Famous people and inventions. Sport in Uzbekistan and GB.Mass media. Ecological problems. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT “C” guruhlari 3-4-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Ot, Sifat, Fe'l, Ravish, Son va Olmosh so'z turkumlari. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Perfect, qo'llanilishi; -artikllarning qo'llanilishi: aniq, noaniq va artiklsiz; -modal fe'llarning qo'llanilishi (may, can, to be able to, must, need, to have to, should,); -Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, da majhul nisbatning qo'llanilishi; -and, but bog’lovchili bog’langan qo'shma gaplar ; -if, that, because, when, before, as soon as, till, until, after bog’lovchilari yordamida bog’langan ergashgan qo'shma gaplar. |
10 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Uzbekistan. Traditions and customs. Health service. Travelling. International Cooperation of Uzbekistan, our university in the sphere of IT. IT development. Famous people and inventions. Sport in Uzbekistan and GB. Mass media. Ecological problems. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
12 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar, dialoglar va monologlar. |
10 |
Jami |
72 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT “A” guruhlari 5-6-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
- Phrasal verb “bring”, Adverbs. Reporting verbs. Phrasal verb “come”. Expressing certinity, probability, doubt, generalizing and qualifying. Time expressions. Degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Mixed conditionals. Phrasal verbs of expressing action. Prepositions. Relative Clauses. Tag question. Review writing. Abstract writing. Article review writing. Articlereport writing. Blog writing. Newspaper article. Scientific Report Rubric. Argumentative essay. A Letter of certificate. Using Precise Language. Writing process. Critical writing. |
20 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Academic fields. Scientific breakthroughs. Oriental contribution. Meeting society needs. Freelance. Networking. Satisfaction. Scientific degree. Public speech. Immortal tracks. Personal ambitions in science.Traveling. Using public transport. Relationships. Constitution Day. Health service. Ecological problems. Traditions and customs. Education system of GB and Uzbekistan. Political system of Uzbekistan. International relations . Elections. Political parties and movies. International organization UNO, YUNESCO SHOC, EU, INTERPOL. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Article about academic fields. Nobel prize winners in science. Oriental contributions to civilization. Environmental problems. Future of the Networking. Satisfaction. The educational system of G.B . Letter to the dean of our faculty. Recognition. History of the computer. Who invented X-rays? Set ambitious goals va sohaga oid matnlar. |
28 |
.Tinglab-tushunish |
Radio program, The interview, Contributions of medieval scientists. Social structure and spheres analysis. What is anetworking? Can research be without satisfaction. Types of academic degrees. Robiya’s “steps”. The interview with L.Kirkham. Technological advances. Scientific heritage of ancient scholars. The radio program va audio-video matnlar |
20 |
Jami |
108 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT “B” guruhlari 5-6-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Phrasal verb “bring”, Adverbs. Reporting verbs. Phrasal verb “come”. Expressing certinity, probability, doubt, generalizing and qualifying. Time expressions. Degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Mixed conditionals. Phrasal verbs of expressing action. Prepositions. Relative Clauses. Tag question. Review writing. Abstract writing. Article review writing. Articlereport writing. Blog writing. Newspaper article. Scientific Report Rubric. Argumentative essay. A Letter of certificate. Using Precise Language. Writing process. Critical writing.fter bog’lovchilari yordamida bog’langan ergashgan qo'shma gaplar. |
20 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Academic fields. Scientific breakthroughs. Oriental contribution. Meeting society needs. Freelance. Networking. Satisfaction. Scientific degree. Public speech. Immortal tracks. Personal ambitions in science.Traveling. Using public transport. Relationships. Constitution Day. Health service. Ecological problems. Traditions and customs. Education system of GB and Uzbekistan. Political system of Uzbekistan. International relations . Elections. Political parties and movies. International organization UNO, YUNESCO SHOC, EU, INTERPOL. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Article about academic fields. Nobel prize winners in science. Oriental contributions to civilization. Environmental problems. Future of the Networking. Satisfaction. The educational system of G.B . Letter to the dean of our faculty. Recognition. History of the computer. Who invented X-rays? Set ambitious goals va sohaga oid matnlar |
28 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
Radio program, The interview, Contributions of medieval scientists. Social structure and spheres analysis. What is anetworking? Can research be without satisfaction. Types of academic degrees. Robiya’s “steps”. The interview with L.Kirkham. Technological advances. Scientific heritage of ancient scholars. The radio program va audio-video matnlar |
20 |
Jami |
108 |
AT,T,TT, AKTSKT, PAT “C” guruhlari 5-6-semestr
№ |
Til materiallari mazmuni |
soatlar |
Grammatik minimum, yozuv |
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, qo'llanilishi; -artikllarning qo'llanilishi: aniq, noaniq va artiklsiz; -modal fe'llarning qo'llanilishi (may, can, to be able to, must, to be to, need, to have to, should, ought, shall); -fe'lning shaxssiz shakllarining qo'llanilishi (Infinitive; Gerund); -Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuousda majhul nisbatning qo'llanilishi; -and, but bog’lovchili bog’langan qo'shma gaplar ; -if, that, because, when, before, as soon as, till, until, after bog’lovchilari yordamida bog’langan ergashgan qo'shma gaplar. |
20 |
Leksik minimum |
The Independence Day. Traveling. Using public transport. Relationships. The National Emblem and Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Constitution Day. Health service. Ecological problems. Traditions and customs. Education System of GB and Uzbekistan. Political System of Uzbekistan. International Relations . Elections. Political parties and movies. International organization UNO, YUNESCO SHOC, EU, INTERPOL.. |
40 |
o'qish, tarjima, annotatsiya tuzish |
Sohaga oid matnlar |
28 |
Tinglab-tushunish |
audio-video matnlar |
20 |
Jami |
108 |
2.5. Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilim, ko'nikma va malakasi nazoratiga qo'yiladigan talablar.
Mazkur ishchi dasturda xorijiy tillarni o'qitishning mazmuni (nutq mazmuni, bilimi, malaka va ko'nikmalari), Xorijiy tilning har bir bosqichida maqsad va mazmun natijaga mos bo'lishini hisobga olgan holda tayyorgarlik darajasiga qo'yilidagan talablar, nazorat turi va shakllari ko'rsatilgan. Bunda mantiq, o'quv jarayonining uzviyligi va fanlararo o'zaro bog’liqlik hisobga olinadi. Xorijiy til bo'yicha talabalarning bilim, ko'nikma va malakasi nazoratining asosiy maqSadi nutq faoliyati turlarini o'rganganlik darajasi bilan belgilanadi. Talabalar bilim, ko’nikma va malakasi nazoratning: joriy, oraliq va yakuniy nazorat turlari orqali aniqlanadi. Nazorat reyting tizimi asosida olib boriladi.
Joriy nazorat: har bir darsda alohida talaba bilan ishlab, ularning darsga tayyorgarlik darajasi savol javob orqali tekshirilib, kundalik ballar qo’yib boriladi.
Oraliq nazorat: kafedraning fan bo’yicha ishchi dasturiga asoslangan holda, har bir semestrga qo’yilgan talablar asosida bir qancha darslar o’tilgandan keyin o’tkaziladi. Natijalarni dasturda berilgan talablar bilan qiyoslash orqali talabalarning malaka va konikmalari qanchalik o’sganligi aniqlab boriladi.
Yakuniny nazorat: fan bo’yicha bakalavriat kursining yakunida o’tkaziladi.Yakuniny nazorat o’tkazilishinatijasida dastur talablari bo’yicha kasbiy chet tili kompetensiyasi aniqlab olinadi.
2.6. Mustaqil ta'limni tashkil etishning shakli va mazmuni
Chet tili fanidan mustaqil ishlarining maqsadi - talabalarning kasbiy kommunikativ faoliyatini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish, ularning ijodiy faoliyatini o'stirish, va chet tili ustida mustaqil ishlay olish malaka va ko'nikmalarini hosil qilish va rivojlantirishdan iborat. Ushbu umumiy maqsadga erishish uchun quyidagi bir necha vazifalarni bajarish nazarda tutiladi:
- talabalarning til tayyorgarlik sifatini oshirib borish, til va mutahassislik bo'yicha adabiyotlar ustida ishlay olish ko'nikmalarini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish;
- o'z kasbiy bilim va malakalarini keyinchalik mustaqil to'ldirib va yangilab turish ehtiyojlarini yaratish va saqlab qolish, chet tili bo'yicha yaratilgan malaka va ko'nikmalarni o'stirib, rivojlantirib borish;
- talaba bajarishi kerak bo'lgan ishlarni to'gri tashkil qilish, kelib chihadigan qiyinchiliklarni oldindan bila olish, his etish va ularni bartaraf qilish yo'llarini topa olish.
Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ishlarning mazmuni.Talabalarning mustaqil ishlari nutq faoliyatining quyidagi turlari bo'yicha tashkil qilinadi.
O'qish: (tanishib chiqish, sinchiklab, qarab chiqish), yozuv, tinglab tushunish va gapirish;
Tinglab tushunish: hajmi turlicha bo'lgan audio- va video matnlarni tinglab tushunish, savollarga javob berish, gapirib berish, annotasiya yoza olish;
Gapirish: talabalarning dialogik va monologik nutqlari bo'yicha mustaqil ishlari auditoriyada o'rgatilgan matnlar, o'quv materiallari asosida tashkil qilinadi. Gapirish bo'yicha mustaqil ish sifatida mavzu asosida ma'lumot tayyorlash, matn mazmunini gapirib berish, o'rganilgan leksik materiallar asosida hikoyalar tuzish, berilgan muammoli masala va vaziyatlarni muhokama qilish kabi topshiriqlar berish mumkin. Gapirish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirib borish uchun mulьtimedia dasturlarini va on-layn tehnologiyalarini qo'llashga asosiy e'tibor qaratiladi;
O'qish: talaba o'rganayotgan sohasiga oid adabiyotlar bilan tanishib chiqishi va o'zi uchun qiziqarli va kerakli bo'lgan ahborotni tushunishi, publicistik, ilmiy-ommabop ijtimoiy-siyosiy adabiyotlarni o'qishi va kerakli ahborotni olishi lozim. Mashg’ulotlarda yuqorida aytilgan malaka va ko'nikmalarni shakllantirish va o'stirish juda murakkab bo'lganligi uchun ularni mustaqil ish jarayonida sinchiklab, ko'z yugurtirib, qarab chiqib o'qish turlari orqali tashkil qilinadi. Ushbu o'qish turlarini nazorat qilish-matnni butunlay tarjima qilish yoki uning tanlab olingan qismlarini tarjima qilish bilan amalga oshiriladi.
Tanishib chiqib o'qish mustaqil ish turi sifatida uyda o'qish shaklida olib boriladi.O'qishning bu turi uchun autentik yoki adaptasiya qilingan adabiy, ilmiy-ommabop adabiyot tanlab olinadi. Tekshirish shakllari: o'qiganini mazmunini tushunganligi bo'yicha savol-javob ishlari, ajratib olingan masalalar bo'yicha ahborot olish, bahs-munozaralar o'tkazish, ahborotga reja tuzish va h.k.
qarab chiqib, qidirib topish uchun o'qish. O'qishning bu turida ommaviy-siyosiy, publicistik matnlar, gazeta va jurnal materiallari beriladi va qar bir darsda qisqacha ahborot olinadi. Talaba bitta gazeta maqolalari asosida ahborot beradi yoki mavzu bo'yicha bir qancha gazeta va jurnallardan axborot tayyorlaydi.
Yozuv.Yozuv bo'yicha mustaqil ish o'z ichiga o'rganilayotgan tilda fikrni bayon qila olish ishlarini oladi. Bunda mustaqil ish mazmuniga quyidagilar kiradi:
- annotasiya, referat, rezyumelar tuza olish;
- og’zaki ravishda nutq hosil qilish uchun reja yoki tezis tuzish;
- turli hatlar, tabriknoma, takliflar, ish yuzasidan hatlar tuza olish;
- o'qishga va ishga qabul yuzasidan arizalar yoza olish;
- sohaga oid turli xujjatlarni to'ldirish;
- bayon, insho, esselar yoza olish; kasbi bo'yicha ish yuritish ishlarini (yozuvlarini) olib borish.
O'qib tarjima qilingan materiallar kurs ishlari va referatlarda qo'llaniladi.
Joriy nazorat baholash taqsimoti (foizlarda)
Talaba Portfoliosi |
PP taqdimot |
Baholash (O’qish yozish gapirish, tinglab tutshunish) |
Davomat |
Jami |
25% |
60% |
15% |
100% (70 ball) |
Baho |
JN 36 soat |
JN 54 soat |
JN jami |
YN |
Jami |
52 |
52 |
18 |
30 |
100 |
A’lo |
2,5-2,8 |
1,7-1,9 |
44-52 |
16-18 |
25-30 |
86-100 |
yaxshi |
2-2,4 |
1,4-1,6 |
36-43 |
14-15 |
21-24 |
71-85 |
qoniqarli |
1,5- 1,9 |
1,1-1,3 |
29-35 |
10-13 |
17-20 |
55-70 |
qoniqarsiz |
0-1,4 |
0,5-1 |
0-28 |
0-9 |
0-16 |
0-54 |
(2,5-2,8) (1,7-2 балл)
darsda va darsdan tashqari berilgan barcha topshiriqlarni to'liq bajaradi; - darsda imkoni boricha o'rganilayotgan xorijiy tilda so'zlashadi; - muhokama etilayotgan mavzuga qiziqishining ortishini faol ishtiroki va savollar so'rashi bilan doimo ko’rinib turadi, - juftlikda va kichik guruhlarda samarali ishlaydi, tashabbuskor. |
( 2-2,4) (1,4-1,6 балл) |
- darsda va darsdan tashqari berilgan topshiriqlarni bajaradi; - darsda o'rganilayotgan horijiy tilda so'zlashishga intiladi; - muhokama etilayotgan mavzuga qiziqishining ortishini faol ishtiroki va savollar so'rashi bilan ko'rsatadi; - juftlikda va kichik guruhlar ishida faol ishtirok etadi |
(1,5- 1,9) (1,1-1,3 балл) |
- darsda va darsdan tashqari berilgan topshiriqlarni qisman bajaradi; - darsda ba'zan o'rganilayotgan horijiy tilda so'zlashadi; - muhokama etilayotgan mavzuning muhokamasida va savol-javoblarda kam qatnashadi; - juftlikda va kichik guruhlarda unchalik ham faol emas |
( 0-1,4) (0,5-1 балл)
- darsda va darsdan tashqari berilgan topshiriqlarni kam hollarda bajaradi; - darsda odatda ona tilida so'zlashadi va ba'zan o'rganilayotgan horijiy tilda javob beradi; - mavzu muhokamasida va savol-javoblarda juda kam hollarda qatnashadi; - juftlikda va kichik guruhlar ishida deyarli ishtirok etmaydi.
3.1. Asosiy adabiyotlar:
Prezident I.A.Karimov asarlari 1992- 2016yy.
Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy dasturi va Ta'lim to'g’risidagi qonun. Oliy Majlis IX sessiyasi. - T.,1997.
Курашвили Е.И., Михалкова Е.С. Английский язык. Учебник длястудентов I и II курсов, начинающих изучение языка в техническом вузе. –М.: Высшая школа, 1982.
Новицкая Т.М., Кучин Н.Д. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983.
Muhitdinova G.SH. Texnika Oliy O'quv yurtlari uchun. Ingliz tili darsligi. - T.: Uzbekiston, 1997.
Marten Sevionyr. Word-Wise. – Т., 1997.
Cristopher Morris P.J. World English. – 1997.
Dudkina G.A. va boshqalar. English for businessmen. – Т., 1993.
Абдалина Е.Н. Учебник английского языка для студентов неязыковыхвузов.Т, 1996.
Scale up. 1,2,3, courses. Set of manuals for non philological higher educational establishments. . Tashkent, 2016.
Santiago Remacho Esteras. Infotech English for Computer Users (4th ed.) CambridgeUniversity Press 2011.
Headway (Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper intermadiate). CambridgeUniversity Press 2011.
English vocabulary in use. (Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper intermadiate). Cambridge University Press 1999.
3.2. Elektron adabiyotlar:
1. Mary Glasgow Magazines.An imprint of scholastic inc. Time saver speaking activities.
Business Vocabulary in Use elementary.pdf
Business V.U Intermediate.pdf
Business ViU Advanced.pdf
Betty Azar_Understanding and Using English Grammar.pdf
Macmillan - Topics - Communication - Pre-Intermediate.pdf
Games For Vоcabulary Practice CambridgeUniversity Press 2 003.
Full contact.
English for you.
3.3. Internet veb-saytlar
2016-2017ўқувйили 1семестрда ДИФ, КИФ, ТФ, ТТФ йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига АКТ с ИМфакультети
«Чет тиллари» кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Дарслик: “Scale up” Book-1
Methodical manual:“Vocabulary for Hardware in computing” A.Sharipova
Амалиймашғулотлар: 36соат
№ |
Ажра- тилган соат |
Бажарил- ганлиги |
Укитувчиимзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Independence day. An introductory lesson. (Revision of B1) Starter:Answering the questions.P 6. Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3 p. 6-7 Speaking: Career Grammar: Modal verbs: should, must, have to. Ex: 4 a), b) p.7 Writing: Write your future plan Manual: Lesson 1 Part I Ex: 1.2.3 |
2с |
2 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. Ubiquity of English Starter: English ubiquity signs p.10 Listening:Social service destinations Ex 1,2,3 p. 10 Speaking:English words in particular groups. Group work. Discussion. Exercise-4 p.11 Manual: Lesson 1 Part II Ex: 4.5.6 |
2c |
3 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. “Ubiquity of English” Speaking:Quiz questions with different tenses. Ex. 5-6 p. 11 Reading:Text: “Working language” Ex.7-9 onp. 12 Manual: Lesson 1 Part III Ex: 7.8.9 |
2c |
4 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. Ubiquity of English Speaking:Reasons of popularity of English. Writing:Brainstormingactivities.Paragraphwriting:using the mind maps. Ex-s 10-12. Manual: Lesson 2 Part I Ex: 1.2.3 |
2c |
5 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Starter: Answering questions Threats and treats P-14 Speaking: CopyrightInfringement Listening: Survey interview. T3 P1 Writing: Focusing on grammar exercises. Ex 4. P14. Ex. 5, 6, 7. P15. Manual: Lesson 2 Part II Ex: 4.5.6 |
2c |
6 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Speaking: Ideological attack Reading: Text: “Speeding of information” p16. Writing: Ex 10,11, 12. Manual: Lesson 2 Part III Ex: 7.8.9 |
2c |
7 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Speaking:Types of charts. Writing: Describing a pie chart. Exercises 11-15. Manual: Lesson 3 Part I Ex:1.2 |
2с |
8. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Studying with multiple sources. Starter: Working with pictures p.18. Listening:EX: 1-5.T.1 T.2.T. 3 p. 18-19 Speaking:Working in pairs. Discussion: Primary and secondary sources. Writing:Ex 4. P18 Manual: Lesson 3 Part II Ex:3.4.5 |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Studying with multiple sources. Speaking:I prefer using multiple sources, because…… Grammar: Comparison as…as, not so/as…as. Ex: 6, 7, 8. p.19 Reading: Exercises10 p 20. Writing: Benefits of using multiple sources. Manual: Lesson 3 Part III Ex:6.7.8 |
2с |
10. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Studying with multiple sources. Speaking: Ex 12. P.21 Writing: Giving references. Ex.13-15. P.21 Manual: Lesson 4 Part I Ex: 1.2 |
2с |
11 |
Unit1, Lesson4. Online etiquette-netiquette. Starter:Real life behavior/ online behavier Listening: Ex: 2, 3, p 22. Ex4.p-23 Speaking:Ex5 p-23. Manual: Lesson 4 Part II Ex: 3.4.5 |
2с |
12 |
Unit 1. Lesson 4. Online etiquette-netiquette. Speaking: Do’s and don’ts of netiquette Grammar:Phrasalverbs.Ex: 6-7-8. P. 24. Reading: Ex: 9-13. P. 25-26. Writing:Statements withfrequently used phrasal Manual: Lesson 4 Part III Ex: 6.7.8 |
2с |
13 |
Unit 1. Lesson 4 on-line etiquette/netiquette Speaking: Formal e-mails Writing:. Exercise 11-13 p25-26. Manual: Lesson 5 Part I Ex: 1.2 |
2с |
14 |
Review: Speaking:Discussion of the given topics. Listening:Ex. 2.p 28 Reading: Ex 3. 4 P28 Writing: Why do people learn English? Manual: Lesson 5 Part II Ex: 3.4.5 |
2с |
15 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. Learning strategies Starter:Describing pictures. Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3 p. 30-31 Writing:Ex 4. p.31 Manual: Lesson 5 Part III Ex: 6.7.8 |
2с |
16 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5 Learning strategies Speaking:What is a meta cognitive learning strategy? Grammar: Modal verbs.Ex. 6-7p 32 Reading: Learning Pyramids Ex. 8, 9,10 Writing: Types of learning strategies. Manual: Lesson 6 Part I Ex: 1.2.3 |
2c |
17 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. Learning strategies Speaking:Your own learning strategies. Writing: ex 11, 12, 13.p-33. Reasons of learning strategies. Manual: Lesson 6 Part II Ex: 4.5.6 |
2c |
18 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Effective study habits Starter: Describing pictures. Listening:Ex: 1-4. P. 34-35 Speaking:Quiz questions. Ex 4. P35 Writing: Effective study habits Manual: Lesson 6 Part III Ex: 7.8 |
2c |
Жами: |
36с |
2016-2017 ўқув йили 2 семестрда КИФ, ДИФ, ТФ, ТТФ, йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига АКТ с ИМ факультети
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Дарслик: “Scale up” Book-1
Methodical manual: “Vocabulary for Hardware in computing” A.Sharipova
Амалий машғулотлар: 24 соат
№ |
Амалий машғулот мавзулари
Ажра тилган соат |
Бажарил- ганлиги |
Ўқитувчи имзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Unit 2. Lesson 8. Social and Personal Responsibility Starter: Social and personal responsibility Listening: Song “Man in the Mirror” by M. Jackson Ex.1,3-4, p. 42; Speaking: Ex.1-3, p 42. |
2c |
2 |
Unit 2. Lesson 8. Social and Personal Speaking: Steps for making ethical decisions Ex 5. Grammar: Ex. 5-7, p. 43. Reading: Group work. Ex. 8-9, p. 43 |
2c |
3 |
Unit 2. Lesson 8. Social and Personal Responsibility Speaking: Differences between the given anecdotes. Writing: Personal anecdote. Ex. 12-13, p. 45. Reading: Text on specialty. |
2c |
4 |
Listening: Ex.1, p. 46. Writing: Communication today. Ex.2, p.46. Reading: Language and Communication. Ex.3, p. 46. |
2с. |
5 |
Unit 3 Service management Speaking: Advertisement all over the world. Listening: Listen to the interview with a successful businessman. Ex.2 p.48 Grammar: Relative pronouns. Ex 6-7 Reading: Text on specialty |
2c. |
6 |
Unit 3 Service management Reading: Article. Service management P. 50 Writing: Formal letters. Complaint letter p 51 |
2c. |
7 |
Lesson 10 Human resources management Speaking: What is the effective staff management? Ex 1,2 p 52 Listening: Listen to the dialogue P 52 Ex3,4 Grammar: Indirect speech p 54 |
2c |
8. |
Speaking: Group discussion. Ex 9 p 54 Reading: The letter written by HR manager. P 54 Ex.10 Writing: Formal letter. Cover letter p 55 ex 11-12 |
2c |
9. |
Lesson 11. Financial management. Speaking: Manage your hard-earned money. Listening: Listening exercises 3,4 Grammar: Definite and indefinite article.Ex: 7,8 |
2c |
10. |
Reading: Financial management p 58 Ex 10,11 Writing: Writing memos Ex 13 Lesson: Risk management Ex 1p 60 Listening: Listen to an interview with a student organization leader. Ex 2-3-4 p 60 |
2c |
11 |
Reading: A ship in a harbor Ex 9-10 Writing: Writing a report. Ex 13-14 Review: Listening (R3) Ex 1-2 |
2c |
12 |
Lesson 13: Career responsibility Speaking: What is the career responsibility Listening: Listen to the tape decides if the statements are true or false. Grammar: to be supposed to Writing: Rewrite sentences using to be supposed to |
2c |
Жами |
24 с |
2016-2017 ўқув йилининг I семестрда Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари сохасида иктисодиёт ва менежмент
йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Гуруҳ ____________________________________
Дарслик: “Scale up” Book-1 Student’s book and workbook
Bussines Vocabulary in Use Elementary
Амалиймашғулотлар: 36 соат
№ |
Ажра тилгансоат
Бажарил- ганлиги |
Ўқитувчи имзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Speaking: Independence day An introductory lesson. (Revision of B1) Starter: Answering the questions. P 6. Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3 p. 6-7 Speaking: Career Writing: Write your future plan Business Vocabulary: Units 1-3 Learner training |
2с |
2 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. Ubiquity of English Listening: Ex 2 p. 10 Speaking: Widespread use of English Writing: Mind maps Grammar: Verb forms (revision) Present Tenses Business Vocabulary: Units 4-5 Numbers |
2c |
3 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. “Ubiquity of English” Listening: English in Tashkent Speaking: My motherland - Uzbekistan Reading: Working Language Grammar: Past tenses (revision) Business Vocabulary: Units 6-7 Work |
2c |
4 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Listening: Intellectual property Speaking: Infringement of copyright issues Reading: Speeding of information Writing: Describing process Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs Business Vocabulary: Unit 8 Types of work |
2c |
5 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Listening: Information security Speaking: Teachers’ Day Reading: Information and security Writing: Describing process Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs Business Vocabulary: Unit 9 work and numbers |
2c |
6 |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Listening: Interview: Data collection(work book) Speaking:Studying with multiple sources. (work book) Reading: Text on specialty Writing: Giving references Grammar: Comparison as…as, not so/as…as. Ex: 6, 7, 8. p.19 Business Vocabulary: Unit 10 Getting to work |
2c |
7 |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Studying with multiple sources. Listening: How to learn Wide World of information (work book) Speaking: Latest achievements Reading: Use more than one source(work book) Business Vocabulary: Units 11-12 Who is the boss? |
2с |
8. |
Unit1, Lesson 4. Online etiquette- Listening: Real life behavior/ online behavior Speaking: Problems of working on the net Reading: Ten rules of netiquette Writing: E-mail Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Ex: 6-7-8. P. 24. Business Vocabulary: Unit 13 Skills |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 4. Online etiquette-netiquette. Listening: Virtual life. How to use from the Internet Speaking: Holidays of Uzbekistan Reading: Become a Natizen Writing: Comments Grammar: Phrasal verbs Business Vocabulary: Unit 14 Qualification and training |
2с |
10. |
Review 1 Business Vocabulary: Unit15 Numbers and Time |
2с |
11 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. Learning strategies Listening: Types of strategies Speaking: Discussion Meta - cognition Reading: Effectiveness ofLearning strategies Writing: Writingstrategies Grammar: Modal verbs ( can, could, should, may) Business Vocabulary: Unit 16 Timetables |
2с |
12 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. Learning strategies Listening: Proper Learning strategies. Learning strategies. Speaking: Our University Reading:RustamKasimjonov Grammar: Modal verbs ( must, have to, ought to) and modal verbs expressing advice, to be supposed to Business Vocabulary: Unit 17 Days and Dates |
2с |
13 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Effective study habits Listening: TV interview with a psychologist Speaking: Learning styles Reading: An article by Benedict Carey Writing: Diary Writing Grammar: Gerund Business Vocabulary: Unit 18 Time expressions |
2с |
14 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Effective study habits Listening: How students study best. Effective Habits (work book) Speaking: Shopping Reading: Defining good study habits Writing: Travel diary Grammar: Infinitive Business Vocabulary: Units 19 -20 Free time |
2с |
15 |
Unit 2. Lesson 7. Succeeding in lifelong learning. Listening: How to succeed Speaking: Presentation Tips Reading: Ibn Sina Writing: Survey Report Grammar: Present Perfect Business Vocabulary: Units 21-22 Money and price |
2с |
16 |
Lesson 7. Succeeding in lifelong learning. Listening: Keep your mind young. Lifelong learning. Speaking: Presentation to the class Reading: Text on specialty Writing: Ex 11 p 28 (workbook) Grammar: Present Perfect continuous tense Business Vocabulary: Unit 23 Notes and coins |
2c |
17 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Listening: The song “Man in the mirror” Speaking: Case studies Reading: Good Uzbek deeds Writing: Anecdote Grammar: Narrative Tenses Business Vocabulary: Unit24 Can I afford it? |
2c |
18 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Speaking: Travelling Review 2. Business Vocabulary: Unit 25 Pay and benefits |
2c |
Жами |
36 с |
2016-2017 ўқув йилининг II семестрда Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари сохасида иктисодиёт ва менежмент
йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Гуруҳ ____________________________________
Дарслик: “Scale up” Book-1 Student’s book and workbook
Bussines Vocabulary in Use Elementary
Амалиймашғулотлар: 36 соат
№ |
Ажра тилгансоат |
Бажарил- ганлиги |
Ўқитувчиимзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Starter: Social and personal responsibility Listening: Song “Man in the Mirror” by M. Jackson Ex.1,3-4, p. 42; Speaking:Ex.1-3, p 42. |
2c |
2 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Speaking: Steps for making ethical decisionsEx 5. Grammar: Ex. 5-7, p. 43. Reading: Group work. Ex. 8-9, p. 43 |
2c |
3 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Speaking: Differences between the given anecdotes. Writing: Personal anecdote. Ex. 12-13, p. 45. Reading: Text on specialty. |
2c |
4 |
Review: Listening:Ex.1, p. 46. Writing: Communication today. Ex.2, p.46. Reading:Language and Communication. Ex.3, p. 46. |
2с. |
5 |
Unit 3 Service management Speaking: Advertisement all over the world. Listening:Listen to the interview with a successfulbusinessman. Ex.2 p.48 Grammar:Relative pronouns. Ex 6-7 Reading: Text on specialty |
2c. |
6 |
Unit 3 Service management Reading: Article. Service managementP. 50 Writing: Formal letters. Complaint letter p 51 |
2c. |
7 |
Lesson 10 Human resources management Speaking: What is the effective staff management? Ex 1,2 p 52 Listening: Listen to the dialogue P 52 Ex3,4 Grammar: Indirect speech p 54 |
2c |
8. |
Speaking: Group discussion. Ex 9 p 54 Reading: The letter written by HR manager. P 54 Ex.10 Writing: Formal letter. Cover letterp 55 ex 11-12 |
2c |
9. |
Lesson 11 Financial management. Speaking: Manage your hard-earned money. Listening: Listening exercises 3,4 Grammar: Definite and indefinite article. Ex: 7,8 |
2c |
10. |
Reading: Financial management p 58 Ex 10,11 Writing: Writing memos Ex 13 Lesson: Risk management Ex 1p 60 Listening: Listen to an interview with a student organization leader. Ex 2-3-4 p 60 |
2c |
11 |
Reading: A ship in a harbor Ex 9-10 Writing: Writing a report. Ex 13-14 Review: Listening (R3) Ex 1-2 |
2c |
12 |
Lesson 13: Career responsibility Speaking: What is the career responsibility Listening: Listen to the tape decides if the statements are true or false. Grammar:to be supposed to Writing: Rewrite sentences using to be supposed to |
2c |
13 |
Lesson 13: Career responsibility Reading: Causes and consequences of career responsibilities Speaking: Group work discussion. "Leading to the promotion” Writing: Ex.12,13 Topic sentence and controlling idea. |
2c |
14 |
Lesson 14: Professional development Listening: Professional development opportunities Speaking: Professionally developed person Grammar: Conditional sentences 1, 2 |
2c |
15 |
Lesson 14: Professional development Reading: The main factors of personal development Writing: Argumentative writing |
2c |
16 |
Lesson 15: Latest achievements Listening: Recent inventions Speaking: The worst invention of the mankind Reading: Inventions that changed the world Grammar: Conditional sentences 3, 4 |
2c |
17 |
Lesson plan16: World Awards Listening : Anvar’s award Speaking: Awards stimulate further creativeness Grammar: Mixed conditionals |
2c |
18 |
Lesson plan16: World Awards Reading: The Golden Pen” award Writing: Persuasive writing |
2c |
Жами |
36 с |
2016-2017 ўқув йилининг I семестрда Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари Касбий таълим йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тилларкафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Гуруҳ ____________________________________
Дарслик: “Scale up” Book-1 Student’s book and workbook
The methodical manual for students on specialty “Professional Education.”
Амалий машғулотлар: 36 соат
№ |
Ажра тилгансоат
Бажарил- ганлиги |
Ўқитувчи имзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Speaking: Independence day An introductory lesson. (Revision of B1) Starter: Answering the questions. P 6. Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3 p. 6-7 Speaking: Career Writing: Write your future plan Special text: IS THERE AN END TO THE COMPUTER RACE? |
2с |
2 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. Ubiquity of English Listening: Ex 2 p. 10 Speaking: Widespread use of English Writing: Mind maps Grammar: Verb forms (revision) Present Tenses Special text: COMPUTER LITERACY |
2c |
3 |
Unit 1. Lesson 1. “Ubiquity of English” Listening: English in Tashkent Speaking: My motherland - Uzbekistan Reading: Working Language Grammar: Past tenses (revision) |
2c |
4 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Listening: Intellectual property Speaking: Infringement of copyright issues Reading: Speeding of information Writing: Describing process Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs Special text:Lesson 4 .Dialogue, role play |
2c |
5 |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Information and security Listening: Information security Speaking: Teachers’ Day Reading: Information and security Writing: Describing process Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs Special text: Ms-Dos And Its Main Terms |
2c |
6 |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Listening: Interview: Data collection(work book) Speaking:Studying with multiple sources. (work book) Reading: Text on specialty Writing: Giving references Grammar: Comparison as…as, not so/as…as. Ex: 6, 7, 8. p.19 Special text: Ex. 7,8 |
2c |
7 |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Studying with multiple sources. Listening: How to learn Wide World of information (work book) Speaking: Latest achievements Reading: Use more than one source(work book) Special text:Lesson 6. Windows |
2с |
8. |
Unit1, Lesson 4. Online etiquette- Listening: Real life behavior/ online behavior Speaking: Problems of working on the net Reading: Ten rules of netiquette Writing: E-mail Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Ex: 6-7-8. P. 24. Special text:Lesson 6. Ex 7-10 |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 4. Online etiquette-netiquette. Listening: Virtual life. How to use from the Internet Speaking: Holidays of Uzbekistan Reading: Become a Natizen Writing: Comments Grammar: Phrasal verbs Special text:Lesson 7. Ex 1-7 |
2с |
10. |
Review 1 |
2с |
11 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. Learning strategies Listening: Types of strategies Speaking: Discussion Meta - cognition Reading: Effectiveness ofLearning strategies Writing: Writingstrategies Grammar: Modal verbs ( can, could, should, may) Special text:Lesson 8. Isaac Newton |
2с |
12 |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. Learning strategies Listening: Proper Learning strategies. Learning strategies. Speaking: Our University Reading:RustamKasimjonov Grammar: Modal verbs ( must, have to, ought to) and modal verbs expressing advice, to be supposed to Special text: Lesson 9. Gateway 2000 The Main Part Of The System |
2с |
13 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Effective study habits Listening: TV interview with a psychologist Speaking: Learning styles Reading: An article by Benedict Carey Writing: Diary Writing Grammar: Gerund Special text:Lesson 10. Scuba drivers |
2с |
14 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Effective study habits Listening: How students study best. Effective Habits (work book) Speaking: Shopping Reading: Defining good study habits Writing: Travel diary Grammar: Infinitive Special text: Lesson 11. Optical Technology |
2с |
15 |
Unit 2. Lesson 7. Succeeding in lifelong learning. Listening: How to succeed Speaking: Presentation Tips Reading: Ibn Sina Writing: Survey Report Grammar: Present Perfect Special text: Lesson 12. An Encyclopedia On A Tiny Crystal |
2с |
16 |
Lesson 7. Succeeding in lifelong learning. Listening: Keep your mind young. Lifelong learning. Speaking: Presentation to the class Reading: Text on specialty Writing: Ex 11 p 28 (workbook) Grammar: Present Perfect continuous tense |
2c |
17 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Listening: The song “Man in the mirror” Speaking: Case studies Reading: Good Uzbek deeds Writing: Anecdote Grammar: Narrative Tenses Special text: Lesson 13. Programming Languages |
2c |
18 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Speaking: Travelling Review 2. Special text: Lesson 14. The Internet |
2c |
Жами |
36 с |
2016-2017 ўқув йилининг II семестрда Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари Касбий таълим
йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тилларкафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Гуруҳ ____________________________________
Дарслик: “Scale up” Book-1 Student’s book and workbook
The methodical manual for students on specialty “Professional Education.”
Амалий машғулотлар: 36 соат
№ |
Ажра тилгансоат |
Бажарил- ганлиги |
Ўқитувчиимзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Starter: Social and personal responsibility Listening: Song “Man in the Mirror” by M. Jackson Ex.1,3-4, p. 42; Speaking:Ex.1-3, p 42. Special text: Optical Disks And Drives |
2c |
2 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Speaking: Steps for making ethical decisionsEx 5. Grammar: Ex. 5-7, p. 43. Reading: Group work. Ex. 8-9, p. 43 |
2c |
3 |
Unit 2. Lesson8. Social and Personal Responsibility Speaking: Differences between the given anecdotes. Writing: Personal anecdote. Ex. 12-13, p. 45. Reading: Computer Graphics |
2c |
4 |
Review Listening:Ex.1, p. 46. Writing: Communication today. Ex.2, p.46. Reading:Language and Communication. Ex.3, p. 46. |
2с. |
5 |
Unit 3 Service management Speaking: Advertisement all over the world. Listening:Listen to the interview with a successfulbusinessman. Ex.2 p.48 Grammar:Relative pronouns. Ex 6-7 Reading: Lesson 17. Development Of Electronics |
2c. |
6 |
Unit 3 Service management Reading: Article. Service managementP. 50 Writing: Formal letters. Complaint letter p 51 Grammar: Manual material-Word combination,p 46 |
2c. |
7 |
Lesson 10 Human resources management Speaking: What is the effective staff management? Ex 1,2 p 52 Listening: Listen to the dialogue P 52 Ex3,4 Grammar: Indirect speech p 54 |
2c |
8. |
Speaking: Group discussion. Ex 9 p 54 Reading: The letter written by HR manager. P 54 Ex.10 Writing: Formal letter. Cover letterp 55 ex 11-12 Reading: Microelectronics And Microminiaturization |
2c |
9. |
Lesson 11 Financial management. Speaking: Manage your hard-earned money. Listening: Listening exercises 3,4 Grammar: Definite and indefinite article. Ex: 7,8 |
2c |
10. |
Reading: Financial management p 58 Ex 10,11 Writing: Writing memos Ex 13 Lesson: Risk management Ex 1p 60 Listening: Listen to an interview with a student organization leader. Ex 2-3-4 p 60 |
2c |
11 |
Reading: A ship in a harbor Ex 9-10 Writing: Writing a report. Ex 13-14 Review: Listening (R3) Ex 1-2 |
2c |
12 |
Lesson 13: Career responsibility Speaking: What is the career responsibility Listening: Listen to the tape decides if the statements are true or false. Grammar:to be supposed to Writing: Rewrite sentences using to be supposed to |
2c |
13 |
Lesson 13: Career responsibility Reading: Causes and consequences of career responsibilities Speaking: Group work discussion. "Leading to the promotion” Writing: Ex.12,13 Topic sentence and controlling idea. |
2c |
14 |
Lesson 14: Professional development Listening: Professional development opportunities Speaking: Professionally developed person Grammar: Conditional sentences 1, 2 |
2c |
15 |
Lesson 14: Professional development Reading: The main factors of personal development Writing: Argumentative writing |
2c |
16 |
Lesson 15: Latest achievements Listening: Recent inventions Speaking: The worst invention of the mankind Reading: Inventions that changed the world Grammar: Conditional sentences 3, 4 |
2c |
17 |
Lesson plan16: World Awards Listening : Anvar’s award Speaking: Awards stimulate further creativeness Grammar: Mixed conditionals |
2c |
18 |
Lesson plan16: World Awards Reading: The Golden Pen” award Writing: Persuasive writing |
2c |
Жами |
36 с |
2016-2017 ўқув йили III семестрда Махсус факультет йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига АКТ с ИМфакультети
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фандастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйичабажарилишининг
Маърузачи: _____________________
Дарслик : “Headway” Pre-intermediate
Methodical manual: Методическая разработка по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов спец факультета (II часть)
Амалиймашғулотлар: 36 соат
№ |
Амалий машғулотмавзулари
Ажр. соат |
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўқитувчиимзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Speaking: Independence Day, Getting to know you. Grammar: Unit 1. Tenses, Questions and negatives Writing: Ex p2-4 Reading: People the great communicators. Part 1 Working on special texts and terminology. “Battle Camp” |
2с |
2 |
Speaking: Communication, Neighbors Grammar: Unit 1. Tenses, Using a bilingual dictionary Writing: Ex p 5-9 Reading: People the great communicators. Part 1 Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
3 |
Speaking: My family, My flat, People and places Grammar: Unit 2. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Writing: Ex p10-13 Reading: People and Places Working on special texts and terminology. “Weapon handling” |
2с |
4 |
Speaking: Living in the USA Grammar: Unit 2. Verb “have”, “have got” Writing: Ex p14-17 Reading: Living in the USA Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
5 |
Speaking: It all went wrong Grammar: Unit 3. Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Writing: Ex p18-21, The Burglar’s Friend Reading: The burglars’ friend Working on special texts and terminology. “Fit to fight” |
2с |
6 |
Speaking:Spy story Grammar: Unit 3. Past Tenses 2, word formation Writing: Ex p22-25, The man with the golden gun Reading: The perfect crime Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
7 |
Speaking:Let’s go shopping Grammar: Unit 4. Much/many, some/any; Quantity Writing: Ex p26-28 Reading: My uncle’s a shopkeeper Working on special texts and terminology. “The Tank” |
2с |
8 |
Speaking: The best shopping street in the world Grammar: Unit 4. A few/a little/a lot of; articles Writing: Ex p29-33 Reading: The best shopping in the world Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
9 |
Speaking: What do you want to do? Grammar: Unit 5. Future forms Writing: Ex p 38- 40 Reading: Hollywood kids. Part 1 Working on special texts and terminology. “Survival in the field” |
2с |
10 |
Speaking: Hollywood kids Grammar: Unit 5.Hot verbs Writing: Ex p 42-46 Reading: Hollywood kids. Part 1 Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
11 |
Speaking: Tell me! What is it like? Grammar: Unit 6.Comparative and superlative Writing: Ex p 46-50 Reading: Milton Petrie Working on special texts and terminology. “Room inspections” |
2с |
12 |
Speaking: A tale of two millionaires Grammar: Unit 6.Antonyms and synonyms Writing: ex p 50 – 55 Reading: Hetty Green Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
13 |
Speaking: Famous couples Grammar: Unit 7. Present perfect for, since Writing: Ex p 55-58 Reading: Famous writers Working on special texts and terminology. “Prisoners of war” |
2с |
14 |
Speaking: Celebrity interview Grammar: Unit 7. Adverbs, word pairs. Short answers Writing: Ex p 59-61 Reading: The pop star and the footballer Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
15 |
Speaking: Do’s and don’ts Grammar: Unit 8.Have (got) to, should/must Writing: Ex p 62-6 Working on special texts and terminology. “An army career” |
2с |
16 |
Speaking: Holidays in January Grammar: Unit 8.Words that go together. Writing: Ex p 66-68 Reading: Dilemmas with Vanessa Goodman Working on special texts and terminology. |
2с |
17 |
Speaking: At the doctor’s Grammar: Unit 8.Problem page. Vocabulary Writing: Ex p 69-70 Working on special texts and terminology. “Platoon in defence” |
2с |
18. |
Speaking: Going places. Grammar: Unit 9.Time clauses, If. Writing: Ex p70-72 Reading: Megalopolis. Part I. Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
36 c |
2016-2017 ўқув йили IVсеместрда Махсус факультет йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига АКТ с ИМфакультети
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фандастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйичабажарилишининг
Маърузачи: _____________________
Дарслик : “Headway” Pre-intermediate
Methodical manual: Методическая разработка по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов спец факультета (II часть)
Амалиймашғулотлар: 36 соат
1 |
Speaking: Life in 2050. Grammar: Unit 9. Hot verbs- take, get, do and make. Writing: Ex p 73-76 Reading: Megalopolis. Part II. Working on special texts and terminology. “Fire and manoevoure” |
2c |
2 |
Speaking: Scared to death Grammar: Unit 10. Verb patterns 2- manage to, used to. Writing: Ex p78-81 Reading: Don’t look down Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
3 |
Speaking: When I was young. Grammar: Unit 10. –ed and –ing adjectives. Exclamations. Writing: Ex p82-85 Reading: Into the wild. Working on special texts and terminology. “Appreciation” |
4 |
Speaking: Things that changed the world Grammar: Unit 11. Passives. Writing: Ex p86-88 Reading: Things go better with Coca- cola, The history of the Hamburger. Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
5 |
Speaking: The world’s most common habit: chewing gum. Grammar: Unit 11.Verbs and nouns that go together.– Notices. Writing: Ex p89-93 Reading: Three plants that changed the world. (Tobacco, Sugar, Cotton). Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
6 |
Speaking: Dreams and reality. Grammar: Unit 12. Second conditional, -might. Writing: Ex p 94-97 Reading: Sweet dreams. Working on special texts and terminology. “Section in the attack” |
2c |
7 |
Speaking: What would you do? Grammar: Unit 12. Phrasal verbs. Social expressions. Writing: Ex p98-101 Reading: Ghostbuster. Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
8 |
Speaking: Earning a living. Grammar: Unit 13. Present Perfect Continuous. Writing: Ex p102-104 Reading: Street life. Working on special texts and terminology. “Debriefing” |
2c |
9 |
Speaking: Giving news. A funny way to earn a living. Grammar: Unit 13. Word formation. Adverbs. Telephoning. Writing: Ex p 105-109 Reading: Lively Tom, 69, skates for Tesco. Life’s a beach. Flying for a living. |
2c |
10 |
Speaking: Armed Forces Grammar: Unit 14. Writing: Ex p 73-76 Reading: “Advance to contact” Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
11 |
Speaking: Extreme Grammar: Unit 15. Writing: Ex p78-81 Reading: Prisioners of war Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
12 |
Speaking: My dream Grammar: Unit 16. Writing: Ex p82-85 Reading: An army forces Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
13 |
Speaking: The role of army Grammar: Unit 16. Passives. Writing: Ex p86-88 Reading: Section the attack Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
14 |
Speaking: Justice and Law Grammar: Unit 17.Verbs and nouns that go together.– Notices. Writing: Ex p89-93 Reading: Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
15 |
Speaking: The roole of economy Grammar: Unit 17. Second conditional, -might. Writing: Ex p 94-97 Reading: Sweet dreams. Working on special texts and terminology. “Section in the attack” |
2c |
16 |
Speaking: Fire and manoveour Grammar: Unit 18. Phrasal verbs. Social expressions. Writing: Ex p98-101 Reading: Working on special texts and terminology. |
2c |
17 |
Speaking: Grammar: Unit 18. Present Perfect Continuous. Writing: Ex p102-104 Reading: Earning for life Working on special texts and terminology. “Debriefing” |
2c |
18 |
Revision |
2c |
Jami |
36c |
2016-2017ўқув йили III семестрда Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари сохасида КИФ, ДИФ, ТТФ, ТФ, АКТсКТ йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг
Амалий машғулот ўқитувчиси:___________________
Дарслик : “Scaleup” Book-2
Methodicalmanual: “Vocabulary for Software” F.Saidova
Амалий машғулотлар: 36соат
№ |
Ажра тилган соат
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўкитувчи имзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Ice breaker: The day of Independence Unit 1. Global Problems and Solutions Lesson 1. Problem Cause Starter: Quotes. P.6 Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 6-7 Speaking:EX: 5-7, p. 7-8,Problem Cause Manual: LESSON 1. “SOFTWARE THE BASICS” Part I. What two main categories does system software include? Scanning, finding new words and discussing questions using text |
2с |
2. |
Grammar: Linking words: Ex: 8-9. P. 8 Reading: Types of Problems EX: 10-11,. P. 8-9 Speaking: Discussion of the text, p.9 Manual: LESSON 1. “SOFTWARE THE BASICS” Part II Ex: 3,4,5 (Choosing the correct word to fill the spaces, Inserting the missing words, Filling in the blanks using the words from the box) |
2с |
3. |
Writing:Opinion Essay EX: 12.-15, P. 9 Manual: LESSON 1. “SOFTWARE THE BASICS” Part III Ex: 6,7,8 (Listening and writing summary, Giving the definition to the new words and word combinations, Putting the text “SOFTWARE THE BASICS” into their own words using vocabulary) |
2с |
4. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Starter: Picture eliciting Listening: EX: 1,2,3,4. P.10-11 T3 P14 Speaking: Discussion of the lecture Manual: LESSON 2. “OPERATING SYSTEM”Part I. warming up: “Look at the picture and define interfaces of what are these?” Scanning, finding new words and discussing questions using text |
2с |
5. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Grammar: EX: 5-6, P.11 Reading: EX: 7,8,9. P. 11-12 Speaking: EX: 9, p.12 (Pro or Cons) Manual: LESSON 2. “OPERATING SYSTEM”Part II Ex: 3,4,5 (Choosing the right answer,matching the problem with the solution, filling in the gaps) |
2c |
6. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Writing:Cause and Effect assay EX: 10.-13, P. 12 Manual: LESSON 2. “OPERATING SYSTEM” Part III Ex: 4,5,6 (Listening and writing summary, Giving the definition to the new words and word combinations, Retelling the text “OPERATING SYSTEM” using vocabulary) |
2с |
7. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Starter: Great Minds quotes. P. 14 Listening: EX: 1,2,3,4. P.10-11 T3. P14 Speaking: Academic or personal problems, EX: 5, p, 15 Manual: LESSON 3. “GRAPHIC DESIGN” Part I What do you understand under the expression “GRAPHIC DESIGN”? Scanning, finding new words and discussing questions using text |
2с |
8. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Grammar: EX: 6-7-8. P. 15 Reading: EX: 9-10, p.15-16 Speaking: Sharing with options Manual: LESSON 3. “GRAPHIC DESIGN” Part II Ex: 3,4,5 (Choosing the right words,Finding the terms of the features of graphic design, Reading the text “How to create and edit images” and write advantages and disadvantages) |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Writing:EX: 11.-14, P. 16-17 Manual: LESSON 3. “GRAPHIC DESIGN” Part III Ex: 6,7 (Giving the definition to the new words and word combinations Putting the text “GRAPHIC DESIGN” into their own words using vocabulary) |
2с |
10. |
Review: EX: 1-2. P. 18-19 Manual: LESSON 4. “WEB BROWSER” Part I. Find the best browser for you with this informative Web Browser Roundup, Scanning, finding new words and discussing questions using text |
2с |
11. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Starter:Eliciting s’s answers, p. 20 Listening:EX: 1-4. P. 20-21 Speaking:Ex: 5-6. P 21. How you are best motivated or inspired? Manual: LESSON 4. “WEB BROWSER” Part II. Ex: 3,4,5 (Choosing the BEST answer,Matching the browser toolbar button with the function, Finding true or false sentences) |
2с |
12. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Grammar:Modal verbs. Ex: 7-8. P. 21-22. Reading:EX: 9-10. P. 22-23 Speaking:Discussion of the text Manual: LESSON 4.“WEB BROWSER” Part III. Ex: 6,7,8 (Writing an essay on the theme “Are you using the most secure and private web browser?”,Giving the definition to the new words and word combinations, Retelling the text “WEB BROWSER”) |
2с |
13. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Writing:EX: 11-15. P. 23 Manual: LESSON 5. “SEARCH ENGINES IN GOOGLE” PartI. Describing the action in details.Scanning, finding new words and discussing questions using text |
2с |
14. |
Module 1. Revision. |
2c |
15. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5.Field of Interest Starter:Working with photo and eliciting s’s answers Listening: EX: 1-3. P. 24-25 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 25 Manual: LESSON 5. “SEARCH ENGINES IN GOOGLE” Part II Ex: 3,4,5 (Filling in the blanks, Matching, Giving description) |
2с |
16. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5.Field of Interest Grammar:Future Perfect (Passive form). EX: 6-9. P. 25-26 Reading:EX: 10-12. P. 27 Speaking:Discussion of the text Manual: LESSON 5. “SEARCH ENGINES IN GOOGLE” Part III Ex: 6,7 (Giving the definition to the new words and word combinations, Retelling the text “SEARCH ENGINES IN GOOGLE”) |
2с |
17. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5.Field of Interest Writing:Writing a newspaper article. Ex:13-16. P. 27 Manual: LESSON 6. “PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE” Part I Warming up: What are these? What are these programs supposed to do? Scanning, finding new words and discussing questions using text |
2с |
18. |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 6. Conference Participation Starter:Working with pictures. Eliciting answers. Listening:EX: 1-3. P. 28-29 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 29 Manual: LESSON 6. “PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE” Part II Ex: 3,4,5 (Matching the letters next to the words, Putting the jumbled part of the sentences in the right order, Listening and write down questions to each position) |
2с |
Жами: |
36 с |
2016-2017 ўқув йили IV семестрда КИФ, ДИФ, ТТФ, ТФ, АКТсКТ йўналишигуруҳлари талабаларига АКТ с ИМ факультети
Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Дарслик : “Scale up” Book-2
Methodical manual: Tursunboyeva L. Urazimbetova R
Амалий машғулотлар: 54 соат
№ |
Амалий машғулотмавзулари
Ажра тилгансоат |
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўқитувчиимзоси |
сана |
Соат |
1. |
Unit 3. Management Types Lesson 9. Social research Starter: Picture eliciting p.42 Listening: Ex: 2, 3 p.43 Speaking: EX: 4-5 p.43 Social investigation |
2с |
2. |
Reading: What is a social research? Grammar: Phrasal verbs: Ex:9-10. P. 44-45 Speaking: Discussion of the text, p.44 |
2с |
3. |
Writing: Diagram Essay EX: 11-12, P. 45 Special text. |
2с |
4. |
Review: EX:1-2-3-4-5-6. P.46-47 |
2с |
5. |
Unit 4. Practical productions Lesson 10. Practical and laboratory work Starter: Working with photos and eliciting s’s answers. Listening: ex: 1-2. P.48 Special text. |
2c |
7. |
Reading: Reasons why practical education is important. P. 50-51. EX:6,7,8,9. P.50-51 Grammar: If sentences Writing: Report about laboratory work ex: 11. P.51 |
2с |
8. |
Unit 4. Lesson 11. Analyze and report Starter: Discuss with photos p.52 Listening: EX:1-2-3, p.52-53 Speaking: Polite English Grammar: Reported speech ex: 5. P. 53. |
2с |
10. |
Unit 4. Lesson 12. Top research results Starter: Working with photos using reported speech. Listening: Ex: 2-3. P.57 EX: 4-5-6. P.57 |
2с |
11. |
Reading: Robot progress Ex: 7-8. P. 58 Grammar: EX: 9. P.59 Writing: Writing summary Ex: 10-11. P. 59 |
2с |
12. |
Review: EX: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. P.60-61. |
2с |
13. |
Unit 1. World’s new vision Lesson 1. Academic fields Starter: Matching headings. P.6 Listening: Ex: 2, 3, p. 7 Speaking:EX: 4,9 p. 7-9 Academic disciplines |
2с |
14. |
Unit 1.lesson 1 Academic fields Grammar: Phrasal verbs: Ex: 5.6 P.7- 8 Reading: Types of Problems EX: 9-10-11,. P. 8-9 Speaking: Discussion of the text, p.9 |
2с |
15. |
Unit 1. Lesson 1.Academic fields Writing:A review EX: 11. P. 9 Special text. |
2с |
16. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Scientific break throughs Starter: Warming up P.10 Listening: EX: 3. P.11 Speaking: On Mars |
2с |
17. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Scientific break throughs Grammar:AdverbsEX: 5-6, P.11-12 Reading: EX: 7,8,9.10 P. 12 Speaking: EX: 4, p.11 |
2c |
18. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Scientific break throughs Writing:Research paper EX: 11-12, P. 13 Special text. |
2с |
36 с |
2016- 2017 ўқувйили III семестрдa, Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари сохасида иктисодиёт ва менежмент йўналишигуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тилларкафедрасиўқитувчиларитомониданўқитиладиганинглиз тили фандастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйичабажарилишининг
Маърузачи: _____________________________
Дарслик : “Scale up” Book-2
Methodical manual:”Economy and Management in ICT sphere”Ibragimova Sh.T., “Business Vocabulary in Use”
Амалий машғулотлар: 36соат
№ |
Амалий машғулотмавзулари
Ажра тилгансоат |
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўқитувчиимзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Independence day. Unit 1. Global Problems and Solutions Lesson 1. Problem Cause Starter: Quotes. P.6 Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 6-7 Speaking:EX: 5-7, p. 7-8,Problem Cause |
2с |
2. |
Grammar: Linking words: Ex: 8-9. P. 8 Reading: Types of Problems EX: 10-11,. P. 8-9 Speaking: Discussion of the text, p.9 |
2с |
3. |
Writing:Opinion Essay EX: 12.-15, P. 9 Special text. Monitor. |
2с |
4. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Starter: Picture eliciting Listening: EX: 1,2,3,4. P.10-11 T3 P14 Speaking: Discussion of the lecture |
2с |
5. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Grammar: EX: 5-6, P.11 Reading: EX: 7,8,9. P. 11-12 Speaking: EX: 9, p.12 (Pro or Cons) |
2c |
6. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Writing: Cause and Effect assay EX: 10.-13, P. 12 Special text. |
2с |
7. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Starter: Great Minds quotes. P. 14 Listening: EX: 1,2,3,4. P.10-11 T3. P14 Speaking: Academic or personal problems, EX: 5, p, 15 |
2с |
8. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Grammar: EX: 6-7-8. P. 15 Reading: EX: 9-10, p.15-16 Speaking: Sharing with options |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Writing:EX: 11.-14, P. 16-17 Specialtext. |
2с |
10 |
Review: EX: 1-2. P. 18-19 |
2с |
11 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Starter:Eliciting s’s answers, p. 20 Listening:EX: 1-4. P. 20-21 Speaking:Ex: 5-6. P 21. How you are best motivated or inspired? |
2с |
12 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Grammar:Modal verbs. Ex: 7-8. P. 21-22. Reading:EX: 9-10. P. 22-23 Speaking:Discussion of the text |
2с |
13 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Writing:EX: 11-15. P. 23 Special text: |
2с |
14 |
Module 1. Revision. Control work |
2c |
15 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5. Field of Interest Starter:Working with photo and eliciting s’s answers Listening: EX: 1-3. P. 24-25 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 25 |
2с |
16 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5. Field of Interest Grammar:Future Perfect (Passive form). EX: 6-9. P. 25-26 Reading:EX: 10-12. P. 27 Speaking:Discussion of the text |
2с |
17 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5. Field of Interest Writing:Writing a newspaper article. Ex:13-16. P. 27 Special text: |
2с |
18 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 6. Conference Participation Starter:Working with pictures. Eliciting answers. Listening:EX: 1-3. P. 28-29 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 29 |
2с |
2016- 2017 ўқувйили IV семестрдa, Ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари сохасида иктисодиёт ва менежмент йўналишигуруҳлари талабаларига
Чет тилларкафедрасиўқитувчиларитомониданўқитиладиганинглиз тили фандастуринингмашғулотлартури бўйичабажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Дарслик : “Scale up” Book-2
Methodical manual:”Economy and Management in ICT sphere”Ibragimova Sh.T., “Business Vocabulary in Use”
Амалий машғулотлар: 36соат
№ |
Амалий машғулотмавзулари
Ажра тилгансоат
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўқитувчиимзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Independence day. Unit 1. Global Problems and Solutions Lesson 1. Problem Cause Starter: Quotes. P.6 Listening: Ex: 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 6-7 Speaking:EX: 5-7, p. 7-8,Problem Cause |
2с |
2. |
Grammar: Linking words: Ex: 8-9. P. 8 Reading: Types of Problems EX: 10-11,. P. 8-9 Speaking: Discussion of the text, p.9 |
2с |
3. |
Writing:Opinion Essay EX: 12.-15, P. 9 Special text. Monitor. |
2с |
4. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Starter: Picture eliciting Listening: EX: 1,2,3,4. P.10-11 T3 P14 Speaking: Discussion of the lecture |
2с |
5. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Grammar: EX: 5-6, P.11 Reading: EX: 7,8,9. P. 11-12 Speaking: EX: 9, p.12 (Pro or Cons) |
2c |
6. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Unintended Consequences Writing: Cause and Effect assay EX: 10.-13, P. 12 Special text. |
2с |
7. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Starter: Great Minds quotes. P. 14 Listening: EX: 1,2,3,4. P.10-11 T3. P14 Speaking: Academic or personal problems, EX: 5, p, 15 |
2с |
8. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Grammar: EX: 6-7-8. P. 15 Reading: EX: 9-10, p.15-16 Speaking: Sharing with options |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Solution Writing:EX: 11.-14, P. 16-17 Specialtext. |
2с |
10 |
Review: EX: 1-2. P. 18-19 |
2с |
11 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Starter:Eliciting s’s answers, p. 20 Listening:EX: 1-4. P. 20-21 Speaking:Ex: 5-6. P 21. How you are best motivated or inspired? |
2с |
12 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Grammar:Modal verbs. Ex: 7-8. P. 21-22. Reading:EX: 9-10. P. 22-23 Speaking:Discussion of the text |
2с |
13 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 4. Motivation and Inspiration Writing:EX: 11-15. P. 23 Special text: |
2с |
14 |
Module 1. Revision. Control work |
2c |
15 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5. Field of Interest Starter:Working with photo and eliciting s’s answers Listening: EX: 1-3. P. 24-25 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 25 |
2с |
16 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5. Field of Interest Grammar:Future Perfect (Passive form). EX: 6-9. P. 25-26 Reading:EX: 10-12. P. 27 Speaking:Discussion of the text |
2с |
17 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 5. Field of Interest Writing:Writing a newspaper article. Ex:13-16. P. 27 Special text: |
2с |
18 |
Unit 2. Research perspectives Lesson 6. Conference Participation Starter:Working with pictures. Eliciting answers. Listening:EX: 1-3. P. 28-29 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 29 |
2с |
36 |
2016-2017ўқув йили VсеместрдаАКТ с ИМ, КИФ, ДИФ, КТФ, ТФ, ТТФ, йўналишигуруҳлари талабаларигаАКТ с ИМ факультети Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастуринингмашғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Дарслик : “Scale up”Book-3
Methodical manual:Telecomunication technologies. Methodical manual for the third and fourth year students. Atashikova N.A 2014
Амалий машғулотлар: 54соат
№ |
Амалий машғулотмавзулари
Ажратилган соат |
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўқитувчи имзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Independence day. Unit 1. World’s new vision Lesson 1. Academic fields Starter: Matching headings. P.6 Listening: Ex: 2, 3, p. 7 Speaking:EX: 4,9 p. 7-9 Academic disciplines |
2с |
2. |
Unit 1.lesson 1 Academic fields Grammar: Phrasal verbs: Ex: 5.6 P.7- 8 Reading: Types of Problems EX: 9-10-11,. P. 8-9 Speaking: Discussion of the text, p.9 |
2с |
3. |
Unit 1. Lesson 1.Academic fields Writing:A review EX: 11. P. 9 Special text. The 7 Layers of the OSI Model |
2с |
4. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Scientific break throughs Starter: Warming up P.10 Listening: EX: 3. P.11 Speaking: On Mars |
2с |
5. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Scientific break throughs Grammar:AdverbsEX: 5-6, P.11-12 Reading: EX: 7,8,9.10 P. 12 Speaking: EX: 4, p.11 |
2c |
6. |
Unit 1. Lesson 2. Scientific break throughs Writing:Research paper EX: 11-12, P. 13 Special text. Physical (Layer 1) of OSI model |
2с |
7. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Oriental contribution Starter: Guessing. P. 14 Listening: EX: 2,3,. P.15 T Speaking: Oriental ancestors EX: 4, p, 15 |
2с |
8. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Oriental contribution Grammar: EX: 6. P. 15 Reading: EX: 5-7-8, p.15-16 Speaking: Sharing with opinions |
2с |
9. |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. Oriental contribution Writing:EX: 10-11-12, P. 17 Specialtext.Data Link (Layer 2) of OSI model |
2с |
10. |
Review: EX: 1-2-3. P. 18 |
2с |
11. |
Unit 2. Lesson 4 Meeting society needs Starter:Eliciting s’s answers, p. 20 Listening:EX: 1-4. P. 20-21 Speaking: P 21. What fields of life are not meeting society needs? |
2с |
12. |
Unit 2.Lesson 4.Meeting society needs Grammar: Ex: 5-6. P.22. Reading:EX: 7-8-9. P. 22-23 Speaking:Discussion of the text |
2с |
13. |
Unit 2.Lesson 4. Meeting society needs Writing:EX: 10-11-13. P. 23 Special text:Network (Layer 3) of OSI model |
2с |
14. |
Unit 2. Lesson 5.Networking Starter:AMindmap Listening: EX: 1-3. P. 24-25 Speaking:EX: 4. P. 25 |
2с |
15. |
Unit 2. Lesson 5.Networking Grammar:Future Perfect (Passive form). EX: 5-7. P. 25-26 Reading:EX: 6-8-9. P. 25-26 Speaking:ex.10.Discussion |
2с |
16. |
Unit 2.Lesson 5.Networking Writing:Writing a newspaper article. Ex:11-12 P. 27 Special text:Transport (Layer 4) of OSI model |
2с |
17. |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Professional contentment Starter:Working with pictures. Eliciting answers. Listening:EX: 1-4. P. 28-29 Speaking:EX: 5-6. P. 29-30 |
2с |
18. |
Unit 2. Lesson 6 Professional contentment Grammar: Time expressions EX:7-8. P.30 Reading:EX.6. P. 29-30 Writing:EX:9- 10. P. 31 |
2с |
19 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6 ICT to be Widely Implemented in Uzbekistan’s Real Sector Listening: EX: 1-2. P.32 Reading: EX.3. ICT to be Widely Implemented in Uzbekistan’s Real Sector |
2с |
20 |
Unit 3 Lesson 7 Academic degrees Speaking: Giving definitions for the abbreviations. Listening: 2-p. 34 |
2с |
21 |
Unit 3 Lesson 7 Academic degrees Reading: Emergence of the Doctor’sand Master’s degrees and thelicentiate Speaking: Group work discussion |
2с |
22 |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech Speaking: Ex 1 p 38 Listening: Ex 2 Tips and explanations |
2с |
23 |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech Speaking: Quotations Grammar: Quantifiers |
2с |
24 |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech Speaking: Art of speaking Reading: Ex 7 Art of speaking |
2с |
25 |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech Speaking: What do you do to persuade a person? Writing: Essays. |
2с |
26 |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech Speaking: Hoe to involve people for the conversation. Listening: Persuasive essay |
2с |
27 |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech Revision: Wring essays |
2с |
54 |
2016-2017 ўқувйили VI семестрдаАКТсИМ, КИФ, ДИФ, КТФ, ТФ, ТТФ, йўналиши гуруҳлари талабаларига АКТсИМ факультети Четтиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг
Маърузачи: ______________________________
Дарслик : “Scale up”Book-3
Internet recourses: Infotech for computer users
Амалий машғулотлар: 54соат
№ |
Амалий машғулотмавзулари
Ажратилган соат |
Бажарилганлиги |
Ўқитувчи имзоси |
сана |
соат |
1. |
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Public speech World famous public speakers. Revision: What essay types do you know? Writing essays. |
2с |
2. |
Lesson 9 Freelance Speaking: Discussion. What is freelance? Listening: Les Kirkham’s speech Ex 3,4 p 42 Grammar: Phrasal verbs Ex 5 p 43 |
2с |
3. |
Lesson 9. Freelance Writing:A review EX: 11. P. 9 Special text. The role of Internet in our life |
2с |
4. |
Speaking:Computer in our life Grammar revision: Present tenses Reading: Living in a digital age. Listening: Computers at work. |
2c. |
5. |
Speaking: “Bilingualizm” Grammar revision: Past tenses (Active) Reading: Living in a digital age. Listening: Computers at work. |
2с. |
6. |
Speaking: “Awards” Grammar revision: Future tenses (Passive) Reading: Computer essentials. Listening: Different types of computers. |
2с. |
7. |
Speaking: “Books” Grammar revision: Modal verbs Reading: Computer essentials. Listening: Different types of computers. |
2с. |
8. |
Speaking: “Environmental protest group” Grammar revision: Modal verbs (Passive) Reading: Inside the system. Listening: A PC system |
2с. |
9. |
Speaking: “ Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan” Grammar revision: : Past tenses (Passive) Reading: Inside the system. Listening: A PC system |
2с. |
10. |
Speaking: “Information technologies and telecommunication in Uzbekistan. Grammar revision: Future tenses (Passive) Reading: Buying a computer. Listening: In a computer shop. |
2c |
11. |
Developing Presentations skills Listening: In a computer shop. |
2c |
12. |
Speaking: “Landlocked countries” Grammar revision: Antonyms and synonyms and prepositions Reading: Buying a computer. |
2с. |
13. |
Grammar revision: Present , Past and Future tenses (Active) Reading: Type click and talk. Listening: Describing input devices |
2с. |
14. |
Vocabulary revision. Grammar revision: Present , Past and Future tenses (Passive) Reading: Capture your favorite images Listening: Scanners |
2c |
15. |
How to write essays Reading: Capture your favorite images Listening: Scanners |
2c |
16. |
Speaking: “Famous Writers” Grammar revision: Adjectives and adverbs Reading: Display screens Listening: Choosing the right display screen |
2с. |
17. |
Speaking: “Proverbs and sayings” Grammar revision: Antonyms and synonyms Reading: Display screens Listening: Choosing the right display screen |
2с. |
18. |
Speaking: “Famous Scientists”” Grammar revision: Complex subject Reading: Assistive technologies. Listening: computers for the disabled |
2с. |
19 |
Speaking: “Historical places of Uzbekistan” Grammar revision: Complex object Reading: Assistive technologies. Listening: computers for the disabled |
2с. |
20 |
Speaking: “Mobile phones” Grammar revision: Passive voice Reading: Types of magnetic drive. P-48 Listening: Buying a portable hard drive. Ex A-B p 48 |
2c. |
21 |
Speaking: “Building bridges” Grammar revision: Past tenses (Active) Reading: Magnetic storage Writing: Explaining hard drive precautions |
2с. |
22 |
Speaking: : “Collecting things” Grammar revision: Future tenses (Passive) Reading: Computer essentials. Listening: Different types of computers. |
2с. |
23 |
Speaking: “Ten years without books” Grammar revision: Modal verbs Reading: Optical disks and drives Listening: CDs and DVDs Ex-C,D p52 |
2с. |
24 |
Speaking: “The role of Art and science” Grammar revisionModal verbs (Passive) Reading: Optical disks and drives Writing: Format wars Ex 5 p 56 |
2с. |
25 |
Speaking: “Mass media” Grammar revision:Past tenses (Passive) Reading: Flash based gadgets. Listening: Describing flash drives Ex-4 p 60 |
2с. |
26 |
Speaking: “Information technologies and telecommunication in Uzbekistan.” Grammar revision: Future tenses (Passive) Reading: Olympus WS-320 M digital recorder Ex 3 p 59. Writing: Reply for the text massage Ex-E p 61. |
2c |
27 |
Speaking: “2016 The year of healthy mother and healthy child.” Grammar revision: Countable and uncountable nouns p 66 Reading: GUI operating system. Listening: Windows vista. Ex 3-A p 65 |
2c |
54 |
Chet tilini o'qitishda yangi pedagogik texnologiyalarning quyidagi shakllari keng qo'llaniladi.
Bumerang texnologiyasi.
3-4 talabalardan tashkil topgan guruhlarga mavzulardan abzatslar tarqatiladi. Maqsad xar bir talaba matnda ko'rsatilgan muammolarni muxokama qiladi. Har bir guruh ajratilgan terminlarni qo'llab mavzuni mundarijasini tuzadilar, natijada umumiy mavzu tiklanadi.
Nazorat uchun savollar.
1) Ajratib ko'rsatilgan terminlar ma'nosini bilasizmi?
2) Ajratib ko'rsatilgan so'zlarning sinonimini (antonimini) ko'rsating.
3) Mavzuning har bir abzatsiga savollar tuzing.
4) Ajratib ko'rsatilgan terminlar ishtirokida gaplar tuzing.
5) Gapda tushurib qoldirilgan so'zlarni to'ldiring.
6) Berilgan mavzuni ma'nosiga bog’liq xolda davom ettiring.
3x4 texnologiyasi
Uchta guruh alohida varaqqa galma-galdan bir atama (umuman 4 atama) belgilangan mavzu bo'yicha yoziladi. Shu so'zlar ishtirokida gaplar va mavzu tuziladi.
Nazorat uchun savollar.
1) Berilgan so'zlarga ta'rif bering.
2) Berilgan so'zlarning sinonim va antonimini aniqlang.
3) Berilgan so'zlardan gaplar tuzing.
4) So'zlarni ingliz, fransuz, nemis tiliga tarjima qiling.
5) Atamalarni ilmiy mohiyati jihatidan tartiblang.
6) Tuzilgan mavzuni ingliz, fransuz, nemis tillarida so'zlab bering.
Aqliy xujum texnologiyasi.
3x4 guruh talabalar bir yechimga qaratilgan vazifa yuklatiladi. Birinchi bosqichda masalani yechimiga qaratilgan muammo bo'yicha farazlar bildiriladi, 2 bosqichda farazlar konkretlashtiriladi.
Nazorat uchun savollar.
1) Mavzudagi kalit so'zlarni toping.
2) Gaplardagi kalit so'zlarga ma'no jixatidan mos so'zlarni toping.
3) Ma'no jixatidan mos keladigan so'zlarni guruhlashtiring.
4) Ushbu so'zlardan foydalanib mavzuga oid savollar tuzing.
“Breyn-ring” texnologiyasi.
5x6 tadan 4x5 guruhga bo'linadi. har bir talaba doira shaklida bir-birini ko'rishlari uchun doira shaklida joylashtiriladi. Har bir guruhga o'rganilayotgan mavzu bo'yicha 3 tadan savol tuzish topshiriladi.
Nazorat uchun savollar.
1) So'zlardan foydalanib bo'lajak mutahassislik faoliyatiga aloqador jarayonni taxlil etish.
2) Ajratilgan so'zlarga ta'rif bering.
3) Shu so'zlarning ma'nosini kichik mavzu bilan izohlang.
“Galereya” metodi
«Galereya» usuli kichik guruhlarda birdaniga bir nechta masalani muhokama qilish imkonini beradi. Bunda guruhning har bir a'zosi barcha taklif etilgan masalalar muhokamasida ishtirok etishi va o'z ulushini qo'shishi mumkin.
1-qadam. Masalani qo'yish. O'qituvchi har bir guruhga ma'lum muammo yoki masalani beradi.
2-qadam. har bir guruh o'z masalasi ustida ishlash. Masalalar ustida ishlash kichik guruhlarda amalga oshiriladi (odatda 5-10 minut).
3-qadam. Kichik guruhlar qo'shni guruhlar masalasi yechimini ohirigacha yetkazishga o'tish. har bir kichik guruh o'z g’oyalarini yozgan katta varaqni olmasdan doira bo'ylab siljiydi. Variant sifatida guruh siljishi o'rniga doira bo'ylab ishlangan g’oyalar yozilgan katta varaqni uzatish mumkin.
4-qadam. qo'shni masalasi yechimini ohirigacha yetkazish. Har bir kichik guruh varaqqa yozilgan qo'shni guruh g’oyalarini o'rganadi; savol belgisi bilan rozi bo'lmaganlarni belgilaydi; qo'shni masalasi yechimi bo'yicha o'z g’oyalarini yozadi. 5 minutdan keyin guruhlar doira bo'ylab keyingi kichik guruhga o'tib, yana joylari bilan almashadi. Siljishlar soni kichik guruhlar (qo'yilgan masalalar) soniga teng.
5-qadam. O'z masalasiga qaytish. Masaladan masalaga doira bo'yicha o'tishlar har bir kichik guruh o'zining dastlabki masalasiga qaytish bilan tugallanadi.
6-qadam. Taqdimot va ish natijalari muhokamasi. Har bir guruh navbat bilan o'zlarining qog’oz varaqlarida yig’ilgan natajalar g’oyalarni tushuntirish va sharhlar bilan taqdim etadi. Boshqa guruhlar ular taqdimot qilayotgan guruh varag’iga yozgan g’oyalarini tushuntiradilar va sharhlaydilar. Zarur hollarda g’oyalar umumiy guruhda muhokama qilinishi mumkin.
Yozish va o'qish orqali fikrlashni rivojlantirish yoki «Insert» usulida o'qish.
Amerikalik pedagoglar tomonidan taqdim etilgan «Notanish matnni insert usuli yordamida o'qish» metodini chet tili darslarida qo'llanilsa juda samarali bo'lishi mumkin. Chunki har bir darsida talabalar yangi ma'lumotlar, manbalar va yangi atamalar bilan tanishishlari kerak bo'ladi.
Talaba matnni ohirigacha o'qib chiqib, hozir o'qiganlaridan hech narsani mutlaqo eslab qolmasligi ko'p talabalar uchun oddiy xol hisoblanadi. Insert usuli orqali o'qish esa tushunib o'qish, o'qish jarayonida faol bilim olish imkonini beradi.
Insert (belgi qo'yib o'qish) -o'qish va yozishni samarali amalga oshirishda, talabalarda darslik bilan ishlash ko'nikmalarini shakllantirishda ayniqsa qulay usul.
Unda belgilar quyidagicha bo'lishi kerak:
«V»- bilaman.
«-« - o'ylaganimga zid, notanish.
« Q »- yangilik.
«?» - tushunmadim, ya'ni qo'shimcha ma'lumot kerak.
«!» - hayratlandim.
Belgilangan matnni o'qish jarayonida talaba o'z bilimi va tushunchalariga
5 turdagi belgilarni qo'yib boradi. Har bir satr yoki bandni belgilash shart emas. Talaba hat boshiga bitta yoki ikkita belgi qo'yishi mumkin. Hamma talaba matnni o'qib tugatgach o'qituvchi quyidagi savollar bilan talabalarga murojaat qiladi:
« Now think about reading material and discuss with your groupmates.;
Muhokama qilish uchun savollar quyidagilar:
1. What kind of knowledge did you get?
2. What new information have you come accross?
3. What kind of question have you had?
4. What haven't you understood?
5. Your opinion about events, facts and process according to the text? Bu ishga matnning katta kichikligiga qarab vaqt ajratiladi. Shundan so'ng har bir talaba o'zining individual jadvalini quyidagicha tuzib chiqadi.
«V» (Bilaman) |
«Q» (Yangilik) |
«-« (Notanish) |
? (Tushunmadim) |
! (Xayratlandim) |
Insert usulidan foydalanish talabaga matnni ongli ravishda, tushunib o'qishida yordam beradi. Foydalaniladigan belgilar miqdori esa talabalarning yoshi va bilim darajasiga qarab kamaytirilishi mumkin.
SWOT- universal tahlil qilish metodi
Ushbu metod maqsadlarda qo'llaniladigan metodlardan biri hisoblanadi.
Uning nomi inglizcha so'zlarning birinchi harfidan olingan bo'lib, Strengths -
kuchli tomonlar, Wearnesses - kuchsiz tomonlar yoki muammolar, Opportunetiss - tashqi imkoniyatlar, Threats-tashqi muhitda mavjud havf-hatarlar.
Masalan: “Mass media” mavzusini SWOT -tahlil metodidan foydalangan holda o'tkazish mumkin.
S |
Advantages of MM |
1. 2. |
W |
Disadvantages of MM |
1. 2. |
O |
Opportunities of MM |
a. b. c. d. |
T |
External trearts |
a. b. c. d. |
“Muammoli vaziyat” metodi ta'lim oluvchilarda muammoli vaziyatlarning
sababini va oqibatlarini tahlil qilish hamda ularning yechimlarini topish
bo'yicha ko'nikma va malakalarni shakllantirishga qaratilgan metod.
“Muammoli vaziyat” metodining tarkibiy tuzilishi quyidagicha:
· Muammoli vaziyat tavsifini keltirish
· O'quvchilarni guruhlarga bo'lish
· Guruhlar muammoli vaziyatning kelib chiqish sabablarini aniqlashi
· Guruhlarning muammoli vaziyatni oqibatlari to'g’risidagi fikrlarini
jamlanish bosqichi
· Guruhlarni muammoli vaziyatni yechimini ishlab chiqish bosqichi
· To'g’ri yechimlarni tanlash bosqichi
“Muammoli vaziyat” metodi uchun tanlangan muammoning murakkabligi talabalarning bilim darajalariga mos kelishi kerak. Talabalar qo'yilgan muammoning yechimini topishga qodir bo'lishi kerak, chunki muammoni echimini topishda talabalarning qiziqishlari so'nishi va o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchini yo'qotishi mumkin. Dars jarayonida ushbu metoddan foydalanganda talabalar mustaqil fikr yurtishga, muammoning sabab va oqibatlarini tahlil qilishga, uning echimini topishga o'rganadilar.
“Muammoli vaziyat” metodini qo'llash bosqichlari quyidagilardan iborat:
1. O'qituvchi mavzu bo'yicha muammoli vaziyatni tanlaydi, maqsad va vazifalarni aniqlaydi, muammoni bayon qiladi.
2. O'qituvchi talabalarni topshiriqning vazifalari va shartlari bilan tanishtiradi.
3. Talabalarni kichik guruhlarga ajratadi.
4. Kichik guruhlar berilgan muammoli vaziyatni o'rganadilar va muammoning kelib chiqish sabablarini aniqlaydilar. Barcha guruhlar muammoni sabablarini o'rganib chiqqach, taqdimot o'tkazadilar. Barcha guruhlardagi muammoning sabablari to'g’risidagi bir hil fikrlar jamlanadi.
5. Bu bosqichda berilgan vaqt mobaynida guruhlar muammoning kelib chiqish mumkin bo'lgan oqibatlari to'g’risida fikr yuritadilar va vaqt tugagach, har bir guruh o'z taqdimotini o'tkazadi. Taqdimotdan keyin bir hil fikrlar yana jamlanadi.
6. Endi guruhlar muammoni yechishning turli yo'llari va imkoniyatlarini muhokama qiladilar, tahlillar o'tkazadilar. Muammoli vaziyatni yechish yo'llarini ishlab chiqadilar.
7. Kichik guruhlar muammoni yechish bo'yicha o'z variantlari taklif etilgan taqdimot o'tkazadilar.
8. Barcha guruhlarning taqdimotidan keyin bir hil yechimlar yoki original yechimlar jamlanadi. O'qituvchi talabalar bilan birgalikda muammoli vaziyatni yechishning eng maqbul variantini tanlab oladi.
“Breyn-rayting” va “Sinkveyn” texnologiyalaridan yozuv texnikasini o'stirishda foydalanish maqsadga muvofiqdir.
Mustaqil ta'limni tashkil etishning shakli va mazmuni
Chet tili fanidan mustaqil ishlarining maqsadi - talabalarning kasbiy kommunikativ faoliyatini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish, ularning ijodiy faoliyatini o'stirish, va chet tili ustida mustaqil ishlay olish malaka va ko'nikmalarini hosil qilish va rivojlantirishdan iborat. Ushbu umumiy maqsadga erishish uchun quyidagi bir necha vazifalarni bajarish nazarda tutiladi:
- talabalarning til tayyorgarlik sifatini oshirib borish, til va mutahassislik bo'yicha adabiyotlar ustida ishlay olish ko'nikmalarini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish;
- o'z kasbiy bilim va malakalarini keyinchalik mustaqil to'ldirib va yangilab turish ehtiyojlarini yaratish va saqlab qolish, chet tili bo'yicha yaratilgan malaka va ko'nikmalarni o'stirib, rivojlantirib borish;
- talaba bajarishi kerak bo'lgan ishlarni to'gri tashkil qilish, kelib chihadigan qiyinchiliklarni oldindan bila olish, his etish va ularni bartaraf qilish yo'llarini topa olish.
Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ishlarning mazmuni.Talabalarning mustaqil ishlari nutq faoliyatining quyidagi turlari bo'yicha tashkil qilinadi.
O'qish: (tanishib chiqish, sinchiklab, qarab chiqish), yozuv, tinglab tushunish va gapirish;
Tinglab tushunish: hajmi turlicha bo'lgan audio- va video matnlarni tinglab tushunish, savollarga javob berish, gapirib berish, annotasiya yoza olish;
Gapirish: talabalarning dialogik va monologik nutqlari bo'yicha mustaqil ishlari auditoriyada o'rgatilgan matnlar, o'quv materiallari asosida tashkil qilinadi. Gapirish bo'yicha mustaqil ish sifatida mavzu asosida ma'lumot tayyorlash, matn mazmunini gapirib berish, o'rganilgan leksik materiallar asosida hikoyalar tuzish, berilgan muammoli masala va vaziyatlarni muhokama qilish kabi topshiriqlar berish mumkin. Gapirish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirib borish uchun mulьtimedia dasturlarini va on-layn tehnologiyalarini qo'llashga asosiy e'tibor qaratiladi;
O'qish: talaba o'rganayotgan sohasiga oid adabiyotlar bilan tanishib chiqishi va o'zi uchun qiziqarli va kerakli bo'lgan ahborotni tushunishi, publicistik, ilmiy-ommabop ijtimoiy-siyosiy adabiyotlarni o'qishi va kerakli ahborotni olishi lozim. Mashg’ulotlarda yuqorida aytilgan malaka va ko'nikmalarni shakllantirish va o'stirish juda murakkab bo'lganligi uchun ularni mustaqil ish jarayonida sinchiklab, ko'z yugurtirib, qarab chiqib o'qish turlari orqali tashkil qilinadi. Ushbu o'qish turlarini nazorat qilish-matnni butunlay tarjima qilish yoki uning tanlab olingan qismlarini tarjima qilish bilan amalga oshiriladi.
Tanishib chiqib o'qish mustaqil ish turi sifatida uyda o'qish shaklida olib boriladi.O'qishning bu turi uchun autentik yoki adaptasiya qilingan adabiy, ilmiy-ommabop adabiyot tanlab olinadi. Tekshirish shakllari: o'qiganini mazmunini tushunganligi bo'yicha savol-javob ishlari, ajratib olingan masalalar bo'yicha ahborot olish, bahs-munozaralar o'tkazish, ahborotga reja tuzish va h.k.
qarab chiqib, qidirib topish uchun o'qish. O'qishning bu turida ommaviy-siyosiy, publicistik matnlar, gazeta va jurnal materiallari beriladi va qar bir darsda qisqacha ahborot olinadi. Talaba bitta gazeta maqolalari asosida ahborot beradi yoki mavzu bo'yicha bir qancha gazeta va jurnallardan axborot tayyorlaydi.
Yozuv.Yozuv bo'yicha mustaqil ish o'z ichiga o'rganilayotgan tilda fikrni bayon qila olish ishlarini oladi. Bunda mustaqil ish mazmuniga quyidagilar kiradi:
- annotasiya, referat, rezyumelar tuza olish;
- og’zaki ravishda nutq hosil qilish uchun reja yoki tezis tuzish;
- turli hatlar, tabriknoma, takliflar, ish yuzasidan hatlar tuza olish;
- o'qishga va ishga qabul yuzasidan arizalar yoza olish;
- sohaga oid turli xujjatlarni to'ldirish;
- bayon, insho, esselar yoza olish; kasbi bo'yicha ish yuritish ishlarini (yozuvlarini) olib borish.
O'qib tarjima qilingan materiallar kurs ishlari va referatlarda qo'llaniladi.
№ |
1 |
Power Point Presentation on the specialty
4 points |
2 |
Lesson 1-6 200 words; Glossary 100 words
6 points |
3 |
Speak on topics Our first President English is an international language My motherland Tashkent Threats and Treats Shopping Internet in our life My favourite writer |
each of them is 1 point overall
8 points
Total |
18 points |
№ |
1. |
Power Point Presentation on the specialty |
4 points |
2. |
Lessons 7- 16 200 words; Glossary 100 words |
6 points |
3. |
Topics Social responsibility Latest achievements My future profession The main law of our country Our University The role of art Holidays in Uzbekistan The United Kingdom of Great Britain
each of them is 1 point overall
8 points
Total |
18 points |
№ |
1 |
Power Point Presentation on the specialty |
4 points |
2 |
Lessons 1-6 200 words; Glossary 100 words |
6 points |
3 |
Speak on topics Our first President Unintended Consequences My motherland Ecological Problems My hobby Traditions and Customs Solutions Our University |
each of them is 1 point overall
8 points
Total |
18 points |
№ |
1. |
Power Point Presentation on the specialty |
4 points |
2. |
Lessons 7- 12 200 words; Glossary 100 words |
6 points |
3. |
Topics Practical and laboratory work Social research Social problems Famous people and inventions Sport in Uzbekistan and in Great Britain Mass media Health Service IT development |
each of them is 1 point overall
8 points
Total |
18 points |
№ |
1 |
Power Point Presentation on the specialty |
4 points |
2 |
Lessons 1-6 200 words; Glossary 100 words |
6 points |
3 |
Topics 1.Our first President 2. Global Problems 3.Achievments in Science Our Great Ancestors My Motherland Education system of Uzbekistan Travelling Our Main Law |
each of them is 1 point overall
8 points
Total |
18 points |
№ |
1. |
Power Point Presentation on the specialty |
4 points |
2. |
Lessons 7- 12 200 words; Glossary 100 words |
6 points |
3. |
Topics Public speech Freelance Political system of Uzbekistan Using public transport Up to date devices Great geniuses Personal ambitions in science International organizations
each of them is 1 point overall
8 points
Total |
18 points |
Equivalents----adj.~(to smth) equal in value, amount,meaning,importance,etc;
Signboards---a peace of wood that has some information on it, such as a name, and is displayed outside a shop/ store, hotel,,etc;
Inevitable—that you cannot avoid or prevent;
tonal nature—relating to tones of sound in the way that it happen in physical world when it is not controlled;
constructed--~smth(from/out of /of smth)to buil or make smth such as a road, building or machine;
rationally--- (af behaviour, ideas comes , etc)based on reason rather than emotions;
foreseeable – that you can predict will happen ; thatv can be foreseen;
homemaker – a person , especially a woman, who works at home and takes care of the house and family;
absorbed--~in smth/smb very interested in smth so that you are not paying attention to anything else;
particular—used to emphasize that you are referring to one individual person, thing or type of thing and not others;
intrinsic—a feeling that makes you do smth or believe that smth is true, even though it is not based on facts or reason;
interrupt— so say or do smth that makes smb stop what they are saying or doing;
increasing—the situation a rise in amount, a number or value of smth;
confusing—difficult to understand , not clear;
illuminated—maked smth clearer or easier to understand;
prediction—a statement that says what you think will happen;
precise—clear and accurate;
interrupted—being said or done smth that makes smb stop what they are saying or doing;
duration—the length of time that smth lasts or continues;
vehicular—(formal) intended for vehicles or consisting of vehicleles
distinct—easily or clearly heard,seen,felt, etc;
antiquity— the ancient past , especially the times of the Greeks and Romans;
lingua franca—(technical) a shared language of communication used by people whose main languages are different;
aubergine-- a large vegetable with shiny dark purple skin and soft white flesh;
interpretation— the particular way in which smth is understood or explained;
consequences—a result of smth that has happened;
Threat—a statement in which you tell smb that you will punish or harm them , especially if they do not do what you want;
Treat—to behave in a particular way towards smb;
Copywriter-- a person whose job is to write the words for advertising;
immune tolerance-- protected from smth able to avoid it by suffering it;
Intellectual property-- intelektual things that are owned by smb;
Updating software-- a program which makes smth more modern by adding new parts,etc;
Prevention— the act of stopping smth bad from happening;
Ideological pressure—the force or weight with which smth pressing against smth else by belief;
Traffic— the vehicles that are on a road at a particular time;
Spamming—the practice of sending mail , especially advertising material , through the Internet to a large number of people , who have not asked for it;
Malicious—having or showing hatred and a desire to harm smb or hurt their feelings;
Confidential— meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people;
Critical—~(of smb/smth) expressing disapproval of smb/smth and saying what you think is bad about them;
Suspicious—~(of/about smb/smth) feeling that smb has done smth wrong , illegal or dishonest , without having any proof;
Extreme— very great in degree;
Artificial—made or produced to copy smth natural; not real;
Rapidly—being happening in a short period of time;
Spiritually— being connected with the human spririt , rather than the body or physical things;
alien ideology— a strange and frightening set of ideas that an economic or political system is based on;
to admit—to say to have done smth illegal ;
to affect—to produce a change in smb/smth;
behaviour— the way that smb behaves , especially towards other people;
assault— the crime of attacting smb attacking smb physically;
to penetrate— ~(into/through/to) smth to go into or through smth;
to snoop— to look around a place secretly to find out private things about smb ;
swapping—the act of exchanging one thing or person for another;
to persuade—~(smb)to make smb do smth by giving them good reasons for doing it;
Stumble – to hit your foot against something while you are walking or running and almost fall
Route – a way that you follow to get from one place to another
Undoubtedly – used to emphasize that something exits or is definitely true
Upon – in or into a position covering, touching or forming part of a surface
Assert – to state clearly and firmly that something is true
Comparatively – as compared to something/somebody else
to refer – to describe or be connected to somebody/something
familiarize – to learn about something or teach somebody about something, so that you/they start to understand it
evaluative skills – to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of something after thinking about it carefully
demand – a very firm request for something, something that somebody needs
surely – used to show that you are almost certain of what you are saying and want other people to agree with you
comprehension – to ability to understand
to lend – to let it be known in public that you support or agree with something
reference - a thing you say or write that mentions somebody/something else; the act of mentioning
encourage – to give somebody support, courage or hope
selective – carefully chosen as the best out of larger group of people or things
acquired – to gain something by your own efforts, ability or behavior
arouses – to make somebody have a particular feeling attitude
curiosity – an unusual and interesting thing
increase – a rise in the amount, number or value of thing
circumstances – the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action
familiarizing - to learn about something or teach somebody about something, so that you/they start to understand it
tremendous – extremely good
concealment – the ct of hiding something; the state of being hidden
bias – a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of people, or one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement
furthermore – in addition to what has just been stated
properly – in a way that is correct and/or appropriate
comprise – to have somebody/something as parts or members; to consist of somebody/ something
achieved – to succeed in reaching in a particular goal, status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time
confrontation – to appear and need to be dealt with by somebody
implementing – to to something that you have said you will do or have been asked to do
to require – to need something; to depend on somebody
whereby – by which; because of which
to emphasize – to give special importance to something
sophistication – the quality of being sophisticated
relevant – closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thingking about
diligence – careful and thorough work or effort
failure – lack of success in doing or achieving something
reluctance – hesitating before doing something because you don’t want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do
Lesson 7 . Succeedingin LLL
when someone uses, eats, or drinks something
very great in amount or level, or extremely good
when you feel annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want; something that makes you feel like this
affluence |
What we are seeing increasingly is a society of private affluence and public squalor.
enable |
to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible
a lack of something or when the quality of something is extremely low
very unusual, special, unexpected or strange
formal and splendid in style and appearance
finish something successfully or to achieve something
liked or wanted more than anything else
a large flat sea creature that lives in a shell, some types of which can be eaten either raw or cooked, and other types of which produce pearls (= small round white precious stones)
something that is interesting because it is rare and unusual
to have a strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone
conceive |
recite |
to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly state a list of things
a feeling of nervousness before an important or difficult event
the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future
trace |
to find someone or something that was lost
ascribe |
to believe or say that something is caused by something else
a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding
sage |
to believe or say that something is caused by something else
to consider as separate and not related
Lesson 8. Social responsibility
to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present
deed |
an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one
involvement |
the act or process of taking part in something
when you are obliged to do something
physical or other injury or damage
enclosure |
an area surrounded by fences or walls
retrieve |
to find and bring back something
prevail |
a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities
a building designed to give) protection from bad weather, danger or attack
inspired |
encouraged, or made you feel you want to do something
a fuss
a show of anger, worry, lack of satisfaction or excitement, usually one which is greater than the situation deserves
to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it
tuna |
a large fish which lives in warm seas
when you admire someone or something
to defeat someone or something by using a lot of force
unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money
compile |
to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report or list
(of flour or food made from flour) containing all the natural features of the grain, with nothing taken away
enlightment |
the state of understanding something
squeeze |
to press something firmly, especially from all sides in order to change its shape, reduce its size or remove liquid from it
ponder |
to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of time
a short part of a film, story or play that goes back to events in the past
suspense |
the feeling of excitement or nervousness which you have when you are waiting for something to happen and are uncertain about what it is going to be
(the ability to have) a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation
Lesson 9. Service management
always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way
the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest
acquire |
a person who buys goods or a service
incline |
usually + adverb or preposition ] to (make someone) feel something or want to do something
possible when the necessary conditions exist
someone who tries to win a competition, fight or sports event from someone who has previously won it
something that blocks you so that movement, going forward or action are prevented or made more difficult
prevent |
to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
when someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else
generate |
sacrifice |
to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person
establish |
often passive ] to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time
having finished a training course, or having particular skills, etc
a detailed plan or route of a journey
to organize and perform a particular activity
measure |
to discover the exact size or amount of something, or to be of a particular size
a piece of paper that can be used to pay for particular goods or services or that allows you to pay less than the usual price for them
staff |
the group of people who work for an organization
water that flows naturally along a fixed route formed by a channel cut into rock or ground, usually at ground level
the income that a government or company receives regularly
when people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing
to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others
complain |
to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory
when you politely or officially ask for something
concern |
to delay an event and plan or decide that it should happen at a later date or time
enoughfor a particularpurpose
help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money
Deadline- a date or time by which you have to do or complete something
Inventory -a list of all things in a place
Treatment- something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill
Changeover- a change from one activity, system or a way of working to another
Elevator mechanic- a machine that takes people and goods from one level to another in a building
To consider- to think about something carefully especially before making a choice or decision
To become victim- someone who has been attacked, robbed or murdered
To fill- if a container or place fills, if you fill it , enough of something goes into it to make it full
Preserve- n/ a substance from boiling fruit or vegetables with sugar, salt or vinegar
v/to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed
Goal-oriented giving a lot of time, effort or attention to one particular thing
Beside- next to, very close to, to the side of someone or something
Accomplish- to succeed in doing something especially after trying very hard
Guard-someone whose job is protect a place or person
Wisdom- good sense or judgment, based especially on your experience of life
Challenge-something that test strength, skill or ability , especially in a way that is interesting
Purpose- the purpose of something is what it is intended to achieve
Surrounding- near or around a particular place
Dedication- hard work or effort that someone puts into a particular activity because they care about it a lot
To injure- to hurt yourself or someone else , i.g in an accident or an attack
Stroke- if someone has a stroke an artery in their brain suddenly bursts, so that they may die or be unable to use some muscles
To abuse- to treat someone in a cruel or violent way
Surround- an area around the edge of something
Scream- to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened excited , etc.
Properly- correctly or in a way that’s considered right
Salary-money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month
To march-soldiers or other people march somewhere, they walk there quickly with a firm regular steps
To impress- to make someone feel admiration and respect
To extend – to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something last longer
Opportunity – a chance to do something or an occasion when it is for you to do something
Target- smth that you are trying such as a total an amount or a time
Workforce – all the people who work in particular industry or are available to work in particular country or area
To participate – to take part in an activity or event
Mentoring- a system where people with a a lot of experience, knowledge etc advise and help other people and work, or young people preparing for work
Acquisition- the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skill
Ladder- a piece of equipment used for climbing up to or down from high places
Enhanced –improved or better
Beforehand- before something else happens or is done
Reflective supervision - to be in charge an activity or person and make sure that things are done in the correct way
Awkward- making you feel embarrassed so that you are not sure what to do or say
To strengthen- to become stronger or make something stronger
To be complacent- to be pleased with a situation especially something you have achieved
Pinpoint skills- to discover or explain the real facts about something or the cause of a problem
Stroke somebody’s ego – to say nice thing s to someone to make them feel good, especially because you want something from them
By devour – to be filled with strong feeling that seems to control you
Niche – if you find your niche you find a job or activity that is very suitable for you
Neglect- to fail to look after someone or something properly
superficial-on the surface
cursory-not deep
repeatedly-several times
to trigget-achieve
lunge-jump, hit
pollution-to meke mass (dirty)
to harm-damage
to alter-change
to exploit-treat, working
a sparrow-one type of little bird
exhaustion-weary, tiresome
to swarm-group, crowd
a yield-harvest
to curb-rein
grasshopper-green insect
deplete-destroy, wreck
evidence-reason, proof, argument
fridges-make ice
extinguishers-switch off
disposed-edge, position
stridded-march, big foot step
aside-be omitted
the sorrow-distress
the hedge bordering-get over of smth.
implement-instrument, outfit
soap boxes-dish for soap
comporable-to get another variant
presentation-official report
deadline-last date
payback-return bill
to utilize- make practical and effective use of
to tackle- make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)
wired-feeling nervous or excited
to unfold-reveal or disclose (thoughts or information)
to aspire-direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something
to crave-feel a powerful desire for (something)
innate-inborn; natural
affiliation-the state or process of affiliating
immoral- morally wrong
equaled- being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value
monetary- relating to money or currency
assisting- to give help or support
intending- planning or meaning to do or be the specified thing
inspiration- the process of being mentally stimulated to do something
dormant- quiet and inactive, as during sleep
ignited- to catch fire or set fire to
sparks- a small flash of light produced by a sudden disruptive electrical discharge through the air
incentive- a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
cozy room – comfortable place
controversial - giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement
confess - to make an acknowledgment or admission (of faults, misdeeds, crimes, etc)
investigate - carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts
conscious- aware of and responding to one's surroundings
ponder - think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision
mysteries - something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
referring – directing the attention of someone to something
comprehend - grasp mentally; understand
capable - having ability, esp. in many different fields; competent
tending - to have a general disposition (to do something); be inclined
postpone - arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled
awaken - cause to stop sleeping
ancestors - a person from whom another is directly descended, esp. someone more distant than a grandparent; forefather
approach - the action of coming near to someone or something
persistent - continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
discussion - process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas
entertainment - the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment
environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates - to function or cause to function
teen - relating to teenagers
energizing - giving someone the enthusiasm and determination to do something
affinity - a natural liking, taste, or inclination towards a person or thing
chart - a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram
expectation - a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future
intention - an intention is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.
prove - demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument
further - more distant in space than another item of the same kind
remarkable - worthy of attention; striking
occurred - happen; take place
automated - process in which machines are used to do the work instead of people
supply - provide with something needed or wanted
coal - a hard black substance that is extracted from the ground and burned as fuel
run out - use up one's supply of something
sources - a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained
runner - a messenger, collector, or agent for a bank, bookmaker, or similar
software - the programs and other operating information used by a computer
designing - acting in a calculating, deceitful way
applicant - a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job
representative - a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
project - a proposed or planned undertaking
affect - emotion or desire as influencing behaviour
ability - skill to do something
matter - a subject or situation under consideration
essential - vitally important; absolutely necessary
due - expected at or planned for at a certain time
contribution - a gift or payment to a common fund or collection
concise - giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive
summarize - give a brief statement of the main points of (something)
rank - a position within the hierarchy of an organization or society
involve - include (something) as a necessary part or result
keenness - having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
exhausted - drained of one's physical or mental resources; very tired
destination - the place to which someone or something is going or being
deed - an action that is performed intentionally or consciously
annual - occurring once every year
participate - to take part, be or become actively involved
mention - to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally
civilization - the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced
Appropriate - suitable or proper in the circumstances
Terrified - to inspire fear or dread in; frighten greatly
Events - anything that takes place or happens, esp. something important; happening; incident - an instance of something happening; an event or occurrence
Exhausted - drained of one's physical or mental resources; very tired
Participate - to take part, be or become actively involved, or share (in)
furious devastated – to be extremely shocked and upset by something
opportunity - a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something
incredibly - a great degree; extremely or unusually
interact - communicate or be involved directly
fascinating -extremely interesting and attractive
converse - engage in conversation
theoretical - concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application
suggestion - an idea or plan put forward for consideration
particularly important – to be very significant, highly valued or necessary.
audience - a group of spectators or listeners, esp. at a public event such as a concert or play
immensely popular- appealing to the general public; widely favoured or admired
mention - to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally
extremely complicated – very difficult to understand or analyze
environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
introduce - to present (someone) by name (to another person) or (two or more people to each other)
participant - a person who takes part in something
submit – accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person
scholars - a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities
bulk - the mass or size of something large
introductory - serving as an introduction to a subject or topic; basic or preliminary
brief - short in duration
accomplished - successfully completed; achieved
scientific - based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science
beforehand - before an action or event; in advance
authors - a person who composes a book, article, or other written work
submissions - the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person
holder - a device or implement for holding something
accommodation - a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay
scholarship - a grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement
frightened - afraid or anxious
enormous - very large in size, quantity, or extent
Lesson 1 Academic Fields
Enforcement - the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation; If someone carries out the enforcement of an act or rule, they enforce it.
Advocacy - public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy; the profession or work of a legal advocate; Someone's advocacy of a particular action or plan is their act of recommending it publicly.
Forestry - the science or practice of planting, managing, and caring for forests; the science or skill of growing and taking care of trees in forests, especially in order to obtain wood.
Nonprofit - not making or conducted primarily to make a profit; A non-profit organization is one which is not run with the aim of making a profit.
Nuclear - relating to the nucleus of an atom, or to the energy released when these nuclei are split or combined.
Accounting - the process or work of keeping financial accounts; Accounting is the activity of keeping detailed records of the amounts of money a business or person receives and spends.
Employ - give work to (someone) and pay them for it; keep occupied; the state of being employed for wages or a salary.
Academician - a member of an academy, especially the Royal Academy of Arts or the Académiefrançaise; An academician is a member of an academy, usually one which has been formed to improve or maintain standards in a particular field.
Encounter - unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult); an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something; a confrontation or unpleasant struggle.
Unfairly - not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice; not following the rules of a game or sport.
Controversial - giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement; controversial issues such as abortion.
Assistance - the action of helping someone by sharing work; the provision of money, resources, or information to help someone; If you give someone assistance, you help them do a job or task by doing part of the work for them.
Curriculum - the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college;
Indefinite - lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time; not clearly expressed or defined; vague; not determining the person, thing, time, etc. referred to; If you describe a situation or period as indefinite, you mean that people have not decided when it will end.
Exploration - the action of exploring an unfamiliar area; the action of searching an area for natural resources; thorough examination of a subject;
Interrelated - related or connected to one other; to place in or come into a mutual or reciprocal relationship.
Consequently - as a result; as a result or effect; therefore; hence.
Spacecraft - a vehicle used for travelling in space; (spacecraft is both the singular and the plural form.) A spacecraft is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space.
Acid - a substance with particular chemical properties including turning litmus red, neutralizing alkalis, and dissolving some metals; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind Often contrasted with alkali and base I; bitter or cutting remarks or tone of voice.
Cell - the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which is typically microscopic and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane; a small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps;
Curiosity - a strong desire to know or learn something; an unusual or interesting object or fact;
Cause - a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition; reasonable grounds for doing, thinking, or feeling something; a principle, aim, or movement to which one is committed and which one is prepared to defend or advocate.
Sediment - matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs; Sediment is solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid, especially earth and pieces of rock that have been carried along and then left somewhere by water, ice, or wind.
Artificial - made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural; (of a situation or concept) not existing naturally; contrived or false; (of a person or their behaviour) insincere or affected.
Clause - a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate; a particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract.
Manned - (of an aircraft or spacecraft) having a human crew; A manned vehicle such as a spacecraft has people in it who are operating its controls.
Lunar - of, determined by, or resembling the moon; Lunar means relating to the moon.
Donation - something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money; the action of donating something; a tax-deductible donation.
Decelerating - reduce or cause to reduce in speed; when a vehicle or machine decelerates or when someone in a vehicle decelerates, the speed of the vehicle or machine is reduced.
Accelerating - (especially of a vehicle) begin to move more quickly; increase in rate, amount, or extent;
Affirm - state emphatically or publicly; declare one's support for; uphold; defend; If you affirm that something is true or that something exists, you state firmly and publicly that it is true or exists.
Enlargement - the action or state of enlarging or being enlarged ; a photograph that is larger than the original negative or an earlier print; The enlargement of something is the process or result of making it bigger.
Blunder - a stupid or careless mistake; make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily; move clumsily or as if unable to see.
Fluctuation - an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation; an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation.
Repulsion - a force under the influence of which objects tend to move away from each other, e.g. through having the same magnetic polarity or electric charge; a feeling of intense distaste or disgust.
Crunch - crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound; make a crunching sound, especially when walking or driving over gravel or an icy surface.
Verify - make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified; If you verify something, you check that it is true by careful examination or investigation.
Rate - a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against another quantity or measure; the speed with which something moves or happens; a fixed price paid or charged for something.
Density - the degree of compactness of a substance; a measure of the amount of information on a storage medium; the quantity of people or things in a given area or space.
Acronym - an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA); An acronym is a word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase, especially when this is used as a name. An example of an acronym is NATO which is made up of the first letters of the `North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.
Dumpling - a small savoury ball of dough (usually made with suet) which may be boiled, fried, or baked in a casserole; a pudding consisting of apple or other fruit enclosed in a sweet dough and baked; a small, fat person.
Obesity - the state of being grossly fat or overweight; businesses are developing programs to fight workers' obesity.
Approximately - used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly; close to; around; roughly or in the region of.
Stem - the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean; the stalk supporting a fruit, flower, or leaf, and attaching it to a larger branch, twig, or stalk; a long, thin supportive or main section of something.
Precision - refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as represented by the number of digits given; the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate.
Fluctuations - an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation; a natural fluctuation in temperature.
Exhausted - very tired; (of resources or reserves) completely used up; (of a place) no longer productive as a result of being drained of resources.
Fuel - material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power; short for nuclear fuel; food, drink, or drugs as a source of energy; a thing that sustains or inflames passion, argument, or other intense emotion.
Subatomic - smaller than or occurring within an atom; A subatomic particle is a particle which is part of an atom, for example an electron, a proton, or a neutron.
Whereas - in contrast or comparison with the fact that; (especially in legal preambles) taking into consideration the fact that; You use whereas to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause.
Sedimentary - relating to sediment; Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediment left by water, ice, or wind.
Curvature - the fact of being curved or the degree to which something is curved; the degree to which a curve deviates from a straight line, or a curved surface deviates from a plane; a numerical quantity expressing curvature.
Expansion - the action of becoming larger or more extensive; the political strategy of extending a state's territory by encroaching on that of other nations; a thing formed by the enlargement or broadening of something; the increase in the volume of fuel on combustion in the cylinder of an engine, or the piston stroke in which this occurs.
Porcelain - a white vitrified translucent ceramic; china; porcelain articles collectively; Porcelain is a hard, shiny substance made by heating clay. It is used to make delicate cups, plates, and ornaments.
Syringe - a tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream, used for cleaning wounds or body cavities, or fitted with a hollow needle for injecting or withdrawing fluids; any similar device used in gardening or cooking.
water wheel - a simple water-driven turbine consisting of a wheel having vanes set axially across its rim, used to drive machinery; a wheel with buckets attached to its rim for raising water from a stream, pond, etc.
invention - the action of inventing something, typically a process or device; An invention is a machine, device, or system that has been invented by someone.
Military - relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces; the armed forces of a country.
Tactic - an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end; the art of disposing armed forces in order of battle and of organizing operations, especially during contact with an enemy Often contrasted with strategy.
Foundation - the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level; a cream or powder used as a base to even out facial skin tone before applying other cosmetics; an underlying basis or principle.
Contribute - give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something; help to cause or bring about; supply (an article) for publication in a newspaper, magazine, or journal.
Manufacture - make (something) on a large scale using machinery; (of a living thing) produce (a substance) naturally; make or produce (something abstract) in a merely mechanical way.
Treatment - the manner in which someone behaves towards or deals with someone or something; used to indicate that something is done enthusiastically, vigorously, or to an extreme degree.
Humankind - human beings considered collectively (used as a neutral alternative to 'mankind')
Contradict - deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite; assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone); be in conflict with.
Describe - give a detailed account in words of; mark out or draw (a geometrical figure); move in a way which follows the outline of (an imaginary geometrical figure).
Dispute - a disagreement or argument; a disagreement between management and employees that leads to industrial action; argue about (something)
Emphasize - give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing; lay stress on (a word or phrase) when speaking; make (something) more clearly defined.
Maintain - cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue; keep (something) at the same level or rate; keep (a building, machine, or road) in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly; provide with necessities for life or existence.
Persuade - induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument; cause (someone) to believe something, especially after a sustained effort; convince.
Purport - appear to be or do something, especially falsely; the meaning or sense of something, typically a document or speech.
Recommend - put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role; advise or suggest (something) as a course of action;
Refuse - indicate or show that one is not willing to do something; indicate that one is not willing to accept or grant (something offered or requested)
Remark - say something as a comment; mention; regard with attention; notice
Suggest - put forward for consideration; cause one to think that (something) exists or is the case.
Horticulture - the art or practice of garden cultivation and management
Integral - necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental; included as part of a whole rather than supplied separately; having all the parts that are necessary to be complete.
Accurate - (especially of information, measurements, or predictions) correct in all details; exact; (of an instrument or method) capable of giving accurate information
Comprehensive - including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something; of large content or scope; wide-ranging; (of a victory or defeat) achieved or suffered by a large margin.
Rotation - the action of rotating about an axis or centre; the conceptual operation of turning a system about an axis; the passing of a privilege or responsibility to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order.
Axis - an imaginary line about which a body rotates; an imaginary line which divides something into equal or roughly equal halves, especially in the direction of its greatest length; a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.
Forerunner - a person or thing that precedes the coming or development of someone or something else; a sign or warning of something to come
Subconscious - of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings; subconscious part of the mind (not in technical use in psychoanalysis, where unconscious is preferred)
Ailment - an illness, typically a minor one; a common stomach ailment; a slight but often persistent illness.
Elegance - the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness.
Restoration - the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition; the process of restoring a building, work of art, etc. to its original condition; the reinstatement of a previous practice, right, or situation;
Obscure - not discovered or known about; uncertain; not important or well known; not clearly expressed or easily understood; hard to make out or define; vague; keep from being seen; conceal.
Medieval - resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive; relates to or was made in the period of European history between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD.
Incorporate - take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include; combine (ingredients) into one substance; constitute (a company, city, or other organization) as a legal corporation; another term for incorporated; having a bodily form; embodied.
Lesson 4 Meeting Society Needs
Trenendous - very fashionable or up to date in style or influence;
Attributable - If something is attributable to an event, situation, or person, it is likely that it was caused by that event, situation or person.
Enterprise - a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one; initiative and resourcefulness; a business or company; entrepreneurial economic activity;
Influential - having great influence on someone or something; Someone or something that is influential has a lot of influence over people or events.
Annual - occurring once every year; calculated over or covering a period of a year; (of a plant) living only for a year or less, perpetuating itself by seed Compare with biennial , perennial.
Contest - an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity, or in a quality; a competition for a political position; a dispute or conflict; engage in competition to attain (a position of power).
Restore - bring back or re-establish (a previous right, practice, or situation); return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position; repair or renovate (a building, work of art, etc.) so as to return it to its original condition; give (something stolen, taken away, or lost) back to the original owner or recipient.
Deviate - depart from an established course; depart from usual or accepted standards; depart from usual or accepted standards.
Outmoded - old-fashioned; If you describe something as outmoded, you mean that you think it is old-fashioned and no longer useful or relevant to modern life.
Significant - sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy; having a particular meaning; indicative of something; suggesting a meaning or message that is not explicitly stated.
Beforehand - before an action or event; in advance; If you do something beforehand, you do it earlier than a particular event.
Separation - the action or state of moving or being moved apart; the state in which a husband and wife remain married but live apart; the division of something into constituent or distinct elements.
Accidentally - by chance; inadvertently.
Fully – completely or entirely; to the fullest extent; no less or fewer than (used to emphasize an amount); to the greatest degree or extent possible.
Essential - absolutely necessary; extremely important; fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone; (of an amino acid or fatty acid) required for normal growth but not synthesized in the body and therefore necessary in the die.
Suitable – right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation; suitable employment opportunities.
Grassroots – most basic level of an activity or organization; ordinary people regarded as the main body of an organization's membership; The grass roots of an organization or movement are the ordinary people who form the main part of it, rather than its leaders.
Succeed - achieve the desired aim or result; attain fame, wealth, or social status; take over a throne, office, or other position from; become the new rightful holder of an office, title, or property.
Crucial – decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something; of great importance;
Extent - the area covered by something; If you are talking about how great, important, or serious a difficulty or situation is, you can refer to the extent of it.
Variety – the quality or state of being different or diverse; the absence of uniformity or monotony; a number or range of things of the same general class that are distinct in character or quality; a thing which differs in some way from others of the same general class or sort; a type.
Queue - a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed; a list of data items, commands, etc., stored so as to be retrievable in a definite order, usually the order of insertion; a plait of hair worn at the back.
Counter - a long flat-topped fitment across which business is conducted in a shop or bank or refreshments are served in a cafeteria; a small disc used in board games for keeping the score or as a place marker; a token representing a coin; a factor used to give one party an advantage in negotiations.
Authority – the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience; the right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another; official permission; sanction; the power to influence others, especially because of one's commanding manner or one's recognized knowledge about something.
Estimate - roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of the aim is to estimate the effects of; an approximate calculation or judgement of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something; a written statement indicating the likely price that will be charged for specified work or repairs; a judgement of the worth or character of.
Mutually - with mutual action; in a mutual relationship;
Buzzword - a technical word or phrase that has become fashionable, typically as a slogan; a word, often originating in a particular jargon, that becomes a vogue word in the community as a whole or among a particular group.
Referral - an act of referring someone or something for consultation, review, or further action; [mass noun] the directing of a patient to a medical specialist by a GP; a person whose case has been referred to a specialist doctor or a professional body.
valuable supplement - Valuables are things that you own that are worth a lot of money, especially small objects such as jewellery. If you supplement something, you add something to it in order to improve it; a thing added to something else in order to complete or enhance it.
Unemployment - An inability to find work although it is actively sought. Theoretically the unemployed are those members of the active labour force who are out of work, although in most cases statistics are based on the number of people claiming unemployment benefit. Unemployment has been a persistent problem in industrial economies during recession over the last 200 years.
Praising - express warm approval or admiration of; express one's respect and gratitude towards (a deity), especially in song; the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something; the expression of respect and gratitude as an act of worship;
Admiration - respect and warm approval; something regarded as impressive or worthy of respect; pleasurable contemplation.
Complimentary - expressing a compliment; praising or approving; given or supplied free of charge; If you are complimentary about something, you express admiration for it.
Movement - an act of moving; an arrival or departure of an aircraft; (movements) the activities and whereabouts of someone during a particular period of time; general activity or bustle; a group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas.
Agile - able to move quickly and easily; able to think and understand quickly; Someone who is agile can move quickly and easily.
Nimble - quick and light in movement or action; agile; (of the mind) able to think and understand quickly; Someone who is nimble is able to move their fingers, hands, or legs quickly and easily.
Supplement - a thing added to something else in order to complete or enhance it; a substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person's diet; a separate section, especially a colour magazine, added to a newspaper or periodical; a sum of money paid to increase a person's income; an additional charge payable for an extra service or facility.
viral marketing – a marketing technique whereby information about a company's goods or services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another; a method of product promotion that relies on getting customers to market an idea, product, or service on their own by telling their friends about it, usually by e-mail.
Provided - on the condition or understanding that; If you say that something will happen provided or provided that something else happens, you mean that the first thing will happen only if the second thing also happens.
Significance - the quality of being worthy of attention; importance; the meaning to be found in words or events; (also statistical significance) the extent to which a result deviates from that expected to arise simply from random variation or errors in sampling.
Purchasing - acquire (something) by paying for it; buy; obtain or achieve with effort or suffering; haul up (a rope, cable, or anchor) by means of a pulley or lever; the action of buying something; a thing that has been bought.
Sophisticated - having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture; appealing to people with such knowledge or experience; (of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity.
Employees - a person employed for wages or salary, especially at non-executive level; a person who is paid to work for an organization or for another person.
Consequently - as a result; the doctor has had two emergencies this morning and consequently is running behind.
Templates – a shaped piece of rigid material used as a pattern for processes such as cutting out, shaping, or drilling; something that serves as a model for others to copy; a preset format for a document or file; a nucleic acid molecule that acts as a pattern for the sequence of assembly of a protein, nucleic acid, or other large molecule; a timber or plate used to distribute the weight in a wall or under a support.
Relatable - able to be related to something else; enabling a person to feel that they can relate to someone or something;
Avoid - keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something); contrive not to meet (someone); not go to or through (a place); prevent from happening; repudiate, nullify, or render void (a decree or contract).
Respond - say something in reply; (of a congregation) say or sing the response in reply to a priest; (of a person) do something as a reaction to someone or something; react quickly or positively to a stimulus or treatment.
Fighting - the action of fighting; violence or conflict; displaying or engaging in violence, combat, or aggression; the action of fighting; violence or conflict.
Endeavor - try hard to do or achieve something; an attempt to achieve a goal; earnest and industrious effort, esp. when sustained over a period of time; an enterprise or undertaking.
Despise - feel contempt or a deep repugnance for; feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
Delighted - feeling or showing great pleasure; If you are delighted, you are extremely pleased and excited about something.
Publicly - so as to be seen by other people; in public; used in reference to views expressed to others and not necessarily genuinely felt; by the state rather than an independent, commercial company.
Correlation - a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things; the process of establishing a relationship or connection between two or more things; interdependence of variable quantities; a quantity measuring the extent of the interdependence of variable quantities.
Maturity - the state, fact, or period of being mature; the time when an insurance policy, security, etc. matures; [count noun] an insurance policy, security, etc. having a fixed maturity date.
Raised - elevated to a higher position or level; lifted; embossed; in relief; (of pastry) standing without support 2) more intense or strong than usual; higher.
Rather - used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter; to a certain or significant extent or degree; used before verbs so as to make the expression of a feeling or opinion less assertive.
Durable - able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing; (of a person) having endurance; Something that is durable is strong and lasts a long time without breaking or becoming weaker.
Guarantees - a formal assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality; something that ensures a particular outcome; an undertaking to answer for the payment or performance of another person's debt or obligation in the event of a default by the person primarily responsible for it; a thing serving as security for a guarantee; less common term for guarantor.
Rewarded - a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement; a fair return for good or bad behavior; a sum offered for information leading to the solving of a crime, the detection of a criminal, etc.;
Equal - being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value; (of people) having the same status, rights, or opportunities; uniform in application or effect; without discrimination on any grounds; evenly or fairly balanced.
Boundary - a line which marks the limits of an area; a dividing line; a limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity; The boundary of an area of land is an imaginary line that separates it from other areas.
Deserving - worthy of being treated in a particular way, typically of being given assistance; If you describe a person, organization, or cause as deserving, you mean that you think they should be helped.
Jiffy - a moment; If you say that you will do something in a jiffy, you mean that you will do it very quickly or very soon.
Previous - existing or occurring before in time or order; overhasty in acting; previous convictions; a criminal record.
Occasion - a particular event, or the time at which it takes place; a special or noteworthy event, ceremony, or celebration; a suitable or opportune time for doing something.
Scheduled - included in or planned according to a schedule; especially of an airline or flight) relating to or forming part of a regular service rather than specially chartered; (of a building or other historic monument) included in a list for legal preservation and protection.
Attachment - an extra part or extension that is or may be attached to something to perform a particular function; a computer file appended to an email; affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something.
Vigor - physical strength and good health;
Dedication - the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose; the action of dedicating a church or other building; an inscription or form of words dedicating a building, book, etc. to a person or deity.
Absorption - the process by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another; the state of being engrossed in something; The absorption of a liquid, gas, or other substance is the process of it being soaked up or taken in.
Require - need for a particular purpose; make necessary; specify as compulsory; (of someone in authority) instruct or expect (someone) to do something.
Witnesses - a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place; a person giving sworn testimony to a court of law or the police; a person who is present at the signing of a document and signs it themselves to confirm this; evidence; proof; used to refer to confirmation or evidence given by signature or under oath.
Bystanders - a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part; bystanders witnessed the accident; a person present but not involved; onlooker; spectator.
Innovative - featuring new methods; advanced and original
Advertising - the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services
breakthrough -a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development
up-to-date - incorporating the latest developments and trends
advanced- far on or ahead in development or progress
cutting edge-the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something
equipment - the necessary items for a particular purpose
dare -have the courage to do something
launch-start or set in motion (an activity or enterprise)
remote-situated far from the main centres of population; distant
convenient -fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans
incremental-Incremental is used to describe something that increases in value or worth, often by a regular amount.
Blasphemy- the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk
Responsible - having an obligation to do something,
appropriate -suitable or proper in the circumstances
mystique-a quality of mystery, glamour, or power associated with someone or
immediately-at once; instantly without any intervening time or space
associate -connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind
eventually -in the end, especially after a long delay, dispute, or series of problems
asset - a useful or valuable thing or person
healthy -in a good physical or mental condition; in good health
harm- physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted
appliance - a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task
ammunition-a supply or quantity of bullets and shells
resistant -Someone who is resistant to something is opposed to it and wants to prevent it.
tremendous -very great in amount, scale, or intensity
pocket - a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles
worldview-a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world
to provide -equip or supply someone with (something useful or necessary
disruptive - causing or tending to cause disruption
shaver - an electric razor
effort- a vigorous or determined attempt
gadget -a small mechanical device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one
deadly -causing or able to cause death
beside- at the side of; compared with in addition to; apart from
checker - a person or thing that verifies or examines something
extinct- no longer in existence
flood- an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land
apparatus - the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
gizmo - a gadget, especially one whose name the speaker does not know or cannot recall
yacht -a medium-sized sailing boat equipped for cruising or racing
attempt- make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult)
anchor - a heavy object attached to a cable or chain and used to moor a ship to the sea bottom, typically having a metal shank with a pair of curved, barbed flukes at one end
to impress - make (someone) feel admiration and respect
expense-the cost incurred in or required for something
to capture -take into one's possession or control by force
escape - succeed in avoiding or eluding something dangerous or unpleasant
alike -similar to each other
accident - an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury
twin - one of two children or animals born at the same birth
startling - very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable
totally -сompletely; absolutely
sympathetic -showing approval of or favour towards an idea or action
incredibly- used to introduce a statement that is hard to believe; strangely
worthwhile -worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance
against-in opposition to
beneath- underneath so as to be hidden, covered, or protected
resemblance-the state of resembling or being alike
manufacturer- a person or company that makes goods for sale
blade- the flat cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or weapon
countryside- the land and scenery of a rural area
cavity- an empty space within a solid object
endow-provide with a quality, ability, or asset
shatter-break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces
commonplace-not unusual; ordinary not interesting or original;
scoff-speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way
obsolete- no longer produced or used; out of date
encrypted-convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
fragile-(of an object) easily broken or damaged
Prestigious-inspiring respect and admiration; having high status
randomly -made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision
initial -existing or occurring at the beginning
substance-a particular kind of matter with uniform properties
accidental-happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly
penicillium-a blue mould that is common on food, being added to some cheeses and used sometimes to produce penicillin
solid-firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid
inventions-the action of inventing something, typically a process or device
prize -a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or in recognition of an outstanding achievement
cardboard-is thick, stiff paper that is used, for example, to make boxes and models.
аbsorb-take in and understand fully (information, ideas, or experience)
unexpected-not expected or regarded as likely to happen
liquid-a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil
widely-far apart; with a wide space or interval between
cathode-the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device
flammable-easily set on fire
virulent-(of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects
invention-the action of inventing something, typically a process or device
predecessor-a person who held a job or office before the current holder
fluorescent -having or showing fluorescence
gunpowder-an explosive consisting of a powdered mixture of saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal, now chiefly used for quarry blasting and in fuses and fireworks
scrape -drag or pull a hard or sharp implement across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or other matter
scholar-specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities
explode-burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, excessive internal pressure, or other process
altered-change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way
modified-make partial or minor changes to (something)
sawdust-powdery particles of wood produced by sawing
dishonesty-deceitfulness shown in someone's character or behaviour
preliminary-preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important
mid-teens-forming the names of numerals from 13 to 19
provisional-arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later
inexact -not quite accurate or correct
precise-marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
indefinite-not clearly expressed or defined;
permanent-lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely
satellite-an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication
controversial -giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement
stimulate-raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system)
gravity -extreme importance; seriousness
peculiarities-a strange or unusual feature or habit
strength -the quality or state of being physically strong
ponder over-think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion
disclose -allow (something hidden) to be seen
due to-because of; owing to
substituted-a person or thing acting or serving in place of another
involve- have or include (something) as a necessary or integral part or result
petroleum-a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons which is present in suitable rock strata and can be extracted and refined to produce fuels including petrol, paraffin, and diesel oil; oil
remedy-a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury
deed-action that is performed intentionally or consciously
generalize-make a general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases
attempt-make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult)
3.1. Asosiy adabiyotlar:
1. Prezident I.A.Karimov asarlari 1992- 2015yy.
2. Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy dasturi va Ta'lim to'g’risidagi qonun. Oliy Majlis IX sessiyasi. - T.,1997.
3. G. Bakieva, F. Rashidova va boshqalar. Scale up. 1,2,3, courses. Set of manuals for non philological higher educational establishments.Tashkent, 2015.
4. КурашвилиЕ.И., МихалковаЕ.С. Английскийязык. Учебник для студентов I и II курсов, начинающих изучение языка в техническом вузе. –М.: Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Новицкая Т.М., Кучин Н.Д. Практическая грамматика английскогоязыка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983.
6. Muhitdinova G.SH. Tehnika Oliy O'quv yurtlari uchun. Ingliz tili darsligi. - T.: Uzbekiston, 1997.
7. Marten Sevior. Word-Wise. – Т., 1997.
8. Cristopher Morris P.J. World English. – 1997.
9. Dudkina G.A. va boshqalar. English for businessmen. – Т., 1993.
10. Абдалина Е.Н. Учебник английского языка для студентов неязыковыхвузов.Т, 1996.
11. Scale up. 1,2,3, courses. Set of manuals for non philological higher educational establishments. . Tashkent, 2015.
12. Santiago Remacho Esteras. Infotech English for Computer Users (4th ed.) CambridgeUniversity Press 2011.
13. Headway (Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper intermadiate). CambridgeUniversity Press 2011.
14. English vocabulary in use. (Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper intermadiate). Cambridge University Press 1999.
1. “Computer networks” . (Wrije Universitet Amsterdam, The Netherlands) written by Andrew S Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, University of Washington Seattle, W A.
2. “English Language Teaching Methodology” written by J. J Jalolov, G. T. Mahkamova, Ashurov SH. S, (811.111\J22)
3. “Human Computer Interaction” written by I.Scott MacKenzie (004\M12)
4. “Operating system security” written by Trant Jaeger (004\J16)
5. “ information Economy Report” United Nations conference on trade and development (33\I60)
6. Англо-Русский словар сокрашении автор А.Т. Черепанов (811.111\I 467)
7. Новий Англо-русский И Русско-англиский словар written by B.K.Myuller (811.111\M982)
8. English-Uzbek\Uzbek-English Lug’at written by Shavkat Butayev, Abbos Irisqulov (811.111\B94)
9. “Parlons Francais” written by A.I Ivanchenko (811.111\I231)
10. “Fransuz tili darsligi” written by Shiriniva Raima Hakimovna, Muhammedaminovna Firuza Maratovna (811.111\Sh63)
11. “Deutsch” written by A. Jumaniyozov, Q. Xalliyeva (811.111\J87)
12. “Information Security Fundamentals” Second edition. Written by Thomas R. Petier. (01.4\P.39)
13. “101 Design Methods” written by Vijay Kumar (004\K91)
14. “The Basics of Information Security” written by Jason Andres ( 004\A55)
15. “Неметский за три месятса” автор Сигрит Б.Мартин (811.111\M292)
3.2. Elektron adabiyotlar:
1. Mary Glasgow Magazines.An imprint of scholastic inc. Time saver speaking activities.
2. Business Vocabulary in Use elementary.pdf
3. Business V.U Intermediate.pdf
4. Business ViU Advanced.pdf
5. Betty Azar_Understanding and Using English Grammar.pdf
6. Macmillan - Topics - Communication - Pre-Intermediate.pdf
7. Games For Vоcabulary Practice CambridgeUniversity Press 2 003.
8. Full contact.
9. English for you.