Êàôåäðà èíîñòðàííûõ ÿçûêîâ








äëÿ çàíÿòèé ñî ñòóäåíòàìè â ãðóïïàõ ïî÷òîâîé ñâÿçè


(àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê)





Òàøêåíò 2003






     Äàííûå ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî äëÿ ïðîâåäåíèÿ çàíÿòèé íà I-II êóðñàõ, â ãðóïïàõ ïî÷òîâîé ñâÿçè (5840200).

     Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ 4 ðàçäåëà (Unit), â êîòîðûõ äàþòñÿ íà÷àëüíûå ïîíÿòèÿ î ïî÷òîâîé  ñëóæáå, òåêñòû è äèàëîãè äëÿ ïåðåâîäà, ïåðåñêàçà, óïðàæíåíèÿ íà ðàçâèòèå óñòíîé ðå÷è ñòóäåíòîâ.

      çàêëþ÷åíèè, â ÷àñòè IV (Unit IV), äàíû òåêñòû äëÿ äîìàøíåãî ÷òåíèÿ . Òåêñòû ñîäåðæàò ïîëåçíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ î ïî÷òîâîé ñëóæáå Óçáåêèñòàíà.






Large cities have a General Post-office and District, or Branch Post-offices in every district of the city. In a G. P. O. there is a separate counter for every ope­ration handled.

At the (Postage) Stamp Counter you buy stamps, postcards, note-paper and envelopes, stamped enve­lopes, postal orders and different forms. Here you pay the license fee for radio and television services, subscribe to newspapers, etc.

The Poste-restante Counter keeps post until called for by the addressee in person. When letters are sent to the Poste Restante, the Post-office must be specified after the name of the addressee, compare:


N. B. Kudratova              or     N. B. Kudratova

G. P. O,, Tashkent,               Tashkent, D-88,

Poste Restante                      Poste Restante


W. Rice, Esq.              or      W. Rice, Esq.

G. P. O., London,               Charing Cross P. O., London

Poste Restante                    Poste Restante


When calling for such letters, Mr. Rice will say to the post-office clerk: Are there any letters for Mr. Rice?

At Counter No. ... you send registered and air-mailed letters. To ensure safe delivery, you may send letters registered. The clerk will give you a receipt. When a letter is delivered, the addressee must sign for it per­sonally.

If the message is urgent, you may send it by air­mail. You must stick a special stamp and an air-mail label (or write air mail) on the letter. You may post it by dropping it into, the letter-box.

The Money-order Counter handles operations for sending or cashing postal or telegraph money-orders. To send a money-order you must make it out first. You must fill in an order form giving the name of the ad­dressee in full. Don't abbreviate the name of the street or city (in money-orders as well as in any kind of mail). For a special charge the money may be delivered to the addressee at his home. In order to cash the money-order, the addressee must fill it in, hand it to the clerk, and present his passport as well. If he (she) asks a friend to cash it for him he must give him a warrant of attorney with the addressee's signature authenticated.

A telegraph money-order will reach the addressee much quicker than one sent by post which takes as long as the delivery of a letter. There is a substantial difference in rates, of course. A telegraph money-order will reach its destination as quick as a telegram and is delivered to the addressee's home.

Printed matter (newspapers, periodicals and books) are posted at the Book Post Counter. The addressee's name and address should be written legibly in the centre. The sender's name and address should be writ­ten at the bottom. The parcel may be account. A savings bank may also issue traveller's cheques that can be cashed by the insured (with or without declared value). The post-office official ties the parcel up with some string, weighs it on the letter ba­lance, pastes on the necessary stamps and obliter­ates them. The postmark bears the name of the city, post-office number, the date and hour of posting. Then he writes out the receipt.

The operation handled at the Parcel Counter is much the same. To send a parcel (package) you must fill in a special form at the Parcel Counter and also at the Stamp Counter. This is not required at the Book Counter. Naturally, an 8-kilogramme parcel cannot be weighed on a letter balance. At this counter there is a special parcel balance. At the Wrapping and Packing Counter adjoining the Parcel Counter, you can obtain wrapping paper, boxes, etc.

At the Telegraph Office you may send a regular telegram (ordinary, urgent, or express) or a photo telegram. In regular telegrams the rate is per word, while in photo-telegrams you only pay for the form. A photo telegram may be written in the form of a letter and you can even send a photo or snapshot on it. Telegraph blanks are sold at the telegraph office.

Among other services offered by a G. P. O., there is a branch savings bank. Here the depositor may deposit his savings at an interest of 2 per cent a year and draw any amount by presenting his bank book and filling in a special slip. Various bills may be paid by instructing the bank to draw the necessary sums from the depositor's depositor personally at a savings bank in the coun­try.

At the entrance there is a counter for the sale of newspapers and periodicals and nearby there is an in­quiry bureau where one can consult a post official on operations handled here.

In the corner we see a public call-box and a private box.

In the middle of this large hall stands a writing desk with pens and ink-pots on it. Attached to it is a little shelf with a glue-pot in it and some brushes. Here stands a letter-box with a slit through which the letters are inserted. The letter-box is cleared several times a day. There are also several waste-paper baskets in the hall. On the notice board there is a list of post­age rates giving the information on how much postage must be paid on various kinds of mail service. Here too we see a notice giving the hours of delivery.

At district or branch post-offices several operations are handled at one counter called the General Mail Service Counter. It services poste restante, registered and air­mailed letter, money-orders, book post, the sale of post­age stamps, paying out Old Age Pensions, etc.


(1)                     Post' may mean:

(1)mail sent or received, postal matter, e. g. In large cites the post is delivered several times a day;

(1)A building  for postal business  (short  for  'post-office'),  also a
letter-box, e. g. / shall be at the post in time for the  midday
delivery. Note that 'post' is usually used with the definite article;
however; to send a letter by post (without any article).

2)payment for postal services

(2)an envelope with a printed postage stamp on it

(2)the payment for permission to use a radio or television set (being4abolished in the UZBEKISTAN)

(2)poste restante ['poust 'restamt] (in the United States usually  called  'general   delivery') — letters   to be called for—äî âîñòðåáîâàíèÿ

(2)An Englishman uses the word 'post', an American uses the word 'mail'.  An Englishman   reserves  the word 'mail'  for letters   - going to  or from foreign  countries and he hardly   ever uses the compounds  so  numerous  in  America,  e. g. mail-car, mail-box, mail-man and mail-carrier.  The compounds the Englishman uses are: mail-train, mail-van bearing signs reading “Royal Mail”. The man who carries letters is a postman, and the Englishman asks, "Are there any letters for me?"  An American's mail is brought by a letter-carrier, or mail-man, and the American asks, "Is there, any   mail   for   me?" An   Englishman's outgoing letters are posted at a letter-box or a pillar-box. An American's are mailed at a mail-box.  A letter-box  is attached to a wall; a pillar-box is on a- stand. If a letter is urgent an Englishman sends it by express post, an American by special delivery.

(2)the person to whom the letter is addressed; the addresser or sender is the person who addresses the letter

(2)or: post-office official— ïî÷òîâûé ñëóæàùèé; post-master—chief post-office official; in the USA — postal clerk  .

(2)a slip of paper sealed to a letter indicating that it is sent by air-mail

(2)In Britain, there are postal, or post-office orders and money-orders.  A post-office order  is usually issued for a small sum of money. It is a kind of cheque bought at a post-office and sent to the addressee by post. The counterfoil is kept as a receipt in case the envelope with the postal-order is lost. A money-order (for a larger sum of money) is an order for the payment of money by a post office to the recipient at his sub district post-office. The main difference between them is that money-orders are non-transferable,

-receiving the money sent by post or telegraph

-in the USA —'fill out'

-surname, first name and patronymic

-price demanded for services

-warrant  of  attorney   — äîâåðåííîñòü

-signature authenticated — çàâåðåííàÿ ïîäïèñü

-or: charges

-magazines published at regular intervals, e. g. monthly

-books or other printed matter sent by post

-or: scales

-or: sticks on the stamps

-cancels  the stamp;  in England  the  postmark  (the  mark put on the stamp canceling it)  is put near the stamp, in the
USA the stamp is obliterated

-sometimes book post is called parcel post

-ordinary telegram   (wire) —ïðîñòàÿ  òåëåãðàììà;   urgent
telegram —
ñðî÷íàÿ òåëåãðàììà; express telegram — ìîëíèÿ

-savings bank —the  bank   where  citizens   deposit  their
savings —
ñáåðåãàòåëüíàÿ êàññà.

-depositor — a person who deposits money in a savings bank

-depositor's account — ñ÷åò â áàíêå (ñáåðåãàòåëüíîé êàññå) :

-traveller's cheque—àêêðåäèòèâ

-e. g., Postal Box No.  341, or P. O.  Box 275, or  Box No. 173.

-or: paste-pot

-there are several collections a day (daily)           





A group of Uzbek post-office workers at Mount Pleasant' during their tour of Britain. (S. —Uzbek delegate, B. — British post-office official.)

B. — London's largest postal services are centred in Mount Pleasant and King Edwards Building. The Mount Pleasant Building houses the Parcels Section and the Inland Section. K. E. B. takes care of the district known as E. C. It handles the letters posted in E. C. for London addresses and houses the Foreign Section.

S. — What is the business proper of your post-office?

B. — Naturally the conveyance of mails, the issue of stamps and money-orders and the despatch and delivery of telegrams. I suppose your postal transactions are the same.

S.—More or less. Our post-offices also handle oper­ations such as paying out various pensions, newspaper subscriptions, etc.

B. — Here, too, the post-office pays out on behalf of the Ministries concerned Old Age Pensions, Widow and Orphan' Pensions, Navy, Army and Air Force Pensions and Allowances. It also functions as the recipient of various taxes and Revenue Collecting Departments — income tax stamps, motor licences, dog licences, for ex­ample. The post-office has its own Post-off ice Savings Bank.

S. — You do seem to have a lot of taxes and duties to pay. Our citizens do not pay such taxes, hence our post-office doesn't have these functions. As for income taxes our government is abolishing them. What other post-offices do you have?

B. — The smaller ones fall into three categories: the Head or District Post-office, a sort of local G. H. Q., ordinary Branch Post-offices, Sub-post offices. The District and Branch Post-offices in addition to transacting general postal business are also sorting and delivery centres. A sub-post office is generally tucked, away as an adjunct to some other business—the local grocer's, perhaps. The proprietor of a sub-post office is not a salaried offi­cial like a branch office worker. He receives an -annual allowance calculated on the amount of postal business done by him. But he must provide accommodation, staff and fittings.

S — Does the sub-post office handle all the operations?

Â. —Exactly.

S. — Just one more question. Why are the numerous pillar-boxes that are placed at the edge of the pave­ment furnished with double mouths (openings)?

B. — You have undoubtedly noticed that these mouths are marked respectively London and Abroad and Country. Country here means all places in Great Britain except London; it includes large towns such as Glasgow  and Manchester. This is a form of pre-primary sorting, because letters to London and Abroad go to Ê. Å. B. in the City, whilst Mount Pleasant handles the letters destined for the Country.


- Mount Pleasant is the largest post-office in Britain. It occupies a site in the Borough of Finsbury, midway between King's Gross and Farringdon Street Station. The building was laid in 1887 and achieved final form in 1934.

-Ê. Å. Â., as it is usually called; it is situated in the heart of the City

-Å. Ñ. — East Central London Postal district (London has eight districts)

-Department of Civil Service collecting for the state's an­ nual income

-receipts for payment of income tax  in the form of stamps

-General Headquarters

-here: premises, fixtures, furniture, etc





Mr. Cranshaw, a British student studying in the Uzbekistan, at the Tashkent General Telegraph Office (Mr. C. — Mr. Cranshaw, C. — Clerk).

Mr. C. — May I have a telegram form, please?

C. — Here you are.

Mr. C. — What's the charge per word to London?

C. — Just let me see. Well, it's ... kopecks per word.

Mr. C. — And the charge for an ELT telegram? C. — ... for   the   first twenty-one words  and ... kopecks for every additional word.

Mr. C. — Why is an ELT so much cheaper?

C.—Day letters are delivered on the same day; an ELT is a night letter and will reach the addressee on the following morning. That's why there is a discount for an ELT.

Mr. C.—Anyhow, it's late, so let it be ELT.

*     *

Mr. C. — Here's the telegram. How much is it?

C. — Twenty-two words. That's.... Here is your receipt.

Mr. C.—Can you sell me some postage stamps and postcards?

C. — Surely, but you'll find a better choice at the G. P. O. next door.

Mr. C. — Thank you. Good afternoon.

C.—Good afternoon.

Mr. Cranshaw at the Stamp Counter.

Mr. C. — Will you, please, give me five plain post­cards?

C. — Unstamped postcards are sold at the stationer's kiosk near the entrance.

Mr. C. —Thanks. What's the fee for a registered surface-mail letter to London?

C.—The registration fee is ... .

Mr. C. — I'd like to send one by air-mail. What is the fee?

C. — It's ....

Mr. C. —And how much is the postage for a post­card?

C. — You mean to London?   

Mr. C. —Yes.

C. — ....

Mr. C. — Thanks. Will you, please, give me a rouble book of stamps and twenty kopecks worth of four-kopeck stamps?

C. — We don't sell books of stamps, but I can give you a rouble worth of stamps of various denominations. Here you are. Will this do?

Mr. C. — Fine. And a supply of air-mail labels too.

C. —That'll be ... for the stamps, and ... for the registered letter please.

Mr. C. — I've a ten rouble note only.

C.—That's all right. Here's your change.

Mr. C. —Thanks. Where's the letter-box?

C.—There's one at the exit.

Mr. C. — Thank you. Good afternoon.

C. — Good afternoon.

*     * *

Mr. Cranshaw at a Local Saving Bank.

Mr. C. — I would like to open a current account at this bank. Would you, please, provide me with the necessary forms.

Ñ. — What sum do you wish to deposit?

Mr. C. — I have here one hundred and fifty roubles. , C. — Please fill up this form of application.

Mr. C. — With a current account can I draw money on demand or is a week's notice necessary?

C. — What a strange question! Of course you can draw money on demand.

Mr. C. — In my country there are two types of bank­ing accounts— the current and the deposit accounts. Only the deposit account yields interest. When you want to draw out money from the bank, you make out a cheque payable to yourself, and draw out the required amount, but a week's notice is necessary. The current account pays on demand. Is interest given on a current account in the UZBEKISTAN?

C. — Indeed it is. The Worker's Savings Bank gives 2% interest.



(1)ELT — a European Letter  Telegram which is charged for at a reduced rate

(2)discount — reduced charge

(3)where  writing materials, such   as paper, pencils,   pens, picture postcards are sold

(4)opposite to air-mail

(5)British post-offices sell small booklets containing stamps of various denominations



Martin (to a clerk).—Can you tell me when the Indian mail goes?

First Clerk. — Next desk, please.

Martin (to another clerk).—What's the latest time for posting a letter to New York, please?

Second Clerk. — There's a mail just gone; the next one goes on Monday at six o'clock from the G. P. O. (or General Post-office, or General).

Martin. — D'you mean six in the evening?

Clerk.—No, a. m., so you'll (or you'd) have to post here the night before.

Martin. — And how long does a letter take to get to Calcutta by air-mail?

Clerk.—Well, you ought to allow a week at least.

Martin.—Thank you. Can I send a wire from here?

Clerk. — You'll find (telegram) forms at the desk at the other end of the counter ... You said 'wire'; this is a cable (gram), so you want a different form. ...You oughtn't to have written it in pencil.

Martin. — I can easily ink it over. I shall know better another time. Will it be sent off at once?.. And I want a fifteen-shilling order as well, please.

Clerk. — (A) postal- or (a) money-(order)? ... It comes to much the same thing. If you want a money-order you must fill up this form. If it's a postal-order,-you only need fill in the name of the person it's pay­able to (or the payee's name).

Martin.—Must I put the name of the office as well?

Clerk.—Oh no! you needn't, unless you like.

Martin.—... How can I send these papers to Bel­gium?

Clerk. — If they're printed matter only, you can do them up in one of these (stamped) wrappers.



(2)cable(gram),  as  distinguished from an ordinary  telegram
(wire), is a message sent by a submarine telegraphic cable


A.— Well, there's a letter ...

C. — Look, the postman, is collecting the letters from the pillar-box. Why don't you hand your letter to the postman?

B.— You see, my  friend intends to have   his letter

C.— Ah, a registered   letter.   That's different.—Oh,
you've forgotten  to print the name and address  of the
sender on the back of the envelope.

A.—Shall I also write the post-office-box number below the address of the recipient?

C. —The P. Î, Â. number? Well, you may.— The counter for poste-restante letters is over there, next to the parcel counter. If you are expecting something...

B. — No, we aren't expecting anything. But we want to send this packet to Glasgow. Please make it ñ. î. d.

C.—That's your packet now. We'll send it ñ. î. d.
to Glasgow.       

B.— Now I'd like some stamps and some postcards.

C.— But I can only sell you ordinary postcards, not picture postcards.

A. — Ordinary postcards will do.

C, — By the way, are you a stamp-collector, a phi­latelist, sir? Do you want to buy special stamps or first-day covers?

B.—No, I don't need special stamps or first-day covers.

A. — We need the stamps for postage only.

C. — Then I'll give you a stamp-book; it contains a variety of stamps.

A. — Yes, please, give us two stamp-books and ten postcards.

C. — Here you are — two stamp-books and ten post­ cards. Anything else?  

A. — Thank you. Good afternoon.


-P. O. B. — post-office-box number

-c. o. d. — cash on delivery — íàëîæåííûì ïëàòåæîì

-cover — an   envelope  that  has   passed  through  the post-
office and bears postal markings of philatelic interest



I. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the departments of a G. P. O.? 2. What can you buy at a stamp counter? 3. What counter handles subscriptions to periodicals? 4. At what counter do you pay the TV licence fee? 5. Why is it necessary to accommodate people with poste restante? 6. What is the best way to send valuable documents? 7. How much is the postage in the Uzbekistan on a registered letter? An air-mailed letter? 8. How is money sent by post in the Uzbekistan? In Britain? 9. What must you do if you want a friend to cash a money-order for you? 10. What do you write on the cover of a book post? 11. What is the operation of sending a book parcel? 12. _On what does a parcel counter clerk weigh a parcel? 13. Where can you buy a box for a parcel? 14. What types of telegrams can be sent at a telegraph office? 15. Where do you buy a telegram form? 16. What is the operation of depositing 100 roubles at the savings bank? Of withdrawing 100 roubles from the savings bank? 17. What notices do you see on the notice board of the G. P. O.? 18. What operations does the general mail counter handle at your branch post-office? 19. What is the charge per word for an ordinary (urgent, express) telegram? 20. What is the charge for a photo-telegram? 21. How many mail de­liveries are there daily in your town?


II.    Give  definitions  of the following according to the model:
A postcard is a stiff piece of paper which can be stamped and sent through the post without any envelope.

A picture postcard, a poste-restante counter, air-mail labels, a postmark, traveller's cheques, stamped envelopes, a depositor, obliterated stamps, a pillar-box, a reply-paid telegram, a letter balance, licence fee, income tax stamps, a sub-post office, a discount.


III.   Change the nouns to verbs and make all the other neces­sary alterations in the sentences.

I. There must be no abbreviation on the money-order. 2. Write your signature legibly. 3. We sent the letter by post two days ago; he will receive it tomorrow. 4. Send the letter to my sister's address if you do not hear from me in a week. 5. She put the book parcel on the letter balance to see what its weight was. 6. If the seal flap won't stick put some paste on it. 7. He put a deposit of three hundred roubles into the savings bank. 8. The payment of bills may be performed by giving instructions to the bank to draw the sum from your account. 9. There are several collections of mail dally. 10. There is a small fee for the delivery of a parcel.


IV. Insert prepositions and adverbs wherever required.    

1. A. — The postman called about an hour ago but didn't find you.  He had a parcel ____          you. B. — I was expecting one. Will he deliver the parcel ______ me again?

2. A. — Where do I hand ____this express telegram? B. — Next desk, please!

3.  This  letter  must  go _____ parcel  post, it  is too heavy.

4.  What is  the postage ______________  a registered letter ______ Vladi­vostok     air-mail?

5.  Do you count Rostov-Don _________  two words? 

6.  She  folded _____ the letter,  slipped  it _____   the envelope, stuck a stamp       it        the  right hand corner and dropped it __________  the letter-box.

7.  I sent a wire _____ the reply prepaid. I am surprised  that there is no answer. The wire should have reached ______  Olga _________  several hours ago.

8. _____ the  Poste-Restante Counter the mail is kept till it is called ______ . 

9.  Even in the remote parts in our vast country   postmen   deliver   mail____ the   address.   

10.   He wrote         the name ____ full and the address, then he past­ed ____ the stamps  and  registered the letter_____ declared value.

11. When I received the book parcel I had to sign — it.

12. The  postal   air-mailed  letters are posted_______ a let­ter-box ____the  ordinary  mail.  

13.   The   parcel   was  insured_____ a hundred roubles.  

14. The clerk wrote _____ the receipt and handed it ____          me.


V. Drill the following forms of request:


1)A. — Tell me to open the door. B.—Please, open the door. Just open  the door,   will you? (More  polite,  however,  more  fa­miliar.)

2)Ë. —Tell me not to open the door. B. — Please, don't open the door.

3)A.—Ask me  to  open   the  door.   B.—Would   you   mind opening the door. (Will you) be so kind as to open the door. (Both are still more polite.)

4)A. — Urge  me  to  open  the door. B. — Do open-the door!

5)A.—Suggest that we should open the door. B. — Let's open the door.  Let's  open  the  door,  shall we! (More polite, however, more familiar.)


1. Register this letter.

2. Cash this money-order.

3. Fill in these forms.

4. Weigh the box on the parcel balance.

5.  Drop  it into the letter-box  on your way to the theatre.

6.  Send  them  by book post. 

7.  Wrap the books up care­ fully.  

8.  Paste  on  a  dollar  worth  of stamps.  

9.  Forward this mail to his new address.

10.Pay for the form.

11.Send the parcel insured.

12.Air-mail the letter, it's very urgent.


VI.    Rewrite these sentences as indirect questions by using the
words given  in parenthesis.   Ask your class-mates these questions.


Does the sub-post office handle all these operations? (Please tell me.)

Please tell me if the sub-post office handles all these opera­tions.

1. Where is London's postal service centred? (Can you tell me?) 2. What does Mount Pleasant house? (Do you know?) 3. What does Ê. Å. B. take care of? (Ask him.) 4. Does the post-office despatch and deliver telegrams? (I don't know.). 5. What operations does the Uzbekistan post-office handle? (Please tell me.) 6. What are the functions of the British post-office? (Do you know?) 7. Who is the proprietor of a British sub-post office? (Does anyone know?) 8. Why are the pillar-boxes furnished with double mouths? (Can you tell me?)


VII.   Fill in the missing part of this dialogue.

A.— Where can I call for Poste-Restante letters?

B. — ...

A. — Are there any letters for Zulfiya Akbarovna Kudratova?

Â.— ...

Ä. —Thank you. I'm expecting another letter. How many deliveries are there daily?

Â.— ...

A. — And when does the last delivery come?


A. — Thank you. I  shall drop in just before you close.

5. — ...

VIII. Translate the following sentences.

 At the Post Office

Mrs. Lewis Sends a Telegram, and Mrs. Bidwett Buys


Mrs- Lewis. I want to send a telegram. May I have a form, please? Must I write the text in block letters?

Ïî÷òîâûé ñëóæàùèé. Âîò áëàíê, ïîæàëóéñòà, íà­ïèøèòå òåêñò òåëåãðàììû è àäðåñ ïå÷àòíûìè áóêâàìè. Íå çàáóäüòå íàïèñàòü îáðàòíûé àäðåñ âíèçó.

Mrs. L. How long will it take a telegram to get to Chicago? To-day is my mother's birthday. I hope she'll get it in time. It's a pity I didn't send a telegram from Tashkent. It would have been delivered by now.

Ï. Ñ. Íó ÷òî âû! Ïðàêòè÷åñêè íåò ðàçíèöû âî âðå­ìåíè, ïîñûëàåòå ëè âû òåëåãðàììó èç Òàøêåíòà èëè Ñàìàðêàíäà , ìû åå ïåðåäàäèì â ×èêàãî ñåé÷àñ æå, îñòàëüíîå çàâèñèò îò òîãî, êîãäà åå äîñòàâÿò.

Mrs. L. Yes, of course. How stupid of me to have said it, isn't it? Almost like in an anecdote about an old countryman, who became indignant at the postal clerk who said that the telegram had been sent while he still held the slip with the text in his hands. (Handing the telegram to the clerk). Here you are. What is the telegram rate?

How much must I pay?

Ë. Ñ. Ñåé÷àñ ÿ ïðîâåðþ ïî ñïðàâî÷íèêó. Òåëåãðàììà áóäåò ñòîèòü 6 cóìîâ.

Mrs. L. I must   also  send  a   few   postcards.   I   keep sending heaps of postcards   from the cities I visit. I prom­ised my friends  it  would  be a consolation prize to  them for staying at home. Will you please give me 3  picture postcards and stamps for 5 air  mail postcards abroad. Let have some more stamps, though; I'll be sending letters again shortly, it's just as well to have the stamps for them.

Ï. Ñ. Âîò îòêðûòêè ñ âèäàìè ãîðîäà, âûáèðàéòå. Âîò ýòî — âèä ãëàâíîé óëèöû. Ýòî — ïàìÿòíèê âîèíàì, ïàâøèì âî âòîðîé ìèðîâîé âîéíå; ýòî — íàáåðåæíàÿ. Âîò îòêðûòêè
ñ âèäàìè Àíõîðà. À âîò, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìàðêè. Ýòè ïî 4 ñóìà, à ýòè ïî 2.

Mrs. L. I think I'll take two of each kind. Would you] be kind enough to stick the stamps on these postcards?

Ï. Ñ. (íàêëåèâàÿ ìàðêè) Ïîæàëóéñòà.

Mrs. L. Oh, I   almost forgot — I   have  a   letter  here, Mr. N. asked me to register it. But I have to go to another  window to send a letter by registered mail, don't I? As far as I'm concerned, that'll be all.

ß. Ñ. Âòîðîå îêíî íàïðàâî. Mrs. L. Thank you.

Mrs. Bid-well. Incidentally, how long will it take a let­ter to get to London by ordinary post? Never mind, though: I'll send a letter by air mail, just to be on the safe side. We are leaving Thursday week. I wonder if these letters I wrote so laboriously and posted yesterday will get to the addressees before we return. Do you have pack­ages of various issues of stamps? What I'd very much like to have are stamps depicting children's life in your coun­try. I have what I think are rather rare stamps issued back in the 30's. They are olive-colored stamps, very lovely, they depict children at their hobbies. Then I also have a stamp showing youngsters on vacation and school­children learning to use a microscope. Have you got any such series?

/7. Ñ. Äà, â ïðîøëîì ãîäó ó íàñ áûëà âûïóùåíà ñåðèÿ «Ðèñóíêè óçáåêñêèõ äåòåé». Íà ýòèõ ìàðêàõ âîñ­ïðîèçâåäåíû ðèñóíêè, êîòîðûå ïîëó÷èëè ïðåìèþ íà äåòñêîì êîíêóðñå íà ëó÷øèé ðèñóíîê äëÿ ìàðêè. Íåêî­òîðûå î÷åíü êðàñî÷íû. Âîò îäíà òàêàÿ ìàðêà. Ê ñîæà­ëåíèþ, äðóãèõ ñåé÷àñ íåò.

Mrs. Â. Thank you. That's a most wonderful little picture. Apart from everything, I like children's drawings, they are such fun. Thank you. Good-bye.

Ï. Ñ. Ïîæàëóéñòà. Äî ñâèäàíèÿ. Ñ÷àñòëèâîãî ïóòè.


Possible Versions of Interpretation.


1.I promised  my   friends  it
would    be   a   consolation
prize to them   for  staying at home

ß îáåùàëà ñâîèì äðóçüÿì ÷àñòî ïèñàòü â óòåøåíèå çà òî, ÷òî èì ïðèøëîñü îñòàòüñÿ äîìà.


2.Never mind, though...


Âïðî÷åì, íåâàæíî...


3....just to be on the safe side.


...÷òîáû áûòü óâåðåííûì, íà âñÿêèé ñëó÷àé.


4.We are   leaving  Thursday


×åðåç íåäåëþ, â ÷åòâåðã, ìû óåçæàåì.


5....issued back in the 90's.

... êîòîðûå áûëè   âûïóùåíû åùå â 90-å ãîäû.


6.       ...they are such fun.

...îíè î÷åíü çàáàâíû.


IX.     Make up dialogues between a postmaster and  a  customer using the following words and expressions.

1.  A lost letter: delivery department, receipt, to trace a letter, sorting clerk.

2.  A collect (äîïëàòíîå) letter: postman,  to post a let­ter, to pay the postage due on delivery.

3.  Sending   a   telegram:   a   reply-paid   telegram,   the charge per word, to count for... words. What does it come to?

4.  At the  Stamps  Counter:  to register a letter, let me have some..., a supply of air-mail labels.

5.  A  Stamp  Collection:  a  catalogue of Uzbekistan stamps, a stamp collection, a stamp album, obliterated stamps.


X.Give instructions about sending a parcel, cashing a money-order,  sending   a  registered   letter,   withdrawing  money from a savings  bank account,  having  your mail forwarded to your new address.


XI.Make up telegrams. Note that all articles and prepositions are omitted if omission does not affect the meaning.

1. Reserving a room at a hotel.

2. Congratulating someone on his (her) birthday, the New Year, etc.

3. Informing relatives when to meet you at the station (not to meet you because you have been detained).

4. Inquiring after a  relative  or friend you are worried about because you have not received letters from him (her) for a long while.


XII.   Put questions  to  the  following text and ask your class­ mates to answer them. Retell the text.

This is the time of the year when far-sighted citizens start thinking about their newspaper and magazine subscrip­tions for next year.

If you like your newspaper in time for breakfast, or your favourite magazine hot off the press, without the risk of  the bookstalls selling out (a very real risk in the case of the most popular magazines), the thing to do is to take out a three, six or twelve month subscription.

Then it will be delivered, not by a newspaper lad, but by the postgirl — I can't ever remember having seen a post­man in Tashkent.

Our post girls do three rounds a day, the first at about 7:30 a. m. with the papers, the second round about midday with the post and also magazines, and the third about 7 in the evening with post and evening papers.

Subs, by the way can be handed in at offices of the distributing Uzbek Agency of Informatization, at a post office or — as seems to me the most common — to literature secretaries elected in factories and offices by the trade union organi­zations.


XIII. Retell these anecdotes in indirect speech.


A.- What have you got a bit of string tied around your finger for?

B. — Oh, that! My wife put it there so I wouldn't for­get to post a letter.

A.    — Well, did you post it?

B.    — No, she forgot to give it to me.


Mr. McGregor. — When  is  there  the  biggest crowd at the Aberdeen Post-Office?

Mr. Thompson. — I'm sorry,  but  I  really  don't  know. Mr. McGregor. — On Monday morning. Mr.  Thompson. — Why?

Mr. McGregor. — Because all Aberdonians gather there to fill their fountain-pens.


        In the early days of the Second World War the offi­cer in charge of a British post deep in the heart of Africa received a wireless message from his headquarters in London:

war declared  stop arrest all enemies In your district A few days later the headquarters received the following cable report:

have   arrested   seven   gertnans   three   belgians  four americans five frenchmen  a .couple of Spaniards   one swede one austrian stop please inform me with whom we are at war.


XIV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. A. — Ñêîëüêî ñòîèò îòïðàâêà ïîñûëêè íà Äàëüíèé Âîñòîê? — Á. — Ýòî çàâèñèò îò âåñà è ìåñòà íàçíà÷åíèÿ. 2. À. — Ñêàæèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìîæíî ïîñëàòü ïîñûëêó ñ ôðóêòàìè â Àðõàíãåëüñêóþ îáëàñòü? — Á. — Îáðàòèòåñü, ïî­æàëóéñòà, â îêíî 14. Òàì âàì îòâåòÿò íà âñå èíòåðåñóþùèå âàñ âîïðîñû. 3. Ñêàæèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, åñëè ÿ ïîøëþ âåùè ïðîñòîé ïîñûëêîé áåç óêàçàíèÿ öåíû, ýòî áóäåò ñòîèòü äåøåâëå? 4. Íàïèøèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ÿñíåå ôàìèëèþ ïîëó­÷àòåëÿ, çäåñü íè÷åãî íåëüçÿ ðàçîáðàòü. 5. Çà ýòî ïèñüìî íàäî äîïëàòèòü (postage due on) äâà ñóìà. 6. Âû ìî­æåòå ïîñëàòü òåëåãðàììó ñ îïëà÷åííûì îòâåòîì. 7. Ïèñüìî ïðèøëî îáðàòíî, òàê êàê ïîëó÷àòåëü âûåõàë è åãî ìåñòî­ïðåáûâàíèÿ íåèçâåñòíî. 8. Òåëåãðàììû ïðèíèìàþòñÿ è äî­ñòàâëÿþòñÿ â ëþáîå âðåìÿ ñóòîê. 9. Ýòî ïèñüìî ïîñëàíî áåç ìàðêè, ïîýòîìó âû äîëæíû îïëàòèòü ïî÷òîâûå ðàñõîäû.

10. Âû   ÷èòàëè   ïîñëåäíèå   òåëåãðàììû "(reports)  Óçáåêñêîãî àãåíòñòâà èíôîðìàòèçàöèè?

11. Ìíå õîòåëîñü áû ïîñëàòü ýòè êíèãè íàëîæåííûì ïëà­òåæîì.




by Colin Howard

"I say, I am pleased to see you!" declared the little man standing dejectedly by the pillar-box.

"Oh, hullo!" I said, stopping. "Simpson, isn't it?"

The Simpsons were newcomers to the neighborhood, and my wife and I had only met them once or twice.

"Yes, that's right!" returned Simpson. He seemed quite gratified by my ready recognition. "I wonder if you could lend me three-ha’pence." I plunged an in­vestigatory hand into my pocket. "You see, my wife gave me a letter to post, and I've just noticed it isn't stamped."

"They never are," I said, sympathetically.

        "It must go to-night — it really must! And I don't suppose I should find a post-office open at this time of night, do you?"

The hour being close upon eleven, I agreed that it seemed improbable.

"So I thought, you see, I'd get a stamp out of the machine," explained Simpson, not without pride in his ingenuity, "only I find I haven't any coppers on me."

"I'm awfully sorry, but I'm afraid I haven't either," I told him, concluding my explorations.

"Oh, dear, dear!" he said. Just like that. He was that sort of little man.

"Perhaps somebody else — "I put forward.

"There isn't anyone else."

He looked up the street, and I looked down. Then he looked down the street, and I looked up. We both drew blank.

"Yes, well!" I said, and made to move off. But he looked so forlorn, standing there clutching a blue, un­stamped envelope, that I really hadn't the heart to '" desert him.

"Tell you what," I said. "You'd better walk along with me to my place— it's only a couple of streets off — and I'll try to hunt up some change for you there."

"It's really awfully good of you!" said Simpson, blink­ing earnestly.

At home we managed to run the coveted three -ha’pence to earth. I handed the sum to Simpson, who, in the most businesslike way, made a note of the loan in his pocket-book, and departed. I watched him take a dozen steps up the road, hesitate and then return to me.

"I say, I am sorry to trouble you again," he said. "The fact is we're still quite strangers around here, and — well, I'm rather lost, to tell you the truth. Perhaps you'd direct me to the post-office?"

I did my best. I spent three solid minutes in explain­ing to him exactly where the post-office was. At the end of the time I felt as lost as Simpson.

"I'm —I'm afraid I don't quite — " he blinked.

"Here, I'd better come along with you," I said.

"Oh, I say, that's awfully kind of you!" he assured me.

I felt inclined to agree with him. I led the way to the post-office. Simpson inserted a penny in the auto­matic stamp machine. The coin passed through the machine with a hollow rattle. Its transit failed to produce the desired stamp. Simpson looked at me with a what-do-I-do-now sort of expression.

"It's empty," I explained.

"Oh!" said Simpson.

Experiment revealed that the stock of happen stamps was also exhausted. Simpson, in his agitation at this discovery, dropped his letter face downwards on the pavement, whence he retrieved it with the addition of a large blob of mud.

"There!" ejaculated Simpson, quite petulantly. "Now, it's got mud on it!" He rattled the empty machine spite­fully. "Well, what can we do now?"

I gathered that I was definitely a member of the posting party.

"I suppose it must go to-night?" I said.

"Dear me, yes! My wife was most insistent about that. She said I wasn't to— It's— Well, I don't know that it's extraordinarily important, but — but I'd better post it, if you know what I mean."

I did know. Or, at least, I knew Mrs. Simpson.

"I know—I've got a book of stamps at home!" I suddenly remembered.

"We -ought to have thought of that before!" said Simpson almost severely.

"We'd better hurry, or we shall miss the post," I told him.

We hurried. It was as well we did hurry, because it took rather a long while to find the book of stamps. And it wasn't really worth finding after all. It was empty.

"How very provoking!" was Simpson's summing up of the matter.

"Funny!" I said. "I could have sworn it was nearly full!"

"But what about my letter?" asked Simpson dolefully.

"You'll have to post it unstamped, that's all," I said. I was beginning to lose interest in Simpson's   letter.

"Oh, could I do that?" he asked, brightening.

"What else can you do? The other chap will have to pay double postage on it in the morning, but that can't be helped."

"I shouldn't like to do that."

"Neither should I. Still, that's his trouble. Now, hurry, or you'll miss the last collection."

Much flustered by this reminder, Simpson went off up the street at a trot.

"Hi! The other way!" I roared after him.

"Sorry!" he panted, returning. "I — I rather think I've forgotten the way again."

I didn't even start to explain. I just took him firmly by the arm and escorted him to the post-office, in time for the midnight collection. I knew it would save me time in the end. He dropped in his letter and then, to finish off my job properly, I took him home.

"I'm most awfully grateful to you, really," he as­sured me, earnestly, from his doorstep. "I — I can't think what I should have done without you. That letter — it's only an invitation to dinner, to — Good gracious!"

"Why, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. Just something I've remembered."


But he didn't tell me. He just goggled at me like a stricken goldfish, jerked out a "good-night", and popped indoors.

All the way home I was wondering what it was he'd remembered. But I stopped wondering next morning, when I had to pay the postman three-pence for a blue envelope with a great muddy mark on its face.


-halfpenny ['heipni] (pi. halfpence) — half a penny, or a coin
of this value

-to draw blank —to be unsuccessful

-to run  to earth — to discover   after a long search; literal­ly — to drive an animal into its hole

-chap (si.) — man

-popped (si.) — went quickly



I. Answer the following questions:

I.  What are you told about the Simpsons? 2. Why can't Simpson get a stamp out of the machine? 3. Who had given him the letter  to post?   4. Why wouldn't a post-office be open?   5. What "businesslike"   thing did Simpson do when he received  the three-ha'pence?   6. What   happened   when Simpson put the money in the stamp-machine? 7. How did the  envelope  get  a   blob  of mud on it? 8. What happens if you post a letter without a stamp?   9. What was in the letter? 10. What was it that Simpson suddenly remembered?

II.Put  in  words  from  the text. Clues are given in brackets.

1. The Simpsons were newcomers to the — (district). 2. The hour being close upon eleven I agreed it was — (unlikely) that we should find a post-office open. 3. He looked so — (lonely, cheerless) standing there — (holding tightly) a blue unstamped envelope. 4. I lent the money to Simpson and he made a note of the — (money lent) in his pocket-book. 5. Simpson inserted a penny on the — (device from which stamps could be obtained mechanically). 6. Ex­periment revealed that the stock of ha'penny stamps was also — (finished, used up). 7. I could have — (stated an oath) it was nearly full. 8. I took him by the arm and — (went with, showed the way) him to the post-office. 9. To finish off my — (piece of work) properly I took him home. 10.1 stop­ped— (asking myself) the next morning when I had to pay the postman three pence.

III.    Give the opposite of the following words and use each in
a sentence. The words you require are in the story.

1) sorrow; 2) borrow; 3) unstamped; 4) modesty; 5) ar­rive; 6) falsehood; 7) disagree; 8) succeed; 9) full; 10) sub­traction; 11) catch (the post); 12) delay; 13) gently; 14) noon; 15) begin; 16) forget; 17) cheerfully.

IV.    Tell  the  story  as  Mr. Simpson might have told it to his wife.






On the envelope, the order is: (1) the name of the person, etc., to whom the letter is being sent; (2) the number of the house and the name of the street or road; if the house has a name, this is placed on a separate line, above the name of the street or road; (3) the name of the town or village; (4) the name of the county (un­necessary if the town is large or well known), and in the USA the name of the state.

The address must be written in the centre of the envelope. Other remarks on the envelope may be: Please forward, Please send on, To be forwarded (or sent on) if the addressee is absent from home, Care of (shortened: C/o, i. e. to be delivered to).

After the names of some large towns, the number of the postal district is added. Some English towns (e. g. Leeds, Edinburgh) have numbers only. London has eight districts: E., W., N. E., N. W., S. E., S. W., E. C. (East Central), and W. C. (West Central). These are • again divided (e. g. N. W. 5).


 e. g. Mr. Horace Wiggleworth,                       Miss A. Green,    ,

18 High Rock Terrace,                                             17a Carlyle St,

San Francisco,                                                           Chelsea,

California,                                                                  London, S. W. 3.
C/o Mr. Thomas

The return address is usually placed on the seal flap. However, it may be in the lower or upper right-hand corner.

The punctuation: the full stop is used after abbrevia­tions as: St.— Saint or Street, Rd. — Road, N. W.— North West, Wt C.— West Central, N. — North, 5. E. — South East, etc. The comma is used after the name of the addressee (Mr. James Burton), the name of the house (The Pines), the name of the street, square, road (Michael Street, Russel Square, Port Road), the name of the city (London).

A letter should consist of the following parts:







Inside Address






Body of the letter


                                                                                                          Complimentary Close







(1) The heading consists of the address of the writer.

(2)Under  the  address   the  date  is  written.   The day of the month may be written with or without -st,  -nd,  -rd or -th. It is usual for the name  of  the  month to  come in the middle, but it may come first: 5 May 19—, 5th May 19—, May 5,19—, May 5th, /9—. If the name of the month comes in the middle, a comma is not necessary, but may be used. If the  name  of the month is placed first, a comma  should  be  placed  after  the figure for the day of the month. The name of the city and state or country, as well as the date, should be slightly indented.

(3)The inside address should be placed on the left-hand mar­gin, just above the salutation or in the lower left-hand part of the letter sheet, a few paces below  the  signature:

                                              V. P. Sadikov

                                           16 Rashidov Street,

                                           Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN.

(4)      The salutation. Titles that most  commonly  precede names in addresses  are  Mr, Messrs, Miss, Prof.,  etc. All of these but Miss are abbreviations. The title Esq.  (esquire) follows the perso­nal name. It is used only in England and mostly in writing to busi­ness or professional men. Unless the addressee is titled use Mr or avoid the issue by writing merely L. K- Jones. Mr should not be used before a name that is followed by Esq. because these two words mean the same. Other abbreviations of the titles that fol­low names are such as denote professional degrees and honours, e. g. M.D. (Doctor of Medicine), B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), Ph. D. (Doctor of Humanities"—from Lot. philosophiae doctor), etc.

Miss is used in addressing a single woman, Mrs in address­ing a married woman. The words Misses and Mesdames are used in addressing two or more women. These plural forms may be preceded by The, as: The Misses Townsend or Misses Clara and Alice Townsend. The following salutations are listed in order of decreasing formality:



                                        Sir:                                                               Sirs:

                                  My dear Sir:                                                                My dear Sirs:

                                  Dear Sir:                                                                   Dear Sirs:

                                 My dear Mr Ñîå:                                                  Gentlemen:

                                    Dear Ñîå:

                                  My dear (dearest) Tom, Dear Tom.

Worn en

                                                    Madam:                                                        Mesdames:

                                        My dear Madam:                                     My dear Mesdames: (or Ladies:)

                                          Dear Madam:                                         Dear   Mesdames: (or Ladies:)

                                     My dear Mrs Ñîå:

                                    Dear Mrs Ñîå:

                                     My dear (dearest) Alice


In informal business letters and in friendly letters the saluta­tion should be followed by a comma. In official and business let­ters it should be followed by a colon. Never use a dash or an exclamation mark after the salutation.

(5) The body of the letter should begin two spaces below the salutation and at the left-hand margin. The first line may be in block style, or indented.

The letter must be divided into paragraphs according to the development of the idea.

Here are some ways of beginning a letter.

Dear Mary,

In reply to your letter of Jan. 3 I hasten to give the information you ask for.

Dear Jane,

It would be difficult for me to put into words the feelings I experienced when I received your letter.

Dear Ned,

It must be ages and ages since I wrote you last.

Dear Father,

I am sorry to have been so unkind and caused you so much trouble. I did not write simply because...

Dear Joe:

I wonder whether my letter will reach you in time... Dearest Phil,

I returned last night from a month's vacation in the south to find two letters from you, and I don't want to allow any time to elapse before I sit down to write.

Dear Uncle,

I needn't tell you how deeply upset I am at all the news of illness.

Dearest Anne,

I feel very excited at the thought that In another week I shall be with you again on holiday.

The closing sentences of a private letter are: Hoping to hear from you soon, Do let me hear from you soon, Do let me know about. you, Do write soon, Will you drop me a line, My best wishes (my kindest regards) to..., Remember me to (less official than the preceding)..., My love to..., Love and all good wishes, etc.

(6)     The complimentary close should be placed two spaces be­
low the last line of the body and  should begin about the middle
of the page. It is begun on the margin with the date line.

The following complimentary closes are listed in order of decreasing formality: Respectfully yours, or Yours respectfully, Very truly yours, or Yours very truly, Very sincerely yours, or Yours very sincerely, Sincerely yours, or Yours sincerely, Sin­cerely, Cordially yours, or Yours cordially, Cordially, Faithfully yours, or Yours faithfully, Faithfully, Yours affectionately, or Your affectionate (loving) daughter (son, sister, cousin), Yours, With love, Ever yours, etc.

All but the first one may be correctly used in friendly let­ters. The latter ones in this group may be used only in cases of long-standing relationship. Only the first word of the complimen­tary close should be capitalized. The complimentary close is fol­lowed by a comma.

(7)     The signature follows the  complimentary close, beginning
two or three spaces to the right of it.

When first writing to a person you are not acquainted with a married woman should-sign her full name and immediately be­fore it should write Mrs. An unmarried woman should place Miss in parenthesis before her signature. If a feminine name is signed without the parenthetical Mrs or Miss, it is similarly permissible to assume that such a signature as H. B. Smith is that of a man unless the content of the letter shows that the writer is a woman.

The signature must be written by hand.

324 East Macon Street

Atlanta, Georgia,

April 24, 2003

Dear Alice,

I could just as well put the above inside address in the lower left-hand corner of this letter, a space or two below my signature. And I could write this letter in strictly blocked form with open punctuation. But the indicated form with complete punctuation is a little more intimate and homey in a letter written to a friend.

The comma after the salutation in this letter is a part’ of its intimacy and friendliness. A colon there would make my greeting to you chilly, if not downright cold. As a matter of fact, your address ought to be placed somewhere in this letter. But it would be much too formal and businesslike to place it above the saluta­tion. Since I have placed my own address above, I think I shall place yours in the lower left-hand corner below the signature.

Of course, both addresses are rarely included in a friendly letter. But the writer's full name and address should always be, so that the addressee may know exactly how and where to ad­dress a reply. Then, too, it happens occasionally that a letter gets separated from its envelope or slips out of its own. If there's no address at all in the letter, it may be hopelessly lost; whereas if there is at least one address in it, it can be salvaged through the postmaster or some other kindly person.

Faithfully yours,

(Miss) Frances Hallowell

New York 28, N. Y.


. I. Draw an envelope and address it to Mr. John Chapman.

 He lives in Lindfield in the country of Sussex. The number of his house is 4 and the road is called Walstead Road. II.      Write a letter to Mr. John Chapman from V. Sadikov who  lives  in  Tashkent in  Rashidov Street.  The   number of his house is 118 and the   number  of his  apartment is 8. Add details to the letter.

Sept. 20th. Dear John; thank you for your letter of..., it was very interesting; I have received the stamps; I'm sending you some new stamps of the Sputnik series; I am also sending you a photo of myself and our school volley­ball team; we won the match with school No. 182 last week; write soon; I shall write again soon; your pen-friend; best luck to you.

II.     Do the same with the following:

Charles Brown, who lives in London E. C. 4, 160 Newgate Street, England, writes a letter on July 20 to his friend A. Usypov in Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN, 40 Mukimi Street. He thanks Akbar  for the beautiful picture-postcards of the Caucasus which will surely enrich his collection. Charles is spending the summer at the seaside. He is send­ing snapshots. Write the letter and address the envelope.

III.     Write the following friendly letters:

1. Inviting a friend to stay with you. 2. Accepting (or refusing) an invitation. 3. To a friend describing your stay at a rest home. 4. To the railway office, complaining that your luggage, sent away four days ago, has not yet arrived. 5. To your sister, who, owing to illness, is spending two months in a children's sanatorium. 6. To a friend congra­tulating him (her) on his (her) birthday. 7. To a former teacher telling him (her) about your new job. 8. To a friend with whom you sent a very pleasant fortnight in a rest home.

IV.    Send numbers (1), (2), (6), as telegrams.

V.      Write a letter to a pen-friend abroad:

1. Telling him (her) about the May Day Holidays in your town. 2. Describing the organization of your institute. 3. Describing your life and work on virgin soil or on a student's construction site. 4. Describing your vacation on a tourist hiking route.




Home reading.


1.Postal services.

There are post- offices in every town and nearly every village in the country. If you want to post an ordinary letter, a postcard or a small parcel, you needn’t go to the post-office, you can drop it into the nearest pillar-box. You can recognize this easily in England, because they re painted red.

If you want to send a telegram, you can either take it to nearest post- office or dictate it over the telephone.

Pillar-boxes are emptied several times a day. If you want your letter to arrive more quickly than by ordinary post, you can send it by Air Mail.

Letters arc delivered to your home or office by a postman, and telegrams by a telegraph-boy.

Merci you can see what the inside of the post-office looks like. On one side of the counter you see several customers, on the other side, the clerks. One of the people is writing out a cable.

If you want to buy stamps, you must go to the right counter; if you go to the wrong one, you II only waste your time. Ask for a halfpenny stamp, a penny stamp, a three-halfpenny stamp, a two penny stamp, a two penny-halfpenny stamp, a three penny stamp and so on. If you want to send a parcel, you hand it to the assistant, who weighs it on scales and gives you   the necessary stamps. The amount you have to pay depends on the weight of the parcel.

In most post-offices and also in many streets, there arc public telephone-boxes from which you can telephone. All you have to do is to lift the receiver, put into the slot the pennies due for the call, and number you want.




2.About post-office service operation of AC PCC on projects of improving post-service, quantity at the ÔÓÊÑ expense in Uzbekistan. 


         The post communication of Republic of Uzbekistan in the whole network of objects and routes of post-service intended for receiving, processing and delivery of mail.

7996 delivery sections, among  then, 4979 in rural places have been organized  on the state joint – stock. “Uzbekistan pochtasi” enterprises have been organized. 7483postmen deliver pensions, post-sending and mail, 5 express good – trains 384 384 express – bus and 38 air routs work providing  regular post-sends transport. Uzbek post – service interacts with all countries of the world, being as an equal member of World Post Unit.

       Transport facilities and post office equipment being explored more than 15-20 years mainly presents its material and technical basis. Releasing enterprising from penelit taxation, allowed them to purchase 280 cars, 286 computer, 50 modems. They are a great help in their work (activity operation) but they don’t solve all problems on improving of its material and technical basis and service – quantity.

          The investigations showed that there the sharp necessity in the present development and improving of range made by the Republic of Uzbekistan post service, the modernizing and atomizing of enterprises in necessary. It is connected with further integration of services into world post-service, unification of technology  mail; process.

          This project is the part of realization of the first stage of Program on improving services of Program Post Uzbek Network.

         Its tasks are:

   to put to standard the operation of international post correspondence (mail)

   the improving of its material and technical basis

   the creation of typical program-technical complex  which is the first stage of authorized working place of post service operator;

   approbation of typical program-technical complex in post-office department, rural change offices  and International post-office of Uzbekistan;

   the improving quantity of work and extending of post-office services. The realization of this project will allow to do ((zip code) on the I stage);

   the introduction process of zip code of international correspondence operation and providing by satisfy equipment as for writing and reading;

    the providing the post-offices with modern equipment which will give the opportunities to improve the work quantity and extend the service, e-mail, Internet service (the finding of given information and etc.), typing, Xerox, and fax;

   transmission of documents.  


         The introduction of project The improving of post-service quantity of Republic of Uzbekistan new and previous functions will be realized with good quantity;

-       putting and reading of (øòðèõêîäà) track for post-correspondence track

-       the receiving of different kinds of payment and giving cheques;

-       weighing of letter-correspondence;

-       the safety of money-order;

-       telephone network (handle and atomized);

-       scanning docs and typing materials;

-       the registration of information and making up of local data;

-       the realization of standard Internet – functions and e-mail;

-       modern connection (network) with all post – office departments (and fax-modem

 as well);

-       the transmission of sound-letters;

-       the copying of documents;

-       safety and fire-signaling.


































1.Unit I…………………………………………………………….3

2.Unit II…………………………………………………………..16

3.Unit III………………………………………………………….19

4.Unit IV………………………………………………………….24










































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