O'quv  ishlari  bo'yicha  birinchi  prorektor


“_____”________________2016 yil
























      Ushbu o'quv-uslubiy majmua  5А330501-Kompyuter injiniring (Kompyuter  tizimlarini loyihalashtirish, Amaliy dasturiy vositalarni loyihalash”, “Axborot va multimedia  texnologiyalari”,  “Axborot  xavfsizligi, kriptografiya va kriptotahlil”);

5А330601- Dasturiy injiniring; 5А350502- Elektron hukumat tizimini boshqarish;

5А350301-АКТ sohasida iqtisodiyot va menejment;  5А350602-Elektron kutubxona va arxivlar;  5А350101- Тelekommunikatsiya injiniring (Axborot  uzatish tizimlari, telekommunikatsiya tarmoqlari, teleradiouzatish); 5А350300-Axborot- kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari sohasida iqtisodiyot va menejment; 5А350601-Axborotlashtirish va kutubxonashunoslik mutaxassisliklari  uchun ishlab chiqilgan.





Tuzuvchilar:                          V. H. Gaziyeva












«CHЕT TILLAR» kafedrasining 30.08.2016 yildagi yig’ilishida

muhokama qilingan  (1-sonli bayonnoma)




Kafedra mudiri                            V. H. Gaziyeva







«AKTSIM» fakul’tetining 31.08.2016 yildagi kengashida

tasdiqlangan  (1-sonli bayonnoma)





Fakul’tet kengashi raisi                           SH.SH.Turayev






1.  SILABUS........................................................................................................



    MЕTODLARI  ...................................................................................


3. AMALIY  MASHG’ULOTLAR  MATЕRIALLARI ........................................


4. MUSTAQIL  TA'LIM  MAVZULARI ........................................................


5. GLOSSARIY .................................................................................................


6. ADABIYOTLAR  RO'YHATI.............................................................................




















I.                   SILLABUS

2016/2017 O’QUV YILI


Fanning qisqacha tavsifi

OTM nomi va manziii

Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari


Amir Temur 108, Toshkent

Fakultet va kafedra

AKT sohasida Iqtisodiyot va Menejment

Chet tili



Fanning professor - o'qituvchilari haqida ma’lumot







Fanning jadvali va auditoriya №.

257 c

Fanni o’qitish muddati:

1 - 2 – 3 semestr

Fanga ajratilgan


Auditoriya mashg’ulotlari

Mustaqil ta’lim: 48

Amaliyot  1kurs – 80

2 kurs -20



Fanning mazmuni

Fanning dolzarbligi va mazmuni

Dastur magistratura bosqichi talabalarining o'rganayotgan amaliy xorijiy tildan olgan bilimlari asosida og’zaki va yozma nutqlarini rivojlantirishni, ulardan kelgusi ilmiy va kasbiy faoliyatlarida to'la foydalanishni hamda kommunikativ, lingvistik, sociolingvistik, diskursiv, strategik, kasbiy, umummadaniy kompetentligini integrallashgan yondashuv asosida rivojlantirishni ko'zda tutadi.

                                  O'quv fanining maqsadi - magistratura talabalarida lingvistik,  kommunikativ, lingvomamlakatshunoslik, lingvomadaniy, ilmiy hamda kasbiy kompetenciyalarini shakllantirishdir.

         Lingvistik kompetentlik til tizimi haqidagi bilim va uning horijiy tilda kommunikaciya jarayonida amal qilish qoidalarini o'z ichiga qamrab oladi.

                 Kommunikativ kompetentlik nutqiy kommunikaciya shartlariga binoan xorijiy tilda kommunikaciya jarayonini nazarda tutadi. Muomala (nutq) vaziyati murojaat kimga qaratilgani va suhbatdoshlarning o'zaro munosabatini kommunikaciya jihatdan shakllantiradi.

         Lingvomamlakatshunoslik kompetenciya tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakat      tarixi, ijtimoiy-siyosiy tizimi, geografik o'rni, boshqa davlatlar bilan o'zaro lingvostrategik aloqalari (kabilarni o'zlashtirishni o'z ichiga oladi).

         Lingvomadaniy kompetenciya tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakatning ayni paytdagi ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va madaniy rivoji va shunga mos tarzda nutq muomala madaniyati haqida tasavvurga ega bo'lishni nazarda tutib. Og’zaki va yozma nutq amaliyotining tarjimaga yo'naltirilgan malakalarini egallashni shakllantiradi.

         Ilmiy kompetentlik til o'rganuvchidan o'z sohasi bo'yicha ilmiy ahborotlarni, tadqiqot natijalarini, horijiy davlatlarning ilmiy yutuqlarini o'rganish va o'z ilmiy faoliyatlarida foydalanishdan iborat.

         Kasbiy kompetenciya magistrning egallayotgan         mutaxassisligi bo'yicha horijiy til orqali kasbiy yangiliklar, innovatsion loyihalarni hayotga tatbiq eta olish, bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarni egallashni nazarda tutadi.

Fanning vazifasi - magistratura bosqichida sanab o'tilgan barcha kompetenciyalarga erishish - kommunikativ kompetenciyani shakllantirishga, shuningdek ularning o'rganayotgan amaliy chet tillardan birida ravon va aniq so'zlashishlariga va hozirgi paytda dunyoda sodir bo'layotgan siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy voqelikka o'z munosabatlarini bildira olishlarini hamda mustaqil fikrlash, izlanish, bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarini mustahkamlashga hizmat qiladi.

Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilim, ko'nikma va malakalariga qo'yiladigan talablar

Chet tiliga ixtisoslashmagan magistratura mutaxassisliklari bitiruvchilari CEFR ga ko'ra o'quv kursi nihoyasida B 2 darajani egallashlari  ko'zda tutiladi.




2016/2017 ўқув йили  1-семестрда магистратура босқичи  _________ 

гуруҳи талабаларига AKTcИМ  факультети

Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг

К А Л Е Н Д А Р   Р Е Ж А С И

Ўқитувчи:    Н.Х.Ходжакулова, Г.Э, Зохидова, Г.Сайидалиева

Амалий машғулотлар:  40 соат

Basic material: Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS






Speaking: Unit 1. Relationships.

Listening: 1a

Reading: Families and early learning

Writing: Essay: Parents help their children develop more social and emotional skills than friends do

Special text: Computer staff




Speaking: Growing up

Listening: 1b, section 1- 1c

Vocabulary: p10




Speaking: The body and mind/ data and statistics

Listening: 2a, 2b

Vocabulary: 2.2, 4.3

Reading: development in adolescence

Writing: describe a chart




Speaking: Speaking part 2 p-15, memorable period.

Vocabulary: Memory

Writing: General training writing task 1. P-15

Special text: Famous people of IT




Speaking: Diet Health Exercise, heart disease, eating problems and sleep disturbances.

Listening: 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d

Vocabulary: Health, word building p 17

Reading: Academic reading p 19-21




Speaking: Life, leisure

Listening: 4a

Vocabulary: game: positives, negatives

Reading: 3.1 p 23

Video: Documentary




Speaking: Things to do in the holidays

Listening: Section 2-  4b.

Reading: 4.2 p 24




Speaking: Student life, Study, education, research

Listening: 5a, 5b,

Vocabulary: word building: 2.2 p 28.

Reading: Section 2  p29




Test: Test one (units 1-5) p 30-31

Reading: Academic reading test

Listening:  5c




Speaking: Effective communication

Listening: 6a,

Vocabulary: Idioms ex 2.1, 2.3-words.

Reading: Signs of success p 33-34,




Speaking: linguistics

Listening:  6b,

Reading: Academic reading p 35-37




Speaking: Tourism, travel

Listening: 7a, 7b

Writing: describing a chart.

Reading: Travel advice p 40.




Speaking: Advantages and disadvantages of tourism

Writing: essay: adv & disadv of tourism in Uzb.

Reading:  General training reading p 41.




Speaking: Time, history

Listening: 8a,.

Vocabulary: ex-2.3

Reading: 2.1 p 43-44. History




Speaking: history of dentistry

Listening: 8b Section 4.

Vocabulary: ex-2.3

Reading: 2.1 p 43-44. History




Speaking: Flora and fauna

Listening: 9a,

Vocabulary: compound nouns

Reading: Agriculture ex-2,1. 2.2 Introduced species.




Speaking: Flora and fauna

Listening: 9b

Vocabulary: review unit 1-8

Reading: ex3, p-48




Speaking: Describing sightseeing places and nature of Uzbekistan.

Vocabulary: unit 9

Reading: Academic reading: Meet the hedgehog p-49-51

Writing: What repercussions of pesticides of  do  you think may occur?




Speaking: Reaching for the skies. Space and Planets.

Listening: 10 a,10 b

Vocabulary:2.3 p53




Speaking: space travel is waste of money.

Listening: Section 3- 10c

Reading: ex-3 p 54

Testing: Test two (Units 6-10)




Chief of the foreign languages department:                                    Gaziyeva V.Kh.





2016/2017 ўқув йили  Магистратура боскич 2- семестрда   ______йўналиши _______ гуруҳи талабаларига  АКТСИМ факультети  Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг

К А Л Е Н Д А Р   Р Е Ж А С И

Ўқитувчи:    Н.Х.Ходжакулова, Г.Э, Зохидова, Г.Сайидалиева

Амалий машғулотлар:         40 соат

Дарслик:   Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS                 


Амалий  машғулот  мавзулари






Ўқитувчи имзоси


Speaking: Space/ Earth is our planet.

Reading: ex-1.2/ ex:3, p 54

Vocabulary: review unit 1-10

Listening: 10a/10b, 10c.

Writing: What problems do you think you would experience in space?




2.                 1.

Speaking: Design and Innovation

Reading: Engineering p.59

Vocabulary: unit 11

Listening: 11a

Writing: Uzbek traditional architecture is convenient for living then western design.



3.                 2

Speaking: differences of houses in the past and now.

Listening: 11b

Grammar: Past participle

Reading: Academic reading: The house of the future, then and now.

Writing: In the future people will spend more time at work so they will not own houses, everybody will sleep in hotels. Do you agree or not?



4.                 3

Speaking: Telecommunications

Listening: 12a

Reading: Computers and technology. P 65.

Writing: Essay: We have enough gadgets now to make robots unnecessary in the home.



5.                 4

Speaking: Speaking test. P 67.

Grammar: compound words.

Reading: ex2.4 p 66.

Vocabulary: unit 12.

Writing: People today spend too much money buying new things. Do u agree or disagree?



6.                 5

Speaking: Globalization

Listening: 13a, 13b.

Grammar: world building: noun, adjective.

Vocabulary: unit 13.

Writing: Space belongs to whoever gets there first. Do u agree with this statement?



7.                 6

Speaking: Predictions about population in rich and poor countries.

Reading: changing attitudes and trends.

Writing: task1. P71. Bar graph.



8.                 7

Speaking: Urbanization: problems and solution.

Listening: 14a.

Reading: Big city life. P 73

Vocabulary: unit 14.

Writing: essay: solutions of unemployment.



9.                 8

Speaking: problems associated with living in a big city.

Grammar: ex 3.2 p74.

Reading: Rags, bones and recycling bins.

Listening: 14b.




10.            9

Speaking: The environment. P 78.

Listening: 15a

Reading: Climate change and pollution.

Vocabulary: synonym adjectives, ex1.3, p 78.

Writing: What can the government do to help protect the environment?




Speaking: solutions of pollution

Listening: 15b

Vocabulary: unit 15.

Writing: task1. P 81. Describe flowchart.




Revision: test (units 11-15)

Speaking: The energy crisis. Natural resources.

Listening: 16

Reading: The future of energy




Speaking: Alternative fuels.

Reading: Academic reading p 87-89.

Vocabulary: unit 16.

Writing: What can the government do to encourage people to save energy?




Speaking: unit 17. Employment.

Listening: 17a. p 90.

Reading: luxury brands of cosmetics. P 91

Writing: task1 p 93.




Speaking: Economical way of shopping.

Listening: 17b

Reading: ex 3.2

Vocabulary: unit 17

Writing: task2, p 93.




Speaking: Crime and punishment.

Reading: Crime. P94.

Vocabulary: unit 18

Writing: cybercrime (describe a chart)




Speaking: how to prevent crime?

Listening: 18

Reading: ex 3.1, p 96

Writing: In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?




Speaking: The media

Listening: 19a

Reading: ex 1.4, p99.

Vocabulary: unit 19

Writing: Do u think that newspaper will still exist in the future? Why?




Speaking: Influence of famous people on young generation.

Listening: 19b, 19c.

Writing: Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little that can be done to rectify this. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





Speaking: Unit 20. Art appreciation.

Listening: 20 a, 20b

Reading: The brain of the beholder

Review: test of units -16-20








Чет тиллар кафедраси мудири:                                 Газиева В.Х.


Тошкент ахборот технологиялари университети

2016-2017 ўқув йили кузги семестрда ДИФ, КТФ, АКТ с ИМ, ТТФ, ТФ йўналиши

II-босқич  магистратура талабаларига

АКТ с ИМ факультети  Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг


К А Л Е Н Д А Р   Р Е Ж А С И


Ўқитувчи:    Н.Х.Ходжакулова, Г.Э, Зохидова, Г.Сайидалиева


Дарслик:   Vocabulary for IELTS (Voc for IELTS)     

Амалиймашғулотлар: 20соат


Амалаий машғулот мавзулари

Ажратилган соат



Ўқитувчи имзоси


Speaking: “The 21 anniversary of the independence of the republic of  Uzbekistan”

Speaking: Energy Crisis. Natural recourses.

Reading: The future of energy p 85

Listening: How environmentally aware you are.

 P 84. 1.2 16. 16-a Test practice.






Speaking:  Employment, management and marketing. Have you ever worked somewhere? p 86

Listening: Types of Industry. 1.2-1.3 p 90 17-a

Reading: Management and marketing.

 2.1,2.2,2.3 p-91 Test practice






Speaking:  The law. Crime and punishment

Listening: Punishment 2.4-2.5 p 96 18-a

Reading: Crime 1.1-1.2 p-94

 Writing: Academic writing task 2. Test practice






Speaking:  The media. News fame

Listening: Media. Fame  1.2-1.3 p 98 19-a,b,c

Reading: Media –Fame 1.4 2.1,2.2 p-99

Writing: Academic writing task 2. Test practice






Speaking:  The Arts. The Appreciation. p 102

Listening: The performing Art. 

2.2-2.3 p 103 20-a,d

Reading: The brain of the beholder. P102

Test practice






Speaking:  Language building.

Using a dictionary p 110

Listening: Phonetic symbols.1.7p 112 21-a

Reading: Word families.  2.1,2.2,2.3 p-112






Speaking:  Learning Vocabulary. Collocations 2-1.3 p 90 17-a

Listening: Learn how to pronounce the words. 1.5-1.6 p114 22-a

Reading: Management and marketinc abulary.

 2.1,2.2,2.3 p-91 Test practice






Speaking:  Academic writing Task 1. Data. Graphs.

And tables  p 118

Listening: Types of Industry. 1.2-1.3 p 90 17-a

Reading: Management and marketing.

 2.1,2.2,2.3 p-91 Test practice






Speaking:  Academic writing task 2 p 122

 Getting started.

Reading: Essay. 2.3- p 123

Vocabulary: Linking words. 2.1

 Test practice






Speaking:  General writing  task 1-2 p 126

Vocabulary: 1.4-1.5, 2.1,2.2,2.3 p 129

 Test practice Units 21-25












Чет тиллар кафедраси мудири:                                                   Газиева.В.Х



Описание: MD-1

Фаннинг ўқув дастури Олий ва ўрта махсус, каб-ҳунар таълими йўналишлари бўйича ўқув-услубий бирлашмалар фаолиятини мувофиқлаштирувчи Кенгашнинг 2013 йил  13 августдаги 
3– сонли мажлис баёни билан маъқулланган.

Фаннинг ўқув дастури Ўзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университетида ишлаб чиқилди.               


Хожиев С.К.                 –       “Факультетлараро роман тиллари” кафедраси  

                                                мудири, ф.ф.н., доцент;


Набиева К.Н.      –                 “Тиллар ўқитиш методикаси” кафедраси        

                                                доценти,  п.ф.н.;


Зияева С.А.                  –       “Факультетлараро герман тиллари” кафедраси     

                                                 мудири, ф.ф.н., доцент;


Рахмонқулова Х.С.  –          “Факультетлараро герман тиллари кафедраси     

                                                катта   ўқитувчиси.



Ортиқова Ю.                –       ЎзМУ хорижий филология факультети “Табиий   

                                                   йўналишларда чет  тили кафедраси мудири в.б.;                                      

Олтиев Т.Ж.                 –       “Факультетлараро роман тиллари” кафедраси  

                                                    доценти, ф.ф.н.






Фаннинг ўқув дастури Ўзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университети Илмий кенгашида кўриб чиқилган ва тавсия қилинган (2013 йил 27 июндаги 11-сонли баённома.)


Дастур магистратура босқичи талабаларининг ўрганаётган амалий хорижий тилдан олган билимлари асосида оғзаки ва ёзма нутқларини ривожлантиришни, улардан келгуси илмий ва касбий фаолиятларида тўла фойдаланишни ҳамда коммуникатив, лингвистик, социолингвистик, дискурсив, стратегик, касбий, умуммаданий компетентлигини интеграллашган ёндашув асосида ривожлантиришни кўзда тутади.

Фаннинг мақсад ва вазифалари

Ўқув фанининг мақсади – магистратура талабаларида лингвистик,  коммуникатив, лингвомамлакатшунослик, лингвомаданий, илмий ҳамда касбий компетенцияларини шакллантиришдир.

E    Лингвистик компетентлик тил тизими ҳақидаги билим ва унинг хорижий тилда коммуникация жараёнида амал қилиш қоидаларини ўз ичига қамраб олади.

E    Коммуникатив компетентлик нутқий коммуникация шартларига биноан хорижий тилда коммуникация жараёнини назарда тутади. Муомала (нутқ) вазияти мурожаат кимга қаратилгани ва суҳбатдошларнинг ўзаро муносабатини коммуникация жиҳатдан шакллантиради.

E    Лингвомамлакатшунослик компетенция тили ўрганилаётган мамлакат тарихи, ижтимоий-сиёсий тизими, географик ўрни, бошқа давлатлар билан ўзаро лингвостратегик алоқалари (кабиларни ўзлаштиришни ўз ичига олади).

E    Лингвомаданий компетенция тили ўрганилаётган мамлакатнинг айни пайтдаги ижтимоий-иқтисодий ва маданий ривожи ва шунга мос тарзда нутқ муомала маданияти ҳақида тасаввурга эга бўлишни назарда тутиб. Оғзаки ва ёзма нутқ амалиётининг таржимага йўналтирилган малакаларини эгаллашни шакллантиради.

E    Илмий компетентлик тил ўрганувчидан ўз соҳаси бўйича илмий ахборотларни, тадқиқот натижаларини, хорижий давлатларнинг илмий ютуқларини ўрганиш ва ўз илмий фаолиятларида фойдаланишдан иборат.

E    Касбий компетенция магистрнинг эгаллаётган мутахассислиги бўйича хорижий тил орқали касбий янгиликлар, инновацион лойиҳаларни ҳаётга татбиқ эта олиш, билим, кўникма ва малакаларни эгаллашни назарда тутади.

Фаннинг вазифаси – магистратура босқичида санаб ўтилган барча компетенцияларга эришиш – коммуникатив компетенцияни шакллантиришга, шунингдек уларнинг ўрганаётган амалий чет тиллардан бирида равон ва аниқ сўзлашишларига ва ҳозирги пайтда дунёда содир бўлаётган сиёсий, иқтисодий ва ижтимоий воқеликка ўз муносабатларини билдира олишларини ҳамда мустақил фикрлаш, изланиш, билим, кўникма ва малакаларини мустаҳкамлашга хизмат қилади.

Фан бўйича талабаларнинг билим, кўникма ва малакаларига қўйиладиган талаблар

Чет тилига ихтисослашмаган магистратура мутахассисликлари битирувчилари CEFR га кўра ўқув курси ниҳоясида В2 даражани эгаллашлари  кўзда тутилади.

Лингвистик компетенция  - мазкур  компетенцияда магистратура босқичи  талабалари:

тинглаб тушуниш бўйича

E  ўрганилаётган тилнинг морфологик тузилиши ва товуш тизими;

E  ўрганилаётган тилдан она тилига таржима амалиёти билим, кўникма ва малакаларига эга бўлиш;

E  ўрганилаётган тилнинг ривожи ва тил доирасидаги асосий экстралингвистик шаклланишнинг факторлари ҳамда тарихий манбалари, унинг диалектик хилма-хиллигини тушуниш;

E  ўрганилаётган чет тилидаги эълон ва хабарларни тушуна олиш;

E  маъруза нутқ, баёнот, илмий ва ихтисослик тақдимотлар, сўров ва фикрларнинг моҳиятини тушуна олиш;

E  мавзу яхши таниш бўлганда ва ахборот йўналиши ўрнига мос маркерлар кўрсатилаётган ҳолатда давомли маъруза ёки далилларнинг мураккаб тизимини кузата олиш;

E  радио, интернет ва телевидение дастурлари, интервьюларнинг аксарият қисмини тушуна олиш;

ўқиш бўйича

E   ўз мутахассислик соҳаларига оид ёки оид бўлмаган кенг кўламли бирмунча узун ва мураккаб матнларни услубий жиҳатлари, очиқ ойдин ёки бирмунча яширин баён этилган фикрларни аниқлаган ҳолда тушуна олиш;

E   кичик деталларнинг ҳам муҳим жиҳатлари, қарашлар, очиқ ойдин ёки бирмунча яширин баён этилган фикрларни ҳам аниқлай олиш;

E   ўз мутахассислик соҳаларига оид вебсайт ёки журналлардан тегишли тафсилотларни ола билиш;

ёзиш бўйича

E   стилистик хусусиятлари, меъёрий грамматика асосларини билиш;

E   махсус номалар, бизнес хатлар, электрон хатлар ёза олиш;

E   ўрганилаётган тилда яхши тузилган иншо ва маърузалар ёза олиш;

E   таклифлар, хулосалар ва тезислар ёза олиш;

гапириш бўйича

E    ўрганилаётган тилда сўзлашувчилар билан мулоқотга кира олиш (зарур бўлганда бошқара олиш);

E    ўз соҳаларига оид интервьюда қатнаша олиш;

E    расмий доираларда (масалан семинар в.ҳ.к.лар)хос равишда савол-жавобда иштирок эта олиш;

E    маълум мавзу бўйича тақдимот қила олиш каби билим, кўникма ва малакаларига эга бўлишлари талаб этилади.

Коммуникатив компетенция

E    мос коммуникатив вазиятда дискурс танлай олиш;

E    юзага келган муаммонинг моҳиятини тушунтира олиш ва мижозга зарурият туғилганда розилик борасидаги хизматни тақдим қилувчи шахсга тушунтира билиш;

E    тил шаклларини танлай билиш ва уларни нутқ мазмуни бўйича коммуникатив вазиятлар доирасида касбий матнга мувофиқ тарзда қўллаш ва ўзгартира олиш;

E    тил эгаларида ҳайратланиш ёки аччиқланишни уйғотмайдиган, улар учун табиий, одатий саналган муомалада мулоқот қила олишни билишлари лозим;

Лингвомамлакатшунослик компетенцияси

E    нутқ мазмуни бўйича касбий коммуникатив вазиятлар доирасида эквивалентсиз касбий сўзларни билиш ва уларни матнларда (жумладан, маълумотномалардан фойдаланган ҳолда) тушуниш;

E    тили ўрганилаётган мамлакатдаги касбий фаолиятнинг объектини англатувчи сўзларни билиш;

E    тили ўрганилаётган мамлакатда қабул қилинган касбий мулоқот меъёрларига мувофиқ тарзда нутқий муомалани ва одоб (этикет) қолипларини қўллай билиш.

E    инсонларга нисбатан ҳурмат, бошқа маданиятга толерантликни сақлаган ҳолда жамиятда қабул қилинган одоб-аҳлоқ ва ҳуқуқий меъёрлар асосида ижтимоий ҳамкорликни, шерикчилик, ишончли муносабатларни қўллаб-қувватлашда жавобгарликка тайёр эканлигини намоён эта олишлари зарур.


Фаннинг ўқув режадаги бошқа фанлар билан ўзаро боғлиқлиги ва услубий жиҳатдан узвийлиги

Амалий хорижий тил  фани магистратура босқичида ўқитилиб ҳар бир мутахассислик ўқув режасидаги назарий ва амалий фанлар ҳамда иқтисод, география, мамлакатшунослик, сиёсатшунослик, психология, Ўзбекистоннинг янги тарихи каби бир қатор фанлар билан бевосита боғлиқ. Магистрантлар ушбу фанлар бўйича ўзлаштирган билимларини амалий хорижий тилда мулоқот жараёнида эркин  қўллай олишлари назарда тутилади. 

Фаннинг ишлаб чиқаришдаги ўрни

Амалий хорижий тил фани  ишлаб чиқариш жараёни билан бевосита боғланмаган. Магистратура босқичи битирувчилари “Амалий хорижий тил” фани доирасида ўрганган билимларидан турли ташкилот, хорижий қўшма корхоналар ҳамда давлат ва нодавлат ташкилотларда фаолият кўрсатишлари жараёнида фойдаланадилар. Бу эса магистрларнинг касбий фаолиятида чет тилларни амалий қўллаш малакасини  ривожлантиради.


Фанни ўқитишда замонавий ахборот ва педагогик технологиялар

Магистратура талабаларининг “Амалий хорижий тил” фанини ўзлаштиришлари учун ўқитишнинг илғор ва замонавий усулларидан фойдаланиш, янги информацион-педагогик технологияларни тадбиқ қилиш муҳим аҳамиятга эгадир. Фанни ўзлаштиришда дарслик, ўқув ва услубий қўлланмалар, тарқатма ва электрон материаллардан фойдаланилади. Замонавий ахборот ва педагогик технологияларнинг турларидан бири интерфаол усулда ўқитиш ҳисобланади. Интерфаол усулда ўқитиш - бу билиш фаолиятини ташкил этишнинг махсус шаклидир. Магистрантларга амалий чет тилини ўргатишда ахборот ва педагогик технологияларни қўллаш катта аҳамиятга эга. Бу усулнинг туб моҳияти шундан иборатки, деярли барча магистрантлар ўқув жараёнига жалб этилади. Интерфаол усулларни қўллаш, янги материални ўзлаштириш жараёнини енгиллаштиради, ҳамда магистрантларнинг танқидий фикрлашини ривожлантиради. Бунинг учун дарсларда индиувидуал, жуфт ва гуруҳ-гуруҳ бўлиб ишлаш, роль ўйинлари, турли маьлумот-манбалари билан ишлаш, ақлий ҳужум, хотира картаси, мозаика, кластер, сенквейн, бумеранг, бинго ва бошқалар ташкил қилинади.

Ушбу фанни ўрганишда таълимнинг замонавий методларидан, яъни электрон почта, чет эл каналлари ва виртуал ҳақиқийликни ўзида жамлаган интернетдан фойдаланиш лозим, яъни электрон ўқув адабиётлар ва маълумотлар банки билан ишлаш интернет тармоғидан мақсадли фойдаланиш бу каби билим, кўникма ва малакаларни ҳосил қилиш ва ривожлантиришда катта самара беради.


Фаннинг амалий машғулотлари мазмуни

Амалий хорижий тил  фанини ўқитишдан мақсад талабаларнинг ўзга тилда мулоқот юритиш малакаси ва маҳоратини лингвистик, коммуникатив, ижтимоий-маданий билимлар воситасида ривожлантиришдан иборат. Ўрганилаётган “Амалий хорижий тил”ни ўрганиш таркибига ўқиб ахборот олиш, тарбия ва ривожланиш нуқтаи назаридан чет тилини коммуникатив ўқитиш жараёнида берилиши мумкин бўлган маънавий бойликлар киради. Магистратура босқичида чет тилини ўқитишнинг асосий мақсади – магистрант ўз касбий фаолиятида ҳамда кундалик ҳаётида чет тилидан самарали ва эркин фойдалана олиш кўникмаларини ҳосил қилиш керак. Магистрант мутахассисликка оид матн маълумотларини таҳлил қилиши, тил соҳиби нутқини тўлиқ тушуниши, умумгуманитар характерга эга бўлган, ижтимоий-сиёсий характердаги ва мутахассисликка оид адабиётлардан ахборот олиш, ахборот алмашиш имконига эга бўлиши лозим.

Амалий хорижий тилнинг фонетика ва грамматика қисмлари бўйича умумий маълумот

                   Ўрганилаётган тилнинг товуш тизими урғу, интонация, ритмик гуруҳ, сўзларнинг боғланиши ва морфологик тузилиши, сўз туркумлари: от, сифат, сон, феъл, равиш, ёрдамчи сўзлар, артикллар, предлоглар, равишдош, сифатдош феълларнинг актив ва пассив формалари, модал феъллар, конъюктив 1, конъюктив 2, инфинитив ва инфинитивли конструкциялар модал сўзлар, модал юкламалар, феъл замонлари, мураккаб тўлдирувчи, отларнинг кўплик формаси, сифатларда роднинг ифодаланиши, гап бўлаклари ва уларнинг умумий таснифи, замонларнинг мослашуви кўчирма ва ўзлаштирма гап.

Амалий хорижий тилнинг синтаксис қисми бўйича умумий маълумот

Гап, Содда гап, Бир бўлакли гаплар, икки бўлакли гаплар. Қўшма гаплар. Аниқловчи эргашган, эга эргашган, мақсад эргашган, тўлдирувчи эргашган, ҳол эргашган, равиш эргашган, натижа эргашган, сабаб эргашган, шарт эргашган, тўсиқсиз эргаш гаплар,актив ва пассив форма, пассив форманинг альтернативалари.

Амалий хорижий тилнинг лексика қисми бўйича умумий маълумотлар

Мутахассисликка оид термин ва тушунчалар. Аббревиатура, акроним ва топонимлар. Идиомалар, фразеологик бирликлар. Кўп маъноли сўзлар, сўз бирикмалари, эркин бирикмалар, феълли турғун бирикмалар. Ўзлашган сўзлар. Клишелар. Луғатлар ва уларнинг таркиби. Тиллардаги реалиялар, муқобилсиз лексикалар.




Амалий машғулотларнинг тахминий рўйхати 

Амалий машғулотларда магистрантлар ўрганган чет тилларида жонли мулоқот қилишни ва касбига оид мавзуларни чет тилидан она тилига, она тилидан чет тилига тўғридан тўғри таржима қилишни ўрганади.

Амалий чет тили фани ўз хусусиятига кўра ижтимоий ҳаёт билан бевосита ва билвосита боғлиқ ҳолда жамиятнинг турли соҳаларида учрайдиган воқеаларга оид  мавзуларни қамраб олади.  Амалий машғулотларни ташкил этиш бўйича коммуникатив компетенцияни ривожлантириш учун қуйидаги мавзулар тавсия этилади:

1.        Келажакдаги мутахассис касбий фаолияти;

2.        Ўз мамлакатининг эгаллаётган соҳаси бўйича ривожланиш тарихи ва бугунги куни, миллий қадриятлари;

3.        Эгаллаётган соҳаси бўйича тили ўрганилаётган мамлакатнинг ривожланиш тарихи, бугунги куни ва миллий қадриятлари;

4.        Даврнинг энг долзарб муаммолари ва уларнинг ечими:

-         Глобаллашув ва интеграция (турли мамлакатлар иқтисодий ҳаётининг ягона иқтисодий сиёсат асосида ўзаро боғланган ҳолда ривожланиш шакли);

-         Терроризм, одам савдоси, гиёҳвандлик,ишсизлик каби иллатларга қарши кураш;

-         халқаро иқтисодий инқироз;

-         инновацион техника ривожи;

-         экология ва саломатлик;

5.        Халқаро ҳамкорлик:

-         касбий фаолият;

-         географик жойлашуви;

-         ижтимоий-сиёсий муносабатлар;

-         маданий-маърифий муносабатлар;

-         халқаро туризм ва уни ривожлантириш концепцияси;

6.        Магистратура талабаси эгаллаётган мутахассислиги бўйича ўз давлати ва тили ўрганилаётган мамлакат таълим тизими, унинг ютуқ ва камчиликларини ўрганиш, таҳлил қилиш;

7.        Мутахассисликка оид лингвистик атамалар билан ишлаш;

8.        Эгаллаётган соҳаси бўйича интернет ресурсларидан фойдаланишга доир мавзулар устида ишлаш;

Мустақил ва амалий машғулотларни ташкил этиш бўйича кафедра профессор ўқитувчилари томонидан кўрсатма ва тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилади. Унда талабалар чет тили бўйича билим ва кўникмаларини жонли мулоқот, машқлар бажариш, иншо ва баёнлар ёзиш, машқларни таржима қилиш орқали ўз билимларини янада бойитадилар. Шунингдек дарслик ва ўқув қўлланмалар, аудио тасмалар орқали эшитиш, видео тасмалар орқали кўриб эшитиш ва тестлар ечиш асосида билимларини мустаҳкамлашга эришиш таржима материалларидан фойдаланиш, ўтилган мавзулар юзасидан диалог қилиш ва шу кабилар орқали магистрантлар билимини ошириш тавсия этилади.

Амалий хорижий тилни ўрганиш жараёнида:

E    мамлакатнинг ижтимоий-сиёсий ҳаёти, ўз мамлакати ҳамда тили ўрганилаётган мамлакатдаги моддий ва маънавий бойликлар тўғрисидаги маълумотларни пухта эгаллаш;

E    маданиятлараро муносабатни таъминлай олиш;

E    халқаро алоқаларда ўз давлати номидан нутқ сўзлай олиш;

E    ўз мамлакати ва ҳамкор мамлакатларнинг маънавий бойликларига ҳурмат билан муносабатда бўлиш;

E    мукаммал нутқ маданиятига эга бўлиш;

E    етук тарбияланган коммуникатив фаол шахсни тарбиялаш назарда тутилади..


Шунингдек,  ҳуқуқий ва коммуникатив компетенциялар бўйича:

E    ўхшатиш, мантиқий баён этиш, нутқ фаолиятининг турли шакллари ва усуллари (паралингвистик, экстралингвистик воситалар)дан фойдаланиш;

E    нутқ фаолияти билан боғлиқ руҳий функциялар (мустақил фикрлаш, хотирлаш, эътибор қилиш, таҳлил қилиш, синтез қилиш, умумлаштириш);

E    иродалилик, собитқадамлик, фаоллик ўз соҳаси бўйича мустақил касбий фаолият юритишга тайёр бўлиши лозим.


Лаборатория ишларини ташкил этиш бўйича кўрсатмалар


Фан бўйича лаборатория ишлари намунавий ўқув режада кўзда тутилмаган


Курс ишини ташкил этиш бўйича услубий кўрсатмалар


Фан бўйича курс иши намунавий ўқув режада режалаштирилмаган


Мустақил таълимни  ташкил этишнинг шакли ва мазмуни

Ўрганилаётган хорижий тилда мамлакатлар даврий нашрлари тилининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари ва уларнинг таркибий тузилмалари, жанрлари;

-         турли даражадаги ахборот хабарлари:

-         аниқ воқеа-ҳодисалар тўғрисида сиёсий-иқтисодий-маданий ахборотлар;

-         энг аҳамиятли воқеа ва ҳодисаларни изоҳлаб бериш;

- ўз мамлакати ва жаҳондаги аниқ сиёсий-иқтисодий-маданий воқеалар ва жараёнларни назарий жиҳатдан умумлаштириш ҳамда магистрлик диссертацияларини бажариш жараёнида хорижий тилдаги адабиётлар, интернет ресурсларидан унумли фойдалана олишни кўзда тутади.

Амалий хорижий тил фанидан мустақил иш магистрантнинг билим ва кўникма ва малакаларини янада ривожлантириш, янги маълумотлар тўплаш, мустақил хулосалар чиқариш ва турли илмий-амалий гипотезага хулосалар беришни ўргатади ҳамда чет тилидан билимларини ошишига хизмат қилади. Мустақил ишларнинг натижалари мавзу бўйича презентация (Power Point), реферат, маъруза, конспект, дебат (ёки round-table discussion) шаклида ташкил қилиниши мумкин. . Мустақил иш магистрантларга аннотация, реферат, оғзаки маъруза ва ахборот олиш ва тақдим қилиш усулларини эгаллашга имконият беради. Кўрсатиб ўтилган иш турлари таълим жараёнида давом этади ва материал ҳажми, мураккаблиги ошиб боради, шунингдек ўқитувчининг бевосита раҳбарлиги ҳам камайиб боради. Мустақил ишни муваффақиятли бажариш учун уни аниқ режалаштириш ва ташкил қилиш тавсия этилади. Тўғри ташкил этилган мустақил иш ўзлаштиришни сифатини оширишга, магистрантларнинг амалий хорижий тилдан билимларини ортишига ёрдам беради.

Тавсия этилаётган мустақил ишларнинг мавзулари


Мустақил иш мавзулари соҳалар хусусиятини инобатга оган ҳолда кафедра мутахассислари томонидан белгиланади. Мавзулар талабани мустақил билим олишга онгли равишда йўналтириши лозим. Бунда:

·        сенсор таълим услублари (визуал, аудио, кинестет, тактил);

·         таълим услубларининг Хани ва Мамфорд таснифи (назариётчи, фаол иштирокчи, рефлектор, прагматик);

·        интроверт ва экстроверт;

·        яхши билим олиш учун таълимнинг самарали услубларидан оқилона фойдаланишга асосий эътибор қаратилади.

Вазифалар устида ишлаш жараёнида:

ü         вазифаларни аниқлаш ва персонализация қилиш;

ü          кутубхоналардан унумли фойдаланиш;

ü          интернетдан мақсадли ва  самарали фойдаланиш;

ü          плагиат (кўчирмакашлик) га йўл қўймаслик;

ü          хотирани яхшилаш;

ü          имтиҳон ва тестга тайёргарлик кўриш;

ü          таълим кўникмаларини босқичма-босқич эгаллаб бориш;

ü          амалий вазифаларни бажариш;

ü          мустақил ўқиш;

ü          долзарб мавзулар муҳокамаси;

ü         матнлар /мақолалар/видео материалларни танқидий муҳокама қилиш;

ü         талаба  портфолиосига алоҳида аҳамият берилади.

Дастурнинг информацион - методик таъминоти

Амалий хорижий тил фанини ўқитиш жараёнида таълимнинг замонавий методлари, педагогик ва ахборот коммуникатив технологияларидан фойдаланиш назарда тутилган. Амалий чет тили фанидан машғулотларда аудио-видео воситалар ва компьютер технологиялари ёрдамида тақдимотлар ўтказиш, амалий машғулотларда коммуникатив методнинг тармоқлари бўлган – лойиҳалаш, ақлий ҳужум, гуруҳли фикрлаш, галерея, ротация, думалоқ стол, кейс стади, Jigsaw 1,2, интерфаол усулларидан фойдаланиш, кичик гуруҳ мусобақалари, интернет янгиликлари ва илғор педагогик технологияларни қўллаш назарда тутилади. Бундан ташқари, тизимли ёндашув асосида талабаларнинг ўқиш-билиш фаолиятини тасвирлайдиган таълим жараёнининг лойиҳаси тузиб чиқилади. Таълим мақсади реал, аниқ диагностик бўлишига эришилади ва талабанинг билим, ўзлаштириш сифати объектив баҳоланади.

Амалий машғулотлар талабанинг фаоллигига таяниб мазкур фан машғулотларда аудио-видео воситалари ва компьютер технологиялари ёрдамида тақдимотлар ўтказиш, коммуникатив методнинг тармоқлари бўлган – лойиҳалаш, масофавий таълим, ақлий ҳужум, гуруҳли фикрлаш, галерея, ротация, думалоқ стол, кeйс стади, зигзаг 1,2, интерфаол усуллардан фойдаланиш, кичик гуруҳ мусобақалари, интернет янгиликларини қўллаш назарда тутилади. Фанни ўзлаштиришда электрон дарслик, ўқув ва услубий қўлланмалар, тарқатма ва электрон материаллардан, электрон почта, чет эл каналлари ва виртуал воқеликни ўзида жамлаган интернетдан фойдаланиш мумкин:

Ахборот технологиялари: интернет, электрон таълим дастурлари. Глобал тафаккурнинг ривожланиш технологиялари (Р.Хенви, У. Книп). Педагогик маҳорат технологияси (Ю.Н.Кулюткин, Е.Б.Спасская). Билимдонлар баҳси. Талабалар нуқтаи – назарлари муҳокамаси, қарши фикрлар танлаш, умумлаштириш ПОПС (МППО) – ифода – тўртпоғонали баҳс услуби. Жой эгалланг – плакатлар асосидаги баҳс. Услублар: “Муҳим тушунча”, “Усталик билан берилган саволлар”, “Аквариум”. Таълимнинг фаол услублари: “Кейс-услуби” (Гарвард университети бизнес мактаби), иш уйинлари. Қора қути услуби – масалани аниқ ҳодиса таҳлили орқали, ижодий баҳс орқали камчиликлар сабабини аниқлаш. “Ақлий ҳужум” – (Е.А.Александров и Г.Я.Буш) – гуруҳ қатнашчилари ижодий ғояларини жамоа, ғоялари билан қарши ғоялар ёрдамида фаоллаштириш каби методлар ёрдамида олиб борилади.






Фойдаланиладиган  адабиётар рўйхати

             Асосий адабиётлар:***

Инглиз тили

1.     A.A. Ismailov, V.A. Fyodorov, Home Study Book (Zero level, Elementary level). – T.; 2008.

2.     A.A. Ismailov, V.A. Fyodorov, O.Morozova English for market economy. – T.; 2008.

3.     Don Shiach. How to write essay. – Oxford. 2009.

4.     Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in use. Cambridge. 1998

5.     К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М.; Бишкек, 2004.

Немис тили

1.     А.Б. Абдуллаева, D.R. Mirsodiqova und andere. Deutsch 2. –Тошкент, 2009.

2.     А.Б. Абдуллаева. Deutsch. – Тошкент, 2009.

3.     С.Саидов. Deutsche Grammatik in Ubungen. – Тошкент, 2003.

4.     С.А. Зияева, С.Д. Новикова, Die Ubersetzung in die Muttersprache und ins Deutche. Т.; 2010.

Француз тили

1.     A. Volte. Belle ville “Methode de français”. Cahiers dexercises. –Belgique, 2004.

2.     М.Н. Попова, Ж.А. Казакова, Г.М. Ковальчук. Француз язык. – М.; 2007.

3.     Ph.Dominique. Le noveau sans frontiers. Paris, 1998

4.     O.V. Saxno, R.S. Ibragimova. La vie de l’Ouzbekistan et de la France. – T.; 2002.

Қўшимча адабиётлар

Инглиз тили

1.     Крылова Л.Р. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. – М., Книжный дом, 2003

2.     Боқиева Г.Х., Ирисқулов М.Т. In Touch Forever Тошкент, 2006

3.     Мўминов О. Public relations. История и теория. –Ташкент, Ijod dunyosi, 2004

4.     Инглизча-русча, русча-инглизча, инглизча-ўзбекча луғат (барча нашрлари)

Интернет сайтлари

1.     www.toefl.com

2.     www.englishtrairing.ru

3.     www.lingua.ru

4.      www.teachingenglish.org.uk

5.      www.onestopenglish.com

6.      www.businessenglishonline.net

7.      www.elgazette.com


Немис тили

1.     О.Т. Панкова. Учебник немецкого языка для гуманитарных вузов. – M., 1984.

2.     И.И.Бобенко. Учебник немецкого языка как второго иностранного. М.: Выс шк., 1996.

3.     Немисча-русча, русча-немисча, немисча-ўзбекча луғат (барча нашрлари)

4.     Маматов В. ва бошқ. Deutsch für Hochschulen. – Тошкент 2003.

5.     Елина Н. П. и др. Deutsch. –Тошкент 2003.

6.     Tangram 1B. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. – Ismaning, Deutschland. 2002.

7.     Autorenkollektiv. Studio. Deutschland, 2008.


Интернет сайтлари

1.                             www.regma.de

2.                             www.krie.de

3.                              www.zum.de

4.                              www.lehrer-online.de

5.                              www.leixilotte.de

6.                              .lexikon.freenet.de/Literaturdidaktik


Француз тили

1.     Z. Noutchié Njiké Civilisation progressive de la Francophonie. –Paris, 2003

2.     E.S.Kouvchinova «Manuel de français» Москва. «Высшая школа» - 1987

3.     Костецкая Е.О., Карданивский В.И. Французкий язык. Практическая грамматика. –М., Высшая школа, 2002

4.     Французча-русча, русча-французча луғат. Барча нашрлари.

5.     Французча-ўзбекча, ўзбекча-французча луғат. Барча нашрлари


Интернет сайтлари

1.     www.granddictionnaire.com

2.     www.francophonnie.hacherre-livre.com

3.     www.portail.lettres.net

4.     www.citationsdumonde.com

5.     www.français-affaires.com


*** Изоҳ:  Ҳар бир ОТМ ишчи дастурни тузишда мутахассислик хусусиятидан келиб чиқиб  соҳага оид ўқув адабиётлар рўйхатини шакллантириши тавсия этилади.








Ro’yxatga olindi:                                                                 “TASDIQLAYMAN” №_________________________                           O’quv ishlar bo’yicha prorektor

“___” _______________2016 yil                             ___________________  _____

  “___” _______________2016 yil





(ingliz tili)





Bilim sohasi:  300 000- Ishlab chiqarish texnik soha


Ta’lim sohasi: 330 000-Kompyuter texnologiyalari va informatika


  Mutaxassislik: 5А330501-Kompyuterinjiniring (Kompyuter tizimlarini loyihalashtirish ,

                                 “Amaliy dasturiy vositalarni loyihalash”, “Axborot va multimedia                   texnologiyalari”, “Axborot xavfsizligi, kriptografiya va kriptotahlil”);

                            5А330601- Dasturiy injiniring

                         5А350502- Elektron hukumat tizimini boshqarish


Ta’lim sohasi:   350 000- aloqa va axborotlashtirish, telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari

Mutaxassislik: 5А350101- telekommunikatsiyainjiniring (Axborot  uzatish tizimlari,

Telekommunikatsiya tarmoqlari,Teleradiouzatish);

5А350301-АКТ sohasida iqtisodiyot va menejment

5А350300- Axborot- kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari sohasida iqtisodiyot

                    va menejment;

5А350601-Axborotlashtirish va kutubxonashunoslik

5А350602-Elektron kutubxona va arxivlar











Toshkent  2016

          Fanning ishchi o'quv dasturi, ishchi o’quv reja va dasturiga muvofiq ishlab  



Tuzuvchi(lar):  M.T. Shaxakimova





Chet tillar kafedrasida muhokama etilgan(2016 yil «__________ » 1 -sonli 

(bayon) va AKTSIMF fakulteti ilmiy kengashiga tasdiqlash uchun tavsiya etilgan.



 Kafedra mudiri                               V.X. Gaziyeva   



 AKTSIMF fakulteti ilmiy kengashida tasdiqlangan (2016 yil «……» 1- sonli      



 Dekan                                                             Sh.To’raev





 Ўқув услубий бошқарма бошлиғи _________ ЭргашевА.К.





















I. Kirish

1.1. O'quv fanining maqsadi va vazifalari

1.2.      Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilimiga, ko'nikma va malakasiga qo'yiladigan talablar

1.3.      Fanning o'quv rejasidagi boshqa fanlar bilan o'zaro boqliqligi va uslubiy jihatdan uzviy ketma-ketligi

1.4.      Fanning ishlab chiqarishdagi o'rni

1.5.      Fanni o'qitishda zamonaviy axborot va pedogogik texnologiyalar

2. Asosiy qism

2.1. 1. Fanning nazariy mashq’ulotlari mazmuni

2.2.  Fan bo'yicha  talabalarning  bilim, ko'nikma va malakasiga qo'yiladigan talablar

2. 3. Nutq faoliyati turlariga qo'yiladigan talablar

2. 3.1. Umumta'lim bosqich

2. 3.2.  Maxsus bosqich

2.4. Fanni o'qitish  soatlari taqsimoti

2.5. Fan bo'yicha  talabalarning  bilim, ko'nikma va malakasi nazoratiga qo'yiladigan talablar

2.6.  Mustaqil ish mazmuni va shakllari

2.7. Baholsh mezoni.

3. Informatsion-uslubiy ta'minot:

3.1. Asosiyadabiyotlar

3.2. Elektron adabiyotlar

3.3. Internet saytlar





























Dastur magistratura bosqichi talabalarining o'rganayotgan amaliy xorijiy tildan olgan bilimlari asosida og’zaki va yozma nutqlarini rivojlantirishni, ulardan kelgusi ilmiy va kasbiy faoliyatlarida to'la foydalanishni hamda kommunikativ, lingvistik, sociolingvistik, diskursiv, strategik, kasbiy, umummadaniy kompetentligini integrallashgan yondashuv asosida rivojlantirishni ko'zda tutadi.

                                  Fanning maqsad va vazifalari

O'quv fanining maqsadi - magistratura talabalarida lingvistik,  kommunikativ, lingvomamlakatshunoslik, lingvomadaniy, ilmiy hamda kasbiy kompetenciyalarini shakllantirishdir.

         Lingvistik kompetentlik til tizimi haqidagi bilim va uning horijiy tilda kommunikaciya jarayonida amal qilish qoidalarini o'z ichiga qamrab oladi.

                 Kommunikativ kompetentlik nutqiy kommunikaciya shartlariga binoan xorijiy tilda kommunikaciya jarayonini nazarda tutadi. Muomala (nutq) vaziyati murojaat kimga qaratilgani va suhbatdoshlarning o'zaro munosabatini kommunikaciya jihatdan shakllantiradi.

         Lingvomamlakatshunoslik kompetenciya tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakat      tarixi, ijtimoiy-siyosiy tizimi, geografik o'rni, boshqa davlatlar bilan o'zaro lingvostrategik aloqalari (kabilarni o'zlashtirishni o'z ichiga oladi).

         Lingvomadaniy kompetenciya tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakatning ayni paytdagi ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va madaniy rivoji va shunga mos tarzda nutq muomala madaniyati haqida tasavvurga ega bo'lishni nazarda tutib. Og’zaki va yozma nutq amaliyotining tarjimaga yo'naltirilgan malakalarini egallashni shakllantiradi.

         Ilmiy kompetentlik til o'rganuvchidan o'z sohasi bo'yicha ilmiy ahborotlarni, tadqiqot natijalarini, horijiy davlatlarning ilmiy yutuqlarini o'rganish va o'z ilmiy faoliyatlarida foydalanishdan iborat.

         Kasbiy kompetenciya magistrning egallayotgan         mutaxassisligi bo'yicha horijiy til orqali kasbiy yangiliklar, innovatsion loyihalarni hayotga tatbiq eta olish, bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarni egallashni nazarda tutadi.

Fanning vazifasi - magistratura bosqichida sanab o'tilgan barcha kompetenciyalarga erishish - kommunikativ kompetenciyani shakllantirishga, shuningdek ularning o'rganayotgan amaliy chet tillardan birida ravon va aniq so'zlashishlariga va hozirgi paytda dunyoda sodir bo'layotgan siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy voqelikka o'z munosabatlarini bildira olishlarini hamda mustaqil fikrlash, izlanish, bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarini mustahkamlashga hizmat qiladi.

Fan bo'yicha talabalarning bilim, ko'nikma va malakalariga qo'yiladigan talablar

Chet tiliga ixtisoslashmagan magistratura mutaxassisliklari bitiruvchilari CEFR ga ko'ra o'quv kursi nihoyasida B 2 darajani egallashlari  ko'zda tutiladi.







Nutq faoliyati turlari


Tinglab tushunish

B2 daraja ta’limning 1 bosqichi oxirida erishiladi:

-        tayyorlamgan va tayyorlanmagan turdagi dialog va monolog nutqni anglash;

-        ilmiy-texnik ma’lumotlarning asosiy mazmunini shuningdek lingvistika va sohaga oid  barcha atamalarni tushunish.





B2 daraja ta’limning 1 bosqichi oxirida erishiladi:

-        o’z g’oya va fikrini aniq ravshan bayon etish;

-        til sohiblari bilan rasmiy va norasmiy muloqat olib boorish;

-        barcha mavzularda til sohiblarining nutqiga yaqin bo’lgan o’rtacha tezlikda gapirish;

-        hissiyot, kayfiyat va hazilni bildirish uchun turli til vositalarini samarali ishlatish.




 B2 daraja ta’limning 1 bosqichi oxirida erishiladi:

-        suhbat mavzuini aniq va ravshan bayon etish;

-        hajmi va mazmuni turlicha bo’lgan matnlarning asosiy mazmunini qisqa gapirib berish;

-        predmet, ob’ekt voqea va hodisalarni batafsil yoritish;

-        taklif qilingan mavzularning  alohida masalalariga to’xtalib o’z fikr va xulosalarini keltiririb xabar  tayyorlash.


-        kommunikativ yondashuvning maqsad va cazifalaridan kelib chiqgan holda turli o’qish strategiyalarini qo’llash(o’rganuv o’qish, tanishuv o’qish, kuzatuv o’qish);

-        matnlartning mazmunini anglashda asosiy va ikkinchi darajali ma’lumotlarni ajrata bilish;

-        matnning mavzusi, tuzilishi, mazmunini aniqlash, muallif fikrining izchilligi, asosiy fikr va goyalarni anglash, real voqelik, taxminiy gipotezalarhaqida ma’lumotlarni aniqlash;

-        izoh, fikrlash, tariff, isbot va kuzatishlarni qamragan turli matnlarni tushinis, muallif g’oyasini interpretatsiya qilish, vaqt va hodisalarning o’zaro bogliqligigni aniqlash;

-        turli uslublarga mansub bo’lgan ilmiy matnlarni (monografiya, avtoreferat, o’quv qo’llanma, maqola, ilmiy esse, umumiy tushunchalar) lug’at yordamida tushunib, ilmiy-texnik ma’lumotlarni, fikrlarni, faktlarni eksperimental ma’lumotlarning dolzarbligi, yangiligiva ishonchliligini baholash.


 B2 daraja ta’limning 1 bosqichi oxirida erishiladi:

Akademik yozuv uslubini egallash:

-        til sohiblarining qonun qoidalariga mos shaxsiy va rasmiy xatlarni yozish;

-        anketa, avtobiografiya, tavsifnoma, ariza va rezyume(CV) larni yozish;

-        ma’lum shaxslarga qaratilgan (qisqa va aniq ta’rif beruvchi va bayon qiluvchi) matnlar yozish;

-        turli esse, ma’ruza, maqola va referatlar mavzularini isbotlagan va dolzarbligini aniqlagan holda yozish;

-        matnni qisqa bayon etish malaka va ko’nikmalariga ega bo’lish(kospekt, tezis, referat, annotatsiya);

-        misol va dalil isbotlarni ishlatib izoh yozish;

-        og’zaki/ yozma matnlarni umumlashtirish;

-        ilmiy matnga bibliografik ro’yxat va havola keltirishni bilish;

-        rasmiy hujjat va xatlarni tuzish va yozish;

-        bajarilgan topshiriq, loyiha, ilmiy tadqiqot mavzusi natijalari haqida yozma axborot  berish yoki tinglangan ma’ruza haqida hisobot yozsh;

-        xulosa, taqriz, rezyume, maqola, dissertatsiya, ma’ruza, prezentatsiya yozish.


Lingvistik kompetenciya  - mazkur  kompetenciyada magistratura bosichi  talabalari:

tinglab tushunish bo'yicha

         o'rganilayotgan tilning morfologik tuzilishi va tovush tizimi;

         o'rganilayotgan tildan ona tiliga tarjima amaliyoti bilim, ko'nikma va malakalariga ega bo'lish;

         o'rganilayotgan tilning rivoji va til doirasidagi asosiy ekstralingvistik shakllanishning faktorlari hamda      tarixiy manbalari, uning dialektik hilma-hilligini tushunish;

         o'rganilayotgan chet tilidagi e'lon va habarlarni tushuna olish;

         ma'ruza nutq, bayonot, ilmiy va ihtisoslik taqdimotlar, so'rov va fikrlarning mohiyatini tushuna olish;

         mavzu yahshi tanish bo'lganda va ahborot yo'nalishi o'rniga mos markerlar ko'rsatilayotgan holatda davomli ma'ruza yoki dalillarning murakkab tizimini kuzata olish;

         radio, internet va televidenie dasturlari, intervyularning aksariyat qismini tushuna olish;

o'qish bo'yicha

         o'z        mutaxassislik sohalariga oid yoki oid bo'lmagan keng ko'lamli birmuncha uzun va murakkab matnlarni uslubiy jihatlari, ochiq oydin yoki birmuncha yashirin bayon etilgan fikrlarni aniqlagan holda tushuna olish;

         kichik detallarning ham muhim jihatlari, qarashlar, ochiq oydin yoki birmuncha yashirin bayon etilgan fikrlarni ham aniqlay olish;

         o'z        mutaxassislik sohalariga oid vebsayt yoki jurnallardan tegishli tafsilotlarni ola bilish;

yozish bo'yicha

         stilistik hususiyatlari, me'yoriy grammatika asoslarini bilish;

         mahsus nomalar, biznes hatlar, elektron hatlar yoza olish;

         o'rganilayotgan tilda yahshi tuzilgan insho va ma'ruzalar yoza olish;

         takliflar, hulosalar va tezislar yoza olish;

gapirish bo'yicha

         o'rganilayotgan tilda so'zlashuvchilar bilan muloqotga kira olish (zarur bo'lganda boshqara olish);

         o'z sohalariga oid intervьyuda qatnasha olish;

         rasmiy doiralarda (masalan seminar v.h.k.lar)hos ravishda savol-javobda ishtirok eta olish;

         ma'lum mavzu bo'yicha tadimot qila olish kabi bilim, ko'nikma va malakalariga ega bo'lishlari talab etiladi.

Kommunikativ kompetenciya

         mos kommunikativ vaziyatda diskurs tanlay olish;

         yuzaga kelgan muammoning mohiyatini tushuntira olish va mijozga zaruriyat tug’ilganda rozilik borasidagi hizmatni taqdim qiluvchi shahsga tushuntira bilish;

         til shakllarini tanlay bilish va ularni nutq mazmuni bo'yicha kommunikativ vaziyatlar doirasida kasbiy matnga muvofiq tarzda qo'llash va o'zgartira olish;

         til egalarida hayratlanish yoki achchiqlanishni uyg’otmaydigan, ular uchun tabiiy, odatiy sanalgan muomalada muloqot qila olishni bilishlari lozim;

Lingvomamlakatshunoslik kompetenciyasi

         nutq mazmuni bo'yicha kasbiy kommunikativ vaziyatlar doirasida ekvivalentsiz kasbiy so'zlarni bilish va ularni matnlarda (jumladan, ma'lumotnomalardan foydalangan holda) tushunish;

         tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakatdagi kasbiy faoliyatning ob'ektini anglatuvchi so'zlarni bilish;

         tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakatda qabul qilingan kasbiy muloqot me'yorlariga muvofiq tarzda nutqiy muomalani va odob (etiket) qoliplarini qo'llay bilish.

         insonlarga nisbatan hurmat, boshqa madaniyatga tolerantlikni sahlagan holda jamiyatda qabul qilingan odob-ahloq va ququqiy me'yorlar asosida ijtimoiy hamkorlikni, sherikchilik, ishonchli munosabatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlashda javobgarlikka tayyor ekanligini namoyon eta olishlari zarur.

           Fanning o'quv rejadagi boshqa fanlar bilan o'zaro bohliqligi va uslubiy jihatdan uzviyligi

Amaliy xorijiy til  fani magistratura bosqichida o'qitilib har bir         mutaxassislik o'quv rejasidagi nazariy va amaliy fanlar hamda iqtisod, geografiya, mamlakatshunoslik, siyosatshunoslik, psihologiya, O'zbekistonning yangi      tarixi kabi bir qator fanlar bilan bevosita bog’liq. Magistrantlar ushbu fanlar bo'yicha o'zlashtirgan bilimlarini amaliy horijiy tilda muloqot jarayonida erkin  qo'llay olishlari nazarda tutiladi. 

       Fanning ishlab chiqarishdagi o'rni

Amaliy horijiy til fani  ishlab chiqarish jarayoni bilan bevosita bog’lanmagan. Magistratura bosqichi bitiruvchilari “Amaliy horijiy til” fani doirasida o'rgangan bilimlaridan turli tashkilot, horijiy qo'shma korhonalar hamda davlat va nodavlat tashkilotlarda faoliyat ko'rsatishlari jarayonida foydalanadilar. Bu esa magistrlarning kasbiy faoliyatida chet tillarni amaliy qo'llash malakasini  rivojlantiradi.

     Fanni o'qitishda zamonaviy ahborot va pedagogik texnologiyalar

Magistratura talabalarining “Amaliy horijiy til” fanini o'zlashtirishlari uchun o'qitishning ilg’or va zamonaviy usullaridan foydalanish, yangi informatsion-pedagogik tehnologiyalarni tadbiq qilish muhim ahamiyatga egadir. Fanni o'zlashtirishda darslik, o'quv va uslubiy qo'llanmalar, tarqatma va elektron materiallardan foydalaniladi. Zamonaviy ahborot va pedagogik tehnologiyalarning turlaridan biri interfaol usulda o'qitish hisoblanadi. Interfaol usulda o'qitish - bu bilish faoliyatini tashkil etishning mahsus shaklidir. Magistrantlarga amaliy chet tilini o'rgatishda ahborot va pedagogik tehnologiyalarni qo'llash katta ahamiyatga ega. Bu usulning tub mohiyati shundan iboratki, deyarli barcha magistrantlar o'quv jarayoniga jalb etiladi. Interfaol usullarni qo'llash, yangi materialni o'zlashtirish jarayonini engillashtiradi, hamda magistrantlarning tanqidiy fikrlashini rivojlantiradi. Buning uchun darslarda indiuvidual, juft va guruh-guruh bo'lib ishlash, rolь o'yinlari, turli maьlumot-manbalari bilan ishlash, aqliy hujum, hotira kartasi, mozaika, klaster, senkveyn, bumerang, bingo va boshqalar tashkil qilinadi.

Ushbu fanni o'rganishda ta'limning zamonaviy metodlaridan, ya'ni elektron pochta, chet el kanallari va virtual haqiqiylikni o'zida jamlagan internetdan foydalanish lozim, ya'ni elektron o'quv adabiyotlar va ma'lumotlar banki bilan ishlash internet tarmoqidan maqsadli foydalanish bu kabi bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarni hosil qilish va rivojlantirishda katta samara beradi.


                     Fanning amaliy mashg’ulotlari mazmuni

Amaliy horijiy til  fanini o'qitishdan maqsad talabalarning o'zga tilda mulog’ot yuritish malakasi va mahoratini lingvistik, kommunikativ, ijtimoiy-madaniy bilimlar vositasida rivojlantirishdan iborat. O'rganilayotgan “Amaliy horijiy til”ni o'rganish tarkibiga o'qib ahborot olish, tarbiya va rivojlanish nuqtai nazaridan chet tilini kommunikativ o'qitish jarayonida berilishi mumkin bo'lgan ma'naviy boyliklar kiradi. Magistratura bosqichida chet tilini o'qitishning asosiy maqsadi - magistrant o'z kasbiy faoliyatida hamda kundalik hayotida chet tilidan samarali va erkin foydalana olish ko'nikmalarini hosil qilish kerak. Magistrant         mutaxassislikka oid matn ma'lumotlarini tahlil qilishi, til sohibi nutqini to'liq tushunishi, umumgumanitar xarakterga ega bo'lgan, ijtimoiy-siyosiy harakterdagi va        mutaxassislikka oid adabiyotlardan ahborot olish, ahborot almashish imkoniga ega bo'lishi lozim.

Amaliy horijiy tilning fonetika va grammatika qismlari bo'yicha umumiy ma'lumot

O'rganilayotgan tilning tovush tizimi urg’u, intonatciya, ritmik guruh, so'zlarning bog’lanishi va morfologik tuzilishi, so'z turkumlari: ot, sifat, son, fe'l, ravish, yordamchi so'zlar, artikllar, predloglar, ravishdosh, sifatdosh fe'llarning aktiv va passiv formalari, modal fe'llar, kon'yuktiv 1, kon'yuktiv 2, infinitiv va infinitivli konstrukciyalar modal so'zlar, modal yuklamalar, fe'l zamonlari, murakkab to'ldiruvchi, otlarning ko'plik formasi, sifatlarda rodning ifodalanishi, gap bo'laklari va ularning umumiy tasnifi, zamonlarning moslashuvi ko'chirma va o'zlashtirma gap.

     Amaliy horijiy tilning sintaksis qismi bo'yicha umumiy ma'lumot

Gap, Sodda gap, Bir bo'lakli gaplar, ikki bo'lakli gaplar.qo'shma gaplar. Aniqlovchi ergashgan, ega ergashgan, maqsad ergashgan, to'ldiruvchi ergashgan, hol ergashgan, ravish ergashgan, natija ergashgan, sabab ergashgan, shart ergashgan, to'siqsiz ergash gaplar,aktiv va passiv forma, passiv formaning alьternativalari.

       Amaliy xorijiy tilning leksika qismi bo'yicha umumiy ma'lumotlar

mutaxassislikka oid termin va tushunchalar. Abbreviatura, akronim va toponimlar. Idiomalar, frazeologik birliklar.Ko'p ma'noli so'zlar, so'z birikmalari, erkin birikmalar, fe'lli turqun birikmalar.O'zlashgan so'zlar.Klishelar. Lug’atlar va ularning tarkibi. Tillardagi realiyalar, muqobilsiz leksikalar.

             Amaliy mashg’ulotlarning tahminiy ro'yxati 

Amaliy mashhulotlarda magistrantlar o'rgangan chet tillarida jonli muloqot qilishni va kasbiga oid mavzularni chet tilidan ona tiliga, ona tilidan chet tiliga to'g’ridan to'g’ri tarjima qilishni o'rganadi.

Amaliy chet tili fani o'z hususiyatiga ko'ra ijtimoiy hayot bilan bevosita va bilvosita bog’liq holda jamiyatning turli sohalarida uchraydigan voqealarga oid  mavzularni qamrab oladi.  Amaliy mashhulotlarni tashkil etish bo'yicha kommunikativ kompetenciyani rivojlantirish uchun quyidagi mavzular tavsiya etiladi:

1.      Kelajakdagi mutaxassis kasbiy faoliyati;

2.      O'z mamlakatining egallayotgan sohasi bo'yicha rivojlanish tarixi va bugungi kuni, milliy qadriyatlari;

3.      Egallayotgan sohasi bo'yicha tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakatning rivojlanish      tarixi, bugungi kuni va milliy qadriyatlari;

4.      Davrning eng dolzarb muammolari va ularning echimi:

-        Globallashuv va integraciya (turli mamlakatlar iqtisodiy qayotining yagona iqtisodiy siyosat asosida o'zaro bog’langan holda rivojlanish shakli);

-        Terrorizm, odam savdosi, giyohvandlik,ishsizlik kabi illatlarga qarshi kurash;

-        xalqaro iqtisodiy inqiroz;

-        innovatsion tehnika rivoji;

-        ekologiya va salomatlik;

5.      xalqaro hamkorlik:

-        kasbiy faoliyat;

-        geografik joylashuvi;

-        ijtimoiy-siyosiy munosabatlar;

-        madaniy-ma'rifiy munosabatlar;

-        xalqaro turizm va uni rivojlantirish koncepciyasi;

6.      Magistratura talabasi egallayotgan         mutaxassisligi bo'yicha o'z davlati va tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakat ta'lim tizimi, uning yutuq va kamchiliklarini o'rganish, tahlil qilish;

7.      Mutaxassislikka oid lingvistik atamalar bilan ishlash;

8.      Egallayotgan sohasi bo'yicha internet resurslaridan foydalanishga doir mavzular ustida ishlash;

Mustaqil va amaliy mashqulotlarni tashkil etish bo'yicha kafedra professor o'qituvchilari tomonidan ko'rsatma va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqiladi. Unda talabalar chet tili bo'yicha bilim va ko'nikmalarini jonli mulog’ot, mashqlar bajarish, insho va bayonlar yozish, mashqlarni tarjima qilish orqali o'z bilimlarini yanada boyitadilar. Shuningdek darslik va o'quv qo'llanmalar, audio tasmalar orqali eshitish, video tasmalar orqali ko'rib eshitish va testlar echish asosida bilimlarini mustahkamlashga erishish tarjima materiallaridan foydalanish, o'tilgan mavzular yuzasidan dialog qilish va shu kabilar orqali magistrantlar bilimini oshirish tavsiya etiladi.

                  Amaliy xorijiy tilni o'rganish jarayonida:

         mamlakatning ijtimoiy-siyosiy hayoti, o'z mamlakati hamda tili o'rganilayotgan mamlakatdagi moddiy va ma'naviy boyliklar to'g’risidagi ma'lumotlarni puhta egallash;

         madaniyatlararo munosabatni ta'minlay olish;

         xalqaro aloqalarda o'z davlati nomidan nutq so'zlay olish;

         o'z mamlakati va hamkor mamlakatlarning ma'naviy boyliklariga xurmat bilan munosabatda bo'lish;

         mukammal nutq madaniyatiga ega bo'lish;

         etuk tarbiyalangan kommunikativ faol shahsni tarbiyalash nazarda tutiladi..

 Shuningdek,  huquqiy va kommunikativ kompetenciyalar bo'yicha:

         o'hshatish, mantiqiy bayon etish, nutq faoliyatining turli shakllari va usullari (paralingvistik, ekstralingvistik vositalar)dan foydalanish;

         nutq faoliyati bilan bog’liq ruhiy funkciyalar (mustaqil fikrlash, hotirlash, e'tibor qilish, tahlil qilish, sintez qilish, umumlashtirish);

         irodalilik, sobitqadamlik, faollik o'z sohasi bo'yicha mustaqil kasbiy faoliyat yuritishga tayyor bo'lishi lozim.

             Mustaqil ta'limni  tashkil etishning shakli va mazmuni

O'rganilayotgan horijiy tilda mamlakatlar davriy nashrlari tilining o'ziga hos hususiyatlari va ularning tarkibiy tuzilmalari, janrlari;

-        turli darajadagi ahborot habarlari:

-        aniq voqea-hodisalar to'g’risida siyosiy-iqtisodiy-madaniy ahborotlar;

-        eng ahamiyatli voqea va hodisalarni izohlab berish;

- o'z mamlakati va jahondagi aniq siyosiy-iqtisodiy-madaniy voqealar va jarayonlarni nazariy jihatdan umumlashtirish hamda magistrlik dissertaciyalarini bajarish jarayonida horijiy tildagi adabiyotlar, internet resurslaridan unumli foydalana olishni ko'zda tutadi.

Amaliy xorijiy til fanidan mustaqil ish magistrantning bilim va ko'nikma va malakalarini yanada rivojlantirish, yangi ma'lumotlar to'plash, mustaqil hulosalar chiqarish va turli ilmiy-amaliy gipotezaga hulosalar berishni o'rgatadi hamda chet tilidan bilimlarini oshishiga hizmat qiladi. Mustaqil ishlarning natijalari mavzu bo'yicha prezentaciya (Power Point), referat, ma'ruza, konspekt, debat (yoki round-table discussion) shaklida tashkil qilinishi mumkin. . Mustaqil ish magistrantlarga annotaciya, referat, o’'zaki ma'ruza va ahborot olish va taqdim qilish usullarini egallashga imkoniyat beradi. Ko'rsatib o'tilgan ish turlari ta'lim jarayonida davom etadi va material hajmi, murakkabligi oshib boradi, shuningdek o'qituvchining bevosita rahbarligi ham kamayib boradi. Mustaqil ishni muvaffaqiyatli bajarish uchun uni aniq rejalashtirish va tashkil qilish tavsiya etiladi. To'g’ri tashkil etilgan mustaqil ish o'zlashtirishni sifatini oshirishga, magistrantlarning amaliy horijiy tildan bilimlarini ortishiga yordam beradi.

Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ishlarning mavzulari.

Mustaqil ish mavzulari sohalar hususiyatini inobatga ogan holda kafedra mutaxassislari tomonidan belgilanadi.Mavzular talabani mustaqil bilim olishga ongli ravishda yo'naltirishi lozim. Bunda:

·        sensor ta'lim uslublari (vizual, audio, kinestet, taktil);

·        ta'lim uslublarining Xani va Mamford tasnifi (nazariyotchi, faol ishtirokchi, reflektor, pragmatik);

·        introvert va ekstrovert;

·        yaxshi bilim olish uchun ta'limning samarali uslublaridan oqilona foydalanishga asosiy e'tibor qaratiladi.

Vazifalar ustida ishlash jarayonida:

         vazifalarni aniqlash va personalizatsiya qilish;

         kutubhonalardan unumli foydalanish;

         internetdan maqsadli va  samarali foydalanish;

         plagiat (ko'chirmakashlik) ga yo'l qo'ymaslik;

         hotirani yahshilash;

         imtihon va testga tayyorgarlik ko'rish;

          ta'lim ko'nikmalarini bosqichma-bosqich egallab borish;

         amaliy vazifalarni bajarish;

         mustaqil o'qish;

         dolzarb mavzular muhokamasi;

         matnlar /maqolalar/video materiallarni tanqidiy muqokama qilish;u       talaba  portfoliosiga alohida ahamiyat beriladi.

           Dasturning informatsion - metodik ta'minoti

Amaliy horijiy til fanini o'qitish jarayonida ta'limning zamonaviy metodlari, pedagogik va ahborot kommunikativ tehnologiyalaridan foydalanish nazarda tutilgan. Amaliy chet tili fanidan mashg’ulotlarda audio-video vositalar va kompyuter tehnologiyalari yordamida taqdimotlar o'tkazish, amaliy mashg’ulotlarda kommunikativ metodning tarmoqlari bo'lgan - loyihalash, aqliy xujum, guruhli fikrlash, galereya, rotaciya, dumaloq stol, keys stadi, Jigsaw 1,2, interfaol usullaridan foydalanish, kichik guruh musobaqalari, internet yangiliklari va ilg’or pedagogik tehnologiyalarni qo'llash nazarda tutiladi. Bundan tashqari, tizimli yondashuv asosida talabalarning o'qish-bilish faoliyatini tasvirlaydigan ta'lim jarayonining loyihasi tuzib chiqiladi. Ta'lim maqsadi real, aniq diagnostik bo'lishiga erishiladi va talabaning bilim, o'zlashtirish sifati ob'ektiv baholanadi.

Amaliy mashg’ulotlar talabaning faolligiga tayanib mazkur fan mashg’ulotlarda audio-video vositalari va kompyuter tehnologiyalari yordamida taqdimotlar o'tkazish, kommunikativ metodning tarmoqlari bo'lgan - loyihalash, masofaviy ta'lim, aqliy xujum, guruhli fikrlash, galereya, rotaciya, dumaloq stol, keys stadi, zigzag 1,2, interfaol usullardan foydalanish, kichik guruh musobaqalari, internet yangiliklarini qo'llash nazarda tutiladi. Fanni o'zlashtirishda elektron darslik, o'quv va uslubiy qo'llanmalar, tarqatma va elektron materiallardan, elektron pochta, chet el kanallari va virtual voqelikni o'zida jamlagan internetdan foydalanish mumkin:

Axborot tehnologiyalari: internet, elektron ta'lim dasturlari. Global tafakkurning rivojlanish tehnologiyalari (R.Henvi, U. Knip).Pedagogik mahorat tehnologiyasi (YU.N.Kulyutkin, Е.B.Spasskaya).Bilimdonlar bahsi.Talabalar nuqtai - nazarlari muhokamasi, arshi fikrlar tanlash, umumlashtirish POPS (MPPO) - ifoda - to'rtpog’onali bahs uslubi.Joy egallang - plakatlar asosidagi bahs. Uslublar: “Muhim tushuncha”, “Ustalik bilan berilgan savollar”, “Akvarium”. Ta'limning faol uslublari: “Keys-uslubi” (Garvard universiteti biznes maktabi), ish uyinlari. Qora quti uslubi - masalani aniq hodisa tahlili orqali, ijodiy bahs orqali kamchiliklar sababini aniqlash.“Aqliy xujum” - (Е.A.Aleksandrov i G.YA.Bush) - guruh qatnashchilari ijodiy qoyalarini jamoa, g’oyalari bilan qarshi g’oyalar yordamida faollashtirish kabi metodlar yordamida olib boriladi.

Chet tiliga o'qitish magistratura bosqichining boshidan oxirigacha uzluksiz tarzda davom etadi va bu jarayon 3 bosqichga bo'linadi:



Haftalik o’quv soatlari

Haftalar soni

Bosqich o’quv soatlari

1- Bosqich




2- Bosqich




2- Bosqich









2.1. Amaliy  mashg’ulotlar mavzusi: 1-semestr   Ingliz tili




Mavzuning nomi va uning qisqacha mazmuni





Speaking:   Achievements within independent years . Science.  Mission and vision.  Dissertation. Education  Universe.  Culture.. Traveling.  Internet in our life. The role of teachers in society. People & relationships. Let's speak about advantages and disadvantages of your work.  Friendly family. The Constitution of Uzbekistan”. We are against drugs and aids. Transportation. Internet and Modern life.The role of the Mass Media in our life.



Reading: Texts on specialty.



Listening:  materials from Upscale



Writing:Scientific research article. “How do I improve my writing scills”.  Report writing.



Writing:Scientific research article. “How do I improve my writing scills”.  Report writing.



Grammar: Modals. Reported speech. Verbs + infinitive or –ing;Verbs + prepositions. Phrasal verbs










Ingliz tili

Mashg’ulot turi

Mavzuning nomi va uning qisqacha mazmuni




Speaking:.  Health. Charisma. Leadership.  Decision making. Carrer advancement. Media and communication. Communications. A language I would like to learn. The role of technology. Gadgets and gismos.  History of IT. The Future of computing.   Money matters. The art of advertising.  Business and money. Currency of the world.   Earth today. News events. The way of getting news. Home. People and places. Talking about something you have had done recently, or are having done soon. Hobbies.  Youth . Childhood memories.


Writing:Annotation to the thesis.


Reading:Texts on specialty.


Listening; materials from Upscale


Grammar: Modals. Reported speech. Verbs + infinitive or –ing;Verbs + prepositions. Phrasal verbs










3- semestr

Ingliz tili

Mashg’ulot turi

Mavzuning nomi va uning qisqacha mazmuni




Speaking: Environmental Protest Groups. Be your own investigative journalist. "Feeding the world" why we need rice. Tobacco. Food. Building bridges. Mobile phones. Physics. Ten years without books. Calendars.


Writing essays: My best ways of relaxation. 

A sound mind in a sound body.  With the help of technology, students can learn more information more quickly.  Money makes the world goes round. Justify your answer.  Find material about the new 7 wonders of the world, choose the most suitable for you and describe it as if you were there.


Reading:Special Texts


Listening: materials from Learn English. British council.  http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/magazine/


Grammar: Modals. Reported speech. Verbs + infinitive or –ing;Verbs + prepositions. Phrasal verbs







Mustaqil ishlarni tashkil etish shakli va mazmuni

 Mustaqil ishni bajarish jarayoni ko’proq :  bo’yyiach qo’shimch material izlab toppish, ilmiy ish yozish, so’z boyligi av nutq ravonligini oshirirsh loyihalari bo’yicha olib boriladi. Bundan tashqari mustaqil ishni bajarish jarayonida talabalar tanlangan mavzu boyicha material to’plab, uni tahlil qilib, o’z xulosalarini yozma ravishda bayon qilishi  va o’zining tanqidiy fikrigaega bo’lishi ko’zda tutiladi.

Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ish mavzulari o’tilayotgan mavzular va soha bilan bog’liq bo’lish lozim. Muayyan ko’rsatmalar bo’yicha talabalar Power Point dasturida taqdimotlatlar  tayyorlashi va uni hmoya qilishi talab etiladi..

Talabalar mustaqil ta’limining mazmuni va hajmi


Mavzular nomi ваmazmuni




1.     Scientific research article.

2.       Report writing.

3.     Annotation to the thesis.

4.   Essay Writing

5.     Writing  a dissertation







Speaking : Programme of vocabulary development:

1.     Working on vocabulary

2.     Glossary



PP Presentation:

1.     Global problems

2.     High technology

3.     Education

4.     Young generation and generation gap










Nazoratni tashkillashtirishga qo’yiladigan talablar

Joriy nazorat:

Yozma nazorat: o’tilgan mavzular bo’yicha qo’shimcha til materialni yig’ib, yozma tahlil qilish; tanlangan mavzuda essay yizish; ma’lum bir mavzu, loyiha bo’yicha yozma presentatsiyalar tayyorlash. 

Og’zaki nazorat: matnning mazmuniy, kommunikativ va stilistik jihatlarini interptetatsiya qilish, o’rganilayotgan tilda matnni annotatsiyalash, umumlashtirish; suhbat o’tkazish, muayyan dolzarb mavzuni muhokama tanqidiy muhokama qilish; mushohada va munozaralar o’tkazish.

Yakuniy nazorat: har bir semestrning oxirida yozma mashq bajarish va berilgan mavzuga og’zaki javob berish.

Baholash mezoni



1- 2bosqich


3- bosqich

Mustaqil ishlar



















Tinglab tushunish




Tinglangan materialni to’liq tushunadi. Matn yuzasidan oz fikrini erkin bayon qila oladi. Nutqi ravon.


Matnni tushunadi va savollarga javob bera oladi. Fikrini bayon qilishda ayrim leksik qiyinchliklarga duch keldi.


Matnniqisman tushunadi, lekin savollarga toliq javob bera olmaydi. Qator grammtik va leksik xatolarga yol qoyadi


Tinglangan materialni tushunmaydi yoki juda kichik qismini tushunadi, savollarga javob bera olmaydi. Fikrini bayon qila olmaydi.

O’qib tushunish




Oqilgan materialni toliq tushunadi. Matn yuzasidan oz fikrini erkin bayon qila oladi. Nutqi ravon.


Matnni tushunadi va savollarga javob bera oladi. Fikrini bayon qilishda ayrim leksik xatolarga yol qoyadi.


Matnni tushunadi va savollarga to’liq javob bera olmaydi. Matn mazmuninini bayon qilishda ayrim grammatik va leksik xatolarga yo’l qo’yadi.


Berilgan materialni qisman tushunadi yoki juda kichik qismini tushunadi, savollarga javob bera olmaydi. Matn mazmunini bayon qila olmaydi.





Berilgan mavzu yuzasidan erkin bahs munozara yurita oladi. Nutqi ravon.


Mavzuni tushunadi va savollargа javob beraoladi. Fikrini bayon qilishda ayrim leksik xatolarga yol qoyadi.


Berilgan mavzu yuzasidan umuman  gapira oladi,  tushunadi lekin savollarga to’liq javob bera olmaydi. Mavzuni bayon qilishda qator grammatik va leksik xatolarga yo’l qo’yadi, kerakli so’zlarni qo’llashda qiynaladi.


Mavzu yuzasidan gaplasha olmaydi. Sodda gaplarda ham kop xatoga yol qoydi. Lugat boyligi kam.



3.1. Asosiy adabiyotlar:

Ingliz tili

1.     Prezident  I.A.Karimov asarlari 1992- 2016yy.

2.           Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy dasturi va Ta'lim to'g’risidagi  qonun // Oliy Majlis IX sessiyasi. - T.,1997.

3.     G.Bakieva., F.Rashidova.va boshqalar.  Upscale. Tashkent. 2016

4.     A.A. Ismailov, V.A. Fyodorov, Home Study Book (Zero level, Elementary level). – T.; 2008.

5.     A.A. Ismailov, V.A. Fyodorov, O.Morozova English for market economy. – T.; 2008.

6.     Speaking for Ielts.Karen Kovacs. HarperCollins Publishers 2011

7.     Don Shiach. How to write essay. – Oxford. 2009.

8.     Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in use. Cambridge. 1998

9.     К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М.; Бишкек, 2004.

10.                Vocabulary for IELTS, Pauline Cullen. Cambridge University Press 2008

11.                BusinessVocabulary in use (Intermediate, advanced level), Bill Mascull. Cambridge University Press

12.                Mitchel Vince with Peter Sinderland. Advanced Language practice. Cambridge University Press.

Qo’shimcha adabiyotlar

1.     КрыловаЛ.Р. Сборникупражненийпограмматикеанглийскогоязыка. – М., Книжный дом, 2003

2.     Боқиева Г.Х., Ирисқулов М.Т. InTouchForever Тошкент, 2006

3.     Мўминов О. Public relations. История и теория. –Ташкент, Ijod dunyosi, 2004

4.     Santiago Remacho Esteras.  Infotech English for Computer Users (4th ed.) CambridgeUniversity Press 2011

Internet saytlari

1.     http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/magazine

2.     www.toefl.com

3.     www.englishtrairing.ru

4.     www.lingua.ru

5.     www.teachingenglish.org.uk

6.     www.onestopenglish.com

7.     www.businessenglishonline.net

8.     www.elgazette.com

9.     http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/articles/listening

10.  http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/CMMR/CMMR_BTSA_home.html#Resources_BeginningTeachers




2016/2017 ўқув йили  1-семестрда магистратура босқичи  _________ 

гуруҳи талабаларига AKTcИМ  факультети

Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг

К А Л Е Н Д А Р   Р Е Ж А С И

Маърузачи:    Кадирбекова Д.

Амалий машғулотлар:  40 соат

Basic material: Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS






Speaking: Unit 1. Relationships.

Listening: 1a

Reading: Families and early learning

Writing: Essay: Parents help their children develop more social and emotional skills than friends do

Special text: Computer staff




Speaking: Growing up

Listening: 1b, section 1- 1c

Vocabulary: p10




Speaking: The body and mind/ data and statistics

Listening: 2a, 2b

Vocabulary: 2.2, 4.3

Reading: development in adolescence

Writing: describe a chart




Speaking: Speaking part 2 p-15, memorable period.

Vocabulary: Memory

Writing: General training writing task 1. P-15

Special text: Famous people of IT




Speaking: Diet Health Exercise, heart disease, eating problems and sleep disturbances.

Listening: 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d

Vocabulary: Health, word building p 17

Reading: Academic reading p 19-21




Speaking: Life, leisure

Listening: 4a

Vocabulary: game: positives, negatives

Reading: 3.1 p 23

Video: Documentary




Speaking: Things to do in the holidays

Listening: Section 2-  4b.

Reading: 4.2 p 24




Speaking: Student life, Study, education, research

Listening: 5a, 5b,

Vocabulary: word building: 2.2 p 28.

Reading: Section 2  p29




Test: Test one (units 1-5) p 30-31

Reading: Academic reading test

Listening:  5c




Speaking: Effective communication

Listening: 6a,

Vocabulary: Idioms ex 2.1, 2.3-words.

Reading: Signs of success p 33-34,




Speaking: linguistics

Listening:  6b,

Reading: Academic reading p 35-37




Speaking: Tourism, travel

Listening: 7a, 7b

Writing: describing a chart. Ex. 1.4




Reading: Travel advice p 39.

Speaking: Advantages and disadvantages of tourism

Reading:  General training reading p 41.




Speaking: Time, history

Listening: 8a,.

Vocabulary: ex-2.3

Reading: 2.1 p 43-44. History




Speaking: history of dentistry

Listening: 8b Section 4.

Vocabulary: ex-2.3

Reading: 2.1 p 43-44. History




Speaking: Flora and fauna

Listening: 9a,

Vocabulary: compound nouns

Reading: Agriculture ex-2,1. 2.2 Introduced species.




Speaking: Flora and fauna

Listening: 9b

Vocabulary: review unit 1-8

Reading: ex3, p-48




Speaking: Describing sightseeing places and nature of Uzbekistan.

Vocabulary: unit 9

Reading: Academic reading: Meet the hedgehog p-49-51

Writing: What repercussions of pesticides of  do  you think may occur?




Speaking: Reaching for the skies. Space and Planets.

Listening: 10 a,10 b

Vocabulary:2.3 p53




Speaking: space travel is waste of money.

Listening: Section 3- 10c

Reading: ex-3 p 54

Testing: Test two (Units 6-10)





Chief of the foreign languages department:                                    Gaziyeva V.Kh.







2016/2017 ўқув йили  Магистратура боскич 2- семестрда   ______йўналиши _______ гуруҳи талабаларига  АКТСИМ факультети  Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг

К А Л Е Н Д А Р   Р Е Ж А С И

Ўқитувчи:                    Зохидова Г.Э.

Амалий машғулотлар:         40 соат

Дарслик:   Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS                 


Амалий  машғулот  мавзулари






Ўқитувчи имзоси


Speaking: Space/ Earth is our planet.

Reading: ex-1.2/ ex:3, p 54

Vocabulary: review unit 1-10

Listening: 10a/10b, 10c.

Writing: What problems do you think you would experience in space?




12.              1.

Speaking: Design and Innovation

Reading: Engineering p.59

Vocabulary: unit 11

Listening: 11a

Writing: Uzbek traditional architecture is convenient for living then western design.



13.              2

Speaking: differences of houses in the past and now.

Listening: 11b

Grammar: Past participle

Reading: Academic reading: The house of the future, then and now.

Writing: In the future people will spend more time at work so they will not own houses, everybody will sleep in hotels. Do you agree or not?



14.              3

Speaking: Telecommunications

Listening: 12a

Reading: Computers and technology. P 65.

Writing: Essay: We have enough gadgets now to make robots unnecessary in the home.



15.              4

Speaking: Speaking test. P 67.

Grammar: compound words.

Reading: ex2.4 p 66.

Vocabulary: unit 12.

Writing: People today spend too much money buying new things. Do u agree or disagree?



16.              5

Speaking: Globalization

Listening: 13a, 13b.

Grammar: world building: noun, adjective.

Vocabulary: unit 13.

Writing: Space belongs to whoever gets there first. Do u agree with this statement?



17.              6

Speaking: Predictions about population in rich and poor countries.

Reading: changing attitudes and trends.

Writing: task1. P71. Bar graph.



18.              7

Speaking: Urbanization: problems and solution.

Listening: 14a.

Reading: Big city life. P 73

Vocabulary: unit 14.

Writing: essay: solutions of unemployment.



19.              8

Speaking: problems associated with living in a big city.

Grammar: ex 3.2 p74.

Reading: Rags, bones and recycling bins.

Listening: 14b.




20.              9

Speaking: The environment. P 78.

Listening: 15a

Reading: Climate change and pollution.

Vocabulary: synonym adjectives, ex1.3, p 78.

Writing: What can the government do to help protect the environment?




Speaking: solutions of pollution

Listening: 15b

Vocabulary: unit 15.

Writing: task1. P 81. Describe flowchart.




Revision: test (units 11-15)

Speaking: The energy crisis. Natural resources.

Listening: 16

Reading: The future of energy




Speaking: Alternative fuels.

Reading: Academic reading p 87-89.

Vocabulary: unit 16.

Writing: What can the government do to encourage people to save energy?




Speaking: unit 17. Employment.

Listening: 17a. p 90.

Reading: luxury brands of cosmetics. P 91

Writing: task1 p 93.




Speaking: Economical way of shopping.

Listening: 17b

Reading: ex 3.2

Vocabulary: unit 17

Writing: task2, p 93.




Speaking: Crime and punishment.

Reading: Crime. P94.

Vocabulary: unit 18

Writing: cybercrime (describe a chart)




Speaking: how to prevent crime?

Listening: 18

Reading: ex 3.1, p 96

Writing: In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?




Speaking: The media

Listening: 19a

Reading: ex 1.4, p99.

Vocabulary: unit 19

Writing: Do u think that newspaper will still exist in the future? Why?




Speaking: Influence of famous people on young generation.

Listening: 19b, 19c.

Writing: Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little that can be done to rectify this. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





Speaking: Unit 20. Art appreciation.

Listening: 20 a, 20b

Reading: The brain of the beholder

Review: test of units -16-20








Чет тиллар кафедраси мудири:                                                               Газиева В.Х.


Тошкент ахборот технологиялари университети

2016-2017 ўқув йили кузги семестрда ДИФ, КТФ, АКТ с ИМ, ТТФ, ТФ йўналиши

II-босқич  магистратура талабаларига

АКТ с ИМ факультети  Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчилари томонидан ўқитиладиган инглиз тили фан дастурининг машғулотлар тури бўйича бажарилишининг


К А Л Е Н Д А Р   Р Е Ж А С И


Маърузачи: ______________________________  


Дарслик:   Vocabulary for IELTS (Voc for IELTS)   

Амалиймашғулотлар: 20соат


Амалаий машғулот мавзулари

Ажратилган соат



Ўқитувчи имзоси


Speaking: “The 21 anniversary of the independence of the republic of  Uzbekistan”

Speaking: Energy Crisis. Natural recourses.

Reading: The future of energy p 85

Listening: How environmentally aware you are.

 P 84. 1.2 16. 16-a Test practice.






Speaking:  Employment, management and marketing. Have you ever worked somewhere? p 86

Listening: Types of Industry. 1.2-1.3 p 90 17-a

Reading: Management and marketing.

 2.1,2.2,2.3 p-91 Test practice






Speaking:  The law. Crime and punishment

Listening: Punishment 2.4-2.5 p 96 18-a

Reading: Crime 1.1-1.2 p-94

 Writing: Academic writing task 2. Test practice






Speaking:  The media. News fame

Listening: Media. Fame  1.2-1.3 p 98 19-a,b,c

Reading: Media –Fame 1.4 2.1,2.2 p-99

Writing: Academic writing task 2. Test practice






Speaking:  The Arts. The Appreciation. p 102

Listening: The performing Art. 

2.2-2.3 p 103 20-a,d

Reading: The brain of the beholder. P102

Test practice






Speaking:  Language building.

Using a dictionary p 110

Listening: Phonetic symbols.1.7p 112 21-a

Reading: Word families.  2.1,2.2,2.3 p-112






Speaking:  Learning Vocabulary. Collocations 2-1.3 p 90 17-a

Listening: Learn how to pronounce the words. 1.5-1.6 p114 22-a

Reading: Management and marketinc abulary.

 2.1,2.2,2.3 p-91 Test practice






Speaking:  Academic writing Task 1. Data. Graphs.

And tables  p 118

Listening: Types of Industry. 1.2-1.3 p 90 17-a

Reading: Management and marketing.

 2.1,2.2,2.3 p-91 Test practice






Speaking:  Academic writing task 2 p 122

 Getting started.

Reading: Essay. 2.3- p 123

Vocabulary: Linking words. 2.1

 Test practice






Speaking:  General writing  task 1-2 p 126

Vocabulary: 1.4-1.5, 2.1,2.2,2.3 p 129

 Test practice Units 21-25













Чет тиллар кафедраси мудири:                                                   Газиева.В.Х

















Chet  tilini  o'qitishda  yangi pedagogik  texnologiyalarning  quyidagi  shakllari  keng  qo'llaniladi.

Bumerang texnologiyasi.

3-4 talabalardan tashkil topgan guruhlarga mavzulardan abzatslar tarqatiladi. Maqsad xar bir talaba matnda ko'rsatilgan muammolarni muxokama qiladi. Har bir guruh ajratilgan terminlarni qo'llab mavzuni mundarijasini tuzadilar, natijada umumiy mavzu tiklanadi.

Nazorat uchun savollar.

1) Ajratib ko'rsatilgan terminlar ma'nosini bilasizmi?

2) Ajratib ko'rsatilgan so'zlarning sinonimini (antonimini) ko'rsating.

3) Mavzuning har bir abzatsiga savollar tuzing.

4) Ajratib ko'rsatilgan terminlar ishtirokida gaplar tuzing.

5) Gapda tushurib qoldirilgan so'zlarni to'ldiring.

6) Berilgan mavzuni ma'nosiga bog’liq xolda davom ettiring.

3x4 texnologiyasi

Uchta guruh alohida varaqqa galma-galdan bir atama (umuman 4 atama)  belgilangan mavzu  bo'yicha yoziladi. Shu  so'zlar ishtirokida gaplar  va mavzu tuziladi.

Nazorat uchun savollar.

1) Berilgan  so'zlarga ta'rif  bering.

2) Berilgan so'zlarning  sinonim  va antonimini  aniqlang.

3) Berilgan  so'zlardan gaplar tuzing.

4) So'zlarni ingliz, fransuz, nemis  tiliga tarjima qiling.

5) Atamalarni ilmiy mohiyati jihatidan tartiblang.

6) Tuzilgan mavzuni ingliz, fransuz, nemis  tillarida so'zlab bering.


Aqliy xujum texnologiyasi.

3x4 guruh talabalar  bir yechimga qaratilgan vazifa yuklatiladi. Birinchi bosqichda masalani yechimiga qaratilgan muammo bo'yicha farazlar bildiriladi, 2 bosqichda farazlar konkretlashtiriladi.

Nazorat uchun savollar.

1) Mavzudagi kalit so'zlarni toping.

2) Gaplardagi kalit so'zlarga ma'no jixatidan mos so'zlarni toping.

3) Ma'no jixatidan mos keladigan so'zlarni guruhlashtiring.

4) Ushbu so'zlardan foydalanib mavzuga oid savollar tuzing.

“Breyn-ring” texnologiyasi.

5x6 tadan 4x5 guruhga bo'linadi. har bir talaba doira shaklida bir-birini ko'rishlari uchun doira shaklida joylashtiriladi. Har bir guruhga o'rganilayotgan mavzu bo'yicha 3 tadan savol tuzish topshiriladi.

Nazorat uchun savollar.

1) So'zlardan foydalanib bo'lajak mutahassislik faoliyatiga aloqador jarayonni taxlil etish.

2) Ajratilgan so'zlarga ta'rif  bering.

3) Shu so'zlarning ma'nosini kichik mavzu bilan izohlang.

“Galereya” metodi 

 «Galereya»  usuli  kichik  guruhlarda  birdaniga  bir  nechta  masalani muhokama qilish imkonini beradi. Bunda guruhning har bir a'zosi barcha taklif etilgan masalalar muhokamasida ishtirok etishi va o'z ulushini qo'shishi mumkin.

1-qadam. Masalani qo'yish. O'qituvchi har bir guruhga ma'lum muammo yoki masalani beradi.

2-qadam.  har  bir  guruh  o'z  masalasi  ustida  ishlash. Masalalar  ustida ishlash kichik guruhlarda amalga oshiriladi (odatda 5-10 minut).

3-qadam.  Kichik  guruhlar  qo'shni  guruhlar  masalasi  yechimini ohirigacha  yetkazishga  o'tish.  har  bir  kichik  guruh  o'z g’oyalarini  yozgan  katta varaqni  olmasdan  doira  bo'ylab  siljiydi.  Variant  sifatida  guruh  siljishi o'rniga doira bo'ylab ishlangan g’oyalar yozilgan katta varaqni uzatish mumkin.

4-qadam.  qo'shni masalasi  yechimini  ohirigacha  yetkazish.  Har  bir  kichik guruh varaqqa yozilgan qo'shni guruh g’oyalarini o'rganadi; savol belgisi bilan rozi bo'lmaganlarni  belgilaydi;  qo'shni masalasi  yechimi  bo'yicha  o'z  g’oyalarini  yozadi. 5 minutdan keyin guruhlar doira bo'ylab keyingi kichik guruhga  o'tib,  yana joylari bilan  almashadi.  Siljishlar  soni  kichik  guruhlar (qo'yilgan  masalalar)  soniga teng.

5-qadam.  O'z  masalasiga  qaytish.  Masaladan  masalaga  doira  bo'yicha o'tishlar  har  bir  kichik  guruh  o'zining  dastlabki  masalasiga  qaytish  bilan tugallanadi. 

6-qadam. Taqdimot va ish natijalari muhokamasi. Har bir guruh navbat bilan o'zlarining qog’oz  varaqlarida  yig’ilgan natajalar g’oyalarni tushuntirish va sharhlar  bilan  taqdim  etadi.  Boshqa  guruhlar  ular  taqdimot  qilayotgan  guruh  varag’iga  yozgan  g’oyalarini  tushuntiradilar  va  sharhlaydilar.  Zarur  hollarda g’oyalar umumiy guruhda muhokama qilinishi mumkin.       

Yozish va o'qish  orqali fikrlashni rivojlantirish yoki «Insert» usulida o'qish.

 Amerikalik  pedagoglar  tomonidan  taqdim  etilgan «Notanish  matnni insert  usuli  yordamida  o'qish»  metodini chet tili darslarida  qo'llanilsa  juda  samarali  bo'lishi  mumkin.  Chunki  har  bir  darsida  talabalar  yangi ma'lumotlar, manbalar va yangi atamalar bilan tanishishlari kerak bo'ladi. 

Talaba matnni ohirigacha o'qib chiqib, hozir o'qiganlaridan hech narsani mutlaqo eslab qolmasligi ko'p talabalar uchun oddiy xol hisoblanadi. Insert usuli orqali o'qish esa tushunib o'qish, o'qish jarayonida faol bilim olish imkonini beradi.

Insert (belgi qo'yib o'qish) -o'qish va yozishni samarali amalga oshirishda, talabalarda  darslik  bilan  ishlash  ko'nikmalarini  shakllantirishda  ayniqsa qulay usul.

  Unda belgilar quyidagicha bo'lishi kerak:

 «V»-   bilaman.

 «-« - o'ylaganimga zid, notanish.

 « Q »- yangilik. 

 «?» -   tushunmadim, ya'ni qo'shimcha ma'lumot kerak.

 «!» -   hayratlandim. 

Belgilangan matnni o'qish jarayonida talaba o'z  bilimi va tushunchalariga

5 turdagi belgilarni qo'yib boradi. Har bir satr yoki bandni belgilash shart emas. Talaba hat  boshiga bitta yoki  ikkita belgi qo'yishi mumkin.  Hamma  talaba  matnni  o'qib  tugatgach  o'qituvchi  quyidagi  savollar  bilan talabalarga murojaat qiladi:

 « Now think about reading material  and discuss with your groupmates.;

Muhokama qilish uchun savollar quyidagilar:

1.  What kind of knowledge did you get?

 2.  What new information have you come accross?

3.  What kind of question have you had?

4. What haven't you understood?

5.  Your opinion about events, facts and process according to the text? Bu ishga matnning  katta  kichikligiga  qarab  vaqt  ajratiladi.  Shundan  so'ng har bir talaba o'zining individual jadvalini quyidagicha  tuzib chiqadi.     









!     (Xayratlandim)

















Insert  usulidan  foydalanish  talabaga matnni  ongli ravishda, tushunib o'qishida  yordam  beradi. Foydalaniladigan  belgilar  miqdori  esa  talabalarning yoshi va bilim darajasiga qarab kamaytirilishi mumkin.


SWOT- universal tahlil  qilish metodi

Ushbu metod maqsadlarda qo'llaniladigan metodlardan biri hisoblanadi.

Uning  nomi  inglizcha  so'zlarning  birinchi  harfidan  olingan  bo'lib,  Strengths -

kuchli  tomonlar, Wearnesses -  kuchsiz  tomonlar  yoki muammolar, Opportunetiss  - tashqi imkoniyatlar, Threats-tashqi muhitda mavjud havf-hatarlar.

Masalan: “Mass media” mavzusini SWOT -tahlil metodidan foydalangan holda o'tkazish mumkin.



Advantages of  MM




Disadvantages of  MM




Opportunities of MM






External trearts






  “Muammoli vaziyat” metodi ta'lim oluvchilarda   muammoli vaziyatlarning

sababini  va  oqibatlarini  tahlil  qilish  hamda  ularning  yechimlarini  topish

bo'yicha ko'nikma va malakalarni shakllantirishga qaratilgan metod.

 “Muammoli vaziyat” metodining tarkibiy tuzilishi quyidagicha:

·        Muammoli vaziyat tavsifini keltirish

·        O'quvchilarni guruhlarga bo'lish

·        Guruhlar muammoli vaziyatning kelib chiqish sabablarini aniqlashi

·        Guruhlarning muammoli vaziyatni oqibatlari to'g’risidagi fikrlarini  

          jamlanish bosqichi

·        Guruhlarni muammoli vaziyatni yechimini ishlab chiqish bosqichi

·        To'g’ri yechimlarni tanlash bosqichi

“Muammoli  vaziyat”  metodi  uchun  tanlangan  muammoning  murakkabligi talabalarning  bilim  darajalariga  mos  kelishi  kerak.  Talabalar  qo'yilgan muammoning  yechimini  topishga  qodir  bo'lishi  kerak,  chunki  muammoni  echimini topishda  talabalarning  qiziqishlari  so'nishi  va  o'ziga  bo'lgan ishonchini  yo'qotishi  mumkin.  Dars  jarayonida  ushbu  metoddan  foydalanganda talabalar  mustaqil  fikr  yurtishga,  muammoning  sabab  va  oqibatlarini  tahlil qilishga, uning echimini topishga o'rganadilar. 

 “Muammoli  vaziyat”  metodini  qo'llash  bosqichlari   quyidagilardan iborat:

1.  O'qituvchi  mavzu  bo'yicha  muammoli  vaziyatni  tanlaydi,   maqsad  va vazifalarni aniqlaydi, muammoni bayon qiladi.

2.  O'qituvchi  talabalarni  topshiriqning  vazifalari  va  shartlari  bilan tanishtiradi.

3.  Talabalarni kichik guruhlarga ajratadi.

4.  Kichik  guruhlar  berilgan  muammoli  vaziyatni  o'rganadilar  va muammoning  kelib  chiqish  sabablarini  aniqlaydilar.  Barcha  guruhlar  muammoni sabablarini  o'rganib  chiqqach,  taqdimot  o'tkazadilar.  Barcha  guruhlardagi muammoning sabablari to'g’risidagi bir hil fikrlar jamlanadi.

5.  Bu  bosqichda  berilgan  vaqt  mobaynida  guruhlar  muammoning  kelib chiqish mumkin bo'lgan oqibatlari to'g’risida fikr yuritadilar va vaqt tugagach, har bir  guruh  o'z  taqdimotini  o'tkazadi.  Taqdimotdan  keyin  bir  hil  fikrlar  yana jamlanadi.

6.  Endi guruhlar muammoni yechishning turli yo'llari va imkoniyatlarini muhokama qiladilar, tahlillar o'tkazadilar. Muammoli vaziyatni yechish yo'llarini ishlab chiqadilar.

7.  Kichik guruhlar muammoni yechish bo'yicha o'z variantlari taklif etilgan taqdimot o'tkazadilar.

8.  Barcha guruhlarning taqdimotidan keyin bir hil yechimlar yoki original yechimlar  jamlanadi. O'qituvchi  talabalar  bilan  birgalikda muammoli  vaziyatni yechishning eng maqbul variantini tanlab oladi.

           “Breyn-rayting” va “Sinkveyn” texnologiyalaridan yozuv texnikasini o'stirishda foydalanish maqsadga muvofiqdir.


Lesson 1  


Topics: relationships, family, bond, friendship

Learning objectives:

·         To enrich students’ vocabulary base on topics relationships and family

·         To teach collocations of relationship

·         To improve students’ reading and listening comprehension

·         To train students’ cognitive-critical thinking abilities

Basic vocabulary: adolescence, adulthood, bond, brotherhood, bond, character, childhood, conflict, connection, fatherhood, interaction, motherhood, nature, parent, relationship, rivalry, sibling,



Attract students to 4 topics: study problem,      favorite music, buying something expensive, the last film you saw. Ask students that whom they discuss these topics with. (family, friends, teacher)

TASK 2. LISTENING: Ask students to listen to the tape 1a and fill the table to match the speakers with topics. Use Handout 1.

TASK 3. LISTENING: Attract students to listen again to the tape 1a and decide which of the speakers (A-D) the sentences apply to. Use Handout 1.

TASK 4. COLLOCATIONS: Explain students that there are the habitual juxtaposition of particular words with another words and they are called Collocations. Use Handout 2.

TASK 5. READING: Before giving the task of reading, explain what scanning is, the rules and aim of scanning. Use Handout 3 taken from the manual- “Hardware and Software” written by Zakhidova G.E. Then ask students to do the task in Handout 4 that is matching definitions to the words found in the text.

TASK 6. WRITING: Ask students to explain their opinion on the given statement with proper examples. Essay: If parents play with their children more then they will learn how to be more sociable. Word limit of the essay is 250 words.

TASK 7. SPECIAL TEXT: Tell students to find a text on specialty as homework, ask them to translate, learn new vocabulary by heart and analyze the text.

Handout 1. Task 2.

Listen to four people talking about the topics discussed in starter.

Write the number of the topic (1-4) from the list and the person/people the speakers say they would talk to about this. Write the words that helped you decide.

       1.    study problem,                            3.    buying something expensive

       2.    favorite music,             4.    the last film you saw



Topic (1-4)

Words that helped you

Person/people they would talk to



movies, latest releases















Task 3. Listen again and decide which of the speakers (A-D) the sentences apply to.

1. The relationship between my brother and me is very close…….

2. I have a lot more in common with my friends than with my family     ……

3. I have established a close connection with an older member of my family     ……

4. The relationship between my parents and me has broken down……


Handout 2. Task 4.

COLLOCATION.  Use words and phrases from the recording and the statements in task3 to complete the sentences.

       1.            My sister and I have totally different tastes. In fact we don’t have much … ….. at all.

       2.            There is a very close…............. between a mother and a newborn baby.

       3.            It is important to................ a good working relationship..................... your work colleagues.

      4.            A relationship can easily …… if you don’t work at it.

       5.            I really admire the relationship.............. .. my mother and my grandmother.

  6.     There can be a lot of……..between teenagers and their parents.



Описание: C:\Users\Go`zal\Pictures\metadichka.pngHandout 3. Task 5.


Handout 4. Task 5.

Families and early Learning

Scan the text below and underline these words: rewarding, sibling, relate, accommodating, adolescence, interaction, nurture

Study links early friendships with high-quality sibling relationships

Children who experience a rewarding friendship before the birth of a sibling are likely со have a better relationship with that brother or sister that endures throughout their childhood, said Laurie Kramer in a University of Illinois study published in December’s Journal of Family Psychology.

‘When early friendships are successful, young children get the chance to master sophisticated social and emotional skills» even more than they do with a parent. When parents relate to a child, they do a lot of the work, figuring out what the child needs and then accommodating those needs,’ says Kramer. However, this is not usually the case when two children are interacting.

The research showed that the benefits of early friends are long-lasting. Children who had a positive relationship with a best friend before the birch of a sibling ultimately had a good relationship with their sibling that lasted throughout adolescence, Kramer said. And children who as preschoolers were able to coordinate play with a friend, manage conflicts, and keep an interaction positive in tone were most likely as teenagers to avoid the negative sibling interaction that can sometimes launch children on a path of anti-social behavior, she added. ‘From birth, parents can nurture and help develop these social competencies (or skills) by making eye contact with their babies, offering toys and playing with them,’ she said.

1. help someone/something develop and grow__________

2. agreeing to a demand              _______

3. brother or sister         _______

4. respond to somebody             ______              

5. the stage between childhood and adulthood ______

6. giving a lot of pleasure _______

7. communication _________

Lesson 2  


Topics: relationships, family, bond, friendship

Learning objectives:

·         To enrich students’ vocabulary base on topics relationships and family

·         To teach word families and compound nouns

·         To improve students’ speaking and listening comprehension

·         To train students’ critical thinking abilities

Basic vocabulary: instinct, interaction, sibling, temperament, upbringing, active, maternal        sibling, stable, extended, immediate, physical, striking, rivalry, resemblance, inherit


Discussion of homework 1:  Essay: If parents play with their children more then they will learn how to be more sociable. Ask students to retell their opinion that wrote in essay. 2. Discussion of the special texts.


Attract students’ attention to 4 other statements, by distributing the Handout 1. Ask students to express their agreement or disagreement and to explain why.


Explain students that a lot of words connected with families and relationships can also be used in a different context. Ask students to fill the gaps. Use handout 2.


Explain students what are compound nouns, and attract their attention to the Handout 3.

TASK 5. LISTENING: Ask students to listen to the tape 1b and find the words that match the definitions. Use Handout 4.

TASK 6. LISTENING: Attract students to listen to the tape 1c and find answers. Use Handout 5.


Tell students to make a presentation on theme:

Ø What do you think it takes to be a good parent?


Handout 1.

1. If young children have good friends then they will have a good relationship with their brother or sister.










2. Parents help their children develop more social and emotional skills than friends do.










3. Friends will give you what you want more often than your parents do.









4.  Teenagers who fight with their brothers or sisters may behave in a way that is socially unacceptable.









Handout 2.

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

adopt          conflict            family         nurture          relationship             related                relative           relation

1.     The wolf is a member of the dog...................

2.     The company decided to................... …. a new approach to staff recruitment.

3.     The study found a strong................... … between a lack of friends and sibling rivalry.

4.     Whether you think the price of goods is high ………  is              to the amount of money you earn.

5.     Studies have shown that stress in adulthood can be ……  to an unhappy childhood.

6.     Good teachers identify the talents of their students and ……. them.

7.     This evidence seems to................... with the findings from previous studies.

8.     I am writing in...................... to the job advertisement in yesterday’s paper.

Handout 3.

COMPOUND NOUNS.  Match the words in box A with the words in box В to make 10 compound nouns. You will need to use some words more than once.

A      active                 family                maternal                   sibling          stable

extended                       immediate                   physical      striking


В       family  instinct            rivalry     upbringing      gatherings  resemblance        role

Handout 4.

Listen again and find the words that match these definitions.

1             caring and supportive   ……………              

2             the emotional connection between people or places ……………..             

3             similar ………………..

4             your nature or character ………………                       

5             determined to an unreasonable degree              …………………      

6             handed down through a family                …………………..


Handout 5. Listening Section 1

Questions 1-10. Complete the form below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Ascot Child Care Centre Enrolment form

Personal details

Child’s first name: (1)………         

Age: (2)………………          

Birthday: (3)…………………             

Other children in the family:  a brother aged (4)              ……………

Address: (5)       …………………….., Brisbane

Emergency contact number: 3467 8890

Relationship to child: (6) ……


• Has difficulty (7)           …………………… during the day

• Is able to (8)………….    herself

Child-care arrangements

Days required: (9)           …………..               and       

Pick-up time: (10)           ………………..













Family name:     Cullen

Ascot Child Care Centre Enrolment form


Lesson 3  


Topics: the body, the mind

Learning objectives:

·         To enrich students’ vocabulary base on topics the body and the mind

·         To improve students’ listening for gist comprehension

·         To train students summarizing comprehension of reading

·         To train students’ ability of using synonyms correctly

Basic vocabulary:

Concept, consequence, gesture, growth, height, imagination, infancy, infant, knowledge,  maturity, memory, milestone, peers, period, phase, rate, toddler,  

abstract, cognitive, clumsy, fully-grown, immature, rebellious,


Discussion of  presentations - What do you think it takes to be a good parent?


Attract students’ attention to 6  milestones and ask how old they were when they had these milestones. A) crawl      B) walk С)talk D) ride a bike E) read F) tie a shoelace?

TASK 3. LISTENING Ask students to listen to the tape 1b and find the missing words. Explain students that synonyms play great role to find the right answer.

Use handout 1.


Explain students that some words are built by affixes. Attract their attention to the Handout 2.


Ask students to read the text and fill the gaps in the statements below the text. Use handout 3.


 Tell students that they are going to classify words into age groups : childhood and adulthood characters. Ask they to write the given words into columns. Use Handout 4.

HOMEWORK.  Tell students to make a presentation on theme:

Ø  Human milestones

Handout 1.

You will hear a talk about early development in children. Listen and complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Social and emotional milestones

Physical milestones

Cognitive and communicative milestones


    likes to mimic

    tries to see how parents react to their (1)...........................

can sit and stand without help

    can use basic words and (2)...........

    uses objects for their intended purpose


    is more (A)..............

    takes turns

is able to


    (5).................. things

    ride a tricycle

    greater understanding of language

    uses (6)................

in play

Middle childhood

    the (7)................

.................. has a greater

impact on development

    some children appear grown up, others are (8).............

    growth is not as

(9).................. as in

earlier stages

    (10)................. and

(11)................. are the

same size as in adulthood

good reading and writing (12)....


Handout 2. WORD BUILDING Complete the table.





















Decide to add suffixes or prefixes to form new meaning.  


stem words





















Handout 3.

Read this text about development in adolescence. Then complete the following sentences with words from the text.

The final stage before adulthood is adolescence. This is a period of transition for teenagers and there are many crucial milestones. Socially and emotionally, teens worry that they may not be developing at the same rate as their peers. They become extremely self-conscious and may be overly sensitive about their appearance. Teens may rebel against their parents but are also more able to accept the consequences of their actions.

This is also a period of enormous physical change and adolescents experience changes in their physical development at a rate unparalleled since infancy. These changes include significant gains in height and weight. Within a year, boys and girls can gain an average of 4.1 inches and 3.5 inches in height respectively. This growth spurt typically occurs two years earlier for girls than for boys and can tend to make both sexes go through a clumsy phase. In terms of their cognitive development, adolescents have greater reasoning skills and have developed the ability to think logically and hypothetically. They are also able to discuss more abstract concepts. They should also have developed strategies to help them study.

1             First-year students often struggle with the____________from high school to university.

2             The__________at which a change occurs can cause problems for both the very young and the elderly.

3             It can be less stressful to make a presentation to your_____________rather than to your teachers.

4             The increase in violence among young people may be a____________             of watching too much violence on TV

and in video games.

5             Petrol prices are increasing at a speed that is____________ since the oil crisis of the 70s.

6             Teenagers_______rebel against their parents between the ages of 14 and 16.

7             In part three of the speaking test you are expected to be able to talk about more         _____________topics.

8             Infinity is a very difficult ______________        for children to grasp.





Handout 4.

What stage would you associate the following words and phrases with? Write the words in the correct column below.

crawling               immature         irresponsible       nurturing        unsteady    tolerant

overindulgent   overprotective      patient            rebellious  throw a tantrum      









Lesson 4  


Topics: Memory

Learning objectives:

·         To enrich students’ vocabulary base on topic memory

·         To explain the meanings of  Phrases with mind

·         To train students using new vocabulary in their speech correctly

·         To train students to writing task 1 of General Training.

Basic vocabulary: look back, master, remember, remind, reminisce, throw a tantrum, visualize, typically Phrases with mind: bear in mind, broaden the mind, have something in mind,  have something on your mind, it slipped my mind, keep an open mind, my mind went blank, put your mind at ease


Discussion of  presentations – Human milestones


Ask students to match the phrases with their meanings. Explain that phrases enrich our speech and make it colorful.  Use handout 1.

TASK 3. LISTENING Ask students to listen to the tape 2b and take a note of words that connected with memory. Explain students that catching a necessary word while listening is a key point of getting right answer. Use handout 2.


Tell students that they are going to correct some vocabulary choice mistakes in. Use Handout 3.


Explain the rules of speaking task of IELTS. Ask students to speak about their memorable period of their life. Use handout 4.

Info: Answer the question as fully as possible. Time yourself to see if you can talk for two minutes. Remember that you will be given up to one minute to prepare for this part of the test. You can make notes if you want, but you don’t have to. Use the prompts on the card to give you ideas and help you plan your answer.


Explain the differences of Writing tasks of General and Academic tests. Tell students that they are going to practice general one now.  Use Handout 5.

Handout 1.

Match the phrases in A with the definitions in B.




keep an open mind

bear in mind

have something in mind

have something on your mind

my mind went blank

it slipped my mind

put your mind at ease

broaden the mind



Increase your knowledge

I forgot

I couldn’t remember a thing


try not to judge before you know the facts

be worried about something

have an idea

stop you from worrying


Handout 2.

Think about your answers to these questions.

1             What do you remember about your early childhood?

2             Do you think you have a good memory or a poor memory?


Now listen to a student answering the questions in above and make a note of all of the words and phrases connected with memory.

remember, memories,                                                                                              .


Handout 3.

Correct the vocabulary mistakes in these sentences.

1             I will always memory how beautiful the sunset was on that day. _____

2             I have very fond reminders of my school days  _____

3             Could you remember me to buy some bread on the way home?_____

4             At school we always had to memory long lists of vocabulary      ______

5             I remind how happy our childhood was               _______

Handout 4.

Speaking Part 2



Describe a memorable period or event from your childhood. You should say:

•             what the event or period was

•             what happened during this event or time

•             why it was memorable and what you learned from this experience.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1-2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make notes if you wish.

Handout 5.

General Training Writing Task 1

Finding it hard to remember important facts and figures? 
Improve your memory in 10 weeks with our Memory Course.
Places are limited and the course is available for only a short time.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.






You see the above advertisement for a course designed to help improve your memory. Write a letter to the organizers of the course. In the letter:

•             give some background information about yourself

•             explain your own problems and why you would like to do the course

•             enquire about the methods used on the course

•             enquire about course fees and dates.

You should write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses.

You should begin your letter

Dear Sir or Madam



Lesson 6

Effective communication

Topics: Language, linguistics


Speaking: Effective communication

Listening: 6a,

Vocabulary: Idioms ex 2.1, 2.3-words.

Reading: Signs of success p 33-34,


Learning objectives


·                    Raise students’ awareness about the effective ways of communication

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    To understand the meaning of the phrases about language usage

·                    Distinguish the usage of  verbs “say, speak, talk, tell”.

The procedure of the lesson


Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions (p.36. Handout 1.1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  Ask them to talk and write about different  aspects of English which  they find the most difficult.

Vocabulary terms: accuracy,  communication, conjecture, dialect,  fluency,   gesture, language barrier linguist,  linguistics, means of communication,  mother tongue,  native speaker,

Pronunciation, sign language, 

Listening: Ask students to listen  to the tape 16 find the speakers answers about questions on Ex. 1.1  and find words that match the definitions (p32, Ex 1.2., 1.3) Handout 2.

Vocabulary (1): Find the meanings of idioms, phrases (p. 32, Ex 2.1)

Vocabulary (2): Distinguish the usage of  verbs “say, speak, talk, tell”. (p. 33. Ex. 2.2, ex. 2.3)

Reading (1): before giving the passage for  reading ask the students’  what they know about “sign language” and then, ask them to read the text (p.33) and then answer the questions (p.34. Ex: 3.1, 3.2,)

Video fragment: After reading the passage ask students to watch a video about Nicaragua Sign School, and discuss it in their groups

Reading (2): Ask students to read a test practice academic reading. “First words” (p. 35, 36) then give the answers to the questions on page 35, 36


Handout  1. The most difficult aspect of Learning English

1.1                  Which of the following aspects of English do you find the most difficult?

a. vocabulary    b. grammar    c. reading  d. writing e. pronunciation       f. speaking    g. listening

Handout 2. Matching

Listen again and find words that match these definitions.

a.    change words from one language to another.........

b.    the ability to do something without making mistakes

c.    something that prevents successful communication

d.   a person who has spoken the language from birth ...

e.    the ability to speak without hesitation...................

f.     work or carry out daily tasks...............


Handout  3.  IDIOMS

Use a dictionary to check the idioms (1-8) with the  meanings (a-h) in the box. Then complete sentences 1-8 with the correct phrase. (p.32)


Match the idioms with their definitions





1.        There is something to be said for

2.        Needless to say

3.        Have a say

4.        When all is said and done

5.        Having said that

6.        To say the least

7.        You can say that again!

8.        That is to say



a)        After everything else, remember this

b)        Be involved in making a decision

c)        Despite this

d)        I totally agree with you

e)        In other words

f)         It has some advantages

g)        It is in fact, even more important than I have just said

h)        This is to be totally expected


Handout 4. Error warning


N.B. Note the following common errors with say, speak, talk, tell.

I speak German. NOT Talk-German. She’s always talking about her dog. NOT tell about. Can I tell you something?

NOT tell something. NB Tell can be used to refer to a chart /graph: The chart tells us how many students were enrolled. However, it is better to use language that is more impersonal: The chart shows how many students were enrolled. NB You should not use say to talk about charts: From the char-t-Tc-en-say-how-many students.

2.2      Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1     The chart talks us how many students were studying in the college in 1990 ____

2     I can’t understand what he is speaking. He’s almost incoherent....... ____

3     Today I’m going to tell about my last holiday in America....... ______

4     I can talk three languages fluently, but Italian is my mother tongue_____

5     I learned English from a textbook, so I don’t really understand it when it is said_____

6     The table says the percentage of people moving into urban areas between 1960 and 1990.____

Handout 5. Crossing out the odd

The words in column В should be similar in meaning to those in column A. Cross out the odd word in each group.





contact correspond indicate interact

1 conclude

close summarise recap recall

2 explain

clarify define express illustrate

3 mean

indicate intend signify stutter

4 meaning

conjecture connotation significance sense

5 say

demonstrate express speak verbalise

6 suggest

imply intimate propose state

1 tell

gesture narrate recount relate

8 understand

appreciate comprehend contradict follow



Lesson 6

Effective communication

Topics:  Sign of success


Speaking: linguistics

Listening:  6b,

Reading: Academic reading p 35-37


Learning objectives

·                    Raise students’ awareness about the Sign Language

·                    To have practice on academic reading passage


The procedure of the lesson


Handout 1. Gap filling reading

Linguistics. Read the text, complete the gaps using the words which are given in the box and then answer the questions.


Signs of success


Concepts, Converse, Describe, Dialect, Distinguishing, Emerged, Evolved, Express, Gestures, Inherent, Linguists, Meanings, Means, Sophisticated, Spontaneously.


Deaf people are making a profound contribution to the study of language


Just as biologists rarely see a new species arise, 1.________________ rarely get to discover an unknown 2.____________or even better, to see a new language being born. But the past few decades have seen an exception. Academics have been able to follow the formation of a new language in Nicaragua. The catch is that it is not a spoken language but, rather, a sign language which arose  3. _________________in deaf children.

The thing that makes language different from other  4.________________of communication is that it is made of units that can be combined in different ways to create different 5._______________. In a spoken language these units are words; in a sign language these units are 6.______________. Ann Senghas, of Columbia University, in New York, is one of the linguists who have been studying the way these have gradually  7.,______________in Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL).

The language  8. ______________in the late 1970s, at a new school for deaf children. Initially, the children were instructed by teachers who could hear. No one taught them how to sign; they simply worked it out for themselves. By conducting experiments on people who attended the school at various points in its history, Dr Senghas has shown how NSL has become more 9.____________________ over time. For example,  10.____________________that an older signer uses a single sign for, such as rolling and falling, have been unpacked into separate signs by youngsters. Early users, too, did not develop a way of  11. ________________-left from right. Dr Senghas showed this by asking signers of different ages to  12.______________about a set of photographs that each could see. One signer had to pick a photograph and  13.______________it. The other had to guess which photograph he was referring to.

When all the photographs contained the same elements, merely arranged differently, older people, who had learned the early form of the language, could neither signal which photo they meant, nor understand the signals of their younger partners. Nor could their younger partners teach them the signs that indicate left and right. The older people clearly understood the concept of left and right, they just could not  14.________________it. What intrigues the linguists is that, for a sign language to emerge spontaneously, deaf children must have some 15._______________ tendency to link gestures to meaning.


3.2.                     Say whether the following statements are true or false. Give an explanation for each answer using words from the text. Then use your dictionary to check the meaning of any words in bold that you do not know.

1.    Ann Senghas studies languages. _______________True - she’s a linguists.

2.             Teachers taught the Nicaraguan deaf children how to use sign language.__________

3.    The earliest form of the sign language was very basic._________________

4.    The older signers were able to show the difference between left and right._________________

5.    Linguists believe that deaf children are born with the ability to link gestures to meaning._________________________


Handout 2. Test practice.  Academic Reading

 First words

There are over 6, 000 different languages today, but how did language evolve in the first place?

Pinpointing the origin of language might seem like idle speculation, because sound does not fossilise. However, music, chit-chat and even humour may have been driving forces in the evolution of language, and gossip possibly freed our ancestors from sitting around wondering what to say next.

There are over 6,000 different languages today, and the main language families are thought to have arisen as modern humans wandered about the globe in four great migrations beginning 100,000 years ago. But how did language evolve in the first place? Potential indicators of early language are written in our genetic code, behaviour and culture. The genetic evidence is a gene called FOXP2, in which mutations appear to be responsible for speech defects. FOXP2 in humans differs only slightly from the gene in chimpanzees, and may be about 200,000 years old, slightly older than the earliest modern humans. Such a recent origin for language seems at first rather silly.

How could our speechless Homo sapiens ancestors colonise the ancient world, spreading from Africa to Asia, and perhaps making a short sea-crossing to Indonesia, without language? Well, language can have two meanings: the infinite variety of sentences that we string together, and the pointing and grunting communication that we share with other animals.

Marc Hauser (Harvard University) and colleagues argue that the study of animal behaviour and communication can teach us how the faculty of language in the narrow human sense evolved. Other animals don’t come close to understanding our sophisticated thought processes. Nevertheless, the complexity of human expression may have started off as simple stages in animal ‘thinking’ or problem-solving. For example, number processing (how many lions are we up against?), navigation (time to fly south for the winter), or social relations (we need teamwork to build this shelter). In other words, we can potentially track language by looking at the behaviour of other animals.

William Noble and lain Davidson (University of New England) look for the origin of language in early symbolic behaviour and the evolutionary selection in fine motor control. For example, throwing and making stone tools could have developed into simple gestures like pointing that eventually entailed a sense of self-awareness. They argue that language is a form of symbolic communication that has its roots in behavioural evolution. Even if archaic humans were physically capable of speech (a hyoid bone for supporting the larynx and tongue has been found in a Neanderthal skeleton), we cannot assume symbolic communication. They conclude that language is a feature of anatomically modern humans, and an essential precursor of the earliest symbolic pictures in rock art, ritual burial, major sea-crossings, structured shelters and hearths - all dating, they argue, to the last 100,000 years.

But the archaeological debate of when does not really help us with what was occurring in those first chats. Robin Dunbar (University of Liverpool) believes they were probably talking about each other - in other words, gossiping.

He discovered a relationship between an animal’s group size and its neocortex (the thinking part of the brain), and tried to reconstruct grooming times and group sizes for early humans based on overall size of fossil skulls. Dunbar argues that gossip provides the social glue permitting humans to live in cohesive groups up to the size of about 150, found in population studies among hunter-gatherers, personal networks and corporate organisations. Apes are reliant on grooming to stick together, and that basically constrains their social complexity to groups of 50. Gelada baboons stroke and groom each other for several hours per day. Dunbar thus concludes that, if humans had no speech faculty, we would need to devote 40 per cent of the day to physical grooming, just to meet our social needs.

Humans manage large social networks by ‘verbal grooming’ or gossiping - chatting with friends over coffee, for example. So the ‘audience’ can be much bigger than for grooming or one-on-one massage. Giselle Bastion, who recently completed her PhD at Flinders University, argues that gossip has acquired a bad name, being particularly associated with women and opposed by men who are defending their supposedly objective world. Yet it’s no secret that men gossip too. We are all bent on keeping track of other people and maintaining alliances. But how did we graduate from grooming to gossip? Dunbar notes that just as grooming releases opiates that create a feeling of wellbeing in monkeys and apes, so do the smiles and laughter associated with human banter.

Dean Falk (Florida State University) suggests that, before the first smattering of language there was motherese, that musical gurgling between a mother and her baby, along with a lot of eye contact and touching. Early human babies could not cling on to their mother as she walked on two feet, so motherese evolved to soothe and control infants. Motherese is a small social step up from the contact calls of primates, but at this stage grooming probably still did most of the bonding.

So when did archaic human groups get too big to groom each other? Dunbar suggests that nomadic expansion out of Africa, maybe 500,000 years ago, demanded larger group sizes and language sophistication to form the various alliances necessary for survival. Davidson and Noble, who reject Dunbar’s gossip theory, suggest that there was a significant increase in brain size from about 400,000 years ago, and this may correlate with increasing infant dependence. Still, it probably took a long time before a mother delivered humanity’s maiden speech. Nevertheless, once the words were out, and eventually put on paper, they acquired an existence of their own. Reading gossip magazines and newspapers today is essentially one-way communication with total strangers - a far cry from the roots of language.

Questions 1-5

Choose the correct answer А, В, C or D.

1    In paragraph 1, the writer uses the term ‘idle speculation’ to refer to the study of A why people began to use music.

В where language first evolved.

C when people began to talk.

D how humour first began.

2    What does the writer tell us about FOXP2?

A It helps prevent speech problems.

В It is the same in chimpanzees as in humans.

C It could have first occurred 100,000 years ago.

D It could have first occurred 200,000 years ago.

3    In paragraph 2, what notion does the writer refer to as being ‘rather silly’?

A That language began such a long time ago.

В That man could travel around the world unable to talk.

C That chimpanzees may have been able to talk.

D That communication between chimpanzees pre-dates man.

4    Why does the writer refer to ‘lions’ in paragraph 3?

A To illustrate the type of communication needs faced by early man.

В To indicate how vulnerable early man was to predators.

C To provide evidence of other species existing at the same time.

D To show the relationship between early humans and other animals.

5    Gelada baboons are mentioned in order to show that

A using grooming to form social bonds limits the size of a social group.

В early humans would probably have lived in groups of up to 50.

C baboons’ social groups are larger than those of early humans.

D baboons spend 40 per cent of their time grooming each other.


N. B

Test Tip

For matching items, first locate all the people listed in the text. Read all the views they express and then find the statement which matches this. NB The ideas or statements in the questions will not be expressed in exactly the same words as in the text and they will not be in the same order as in the text. You may not need to use all of the people in the list.

Questions 6-14

Look at the following statements (questions 6-14) below and the list of people.

Match each statement with the correct person or people, (A-E).

Write the correct letter, A-E, next to questions 6-14.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

6    There is physical evidence of increased human intelligence up to 400,000 years ago.

7    In the modern world, gossiping is seen in a negative way       

8    Language must have developed before art and travel 

9    The development of human language can be gauged by studying other species        

10    Gossiping makes humans feel good.

11    The actions of early humans could have evolved into a form of communication        

12    The first language emerged through a parent talking to an infant        

13    Gossip was the first purpose of human communication

14    Early humans used language to help them live together.          

List of people

A Hauser

В Noble and Davidson

C Dunbar

D Bastion

E Falk

Lesson 7

On the move

Topics:  Tourism, travel


Speaking: Tourism, travel

Listening: 7a, 7b

Writing: describing a chart.


Learning objectives


·         To have practice on academic writing Task 1. (Bar graph)


The procedure of the lesson



Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions (p.38. Handout 1.)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  Ask them to talk and write about the place where they live and where they would take a visitor to their hometown to see.

Vocabulary terms: accommodation, attraction,  countryside, destination,  eco-tourism,  facilities,  itinerary,  landscape, luggage,  peak, tourism, tourist,  transport,   travel, travelling,  trend, trip,  adventurous,  budget, breathtaking,  coastal, cosmopolitan diverse, flexible, local,  luxurious,  mountainous,  picturesque,  polluted,  quaint,  remote,  rough,  rural,  scenic, stunning,  tough,  unspoilt, urban,  affect, fluctuate.

Listening: Ask students to listen  to the track 18 and complete the table. (p38, Ex 1.2., 1.3)

Handout 2.

Video fragment: Show students a video about Writing Task 1.

Teacher’s note: How to prepare for IELTS – Writing -The writing test  is the third test you do on the test day.   You have 60 minutes for this test.  There are two tasks or parts to do.  You will be given a card with the two tasks – one task on each side of the card.  You can make notes or write your plans on  the card but  it will not be seen by the examiner.  You  will  also  be  given  an  answer  booklet.    You  have  to  write  your essays  in  the  answer  booklet.    Notes  are  not  acceptable  and  essays under the word limit will be penalized.

The Tasks

Task 1

This  task  tests  your  ability  to  perform  one  or  more  of  the  following functions in English:

Ø  describe and interpret graphic data

Ø  describe the stages of a process or procedure

Ø  describe an object or event or sequence of events

Ø  explain how something works

 The question

You are given graphic or pictorial information and you have to write a description of this information.

 Bar  charts,  line  graphs,  pie  charts  and  tables  are most  frequently given  for  this  task.    However,  you  could  also  be  given  an  object  or series of pictures or diagrams or a flow chart to describe.  

If graphs are used there may be just one – usually a line graph or a bar chart.  However, there could also be more than one of the same type of graph or a combination of graphs and charts.    

Length & Timing

You have to write at least 150 words.

You are advised to spend 20 minutes on this task.


Your performance in Task 1 will be assessed on the criteria below:

Task Achievement

Ø  Being able to follow the instructions properly.

Ø  Being  able  to  write  a  clear,  accurate  and  relevant  description  of  the information.

Ø  Being  able  to  focus  on  the  important  trends  presented  as  graphic information.

Coherence and Cohesion

Ø  Being able to organize your writing using a suitable structure.

Ø  Using connective words to link sentences and paragraphs logically.

Lexical Resources

Ø  Being able to use a wide range of vocabulary naturally.

Ø  Being able to spell accurately and using the appropriate word formation.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Ø  Using the appropriate grammatical structures accurately

Ø  Using a variety of sentence structures.


Vocabulary note (1): When talking about statistics we say that figures reach a peak of or peak at. The number of visitors reached a peak of 10,000 /peakedat 10,000. The opposite of a peak is a low. The word trough also has this meaning, but is usually used together with the word peak: The number of visitors fell to a low of only 556 in 1978. The tourism industry has its peaks and troughs.

Journey - getting from A to B: When driving a long way it is best to break your journey up into two-hour blocks. Tourism = the industry or business of providing holiday transport, accommodation and entertainment.


Writing: To describe this bar graph.

Speaking: To describe the place they live (Part 2 Speaking. 2-minute speech)



Handout 1. 
Answer these questions about the place where you live.
What would you take a visitor to your hometown to see?
Which of the following best describes the place where you live? 
A. coastal B. mountainous C. rural D. urban
Handout 2. 

1.2. Listen to four people describing where they live and complete the table below. Use the correct adjective from 1.1 for the ‘Type of place’ column. Write down any words that helped you decide.

1.3.  Listen again and decide which of the speakers’ hometowns can be reached:
  A by air	 в by rail	 C byroad	 D by sea	

Speaker	Type of place	Words that helped you decide


Handout 3. 
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the box. You may use the words more than once.
At, low,  of,  peak,  reach,  trend,  travel,  trough
Harbour City Tourism
1.a city hotel occupancy.  2. coastal hotel occupancy 3.  adventure tourism 4.  rail travel   5. air travel

1.	The chart shows the __________in tourism in Harbour City in 1970,1985 and 2000.
2.	Adventure tourism rose from a low___________20 per cent in 1970 to a peak__________50 per cent in 2000.
3.	The occupancy of coastal hotels _____________at close to 90 per cent in 1985.
4.	In 2000 the number of passengers ______________by air _________a peak of 80 per cent.
5.	The number of train passengers fell to a _____________of approximately 25 per cent in 2000.
6.	The two greatest_________________ occurred in adventure tourism in 1970 and rail travel in 2000.
7.	The percentage of coastal hotel occupancy experienced the greatest__________ and___________
8.	City hotel occupancy peaked_________ almost 80 per cent in 1985.






















Lesson 7

On the move

Topics: Travel advice   


Reading: Travel advice    p 39.

Speaking: Advantages and disadvantages of tourism

Reading:  General training reading p 41. 42


Learning objectives

·         To have practice on general training reading


The procedure of the lesson

The teacher explains the difference between ‘travel, “journey”, “trip

Vocabulary note:

Travel = a verb and an uncountable noun used to talk about travelling in a general way: Air travel has become cheaper than rail travel in some places.

Trip = short holiday or time away: I have to go on a business trip to Japan.

Trip can also be used to refer to a journey. The bus trip was really long.

Journey - getting from A to B: When driving a long way it is best to break your journey up into two-hour blocks.

Tourism = the industry or business of providing holiday transport, accommodation and entertainment.

Error warning

Travel/Travelling = moving from one place to another: I think travel/travelling helps to educate you about the world. NOT / think tourism helps to educate you.

NB: Travelling = UK spelling, Traveling = US spelling.

Luggage is uncountable and refers to all of your bags: Put your luggage/suitcases here.

Not Put your luggages....


Teacher asks brainstorming the topic of an essay “Advantages and disadvantages of tourism” and then gives students the ex 2.3to compete the essay gaps.

Pronunciation: Teacher explains that all of these words contain the letters “ou”, but they are not all pronounced in the same way. Then, she asks to put the words (p40, Ex: 3) into the correct box according to their pronunciation. Then asks to  listen and check.


Homework: Read the general reading passage and do the following task.

Writing: writing an essay about: “Advantages and disadvantages of tourism



Handout 1.  Travel, journey, trip
2.1. Correct the seven vocabulary mistakes in the text.
Thanks to modern transport people can now journey a lot more easily than in the past. However, modern- day trip also has its problems: airports can be very crowded and there are often long queues of people waiting to collect their luggages. One way to make this job easier is to tie a colourful ribbon around each of your luggage so they are easier to spot on the conveyor belt. If you are going away on a short journey of only a few days then you may be able to limit yourself to i hand luggage and save even more time. For longer travels, make sure you take plenty of snacks and drinks, especially if you are trip with small children.
1.	travel	2.	
3.		4.	
5.		6.	













Handout 2. Travel advice
2.3.	Think of a suitable word or words to complete the sentences. Then read the following travel advice and check your answers.

1)	I gave my parents a copy of my___________ before I left so that they would know where I was.
2)	It is difficult to get tickets at that time of year so we booked ours well____________
3)	My bank has a lot of branches overseas so I could___________ my own account easily.
4)	Driving a car during ________ periods can be horrendous.
5)	Your passport, tickets and money are the only really_________ items on any trip.
6)	In the duty free shop they asked to see our tickets and some form of__________ 
7)	The exchange rate can __________a great deal, so shop around for the best deal.
8)	When we finally reached our	_____________we were very tired.

Travel advice
The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year so try to be flexible with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. It can also be cheaper if you book well in advance. Before your departure, make sure you do as much research about your destination as you can. Find out if you require any special visas or permits to travel there. Think about currency as well. Will you be able to access your own money easily enough or will you need to take cash with you? Think about eating larger lunches and smaller evening meals to help make your spending money go further, as lunch is generally cheaper. Make sure that you keep sufficient identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of your passport details to yourself in case it is lost or stolen. Label your suitcases clearly so that they can be easily identified as yours. It can be useful to store a copy of your itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will know where to find you if your luggage gets lost. Be sure to pack any medication or other essential items in your hand luggage. If your flight is delayed or your luggage is lost these can be difficult to obtain in an airport or foreign country.

Handout 3. Essay completions 
Complete the essay below with suitable words from the box. Then, in your notebook, write a conclusion for the essay.

	effect	eco-tourism	remote	transport	trend	tourism	tourists

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?

Since the aeroplane became a common form of (1)	 ___________ people have become more adventurous in their choice of holiday destination and expect to be able to fly to even the most (2) _________ parts of the world. But what (3)_______do tourists have on their surrounding environment? The arrival of a group of (4) __________in a small community can mean the end of peace and quiet as they indulge in one long party. When on holiday, away from parents, young people can sometimes change their normal standards of behaviour. Fuelled by alcohol and too much sun they can do damage to themselves as well as the community around them. This invasion (5) _________	the local people in many ways, disrupting their normal routine and increasing their working hours.
However, (6) __________can also be of benefit to a small community, bringing jobs and a source of income that may not have existed before. This may mean that younger people are encouraged to stay in the community rather than seeking work in the city. There is also a growing (7) ______________towards different types of holidays. Nowadays we hear a great deal about the popularity of (8)	 ___________ which I think indicates that
people are more aware of the environment and wish to protect it rather than harm it.




































Handout 4. Pronunciation 
All of these words contain the letters ou, but they are not all pronounced in the same way. Put these words into the correct box according to their pronunciation. Then listen and check.

boundary	bought	cough	course	country	double	doubt	drought	enough	
journal	journey	nought	rough	south	southern	tourism	tourist	trouble 	trough
з: (as in bird,)	оэ (as in pure,)	л (as in cup,)
au (as in cowj	D (as in not,)	o: (as in ball,)










Test practice

General Training Reading Section 1

This summer we have a fabulous range of adventure holidays climbing up mountains or flying off them! With our unique all-inclusive formula and budget accommodation, we’re sure you will not find better value elsewhere. Our holidays are ideal for young people


Homework. Read and do the following tasks

Test practice

General Training Reading Section 1


a.                 This summer we have a fabulous range of adventure holidays climbing up mountains or flying off them! With our unique all-inclusive formula and budget accommodation, we’re sure you will not find better value elsewhere. Our holidays are ideal for young people travelling by themselves as there is no single person supplement and the group lessons included are a great way to meet new people. A minimum age applies to all activities.


b. Discover the hidden beauty of a Roman town and its 21st-century delights. Experience a sumptuous countryside welcome of fine food, admire our world-class heritage and the stunning scenery that surrounds our town. Enjoy the elegance and excitement of our five-star hotel. We offer exclusive couples-only accommodation and you are sure to leave us feeling pampered and relaxed.

c.                 We offer the widest choice of destinations, accommodation and activities throughout the Alps. We can provide accommodation only or a fully packaged activity holiday including flights and accommodation. As a specialist company we craft tailor-made holidays to your exact needs and specifications. Mountain biking, trekking, skiing and snowboarding are just some of the many activities on offer. We can provide top-quality chalets, hotels or apartments and any combination of the above activities.

d.                This Icelandic wonderland never ceases to amaze - with its diverse scenery, wealth of activities and attractions including whale watching and the famous Blue Lagoon, this destination is, not surprisingly, addictive! One of the world’s last genuine wilderness areas, this breathtaking, ice-covered landscape is more accessible in the summer than you might think. Forget about hiring a car - why not try rafting along a slow-moving river?

e.                 This is a captivating holiday destination. There are beautiful beaches, coastal villages, unspoilt coves and bays, clear turquoise waters, breathtaking scenery, mountains that appear to rise out of the sea, cities that sparkle with life, the brilliant sunshine - all contributing to a holiday paradise. There is plenty to see and do and families are particularly well-catered for.


Questions 1-8

Look at the five holiday advertisements, A-E.

For which holiday are the following statements true? Write the correct letter A-E next to questions 1-8. NB You may use any letter more than once.


[1]  Offers both coast and mountains __________________

2    You can observe sea creatures     ________________-

3    Offers self-catering facilities         ________________

4    Good for people travelling alone ________________

5    Offers winter sports  _________________-

6    Suitable for people with young children         _______________-

7    Suitable for people with not much money to spend _____________-

8    Offers luxurious accommodation___________



Lesson 8

Through the ages

Topics: Time, history


Speaking: Time, history

Listening: 8a,.

Vocabulary: ex-1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Reading: 2.1 p 43-44. History


Learning objectives

·                    Raise students’ awareness about the value of time, being a punctual person

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    To understand the meaning of the phrases about “time”


The procedure of the lesson



Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions (p.42.Handout 1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  Ask them to talk and write about the value of time, being a punctual person

Vocabulary terms: age, archaeologist, century, decade,  era ,  evidence, excavation, generation,  the Middle Ages,  millennia, period, phase, pioneer, timeline, ancient,  chronological, consecutive,  historical,  imminent,  middle-aged, nostalgic,  prehistoric, prior (to),  punctual, time-consuming, erode, infer,  predate, span, subsequently,  previously, chronologically, formerly

Listening: Ask students to listen  to the tape 20 find three people speaking about punctuality and decide whether they are  punctual, always in a hurry, always late.  (p.43, Ex 1.2., 1.3) Handout 2.

Vocabulary (1): Find the meanings of idioms, phrases (p. 42, Ex 1.3)

Error warning: The teacher explains that we use take + time in the following ways: Take your time (= don’t hurry), Take a long time/too much time.

NВWe can say It took a lot of time /so much time/too much time, but be careful when you use long: it took a long time / It took too long /It took so long.

NOT.  It took too long- time/It took so long time-.- We can also say I took three hours to get there or It took (me) three hours to get there.

Phrases with:  “time” . in time, lose track of time,  on time,  save time,  spend time,  take so long,  the right time.

After teacher’s explanations,  students do the ex. 1.3. p.42(Handout 3)

Vocabulary (2): Distinguish the usage of adverbs which have the similar meaning as  “before”, ”after”. (p. 42. Ex. 1.4) (Handout 4)

Reading: before giving the passage for  reading ask the students’  what they know about “Stonehenge,” and then, ask them to read the text (p.43) and then answer the questions (p.43. Ex: 2.1

Video fragment: After reading the passage ask students to watch a video about Stonehenge, and discuss it in their groups.

Vocabulary noteBC is used in the Christian calendar to refer to the time before the birth of Jesus Christ. AD is used to refer to the time after Christ was born. Circa is used to mean about or approximately and is sometimes written simply c.

NB: We do not use an apostrophe to talk about decades: the 1960s NOT the 1960’s. (Handout 5)

Homework: Prepare a presentation about “Stonehenge”

Handout 1.

Handout 2. Listening
1.2 Listen to three people speaking about punctuality and decide whether they are
A.	Punctual   B.  always in a hurry  C.  always late
Speaker 1_______  Speaker 2_________  Speaker 3__________
Handout 3. Time phrases
1.3.	Listen again and circle each of the phrases in the box as you hear them. Then complete the sentences below using the correct phrase. 

on time	in time	took so long	take my time	the right time	spend time	save time	lose track of time	time-consuming

1.	When I surf the net I often______________ Before know it a few hours have gone by.
2.	I try to make my lunch the night before to ______________
3.	At the weekend I try to ____________with my family.
4.	I find writing notes by hand very ___________
5.	We booked a taxi but it ______________to arrive that we were 15 minutes late.
6.	Excuse me, do you have ______________? I have an appointment at 10 o’clock and I really want to get there _____________
7.	I ran for the bus, but I didn’t get there _________________
8.	I got up very early so that I could ___________getting ready.

Handout 4. closest in meaning to before or after.

1.4. Say whether the words in bold are closest in meaning to before or after.
1	Twenty people were injured in the accident and the tower was subsequently demolished to prevent it from happening again.
2	Prior to the introduction of the steam engine, most people in the UK worked from home.
3	Three years previously the government had introduced a new law allowing women to vote for the first time.
4. There was a great deal of excitement in the days preceding the election.
5	This is the third year in succession that a female has been chosen to manage the club.
6	Istanbul was formerly known as Constantinople.
7	I had to pay $2,000 rent in advance.
8	The newspapers warned that a stock market crash was imminent.

Handout 5.. Stonehenge
2.1. Read the text and then answer the questions below
Stonehenge was built over a long period. If we consider only the ancient stones themselves, die work spanned seventy generations - some 1,600 years. However, the first construction at this site began in prehistoric times. True, these first artifacts were just wooden poles which have long gone, but these were raised by men in times so ancient that Britain was still recovering from the Ice Age. The timeline below shows this history, with a frenzy of activity from just before 3000 BC through to 1600 BC being responsible for most of what we now gaze upon in awe.
Ice age ending
loles	Phases1, 2, 3
Phase 2
Phase 1
lase 3
Ice age ending						
8000 BC	7000 BC	6000 BC	5000 BC	4000 BC 3000 BC	2000 BC	1000BC
Timeline of the building of Stonehenge
If we consider the structure chronologically, we can see that construction took place in several phases over more than a thousand years. Exact dates are not possible, since dates are inferred from minute changes in physical measurements, such as die radiocarbon dating method. Nevertheless, archaeologists have sketched out the following outline of events. First, the people of the Mesolithic period erected pine posts, known as the postholes, near Stonehenge. In the 1960s a car park was built over these. During the next stage, Phase 1 (c. 3100 to 2700 BC), a ditch was carved into the chalk less than 1 bn from Stonehenge. This would have appeared brilliant white in the green of what had now become pastureland as the hunter-gatherers that erected the postholes gave way to farmers. Also during this time the ‘henge’ (the earthworks; ditch and bank) was constructed. Many visitors to Stonehenge fail to notice the ‘henge’ since die ditch and bank have been greatly eroded over the passing millennia. In Phase 2 of the construction (c. 2700 to c. 2500 BC), a large number of wooden posts were placed on the site. These may have served as markers for astronomical measurements. We do not know if diere are more of them as excavation did not cover a large area. This was followed by Phase 3 (c. 2600 to 2500 BC). Stones began to arrive in diis era and the circular shape and pattern of these enormous stones, which predate all other known structures, is still standing today. According to historians, there was no written mention of Stonehenge until 1100 AD.
1	Approximately when was the Mesolithic period?____	
2	What method was used to establish the dates of construction?	_____
3	When did the earliest structures become permanently hidden from view?	___
4	What type of people lived at Stonehenge during the Mesolithic period?	______
Why do many visitors not see the ‘henge’?	_______
Lesson 8

Through the ages

Topics: History of dentistry


Speaking: history of dentistry

Listening: 8b Section 4.

Vocabulary: ex-2.3

Reading: 2.1 p 43-44. History






Learning objectives


·               Ask students to revise the passage about Timeline of the building of Stonehenge

·               Raise students’ awareness about the difference between; “age”, “era”,

·               Encourage students to speak about Past, compare it with now

·               To have practice on IELTS Listening, Section 4.


Focus  students’  attention  on  the  sentences which were  given to the e passage about “Timeline of the building of Stonehenge” (p.43.)  and  let  them  do the exercises with definitions. (Handout 1.)

Vocabulary note: The teacher explains the difference between; “age”, “era”.

Age = a particular period of history: the Victorian age, the digital age. Era = a period of time that is remembered for particular events: The arrival of moving pictures marked the end of an era for live theatre. Middle-aged = people in their middle years of life: Most companies are run by middle-aged men. The Middle Ages = a period of European history between 1000 and 1500 AD. Students do exercise 2.3. p. 44. (Handout 2)

The teacher encourages students to speak about Past, compare it with now. Ex: 3.1, 3.2. p/ 44 (Handout 3)


Listening: Students have a practice on IELTS listening, Section 4. (Handout 4)




Handout. 2
2.3. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the box. You do not need to use all of the words. Use a dictionary and make a note of the different meanings in your notebook.

age	ancient	chronological	antique	antiquated	consecutive	era	the Middle Ages	middle-aged

1	You should organise the dates into________order from the oldest to the most recent.
2	The museum has an excellent exhibition about life during_________	
3	I much prefer studying __________history to modern history.
4	The first moon landing marked the beginning of an exciting _______________ in space exploration.
5	My grandparents are refusing to adapt to the computer___________
6	It would be better if the meetings were on__________days. We’d get more done that way.
Handout. 1
2.2.	Read the text again and find a word or words that match these definitions.
1.	interval of time________
2.	very old_____________
3.	extended over____________
4.	before people made written records of events______________
5.	arranged in the order in which they actually happened_______
6	stage of development___________
7	worn away over time___________
8	thousands of years___________
9	digging for artefacts_______________
10	 a period of history__________
11	to exist earlier than something else__________




Handout 2. 
3.1. Answer the questions about in your notebook.
1	Do you often think back to the past or do you prefer to concentrate on the future?
2	Do you think it is important for children to study history? (Why? / Why not?)
3	If you could go back in time, which period of time would you like to visit? (Why?)
3.2	Correct the mistakes in italics in these answers to the questions in 3.1. Use a dictionary to help you.
1	Yes, I do think about the past almost all-times, in fact. I think I am a very nostalgia person, so I often look backwards at my life and remember good times as well as bad. I definitely think about it more than the future.
2	I didn’t really enjoy studying history at school. I think teenagers are more interested in the modern time than in the past! But now that I’m older, I can see that actually it is very important. We need to know about important history events because hopefully they can stop us from making the same mistakes in the future.
3	The stage of history I’d most like to visit is ancient Egypt. I think it would be amazing to go back in times and watch how they lived and how they built the pyramids. I wouldn’t want to stay long though - I think I would miss the digital period too much!

1	2	3
(of) the time		









Handout 4.  Test practice. Listening Section 4

Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER.

The history of dentistry
Early history

•	The earliest reference to problems with teeth was in (1)____________	
•	The ancient Sumerians called problems with teeth ‘tooth (2)__________	
•	There is (3)___________ to show that the Chinese used dental treatments.
Remedies and treatment
•	An old text from (4) _______ reveals medical practices from 1700 to 1500 BC. The
text refers to the use of (5) ________ and (6) _______ to relieve toothache.
•	In the fifth century BC a Greek (7)____________ noted the beginnings of specialization in medicine.
•	A Greek doctor was the first to (8) __________ problem teeth.
•	In Europe during the (9)	,______________ doctors performed dentistry in people’s homes.
•	A dentist from France is said to have founded (10)	___________ dentistry.



Lesson 9 a

The natural world

Topics: Flora and fauna, agriculture

Speaking: The natural world

Listening: 9a, 9b

Vocabulary: 1.2, 1.3-words.

Reading: Introduced species p 47-48








Learning objectives:

-Raise students awareness about the natural world;

- Learn new vocabulary words relating to flora and fauna properly;

-To have more practice on compound nouns;

-To have practice on academic reading;


The procedure of the lesson




Focus student’s attention on the questions (p.46. Handout 1.1) and let them share their opinion with the whole class. Let them speak about plants and animals they know.

Vocabulary (1): Ask students to find out the words associated with plants and animals. (p.46. Handout 1.2)

Vocabulary (2): Make students to work with compound nouns. Basic terms: animal, human, nature and natural (p.46. Handout 1.3)

Listening: Ask students to listen to the tape 9a and to complete the table according to the tape. (p.47. Exercise 1.4)

Reading (1): Draw students’ attention on  topic “Agriculture” before reading. Ask them to find out odd one out. (p.47. Exercise 2.1)

Reading (2): Ask students to read the text and decide if the statements are true or false. Ask students to find words in the text which means the same or the opposite of the following words: Chemicals to kill pests; fields, killed off, native, very successful (p.47, Ex.2.2)

Reading (3): Ask students to read the next part of the text and match the words with the definitions in Ex. 2.3 (p.48 Handout 2.3)

Grammar: Ask students the fill the table of word building (p.48. Ex.2.4)

Vocabulary (3): By giving another text, ask students to replace the words in italics with the suitable word or phrase they have learned from this unit. (p.48. Handout 3)

Pronunciation: Ask student to listen to the tape 9b and do exercise 4. (p.48. Ex.4.)





Handout №1.

1.1       How many plants and animals do you know? Can you name:

five animals found in Africa?   


B five different types of flower?


C five types of fruit?

D five animals found in Australia?


E five different types of tree?

F five types of vegetable?


Handout № 2


1.2 Are these words associated with plants or animals? Put the words into the correct column. Which word can go in both columns?







root coat predator




hide scales



claw thorn petal








Which five words in the animal column are connected to their skin or covering?

Handout № 3.COMPOUND NOUNS Complete the sentences by adding one of these words animal, human, nature, natural.

1    It’s human. nature..... to want to find a solution to our problems.

2    Vegans do not use or eat any.... products.

3    I would rather be served by a... being than by a computer.

4.   I am constantly amazed by how beautiful and how destructive mother          can be.

5.   Man is said to be the most dangerous creature of all the         kingdom.

6.      Animals are much happier living in their       habitat.

7.     Manmade disasters such as chemical spills can destroy the          balance.

8.     In some countries prisoners are denied basic....... rights.


Exercise 1.4 Complete the table




   Found in South Africa in

(1)...................... areas.

  Avoids woodland and thick

(2) ........................

  It sleeps in (3).....................

  If necessary, the meerkat will make a (4)......... between rocks.

   Meerkats mostly eat

(5)                       ,

(6) ...................... and


   They occasionally eat small rodents

and the (8).................... of

certain plants.

Exercise 2.1 Crossing out the odd.


2.1       Which is the odd one out? Circle the word which is different from the others and say why.

1                                                                                                                                                                                                          rose tulip daisy (weed)!^.FtT- 5 tropical subtropical humid arid...........................................

2    plant grow cultivate soil................... 6 arid desert semi-arid tropical.......................

3                                                                                           crop plant shrub bush......................................... 7 endemic native introduced local......................................

4    organic natural chemical biological..............

Exercise 2.2

2.2      Read the text and then decide if the statements below are true or false. Find words in the text which mean the same or the opposite of the words in bold.

Introduced species

Since the birth of agriculture, farmers have tried to avoid using pesticides by employing various biological methods to control nature. The first method involved introducing a predator that would control pests by eating them. This was used successfully in 1925 to control the prickly pear population in Australia. The prickly pear had originally been used as a divider between paddocks. However, it eventually spread from a few farms to 4 million hectares of farming land, rendering them unusable. The Cactoblastis moth larvae was introduced to help control the situation and within ten years, the prickly pear was virtually eradicated. Further attempts at biological control weren't so successful. When farmers tried to eliminate the cane beetle by introducing the South American cane toad, the results were catastrophic. The cane toad did not eat the cane beetle and the toad population spread rapidly leading to the decline of native species of mammals and reptiles.

1    Farmers do not like using chemicals to kill pests.............

2    The prickly pear was planted as a type of barrier between fields.....

3    The Cactoblastis moth killed off nearly all prickly pear plants..........

4    The cane toad was a native species to Australia...............

5. Using the cane toad was very successful       

2.3       Exercise 2.3 Now read the rest of the text and match the words in italics to the definitions below.

3 Improve the text by replacing the words in italics
with a suitable word or phrase from this unit.
Some farmers believe that growing 1 fruit and vegetables that have been 2 changed so that their genes are different is a good way to 3 totally stop pests and improve the quality of their produce. However, this type ofй farming has both advantages and disadvantages.
One of the advantages is that farmers can grow plants that produce a poison that is harmful to 5 small animals like flies and caterpillars. This means that farmers will not have to use 6 chemicals to kill these animals and so this should be better for the surrounding environment and the 7 earth that plants grow in. As a result, it could help to protect other 8 plants as well as the 9 living space of any animals in the area.
On the other hand, farmers usually only spray their fields once or twice per year but these new plants would be toxic all year round. Furthermore, it is possible that over time the pests may 10 stop being killed by the toxins and so the problem would be worse than ever. The toxins may also be poisonous to other plants and animals and this would upset the 11 way plants and animals live and grow together and may lead to more animals becoming12 at risk of extinction.
PRONUNCIATION ® 9b Each of the words in the box below has a weak sound (э) or schwa, e.g. about. Underline the schwa in each word, then listen and check your answers. Practise saying the words. There may be more than one schwa in each word.
Other introduced species have proved similarly disastrous among native Australian animals. Since the introduction of the cat, the fox and the rabbit from Europe, 19 species of native animals have become extinct and a further 250 species are considered to be either endangered or vulnerable.

The modern-day approach to the biological control of pests is through genetically modified crops.

It remains to be seen whether this controversial method will have any long-term repercussions, particularly in regards to the ecological balance of the environment where they are grown. Some fear that insects may become resistant to these new crops and therefore become even more difficult to control.

1    at risk............................

2    negative effects...........................

3    to stop being affected by something

4    at risk of dying out...........................

5    no longer existing............................

6    crops whose genes have been scientifically changed

7    extremely bad or unsuccessful.........................

8    the relationship between plants, animals, land, air, 4

and water............................

Handout № 3. WORD BUILDING Complete the table.




















.................. extinct










Handout № 4.  Improve the text by replacing the words in italics
with a suitable word or phrase from this unit.

Some farmers believe that growing 1 fruit and vegetables that have been 2 changed so that their genes are different is a good way to 3 totally stop pests and improve the quality of their produce. However, this type ofй farming has both advantages and disadvantages.

One of the advantages is that farmers can grow plants that produce a poison that is harmful to 5 small animals like flies and caterpillars. This means that farmers will not have to use 6 chemicals to kill these animals and so this should be better for the surrounding environment and the 7 earth that plants grow in. As a result, it could help to protect other 8 plants as well as the 9 living space of any animals in the area.

On the other hand, farmers usually only spray their fields once or twice per year but these new plants would be toxic all year round. Furthermore, it is possible that over time the pests may 10 stop being killed by the toxins and so the problem would be worse than ever. The toxins may also be poisonous to other plants and animals and this would upset the 11 way plants and animals live and grow together and may lead to more animals becoming12 at risk of extinction.

Exersice 4.

PRONUNCIATION ® 9b Each of the words in the box below has a weak sound (э) or schwa, e.g. about. Underline the schwa in each word, then listen and check your answers. Practise saying the words. There may be more than one schwa in each word.



Lesson 12

Information technology

Topics (1)

Telecommunications , computers and technology

Learning objectives

·                    Develop students knowledge about Information technology

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    To know the difference between electronic devices

·                    How to paraphrase sentences

·                     Learning compound words and different forms of computer

·                     Strategies of the speaking test


Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the  other students.  Ask them to talk and write about electronic devices. Handout 1.  

Basic terms: technology, computer, communication,  internet, device,  digital, Smartphone ,  virtual, means of information technology,  gadget, mobile, net, access, upload, download. 

Listening(1): Ask students to listen  to the tape 12a  and answer the questions in written form. Handout 2.

Vocabulary (1): Complete the crossword with words from the recording. Handout 3.

Listening (2): Put the proper words which have forgotten by 5 people. Handout 4.

Reading (1):a) before giving the passage for  reading ask the students’  what they know about “Computers and technology” and then, ask them to read the text  and then answer the questions.Handout 5.

b)Match the words in bold in the text with the defenitions. Handout 6.

  c) COMPOUND WORDS Match a word from box A with a word from box В and use the compound words to complete the sentences below. Handout 7.

  d) Correct the mistakes in the text. Use ONE WORD only. Hyphenated words (e.g. state-of-the-art) count as one word. Handout 8.

Speaking : Part 1.Answer the questions(4-5 min).Handout 9.

                   Part 2. Answer the questions(3-4 min)

                   Part 3. Answer the questions(4-5 min)   


Handout 1. Before you listen, answer the questions.


1       Do you have: a mobile phone; a laptop computer; a portable music device; an email address?

2       How long have you had it/them?

3       If you need to connect to the Internet, what do you use? How long does it take you?

4        How would you describe the technology you use?

A  up-to-date  В   dated       C  state-of-the-art

5       How do you prefer to stay in touch with people?

A  by post       В   by email   C  by phone

Handout 2. 12a Listen to a conversation about two different mobile phones and say whether the questions below apply to


a the Smart Phone

 в the Optima

c both the Smart Phone and the Optima.


Which phone

1     is small?               ...........

2     is easy to use?........................

3     has normal phone buttons?.....................

4     shows a calendar without being asked?

5     has the most up-to-date technology?

6     can obtain information from the Internet?



Handout 3. Complete the crossword with words from the recording.


Описание: image52



1     easy to use

3    open a computer file

6     move up or down on a screen

7    work a machine

9      the keys on a computer, typewriter or piano

10    an action or purpose something is designed for


2     show on a screen

4     have specific tools

5    save or keep safe

8      the part of a computer that stores information

11     information


Handout 4. 12b Listen to five people speaking. Each one has forgotten the name for something. What is the word they need to use?


Speaker A: I use my.............. every day.

Speaker В: I use my computer as a..........

Speaker С: I would like to get a...........

Speaker D: I can’t imagine what it was like without…………. 

Speaker E: I would love to get my mother a..


Which two of the words you have used needed the suffix -or


Handout 5. Computers and technology

Read this article and then look at the statements below. Write Yes if the statement agrees with the opinions in the text and No if it contradicts them. Underline the part of the text that gave you your answer.


Has the present lived up to the expectations of the past? Throughout the ages people have tried to predict what life in the twenty-first century would be like. Many science-fiction writers did manage to predict the influence the computer would have on our world. Some even imagined that it would take over our lives, develop a personality, and turn on its creators. To some extent they were right, especially when it comes to children and cyber addiction. One constant prediction was that, thanks to computers and machines, the time devoted to labour would diminish. Even in 1971, in his book Future Shock, Alvin Toffler envisaged a society awash with ‘free time’. The author noted that time at work had been cut in half since the turn of the previous century and wrongly speculated that it would be cut in half again by 2000.

However, our gadget-filled homes are a tribute to the various visions of the future: the microwave oven, internet fridges with ice-cube dispensers, freezers, video monitors, climate control, dishwashers, washing machines, personal computers, wireless connections and cupboards full of instant food. These may no longer be considered cutting-edge but they have matched, if not surpassed, visions of how we would live. The domestic robot never quite happened, but if you can phone ahead to set the heating and use a remote control to operate the garage door, they may as well be redundant.

The car, of course, has failed to live up to our expectations. It has been given turbo engines, DVD players and automatic windows, but its tyres stick stubbornly to the road. Why doesn’t it take off? The past promised us a flying car in various guises. In 1947 a prototype circled San Diego for more than an hour but later crashed in the desert. Some 30 patents for flying cars were registered in the US patent office last century but none of these ideas has been transformed into a commercially available vehicle.

At least communication technology in this digital age hasn’t let us down. Even in the most remote areas people have access to some form of communication device. The introduction of the telephone last century changed our world, but today’s mobile phones and the virtual world of the Internet have revolutionised it.


1     A modern problem proves that computers are dominating our lives in some way. ....yes

2     Alan Toffler’s predictions have been proven true……

3     Household gadgets today have been a disappointment           ……

4     We have enough gadgets now to make robots unnecessary in the home……

5     Today’s cars have fulfilled all predictions……           

6   The mobile phone and the Internet have changed our world for the better……           



Handout 6. Match the words in bold in the text with these definitions


1         guessed ...........

2          a machine invented for a specific purpose (x 2)……….

3          the first working example of a machine………………

4        almost real............

5        very modern……………….


6           be greater than expected......

7              relating to computers... …….

8             a screen that images can be seen on…………..

9      an adjective used to describe anything related to







Handout 7 COMPOUND WORDS Match a word from box A with a word from box В and use the compound words to complete the sentences below.


A automatic cyber labour remote                             В chip connection control pilot

silicon wireless                                                        saving space

1     I can access the Internet from anywhere in my house because my............ laptop has a..........

2     The invention of the made watching television an even more passive experience.

3     In my view the dishwasher is one of the          greatest....... devices.

4 People often talk about emails and text messages being lost in.............. as if it were a real place.

5    Even flying a plane has been automated        now. The....... is used for most of the flight.

6    The invention of the................... meant that computers  could be much smaller.


Handout 8 Correct the mistakes in the text. Use ONE WORD only. Hyphenated words (e.g. state-of-the-art) count as one word.


Today’s 1advance technology has brought many benefits. For example, nowadays we have many 2smatl tools that can save time in the home and, if you have access 2with a computer and a telephone 4connect then you can work almost anywhere you choose. What is more, modern software 5programmes are so user-friendly that you don’t even need a great deal of computer knowledge to be able to 6play them.

However, there are some disadvantages to the 1 technology era. For example, people today want to have the very 8last technology but, as new technology dates very quickly, an increasing amount of computer hardware is being dumped. This adds to our already serious pollution problems. Furthermore, 9computerise has led to fewer jobs and less human contact as many everyday transactions are now done 10with computer rather than manually.

1.      advanced

2.     ……………...

3.     ………………

4.     ………………

5.     ………………

6.     ………………

7.     ………………..

8.     …………………

9.     ………………..

10.  ……………………

Handout 9 Speakingtest

Part 1 (4-5 minutes)

1    Can you tell me about your hometown?

2     What kind of things do you do on a typical day?

3     What form of transport do you usually use?

4     What kind of things do you enjoy doing with your friends?

5     What did you do last weekend?

6     What are your plans for after this test?

Part 2 (3-4 minutes)

In this part of the test you are going to talk about a topic for about 2 minutes. Here is a card with some questions on it. You have about one minute to prepare and you can make notes if you wish.

Describe something you have bought recently.

You should say

   what you bought

    what it looks like

    why you bought it

and say whether you are pleased with your purchase.

Part 3 (4-5 minutes)

1    If you could buy any new gadget you wanted, what would you choose and why?

2     Do you think people today spend too much money buying new things? (Why?)

3     Do you always want to buy the latest technology or are you happy with an older model? (Why?)

4     Why do you think older people struggle so much with new technology?

5     Are there any ways we could help them to adapt?

6     What changes in technology do you think we will see in the next 50 years?

7     Do you think we should always try to improve on existing technology or are some things better as they are? (Why?)


Lesson 13 The modern world

Topics (1)

Globalisation, changing attitudes and trends

Learning objectives


·                    Improve students’ conception about the modern world

·                    Learn new vocabulary with their definitions

·                    Word building (nouns, adjectives)

·                    The comparison of agreements and contradictions(article)

·                    Distinguish the words and symbols( for ex. %-per cent)

·                    To have practice on academic writing task 1(bar graph)



Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions (p.36. Handout 1.1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  Ask them to talk and write about famous brand names which they know.

Basic terms: grammatical range and accuracy,  communication, conjecture, dialect,  fluency,   gesture,   mother tongue,  native speaker, pronunciation, coherence. 

Listening: Ask students to listen  to the tape 6a  find the speakers answers about questions on Ex. 1.1  and express students opinions Handout 2.

Vocabulary (1): Word building (nouns,adjectives)

Vocabulary (2): Distinguish the usage of  the words and symbols .

Reading : before giving the article for  reading ask the students’  what they know about “changing attitudes and trends” and then, ask them to distinguish yes and no statements.

Writing: Ask students to complete the text with suitable words() , practice academic writing.    “Average annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth

       Handout 1. 1.1Talk and write about famous brand names .

Nike Sony Coca Cola Levi’s Versace Gucci Adidas

Handout 2. 1.2 13a Listen to two people, Amy and Bill, discussing globalisation. Who expresses the following opinions? Write A for Amy and В for Bill.

1     Globalisation could harm the regional way of life       ………..

2     Globalisation can help people who live within a small area………..  

3     Worldwide, more people eat traditional food than fast food………..

4  People can enjoy products from many different cultures today         …………..

5     Large overseas companies have control over the non-alcoholic drink market       ……..

6     If not for globalisation, companies from different countries would not join together to do business    

7     People who travel prefer to see unusual and exciting things instead of symbols used by big companies    

8     Experiencing something from another country does not take away your feeling of belonging to your country.............................................................................................................

9     A range of different cultures can be reflected in food bought overseas        ………………

10 No single company has complete control over the fashion industry………………..

Handout 3 13a Now listen again and write the words or phrases from the conversation that mean the same as the words in bold in 1.2.


way of life=culture,………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Handout4 World building.Complete the table





















Handout 4 Changing attitudes and trends

-♦— population
Read the article and then look at the statements below. Write Yes if the statement agrees with the opinions in the text and No if it contradicts them. Underline the part of the text that gave you your answer.

The past 40 years have seen astounding developments: globalisation, the end of the Cold War, the Internet. The next 40 years may bring even more profound changes. In order to predict the future we must first examine the past. Historians see history

as being driven by a combination of cumulative long-term trends and short to mid-term cycles, each of which contains the seeds of a subsequent but familiar situation. There have been many projections about the future which, with the benefit of hindsight, seem rather ridiculous. Who can forget the predictions about the Y2K bug when commentators believed that societies would collapse and satellites would fall from the sky? Unfortunately, as a result, many people today are more sceptical about current predictions concerning global warming.

One of the few areas in which long-term trends can be clearly seen is demographic statistics. These indicate that the population of the world will increase to about eight billion in 2026 and continue to rise to nine billion by 2050, after which it will flatten out. Some societies have birth rates that are already locking their populations into absolute decline. Not only will the populations of each of these societies dwindle, but an increasing proportion will be moving into old age, when they are less productive and use more health resources. However, the weakness of all such predictions is that humans meddle with their own history. Predictions about the future affect how humans act or plan today and ultimately how events unfold. The challenge is to pick the trends that are likely to be prolonged, but to also factor in human influence.


1       A cycle is usually repeated at some time in the future. yes

2       We can look backand understand past predictions……..

3       Past predictions have caused people to firmly believe in current predictions……

4       Population figures can be predicted quite accurately……

5.Some countries are predicted to experience a total decline in population           ……

6. The percentage of elderly people will dwindle in some countries……

7.Elderly people work less …….

8.To make accurate predictions we need to take into account the effect people have on their environment……..
















2.2       Handout 5. Correct the six mistakes in the text. Use the information in unit 23 to help you.

■ 2002 2101 (Series B)Описание: image5715-24	25-34	35-44	45-54	55-64
Age group (years)
The graph dismays the actual population of Australia in 2002 and the projected figures of 2101. The per cent of people aged 15-24 is predicted to fall significantly during this period, while there will be an increase of the percentage of people aged 55-64. In 2002, just under 15 percentage of the population was aged between 15 and 24, while in 2101 this is predicted to drop in approximately 10 per cent.

1.shows  ,2.  …….., 3. ………, 4……., 5………, 6………….

Handout 6 2A Complete the text with suitable words from the box.

ageing challenges compounded declining elderly factors implications migrating population present rates trends

Statistics show that in many countries the population will decline in the next 50 years. The population of these countries will also age rapidly. What effect will this have on those countries?


If current (1).................. continue, then in some countries the (2)............ is expected to

dwindle within the next 50 years. This problem is (3)....... by the fact that not only is the number of

inhabitants diminishing, but they are also growing older. This (4)..... population will bring its own

(5)...................... At (6)...................... there are sufficient younger people to earn money and pay taxes to

support the (7).................... However, within 50 years this will not be die case. There are several possible

(8)...................... contributing to this problem. First, birth (9)........... in these countries are clearly

falling. Second, there could be an increase in the number of people (10). away from diese areas.

The ageing and (11)................. population is expected to have important (12).......... for the

labour force and the quality of everyday life.


Handout 7Academic Writing Task 1

Описание: image58Test Tip

Don’t copy information from the question paper, use your own words. Make sure that you describe the most important information and that your figures are accurate. Check your spelling when you have finished and make sure you have written at least 150 words. Study the information in unit 23 before you begin.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the average growth in domestic products in wealthy countries, countries that have adopted a global approach to business and countries that have not.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

Write at least 150 words.

Описание: image59

Average annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth

blue-Wealthy countries




Globalisers = developing countries adopting a global approach to business.

 Non-globalisers = developing countries adopting a non-global approach to business.

Lesson 14


Topics (1)

Problems and solutions

Learning objectives


·                    Raise students’ awareness about urbanisation

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    To know the usage of the words ‘problem, “solution”

·                    Distinguish the usage of  verbs “problem, solution, worsen, improve, change”.

·                    To have practice on academic reading passage



Focus students’ attention on the questions (p.72. Handout 1.1) and let them share their opinion with the whole class.  Ask them to talk about different problems they may face. For example: time, traffic, money…

Basic terms: benefit, challenge, compromise, difficulty, dilemma, inhabitant, infrastructure, isolation, issue, megacity, migrant, obstacle, overpopulation, poverty, resolution, setback, slum, solution, tolerance, urbanisation 

Listening: Ask students to listen  to the tape 14a and write down all the verbs that are used with the words problem and issue on Ex. 1.3  (p72, Ex 1.2., 1.3) Handout 2.

Vocabulary (1): Find the meanings of verbs related to problem and compromise (p. 72, Ex 1.5)

Vocabulary (2): Distinguish the usage of verbs “problem, solution, worsen, improve, change”. (p. 73. Ex. 1.7)

Reading (1): Before giving the passage for reading ask the students’ what they know about “Big city life” and then ask them to read the text (p.73) and then answer the questions (p.74. Ex: 2.2, 3.2,)

Reading (2): Ask students to read the text again and find definitions of the given words (p. 74, ex 2.2)

Academic reading: Ask students to read a test practice academic reading. “Rags, bones and recycling bins” (p. 75, 76) then give the answers to the questions on page (76, 77)


Handout  1. Consider whether you can ever have too much, too many, too little or too few of the following.


Time,  traffic,  people,  money,   space,  work,   rubbish



Handout 2. Writing

Listen again and write down all the verbs that are used with the words problem and issue and complete the sentences using the verbs in ex 1.3. There may be more than one possible answer, so try to use a different verb for each sentence.

1       One of the biggest problems _______________the world today is poverty.

2       Your problems won’t go away if you ignore them, you need to _______________them.

3       The problem was ____________by a blocked pipe, which eventually burst.

4       Here is a list of the issues that will be ______________during the meeting.

5       Unfortunately we were unable to ________________the issue, even after two days of talks.

6       The main speaker did not arrive, which ______________an awkward problem for the organizers of the conference.


Handout  3. 

Match the nouns in column B with the correct verbs in column A. Which two verbs can be used with the words problem and compromise?










a compromise

an issue

a situation

a difficulty

a solution

a problem



Handout 4.  Cross out the one word in each list that is NOT a synonym for the word in capitals

1.      PROBLEM         difficulty, dilemma, benefit, challenge, obstacle

2.      SOLUTION        answer, key, remedy, resolution, setback

3.      WORSEN           compound, deteriorate, enhance, exacerbate

4.      IMPROVE          advance, aggravate, flourish, progress, reform

5.      CHANGE            acclimatize, adapt, adjust, amend, linger, modify, transform


Handout 5. Complete the text with suitable adjectives from the box. More than one adjective may be possible.


Adequate,   basic,   booming,   catastrophic,   decent,   enormous,   pressing,   staggering




The world's population is (1) ______________, no more so than in its cities. Today, there are 21 megacities, each containing more than 10 million inhabitants, three-quarters of them in developing nations. By 2020, there are expected to be at least 27 megacities. Such a (2)________________rate of urbanisation brings its own problems, especially in developing nations, where the majority of the megacities will be found.

 Employment and educational opportunities are the main attraction of urban centres. But hopes for a better life are often dashed as overpopulation puts an(3) ______________strain on the infrastructure of the cities and their ability to provide (4) _______________necessities such as clean water and a place to live.

Many rural migrants fail to find (5)_______________work, and therefore cannot afford (6)__________________housing. In some megacities up to 50 per cent of the residents live in slums. This problem is (7)__________________with the United Nations predicting that half the world's population will be living in cities by next year. If the infrastructure within those cities does not grow at the same rate the result will be (8)________________.


Handout 6. Read the text again and find definitions of the following words:


1.      People that live in a particular place _______________

2.      Areas of the world that are poorer and have less advanced industries ________________         

3.      The process by which more people leave the countryside to live in the city ______________

4.      The problem of having too many people __________________

5.      The basic systems and services of a city __________________

6.      Very poor and crowded areas of a city ____________________




Handout 7. Test practice.  Academic Reading

Rags, bones and recycling bins

Tim Cooper investigates the history of waste recovery.              

As concern mounts that the consumer society may be ecologically unsustainable, historians have begun to interest themselves in past efforts to achieve efficient use of scarce resources. Far from being a recent innovation, recycling and reuse of household cast-offs have a long history. In early modern Britain, one of the most characteristic forms of recycling has been the trade in second-hand clothing, which has survived to the present day in the shape of the ubiquitous charity shop. The cost of buying new ensured that many among the lower orders of eighteenth-century English society relied on second­hand apparel. The rag fairs of the rapidly growing cities and a network of tradesmen and pawnbrokers supplied this trade. Some historians have argued that the second-hand trade played an important role in the nascent development of mass consumerism and fashion; demand was so high that there was a ready market for stolen clothes.

Recycling was not restricted to the clothing trade. A much wider culture of reuse existed. This included, for example, the recycling of building materials from demolished buildings, the repair or reuse of most metal goods, and the use of old rags in the paper industry. The paper industry was almost wholly reliant upon recycling for its raw materials. Recycling was thus an important component of the pre-industrial economy, enabling it to cope with shortages of raw materials and aiding the poor. Pre-industrial recycling was largely a response to chronically low levels of production. After 1800, industrialization, urbanization and population growth would see the emergence of a new problem - waste - and give a new significance to recycling.

Of course, the generation of urban waste was not new in itself, but the scale of waste production after 1800 certainly was. The treatment and disposal of domestic waste became a problem of the first order. From the 1850s the problem of human waste disposal was being addressed by the construction of sewerage systems; the domestic refuse problem, however, remained relatively neglected until 1875.

Up until 1900 most urban areas relied on private contractors for waste disposal, who operated only with the minimum of environmental regulation. This was the context in which the Victorian dust-yards, immortalized in Charles Dickens’ novel Our Mutual Friend, emerged.

These yards sprang up either in or around many major cities in the nineteenth century, but were particularly characteristic of London. The dust-yards made their money by employing men, women and children to sift and sort through the filth in search of items of value, such as rags and metals. These were then sold to contract merchants. A large proportion of the material that remained after sorting was dust and cinders; where possible these were sold as a fertilizer or fuel source, but where no market existed they were dumped either on land or at sea.


The dust-yards were the most notorious of the nineteenth-century waste trades. In Dangerous Trade (1902), industrial health expert Thomas Oliver stated that ‘under all circumstances dust-sorting is dirty and disagreeable work’. The uniquely unpleasant conditions of the yards meant that dust-women formed ‘a class by themselves, and so the work becomes more or less hereditary’. The workers also received marginal reward for their efforts. By 1900 the average wages of women in contractors’ yards in London were only between seven and eight shillings per week. As a result the dust-yards were increasingly controversial by the end of the nineteenth century. At the same time, the waste continued to grow. The 1875 Public Health Act had given local authorities a legal responsibility to remove and dispose of domestic waste. However, the last years of the century saw a solution to the apparently insoluble problem of what to do with the refuse of Britain’s cities. A means, in the eyes of experts, to achieve the perfect removal of waste without resort to either the dust-yard or the tip: the incinerator.


Questions 1-7

The history of recycling in the UK

Eighteenth-century Britain

People recycled products such as

-   used (1)______________

-   (2)_________________

-   anything made from (3)_____________

-   old cloth.

The (4) ________________business relied heavily on recycled materials.

Recycling had two main advantages

-   it provided necessary (5)_______________

-   it helped (6)_______________________


Nineteenth-century Britain

More refuse was created by an increase in the number of

1)     big cities

2)  inhabitants and

3)        increasing (7) ____________




Questions 8-13

Описание: image60

Question 14

Complete the flowchart below using no more than three words from the text.


Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

In the final paragraph, what are we told about waste disposal at the end of the nineteenth century? A It was a respected business.

B The work was relatively well-paid.

C Authorities decided to burn the waste.

D Disposal of waste had not yet been regulated.

Lesson 15

The green revolution

Topics (1)

The environment, climate change and pollution

Learning objectives


·                    Raise students’ awareness about the green revolution

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    To know the usage of the new words

·                    Increase students’ speaking abilities

·                    Distinguish the usage of  adjectives beginning with r

·                    To have practice on academic writing task 1

·                    Test students knowledge



Focus students’ attention on the questions (p.78. Handout 1.1) and let them share their opinion with the whole class.  Ask them to talk about environmental problems.

Basic terms: acid rain, biodiversity, climate change contamination, deforestation, disposal, drought, ecosystem, emission, the environment, erosion, exhaust, fertilizer, flood, food chain, fumes, greenhouse gases, impact, pollutant, pollution, process, refuse, strain, threat, waste 

Listening: Ask students to listen to the tape 15a and write down all the adjectives that are used by the speaker and put them into the correct column according to their meaning Ex. 1.3 (p78, Ex 1.2., 1.3)

Vocabulary (1): Choose the correct word according to their meanings. (p. 78, Ex 2.1)

Vocabulary (2): Find words with same meanings. (p. 79. Ex. 2.2)

Speaking: Asking questions about environmental problems.

Grammar: the prefix –ir with adjectives beginning with r.: irregular, irreversible       

Writing: Academic Writing Task 1. Writing a report.

Checking: Test students’ knowledge from units 11-15


Handout  1. Choose the words that reflect your opinion of these three statements from the

first column of the table below. Write the words you chose in the My Opinion column.

1. We should educate the public about our environment by handing out leaflets.

2. Within a few years we will have solved all of our pollution problems.

3. Within the next ten years the only chemicals we use will be environmentally friendly ones



My opinion

Speaker A

Speaker B

Statement 1-useful / useless




Statement 2-possible / impossible




Statement 3-likely / unlikely






Handout 2. Listening

Listen to two people giving their opinions about the same ideas and write down all the adjectives the speakers used to express their opinions and put them into the correct column according to their meaning.


























Handout  3. 

Complete the text with words from the box.

Acid, biodiversity, contaminated, deforestation,  ecosystems,  emissions,  environmental,  erosion,  exhaust,  drought, fertilizers,  greenhouse,  waste


The advances made by humans have made us the dominant species on our planet. However, several eminent scientists are concerned that we have become too successful, that our way of life is putting an unprecedented strain on the Earth’s (1) _________________and threatening our future as a species. We are confronting (2) _______________problems that are more taxing than ever before, some of them seemingly insoluble. Many of the Earth's crises are chronic and inexorably linked. Pollution is an obvious example of this affecting our air, water and soil.

The air is polluted by (3) _________________produced by cars and industry. Through (4) ________________rain and (5)_________________gases these same (6) ________________fumes can have a devastating impact on our climate. Climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge facing our planet with increased storms, floods, (7) __________________and species losses predicted. This will inevitably have a negative impact on (8) ________________and thus our ecosystem.

The soil is (9) _________________by factories and power stations which can leave heavy metals in the soil. Other human activities such as the overdevelopment of land and the clearing of trees also take their toll on the quality of our soil; (10) ___________________has been shown to cause soil (11) __________________Certain farming practices can also pollute the land though the use of chemical pesticides and (12) __________________This contamination in turn affects our rivers and waterways and damages life there. The chemicals enter our food chain, moving from fish to mammals to us. Our crops are also grown on land that is far from pristine. Affected species include the polar bear, so not even the Arctic is immune.

Reducing (13) _________________and clearing up pollution costs money. Yet it is our quest for wealth that generates so much of the refuse. There is an urgent need to find a way of life that is less damaging to the Earth. This is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening.


Handout  4. 

Match the words in bold with these synonyms.


1.unspoiled         pristine




2.crucial ________________




3.unparalleled _______________





unavoidably (x2)_________


4.extremely harmful _______________


persistent ____________


5.insurmountable _______________







Handout  5. 

Consider how you would answer these questions:

1.      What do you think is the greatest environmental threat we face today?

2.      What can the government do to help protect the environment?

3.      What can we as individuals do?

Handout  6.

Complete the sentences using the negative form of the words in brackets.

1       It is ______________(realistic) to expect everyone to change their buying habits overnight.

2       When it comes to protecting the environment, cost should be_________________(relevant).

3       It is __________________(reasonable) for rich countries to expect developing countries to reduce carbon emissions immediately.

4       People who dump chemical waste into our waterways are very_________________(responsible).

5       The oil spill has caused ___________________(repairable) damage to several marine species.

6       Scientists believe that the damage to this area is ________________(reversible).

7       These species are ______________(replaceable). Once they are lost our ecosystem will be changed.

8       It is a mistake to think that increased consumerism and environmental damage are __________________(related).

Handout  7

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below. Write at least 150 words.

The flowchart below shows the recycling process of aluminum cans.








Lesson 16

The energy crisis

Topics (1)

Natural resources, alternative fuels

Learning objectives


·                    Raise students’ awareness about the energy crisis

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    To know the usage of the new words

·                    Increase students’ speaking abilities

·                     Distinguish the usage of  the new words

·                    To have practice on academic reading passage



Focus students’ attention on the questions (p.84. Handout 1.1) and let them share their opinion with the whole class.  Ask them to talk about natural resources.

Basic terms: atmosphere, balance, biofuel, carbon, crisis, electricity, emissions, exhaust, fossil, fuel, fumes, gas, greenhouse gas, hybrid, hydrogen, petrol, resources, turbine, vehicle

Speaking: Quiz questions. Involve students to answer the questions and explain their choices.

Listening: Ask students to listen to the tape 16a and check their answers Ex. 1.3 (p84, Ex 1.2., 1.3)

Reading (1): Before giving the passage for reading ask the students’ what they know about “the future of energy” and then, ask them to read the text (p.85) and then answer the questions (p.85. Ex: 2.1)

Vocabulary (1): Choose the correct word according to their meanings. (p. 85, Ex 2.2)

Vocabulary (2):  Check students’ understanding by true/false sentences. (p. 86. Ex. 2.3)

Vocabulary (3):   Distinguish the usage of verbs in this unit.

Speaking: Asking questions about energy resources.

Reading (2): Ask students to read a test practice academic reading (p. 87, 88) then give the answers to the questions.


Handout  1.

Answer the questions:

1       You decide to fly to an island 5,000 miles away for a holiday.

How many trees would you need to plant to offset or make up for the C02 emissions produced by the flight?

A 0.2               B 20               C 2

2       Which is the most environmentally friendly way to clean your clothes?

A Hand-wash the clothes in hot water.

B Take them to the dry cleaners.

C Machine-wash the clothes in cold water.

3       You are tidying up your house in the evening, going back and forth between the bedroom, kitchen and living room, spending five to ten minutes in each room as you sort out the clutter. What is the best way to make sure your lights aren’t needlessly wasting energy?

A Keep the lights on as you go from room to room until the job is done.

B Turn the lights off every time you leave a room and then on again when you return.

4       You decide to cook a baked potato for lunch. Which is the most energy-efficient way of cooking the potato?

A Put it in an electric oven to cook slowly for an hour.

B Quickly zap it in the microwave.

5       You want to really make a significant contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Which of these would be of the most benefit over the course of a year?

A Taking the train instead of driving a car.

B Hanging your washing out to dry rather than using the tumble dryer.

C Working from home one day a week.

Handout 2. Listening.

Complete the text with one word in each gap.

If we want to (1) ______________energy then we need to change the way we behave. We need to buy appliances that are more energy (2) _______________and limit the amount of time we use them. To reduce the (3) ________________the greenhouse gases have on our (4) _________________we should plant more trees. Trees can (5) ______________carbon dioxide and so they help to (6) _________________the fumes produced by our cars. Turning off lights even for a few minutes can (7)________________the negative effects of turning them on again later.


Handout  3. Read the text and answer the questions below.

The future of energy

CO2 plays a critical role in maintaining the balance in the Earth’s atmosphere and the air that we breathe. It is also a waste product of the fossil fuels that almost every person on the planet uses for transport and other energy requirements. Because we create CO2 every time we drive a car, cook a meal or turn on a light, and because the gas lasts around a century in the atmosphere, the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing.

The best evidence indicates that we need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 70 per cent by 2050. If you own a four-wheel-drive car and replace it with a hybrid car - a car that is powered by a combination of electricity and petrol - or a smaller standard-fuel car, you can achieve a reduction of that magnitude in a day rather than half a century. Unfortunately, our past history of change is considerably slower than this. Samuel Bowser first invented the petrol pump in 1885 but it wasn’t until 1988 that all new cars manufactured in the UK were required to use unleaded petrol only.

Not only do fossil fuels pose an environmental hazard but there is also a pressing need to find an alternative energy source that is renewable. Opinions as to how much oil remains vary considerably. Some say that the Earth has produced only 18 per cent of its potential yield of oil; others say supplies may run out as early as 2015. Many countries are exploring alternative energy sources such as solar energy or wind power, which uses large turbines to capture the energy of the wind.

1.         How do you write C02 in full? ________________________

2.        What do we call fuels such as coal and oil?_______________________

3.         What are two names for the substance that comes out of the exhaust of a car?___________________

4.         What do we call fuels that can be produced at any time?______________________

5.        Name two types of alternative energy.____________________________

6.        What is a turbine most similar to?___________________________

A a large engine B a windmill C a car

Handout  4 . Complete the text with words from the box.

alternative,  converting,  eco-friendly,  emit,  engine,  fuel,  fumes,  greenhouse gases,  plant,  solar

Fueling our cars

Our love of the fuel-burning car with its poisonous exhaust (1) ______________has had a devastating effect both on our environment and on oil supplies. It is unlikely we will abandon our cars in large enough numbers to resolve this problem, so there is a pressing need to find an (2) ________________fuel. Many car companies are exploring(3)__________________ energy sources. Hybrid cars were first developed in 1997 and these are likely to become more commonplace in the future. Hydrogen vehicles that use (4)_________________panels to extract hydrogen from water are also likely to be readily available in the near future. These vehicles (5) ___________________only water vapour and so do not contribute to (6)____________________However, critics say that building a network of fuelling stations and (7) _____________________existing petrol stations to hydrogen will prove too costly and will limit this vehicle’s potential. Nevertheless, countries such as the US, Germany, Japan and Iceland already have ambitious hydrogen plans. Others believe that biofuels are the future. These fuels are based on (8) ____________________oils and so can be grown. The concept of using vegetable oil as a (9)_____________________dates back to 1895 when Dr Rudolf Diesel developed the first diesel (10) _____________________to run on vegetable oil. He demonstrated his engine at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 and described an experiment using peanut oil as fuel in his engine. In 1912, Diesel said, “The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today. But such oils may become in the course of time as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time”


Handout  5. Decide whether these sentences are true or false.

1.      Cars that run on electricity and petrol appeared in 1997. True

2.      Water is produced from the exhausts of hydrogen cars.________

3.      It will be relatively inexpensive to change current petrol stations for hydrogen cars._________

4.      Biofuels are non-renewable.____________

5.      In 1912 diesel was seen as an important fuel source.___________


Handout  6. Which is the odd one out? Try to explain why.

1       curb / limit / promote / restrict the other words mean “to reduce”

2       electricity / nuclear energy / solar energy / wind power______________________

3       economical / effective / efficient / emission_________________________

4       carbon / fuel / gas / petrol__________________________

5       emit / discharge / release / retain_______________________

6       renewable / disposable / rechargeable_________________________

7       diminish / dwindle / deplete / drastic________________________

8       consume / extend / exhaust / expend________________________

9       conserve / preserve / reserve / save_______________________

Handout  7. Answer these questions using as many new words and phrases from this unit as you can.

1       Do you think that you waste too much energy in the home?

2       What can the government do to encourage people to save energy?

3       Why do you think people prefer to drive a car instead of using public transport?

4       Do you feel optimistic about the future in terms of energy?

5       What changes do you think will happen in the next 20 years?

Handout  8.

America is abuzz with talk of replacing imported oil with ‘biofuels’ produced from homegrown materials. The US Environmental Protection Agency recently honoured famous country and western singer Willie Nelson for his efforts to promote the use of biodiesel through his own ‘BioWillie’ brand, a vegetable oil-based fuel which is now being distributed at filling stations nationally. Clearly, many hurdles stand in the way of making such biofuels commercially viable with traditional sources. Indeed, it remains very difficult to forecast whether powering our vehicles with crop derivatives will ever be a truly economic proposition. Nevertheless, it is not too early to ponder what impact the widespread adoption of biofuels would have on our environment.

Michael S. Briggs, a biodiesel advocate at the University of New Hampshire, has estimated that the United States would need about 140 billion gallons of biodiesel each year to replace all the petroleum-based transportation fuels currently being used. This calculation is premised on the idea that Americans could, over time, switch to using diesel vehicles, as European drivers are clearly doing - half of the new cars sold there now run on standard diesel. Although one could make a similar appraisal for the amount of sugar-derived ethanol needed to meet our needs, it is unlikely that drivers would ever want to fill up their tanks entirely with ethanol, which contains only two-thirds of the energy of gasoline, whereas biodiesel is only 2 per cent less fuel-efficient than petroleum-based diesel. Hence a switch to biofuels would demand no new technology and would not significantly reduce the driving range of a car or truck.

The main source of biodiesel is plant oil derived from crops such as rapeseed. An acre of rapeseed could provide about 100 gallons of biodiesel per year. To fuel America in this way would thus require 1.4 billion acres of rapeseed fields. This number is a sizeable fraction of the total US land area (2.4 billion acres) and considerably more than the 400 million acres currently under cultivation. Consequently, the burden on freshwater supplies and the general disruption that would accompany such a switch in fuel sources would be immense.

Such calculations are sobering. They suggest that weaning ourselves off petroleum fuels and growing rapeseed instead would be an environmental catastrophe. Are more productive oil crops the answer? Oil palms currently top the list because they can provide enough oil to produce about 500 gallons of biodiesel per acre per year, which reduces the land requirement fivefold. Yet its cultivation demands a tropical climate, and its large-scale production, which currently comes from such countries as Malaysia and Indonesia, is a significant factor in the ongoing destruction of what rainforest remains there. Conservationists have been warning that palm oil production poses a dire threat to the dwindling population of orang-utans, for example, which exist only in the wild in Borneo and Sumatra. So here again, the prospect of dedicating sufficient land to growing feedstock for the world’s transportation needs promises to be an environmental nightmare.

There is, however, a ‘crop’ that is widely recognised as having the potential to meet the demands of a biodiesel- based transportation fleet without devastating the natural landscape: algae. Algae is a single-celled plant, some varieties of which can contain 50 per cent or more oil. They also grow much more rapidly than ordinary plants and can double in quantity within several hours.

The US Department of Energy funded considerable research on biofuel production using algae after the oil problems of the 1970s, an effort known as the Aquatic Species Program. Although this programme was terminated in the 1990s, a lot of experience was gained through research and various demonstration projects. The results suggested that algae can be grown in sufficient density to produce several thousand gallons of biodiesel per acre per year - a full order of magnitude better than can be expected using palm oil and two orders of magnitude better than soybeans.

It is not surprising then that many scientists and entrepreneurs are once again looking hard at the prospects for using algae to produce transportation fuels and sizeable amounts of money are being invested in various schemes for doing so. David Bayless, a professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio University, has been working with scientists to engineer a device that can grow cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). It uses carbon dioxide from the gases emitted from power-plant chimneys and sunlight that is distributed to the growing surfaces through optical fibres. Bayless uses an enclosed bioreactor and claims to be able to produce as much as 60 grams of biomass per square metre of growing surface per day.

Another recent effort is being carried out in San Diego by KentSeaTech Corporation. This company gained experience growing algae as a part of its aquaculture operations so was quick to respond when the California state government started looking for ways to treat the huge quantities of nutrient-laden water which runs off from adjacent farm lands. ‘It’s no real difficult feat to turn nutrients into algae,’ says director of research Jon Van Olst, ‘but how do you get it out of the water?’ This is what Van Olst and his co-workers have been trying to achieve.

The people working on these ventures are clearly eager to make growing algae a commercial success. Yet it is not hard to find experts who view such prospects as dim indeed. John Benemann, a private consultant in California, has decades of experience in this area. He is particularly sceptical about attempts to make algae production more economical by using enclosed bioreactors rather than open ponds. He points out that Japan spent hundreds of millions of dollars on such research, which never went anywhere. Even Van Olst has serious reservations. ‘It may work,’ he says, ‘but it is going to take a while and a lot of research before we get anywhere.'

Questions 1-5

Classify the following characteristics as belonging to

A biodiesel

B ethanol

C ordinary diesel

Write the correct answers A-C next to questions 1-5.

1       Produced by a popular American entertainer.__________

2       50% of new cars in Europe use this fuel    _____________

3        Provides two thirds of the power of standard petrol. ___________

4       Your car’s performance will be almost unchanged if you change to this fuel. ___________      

5       Production can have a negative impact on water resources. ______________


Questions 6-12

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage? Next to questions 6-12 write

YES-if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO-if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN-if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

6.      2% of Americans already use biodiesel. ________

7.      At present in America, 400 million acres of land are used for agriculture. ________

8.      The use of palm oil as a fuel source will require more land than using rapeseed oil._________

9.      Growing biodiesel crops has had a positive effect on local wildlife in some areas. __________

10.  One advantage of algae is the speed with which it grows._________

11. David Bayless believes that algae can produce more energy than solar power.__________

12. It is easy to grow algae using agricultural waste water.___________

Question 13

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

13.  What is the main purpose of this article?

A To prove that biofuels could totally replace petrol in America.

B To examine the environmental impact of standard fuel sources.

C To assess the advantages and disadvantages of different types of fuel.

     D To show that an international effort is required to solve the fuel crisis

Lesson 17

Talking business

Employment,management  and marketing

Learning objectives



*Familiarize students with the topics and objectives of the  lesson

*Encourage students to guess the meaning of unknown words from the context.

*To differentiate the words: job,occupation,profession, work


*Distinguish the usage of :” economical and economic”

*Practice on General Training Writing Task 1 and Academic Writing Task 2




         Basic terms: occupation,profession,qualification,staff,trade,business,products,consumer,

customer, unemployment, income ,salary, wages, earnings                                         


1.1      Speaking: Ask question on ex.1.1 and let the students answer the question .


         1.2 Listening:    Ask students to listen and match the speakers to the correct industry. Ask them to write their answers in the second column. In the third column the adjectives the speakers use to describe their job.


1.3   Listening :Play the CD again, pausing if necessary. Ask students  to check their answers.

1.4    Explain different forms of the word “employ”.Then ask students to fulfill task 1.4. If necessary use dictionary.

Vocabulary: Distinguish the usage of  job,occupation,profession,work

Vocabulary: Ask students to use dictionary to check the meaning of the words in task 3.1

Writing: Academic Writing Task 1 Ask students to write an essay on the given topic ,using their own ideas,knowledge and experience .Students should study unit 24 before beginning.

Writing: General Training Writing Task 1 In this task students should write a letter to the employer asking for promotion.Ask them to study information in unit 25





1.1      Answer these questions.


Have you ever worked in any of these places? If not, would you like to?

          a a shop               в a restaurant         c a hotel               D an office

1.2 Listen and match the speakers to the correct industry. Write your answers in the second column. In the third write the adjectives the speakers use to describe their job.

,Speaker	Type of industry	Adjectives used to describe work
1.3 Complete the sentences with words from the recording. If necessary, listen to the speakers again.

1                                                                                                         I’m employed on a casual basis, so my        are paid at the end of each week.

2                                                                                                         Over 100 members of staff were made when the new machines were installed in the factory.

3    It is important to have experience in the.............. as... well as academic qualifications.

4    I do.................... so I often have to sleep during the day.

5    The owners had a meeting with all of the ........... to discuss   the takeover.

6    The government may decide to raise the age at which people...... from work from 65 to 70.

7    My boss has asked me to work.............. tomorrow, so I won’t be home until late.

8    Our junior staff.................. $12 per hour.

9    If they don’t increase my................ this year then I’m going to look for another job.

 1o Many young people today value...................................... over a big salary.



14     Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word employ.

1                                            The    find it difficult to get an interview if they have not had a job for a long time.

2                                            All     must apply in writing if they wish to request a holiday.

3      ..................... rose by 5 per cent due to the closure of two large factories in the area.

4      I was only.................. as a cleaner, but the family expected me to look after their children as well.

10  I couldn’t work when my daughter was sick. Fortunately, my           is very understanding.


Vocabulary note

A job = the particular thing you do to earn money: I’m hoping to get a job during the holidays.

Occupation = a formal word for job.

Profession = a type of job that requires specialist knowledge: He works in the medical profession.

Work = something you do to earn money. It is a verb as well as an uncountable noun: I’m hoping to find work during the holidays. NOT find a work.

 Workforce = all the people working in a company/industry/country: A company is only as good as its workforce. Workplace = the building or room where people work: You really need experience in the workplace to get a good job


2.1      Think of a word or phrase that matches the definitions below.

1     The business or trade in a particular product, m..........

2     People who buy goods, c...............

3     The materials in which objects are wrapped before being sold.


4     A new fashion or pattern of behaviour, t.........

5     When someone can be believed or trusted, c..........

6     Make someone do something by giving them a good reason to do it. p

7     A means of identifying a particular company, b.........

8     The things a company makes to sell, p.............

2.2      Now read the following text and check your answers to 2.1.

Luxury brands dominate both the cosmetic and skincare market. But consumers are looking for more than just beauty in sophisticated packaging. Companies offering products with healthy ingredients have set the trend in recent years.When consumers go shopping for cosmetics, they want to know the products they are buying won’t harm their skin. To gain credibility, many cosmetic companies have persuaded dermatologists and pharmacists to endorse their brands. The target customers of most skincare and cosmetic brands are women between the ages of 20 and 50, a segment that is only expected to grow in the coming years. Nevertheless, men are also looking for products to give their skin a healthy look. It is estimated that men account for 1 per cent of the luxury cosmetics market, a niche which saw a 50 per cent increase in sales in 2003-04. Besides men, teenagers are also trying to enhance the health and beauty of their appearance. With such a broad client base, it is not surprising that the industry shows no sign of slowing down.


General Training Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You work in a busy but poorly organised office and you are keen to be promoted. Your employer needs to find a new supervisor for your department.

Write a letter to your employer. In the letter

    ask to be considered for this job

    explain why you would be a suitable candidate

    outline the current problems and the changes you would like to make.

You should write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr Smith

Academic Writing Task

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

In today’s job market it is far more important to have practical skills than theoretical knowledge. In the future, job applicants may not need any formal qualifications.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

Lesson 18

The law

Topics (1)

Crime ,punishment


Learning objectives

·         To develop oral skills through quizzes, role plays, discussions, and problem solving activities

·         To develop a variety of reading strategies, such as skimming and scanning

·         To learn how to form new words

·         To improve listening skills by listening passages including  conversations , interviews

·         Explain the difference between prevent and avoid vocabulary

·         To have practice on General Training Writing 2



Basic terms: arson, burglary ,fraud ,vandalism,kidnapping, murder ,pickpocketing,smuggling, swearing dumping toxic waste,judge,jury,lawyer,victim

Speaking:Ask students to look at the box and tell which of the given words are considered to be crimes.Afterwards they should put them the words from least to most serious.

Reading: In 1.2 task students should read the given passage and do post reading task and decide whether statements 1-7 are true or false.

Word Formation :In task 1.3 ask students  to complete the table by changing grammatical form of the word.Tell them to use dictionary if necessary.

Listening:Tell students that they are going to listen to the recording and they have to complete the sentences with suitable words.

Writing:Tell students that they should write opinion essay on the given topic.Ask them to plan and organize their ideas logically.


1.1      Put the following into order from least to most serious. Which do you think are considered to be crimes?


Arson burglary fraud vandalism
kidnapping murder pickpocketing
smuggling              swearing                    dumping toxic waste

1.2          Now read the text and decide whether statements 1-7 are true or false. Write the words from the text which mean the same as or the opposite of the words in italics.



Crime is defined by society and relative to the society defining it.Traditionally, crime is considered an offence, a violation of public rules or laws. Crime is defined within each society by specific criminal laws on a national, state and local level. Actions that are offensive to an individual or group of people, but do not violate laws are not crimes. Punishment or other sanctions result from the violation of these laws, and the social system for monitoring and enforcing public rules or laws is put into action.The social system generally consists of an administrative authority that formally deals with crime and a force of representative officers to enforce the laws and act on behalf of society. Being guilty of a criminal act usually involves some form of conscious evil intent or recklessness. In unintentional cases, such as crimes committed by children or the insane, the criminal is not usually punished in the same manner as is intentional crime.

Theories of crime and criminal activity are numerous and varied, but the reasons behind crime remain elusive. Theories suggest many possible causes. One theory suggests that property crime depends on criminal motive and opportunities to perpetrate crime. It also contends that crime is influenced by the degree to which others guard over neighbourhoods and other people.This particular theory relates an increase in crime rate to an increase in crime opportunity and a decrease in protection. Research also shows that income inequality correlates to property crime.

1       Offence is another word for crime   ..True-crime is considered an offence.

2       The word offensive is related to crime...........................

3       It is the duty of the police to violate the law.................

4       Generally, people who are guilty of a crime are aware of what they are doing………………………………………….

5       The explanations for crime are difficult to find............. ………………..

6       Crime can increase if people protect their property less ……………………………

1.3 Word building.Complete the table.
Noun	Verb	Adjective
crime	c	a crime	









7             Crime on property is linked to the different        amounts of money people earn…………


2.2 Match the people with the things they do.

List of people

The accused = C... 

The judge..

The jury..

The prosecutor

The lawyer.

The victim..


List of things they do

A     ….tries to prove the accused is guilty

B      …gives evidence against the accused.

C      …the person who is on trial

D       …decides whether the accused is innocent or guilty

E       …tries to prove the accused is innocent

F       …decides how a criminal should be punished


3.1       Correct the mistakes in the text.

‘Our prison system is clearly not working. We need to find another form of punishment.’

If people 1convict a crime then they should be punished and made to accept the consequences of their 2acts. At the moment the only form of3punish we have is to either4find people for ssmall crimes or 6emprison them for more serious criminal1 offend.

Some people feel that this system is not working. Perhaps this is because 8the bad people mix with other 9crimes when they are in jail. As a result, prisons may provide a way for young people who have been involved 10for minor offences to graduate to nbigger ones.

Rather than trying to 12prevent this problem by building even more prisons, I believe the best approach is to try to 18avoid crime from happening in the first place. We can do this by making sure that our property is 14protection and also by improving the conditions for the poorer people in our society. We can also achieve this by 15making new laws that will act as a 16deter.


1commit  5 ….. 9………13……

2……..     6…. 10………14…..

3……… 7….   11……. 15……

4……     8…..   12…….. 16…


2.5     Complete the sentences with suitable words from the recording. You may need to change the

grammatical form of the word. Listen and check your answers.


 1I consider myself to be a law-a................ citizen. I’ve never broken the law in my life.

2. The laws in this country are rather s............... - even chewing gum is banned.

3.Arson is a crime a................. property, but sometimes people can get hurt as well.

4.I was given a parking f................ again yesterday. It’s costing me a fortune.

5.It is the responsibility of the police and the government to c.............. crime.

6.More money should be spent on crime p............... than on building prisons.

7Sometimes the police feel that they are a…………………. the law and should not be punished for traffic offences.

8       It used to be against the law to go fishing on Sundays, but thankfully that law was a………………………….           years ago.





General Training Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

in many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.

You should write at least 250 words.


Lesson 19

The media

Topics (1)

The news ,fame

Learning objectives

·         To improve listening skills by listening passages including  conversations , interviews

·         To develop a variety of reading strategies

·         To enlarge vocabulary of  students with the words related to the lesson

·         To differentiate the usage of words:influence,affect,effect

·         To improve pronunciation skills

·         To have practice on academic writing task 2


Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions (p.98. Handout 1.1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  Ask about forms of mass media ,its current  role on society.

Basic terms:  biased,entertaining,informative,current affairs, newspaper,radio,television,news,fame, invasive,intrusive,pervasive, realistic sensationalist ,superficial,unbiased,attention-grabbing

Listening: Ask students to listen and say whether the statements are true or false according to the speaker. Let them correct the statements that are false.(p 98.ex 1.2,1.3)

Reading: Ask students read the  information about the same story and complete the text with words from the box. Then do post reading task.(p99 ex 1.4,1.5)

Vocabulary(1):Students can use dictionary to find out the meaning of the verbs given in this task.(p 99 ex 2.1)Ask them to use the suitable form of the words in 2.1 to replace the words in bold(2.2)

Vocabulary(2) The adjectivesin ex 3.1 can be used to talk about the media or people in the media.Students should decide whether they are used in a negative or a positive way and put them in the correct box.(p 100)

Writing:Tell students that they are going to write an essay on the given topic .Ask them to plan and organize their ideas logically

1.1          Answer these questions.

1.Are you

A)   well-informed about current affairs?

B)     not interested in current affairs?

2.Do you consider newspapers to be

a          biased                 в     entertaining         c    informative?

3.Do you prefer to get the news from

A         newspapers          в  the Internet       c      the radio

1.2           Listen and say whether the following statements are true or false according to the speaker. Correct the statements that are false.

1               The speaker believes the general public is well-informed     ....False ,they are ill informed       

2              The Manly University project focused on stories about famous people…………………………………………………………………………………………

3              Dan Taylor believes that the main aim of today’s mass media is to inform people………………………………………………………………………………………..

4              The study revealed that newspapers avoid reporting on the gap between the rich and the poor…………………………………………………………………………………….

5              Important news stories appear in the back pages because this highlights their importance………………………………………………………………………………………

1.3          Listen again and find words or phrases that match these definitions.

1              a situation in which newspapers, radio and television are allowed to express opinions openly

2              to send out a programme on television or radio

3              written about or spoken of in the news

4              large systems consisting of many similar parts all of which are centrally controlled

5              newspapers, radio and television when seen as a group

6              the deliberate removal of sections of a text or film considered to be unsuitable

7              a popular newspaper with lots of pictures and short articles

8         words in large print at the start of a news story or the main stories in the news


1.4          Read the following information about the same story and complete the text with words from the box.

biased controversial exposes front page publications press safeguards sources

In response to the study, Martin Dexter from the Associated Press said: “This study seems to be rather a harsh attack on the 1…………………………………………………….       and I can’t agree with its conclusions. You need to remember that we have a broad range of media sources available to us nowadays. There is an enormous amount of alternative media that provide a healthy balance to the mainstream. If people want to be informed, they are unlikely to turn to tabloid newspapers to do so. Instead, they can access a wide range of journals, magazines and smaller 2…………………………………………            They can also search the Web for the most up-to-date information from any part of the world.

On the negative side, there is a problem with editor verification with some stories reported on the internet because3………………………………………………………….can be unreliable. The 4            …………………………………………………………………in place for traditional media just don’t exist there at the moment.”

I’ll  admit that stories about5………………………………………………           issues are less likely to be seen by the tabloids as 6  ……………………………………………..news. But I would be more concerned about content which is politically 7………………………………………….      or motivated.I believe there are many publishers and broadcasters that do still have a strong tradition of8            …………………………………………..and investigative journalism. If there is an emphasis on entertainment rather than more serious issues, then this is being driven by consumer demand. Perhaps ultimately we only get the media we deserve.”

1.5         Now answer these questions.

1                      What do we call newspapers when seen as a group?

2                      What is the opposite of mainstream media?

3                      What is another word for the Internet?

4                      What does Martin Dexter believe is the problem with new media?

5                      What do we call the type of journalism that tries to discover the truth behind issues that are of public interest?




2.1      Use a dictionary to check the meaning of these verbs. Find out the noun and adjective forms and write them in your notebook.

bias      exploit    expose     inform     intrude      invade      investigate

publish           publicise           sensationalise          verify    victim.

2          Not surprisingly, the reporter was unable to prove the truth behind        ………………………..the claims.

3          The government has agreed to launch an official inquiry………………… into the matter.

4          There has been a great deal of media hype……………………….  about the new James Bond movie.

5          I’m not sure celebrities are being used……………………     , they often seem to court fame.

6          Most people believe that this newspaper favours the government too much to provide an  impartial………………………………. coverage of the election.


Vocabulary Note

We say something/someone has a/is a good/bad/positive or negative influence on someone/something: John’s new friends are a really bad influence on him. Influence can be a verb or a noun: The media influences the way many people think. The media has a major influence on the way many people think.

Remember that effect is a noun and affect is a verb. These can be used in a similar way to influence: The media affects the way many people think.The media has a major effect on the way many people think.

3.1          These adjectives can be used to talk about the media or people in the media. Decide whether they are used in a negative or a positive way and put them in the correct box.

Positive	Negative

artificial biased distorted factual informative      invasive         intrusive

pervasive realistic sensationalist superficial      unbiased       attention-grabbing


3.2      Think about your answers to these questions. Try to use as many of the adjectives from 3.1 as you can.

1          Would you like to be famous? (Why? / Why not?)

2          Do you think famous people have a positive or a negative influence on young people?

3          Nowadays we have access to the news 24 hours a day. What effect does this have?


Test practice

Academic Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little that can be done to rectify this.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.




Learning objectives

·                    Raise students’ awareness about the different types of dictionaries.

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly

·                    Try to use a monolingual dictionary as this will help  to practice  English more.

·                    To identify and analyze the difference between paper and e-dictionaries



Focus  students’  attention  on  the  questions (p110. Handout 1.1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  Ask them to work in pairs and discuss about different types of dictionaries.

Basic terms:

Monolingual, Bilingual, Corpus, Synonym, Antonym, Thesaurus, Translation purposes

Phonology, The origin of words,  Etymology.

Vocabulary (1): Dictionary related words (p. 110, Ex 1.2)

Study tips: Read all the study tips, word families and get necessary information (p  110-111-112)

Speaking: Pair work activity Read the questions share your ideas with partner (p 111, ex 1.3)

Vocabulary exercises:  Word meaning, abbreviations, word building exercises (p 111-113 ex 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2)

Listening: Pronounce words correctly (p 111, ex 1.7)


Handout 1

Answer these questions about your dictionary.

1. What type of dictionary do  you have?

A) EnglishàEnglish B) Englishàyour language C) your languageàEnglish

2. When do you use it?

A) Only in class  B) Only at home  C) At home and in class

3. Which of the following is true for you?

A) I look up every word I don’t know.

B) I only use my dictionary to check words after I have done an exercise.

C) I’ve got a dictionary, but I rarely use it 


Handout 2

The words in column A are all related to dictionaries. Match the words to the correct meaning in column B.

         A                                                           B

Monolingual               a large amount of written material                                                                  organized to show how language works 

Bilingual                     written in only one language

Corpus                                    a word that means the same 

Synonym                    a dictionary containing synonyms and                                                 antonyms

Antonym                    the sound and pronunciation of words

Thesaurus                    written in two different languages for                                                 translation purposes

Phonology                  the origin of words

Etymology                  a word that means the opposite


Handuot 3

Do you know how your dictionary is organized?

1 How can you tell whether the word is a noun/verb/adjective etc.?

2 How does it tell you the pronunciation of the word?

3 Does it give you other words in the same family?

4 Does it give you example sentences?

5 Does it tell you whether a word is slang or taboo?

6 Does it tell you which other words can/need to be used with this word?

7 What information is given in the front of your dictionary? Does it give:

* Information about measurements

* Information about grammar?

* Hints on how to use the dictionary?

* An explanation of the phonetic script used?

* A list of abbreviations used?


Handout 3

Look up the words evolve, exist, develop and swerve in your dictionary and then answer these questions.

1  Which verb(s) are transitive and which are intransitive?......................

2  Which verb can be either? …………….

3  Which verb(s) can have an object and which verb(s) cannot have an object?.........

4  Which verb(s) means the same as:

A move uncontrollably……………...      B be………………..

C  change or grow?..............

5  Does the verb swerve rhyme with

 A curve   B  halve   C  mauve?..........



Handout 4

Abbreviations are often used in dictionary to give you information about words.

 choice   of  good  well  kids  differ

1        adj =adjective: good    

 2  n…………………...

3  vi…………………..

4  sl…………………...

5  adv…………………

6  prep………………..


Handout 5

1.6 Some words can have more than one meaning so don’t assume the first referance you find is the meaning you are looking for

A                       B

chink                view

minute             information

outlook           future situation

material           60 seconds

                        narrow crack


                        light ringing sound

                       very small


Handout 6

Use your dictionary to check other words that can be made from the same base word.

Approach        assess     assume     create     define     distribute    establish    identify    interpret                                                 represent     vary








Handout 7

1.7 A dictionary can also help you to pronounce words correctly using phonetic symbols. Listen to the recording and then match the vowel sounds that are underlined with the correct phonetic symbol. Phonetic symbol

















Handouit 8

Which of the groups of letters in column A are prefixes and which are suffixes? Match them to the meanings in column B.

A                                                       B

1 anti-                     A   used form a noun referring to an action, a process or its result

2 dis-                      B   a person who has a connection with, or belief in, the stated subject

3 –ment                  C   used to form nouns which describe social, political or religious beliefs

4  -arian                  D opposed to, or against

5  -ism                    E   used to form the opposite or negative





Learning objectives


·                    Raise students’ awareness about the collocations, the importance of vocabulary

·                    Learn new vocabulary words properly.

·                    To develop listening skills and pronunciation. 

·                    To understand the meaning of the collocations.

·                    To form the new words by the help of suffixes



At the beginning of the class give some examples of new words, collocations ask students to guess the meaning. Then give some information about word formation and collocations. Pair work and open discussion. (Handouts 1,2) Learn new wocabulary. Using given handouts work with new words practice the formation words. Do exercises based on the formation of collocations.

Basic terms:

Recycling, Motivation, Evaluation & assessment Communication, Clear and effective, Good range of vocabulary, Collocations, Word families.

Vocabulary (1): Creating words. Guess the meaning of the words  (p. 114, Ex 1.1-1.5)

Listening: Listen and learn how to pronounce words correctly. (p 115, ex 1.5-22 a,b )

Vocabulary exercises:  Collocations, word building exercises (p 116-117, ex 2.1, 2.5)

Handout 1

Pair work discussion. What is collocation?

COLLOCATION refers to a relationship between words that frequently occur together.

The words together can mean more than the sum of their parts (The Times of India, disk drive)

 - other examples: hot dog, mother in law

Examples of collocations

     noun phrases like strong tea and weapons of mass destruction

     phrasal verbs like to make up, and other phrases like the rich and powerful.

                        Valid or invalid?

     a stiff breeze but not a stiff wind (while either a strong breeze or a strong wind is okay).

     Broad/bright daylight (but not narrow darkness).




Handout 2

Reading: How important is vocabulary?

Learning extensive grammar before improving vocabulary is like putting the cart before the horse. Or it like learning different styles of swimming by moving hands in the air inside a swimming pool without water.

Vocabulary is like a saving s-account; as you add words you build compound interest Poor vocabulary is like being partially blind. Our see the world through a narrow hole.

Vocabulary is like your wardrobe- it’s the first thing everyone sees and the last thing they’ll remember. The importance of vocabulary

In learning English, vocabulary has important roles such as:

      By knowing and memorizing a lot of vocabulary, we can easily and fluently to communicate with others

      We will be able to express more ideas, so we can communicate the ideas more effectively

      Influences the communicative competence

      To avoid the breaking down of the communicative interaction or express our idea



-New vocabulary must be regularly recycled for students to remember it


Evaluation & assessment


- In order to communicate clearly and effectively a good range of vocabulary is needed


Handout 3


1.1      Create a list

Each week, try to build up a list of new words you have seen or read. These may be words you are familiar with, but don’t know well enough to use actively or accurately. Don’t make the list too long - ten should be enough. Here are ten useful words for this week.





















1.2  Check the meaning.

Make sure you understand the meaning of each of the words in 1.1. Which of them is closest in meaning to each of the following?

a happen....................... F length of time........................................................

в make.......................... G advantage..........................................................

c reliable....................... н opinion or explanation........................................................

d close examination.................... I clearly show.............................................

E important....................... J                                  surroundings......................

1.3  Find out the different forms of each word.

1    Look again at the words 1-10 in 1.1. Write N next to the nouns, V next to the verbs and A next to the adjectives.

2    Which word can be a noun or a verb?..............

3    Which of the words can have the following prefixes: in, re?


1A    WORD BUILDING Complete the table with the different forms of each of the words in 1.1.


















































Handout 4

Listening: Learn to pronounce words correctly. Listen and write the words from the recording.













Handout 5

 1.7 Use the word from ex 1.1 and complete the exercise. Complete this text with the correct form of the words in 1.1


Nowadays we hear the word ‘sustainable’ being used a great deal in academic journals and 1


2                                in particular are very concerned that

any development should be ‘sustainable’. They argue that sustainable practices have great3 for

us and can have a k................ impact on the future of our planet.

However, the word ‘sustainable’ needs to be clearly 5.. Sustainable development

1                                                 in exploiting our natural resources without destroying them. We need to establish whether

this can be put into practice or whether it is a mere 7... There needs to be a thorough

1                                                 of any development plans before they are allowed to proceed, as once an area has been

destroyed it is almost impossible to 9.......... it. We should do our best to ensure that there is no

1                                                 of the logging and land clearing that destroyed so many forests at the start of the

twentieth century.


Handout 6  1.9 Use spelling rules to help you edit your work.

l Change these words by adding the endings in brackets.


surprise ....

.. swrprtsmg. (/nff)




........... ting)



............... tiy)



............ (ed)


advance ....

..................... (ment)



......... (ed)


happy .

.................. (esf)



........... (ed)



................. (ed)


change .......

............. (able)


snitahlp unsuitable
















interested ....................





2 Add an appropriate prefix (dis, im, in or un) to these words.





2.1  Learn important collocations. Correct the collocation errors in these sentences.


1.After a careful analysis from the situation we decided to cancel the trip.

2. Regular exercise can be to benefit for people with asthma.

3.These results are consistent to the ones we obtained last month.

4.We need to create for a new design.

5.I am looking up the definition from this word.

6.We should use products that are environmentally good.


2.2  Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions from the box.

1                                                                                             The president refused to comment           the problem.       abou, for jn on t0............................................................................................. with of

2     I found out about the hotel........... the Internet.

3     I would like to apply............. the position of head chef.

4                                                                               The students were allowed  participate       the basketball tournament.

5     I was completely satisfied............ the service at your hotel.

6     My mother is concerned............ the amount................... money I spend each week.

7     The cost................. living has increased by 5 per cent this year.

8     There are several reasons............... this increase.

3        Which word in each list cannot collocate with the word in bold?

l      difficulty / knowledge / need / opportunity / problem arise

2     draw / have / need / pay / receive / seek           attention

3     assess / cause / inflict / repair / take                  damage

4     attract / develop / excite / feign / give              / lose        interest

5     acquire / learn / speak / tell / use                       language

6     control / an exam / a law / judgment / the time    pass

2.4 Choose the correct adverb in each sentence.

1     I was completely/ utterly satisfied with my test result.

2     It is highly likely/possible that the president will resign today.

3     The machine was slightly /utterly useless.

4     I am extremely/ totally concerned about your behaviour.

5     It was bitterly/completely cold in the winter.

6     I was absolutely/totally freezing by the time we arrived.

7     The oil spill had a big / heavy impact on the surrounding environment.

8     It is absolutely / very impossible to predict the future with any certainty.











Learning objectives


·                    To give detailed information about task 1.

·                    Raise students’ awareness about the types of data.

·                     Learn new vocabulary related to task 1.

·                    To understand the meaning difference between graphs, charts and tables.

·                    To have practice on academic writing task 1.



Focus  students’  attention  on  the types of graphs  (p.118. Handout 1.1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  In open group work discuss the differences between charts, graphs, and tables.

Basic terms: Pie chart, bar graph, line graph, table, flaw chart, diagram, increased, decline, respectively, doubled, peak, reduced, it is seen, to sum up, in comparison, fluctuate.


Speaking: As a whole group discuss about types of the trends. What is the difference between bar graph, pie chart, flaw chart, line graph and table.

Vocabulary (1): Complete the chart. Word describing trends.  (p. 119, Ex 1.4)

Writing: Line graph sample. Complete the trend. (p. 119. Ex. 1.3-1.4)

Writing: Complete with correct prepositions. Graph completion (p 12.0-121, ex 1.5-1.7)

Writing: Practice writing a process. (p 221, ex 2.1-2.2)

Описание: image110

Handout 1 Pie chart, line graph, table, flaw chart.









Описание: image108

Описание: image109


Handout 2 Look at this writing task. Which data do you think is the most significant?

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

Write at least 150 words.

National Recycling Rates, I960 to 2005,50%
,Описание: image111

The graph below shows how much waste is collected and recycled in the US.

1.1  Which two of the following sentences do NOT refer to significant information on the graph?


1.The amount of waste being recycled rose from 30% to 32% between 2000 and 2005.

2. The amount of waste material being recycled reached a peak in 1990.

3.The amount of garbage being collected annually rose from approximately 10 million tonnes to 55 million tonnes between 1990 and 1995.

4.The amount of garbage being produced each year rose from 5.6 to 8 million tonnes between 1960 and 1970.

5.The percentage of rubbish being recycled rose from 6.8% to 33.2% between 1970 and 1990.

1.2  Put these words and phrases into the correct column according to the trend they can be used to describe. Some of the words can be used to describe more than one pattern.





remain steady

reach a high



upward trend

downward trend









reach a low











\ \ /






Handout 2 Correct the preposition mistakes in these sentences.

1.5 You will need to refer to the writing task in 1.2.

1.The amount of garbage being recycled rose 32% between 1995 and 2005         

2.The amount of garbage being recycled rose significantly in 1970 and 1990       

3.The percentage of garbage being recycled rose from 3% between 1970 and 1980         

4.The amount of garbage being produced rose to 16.2 million tonnes between 1995 and 2005   


1.6 Change the sentences below from adjective + noun to verb + adverb, or vice versa. Use your notebook.

1     There was a significant increase in the number of birds in 1994.

2     The number of people attending fell considerably in 2002.

3     The percentage of female students rose dramatically in 1990.

4     There was a noticeable drop in temperatures between 1880 and 1885.

5     The figures changed constantly between 2001 and 2006.

6     There was a slight increase in temperatures in 1909.

Handout 3 Look at the following diagram and answer the questions.

1     At what stage is something added?

2     At what stage is something separated?

3     How chewing gum is made
How many different stages are there altogether?


2.2  Now complete the description of the diagram with the correct form of the words in the box. You will need to use some of the words more than once.

add container




ingredients liquid


mixture next




shapes show then



The diagram (1)........... shows..... how chewing gum is produced. (2).......... the (3)....................

of gum are put into a (4)......................... and (5)................... until they form a single mass . This is (6).................................................................. strained until all of the (7)       has been eliminated. (8)       the gum is (9).............................................................. into another (10)... and the desired flavourings, sweeteners and softeners are (11)...................................... This (12)................ is blended until all of the (13)     are mixed together. The gum then (14)................................... to a different (15)... which uses rollers to flatten out the gum. (16) the thin sheets of gum are cut into rectangular (17)................... and broken into separate (18)   (19)     the gum (20)along a conveyor belt where it is enclosed in packaging ready for distribution .







Learning objectives

·                    To give detailed information about task 2.

·                    Raise students’ awareness about the Essay types.

·                     Learn new vocabulary related to task 2.

·                    To have practice on academic writing task 2.



Focus  students’  attention  on  the essay types ( Handout 1)  and  let  them  share  their  opinion with  the whole  class.  In open group work discuss about essay types.

Basic terms:

1. Personally-used when you give your opinion. Personally (speaking), I think the  show is going to be a great success.

2. Unfortunately-disappointing or has a bad effect. Unfortunately, I didn't have my credit card with me or I'd certainly have bought it.

3. Justifiable -If something is justifiable, there is a good reason for it. Her actions were quite justifiable in the circumstances.

4. Thankfully-used, usually at the beginning of a sentence, to show you are pleased or grateful about something. Thankfully, nobody was hurt.

5. Obviously- in a way that is easy to understand or see. He was in tears and     obviously very upset. However- despite whatever amount or degree.
7. Conclusion-the final part of something.
8. Gradually-slowly over a period of time or a distance.
9. Therefore-for that reason.
10. Environment-the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live.
11. Advancement-the development or improvement of something.
12. Appropriate-suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion.
13. Neutral-not saying or doing anything that would encourage or help any of the groups         involved in an argument or war.
14. Refute-to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false.
15. Support- to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you       want them to succeed.

Speaking: As a whole group discuss about types essays.

Vocabulary (1): Linking words  (p. 122-123, Ex 1.2,1.3, 2.1,2.2)

Writing: Complete the essay with linking words.. (p. 123. Ex. 2.3)

Reading: Read an opinion essay handout 4 open discussion. 

Handout 1 In open group discussion share the information about writing essays, its types and requirements. Min 250 words. Max 300 words. Time 40 minutes. 6b.s/9b.s.

Type of Task 2

Argumentative essays – 13 types

     Opinion Essays – 50%

     Balanced Essays – 20%

     Solution Essays – 10%

     Cause and Effect Essays -10%

     Multiple task – 10%


Handout 2 Replace the underlined words in the introductory sentences below with a suitable word from the box.

task  less difficult struggle produce high-quality many improve

It is true that a lot of students find it difficult to write good essays. I don't agree that there is little you can do to make your essays better or to make the job easier

Linking words

These words and phrases can be used to link ideas together. Put the words and phrases into the correct column according to their function. Use your notebook.

similarly	that is	now
as a result	alternatively	in other words
indeed	and	consequently
nonetheless	while	to illustrate this
finally	whereas	firstly
however	in conclusion	therefore
although	but	because
secondly	because of	or
despite	not only ... but... also...	also
in addition	furthermore	on the other hand
such as	to summarise	for example

Vocabulary note

Because is a conjuction and is used to give a reason: The car crashed because the brakes didn’t work. Because of is a preposition and means as a result of: The hospital closed because of a lack of funds.






Introducing a contrasting idea



Giving an alternative

Giving an explanation

Drawing a conclusion









Handout 3

Improve the essay by inserting the correct linking words and phrases. There may be more than one possible answer.

However,  firstly,  in other words, furthermore, also such as, alternatively, now, nevertheless, in addition, because, similarly.

If is true that many students struggle to produce high-quality essays. (1)           I don’t agree that there is little you can do to improve your essays or' to make the task less difficult

(2) let us examine what an essay needs in order to be considered ‘good’. To begin with, a good essay must answer the question fully. (3) it must address each of the points raised in the essay

title. Of)....................... if must present these points in an organised and logical way. A good writer will       avoid using the same words and phrases. This can be easily achieved by using techniques      paraphrasing. (7)         you can use synonyms of words rather than repeating the same ones. (8)       all of the ideas presented in your essay must be relevant and supported by examples. (9)  let us consider what students can do in order to improve their essay-writing skills. Clearly, a good knowledge of the language is required to be able to write an essay that has few errors and communicates well. (10)            writing a good essay requires more than good language skills (11) people often find it difficult to write essays even in their own language. As with any skill, the best way to learn is from our mistakes, 'lb learn how to ride a bike you need to get on one and fall off a few times. (12)            students can improve their essay writing through making and correcting mistakes and through constant practice.


Handout 4 There is an example for the opinion essay. Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on more important things.

What is your opinion?..       There is an argument that exploring space is a waste of money and that there are more urgent needs to be addressed on earth, such as reducing poverty and preventing environmental destruction. However, I completely disagree with this opinion for two reasons.

First of all, many of the technologies we take for granted today were originated thanks to space research. Take satellite technology, for example, which we depend on for broadcasting and weather forecasting. Without satellites, we would not be able to follow global events as they happen, nor give populations any warning of approaching storms. Space research has also led to the development of new lightweight materials that offer us heat protection and enable food preservation. Therefore, the challenge of sending human beings into space has often driven the development of new technologies that benefit our everyday lives.

Secondly, we cannot foresee the distant future, so we ought to develop the capability to escape from the earth. Gradually, we are learning how humans can survive for long periods in space and even travel to other planets in the future. If space exploration is halted, this valuable knowledge will never be acquired. It is true that environmental destruction is also a serious issue, but it is also true that we remain dependent on our environment if we never accept the challenge of exploring other worlds.

In conclusion, while we undoubtedly face serious problems on our own planet, it is imperative that we continue to explore space. This will promote further technological advances as well as provide a possible means of escape should earth become uninhabitable in future. Ideally, all nations should cooperate in the advancement of space research.










Learning objectives


·                    To give detailed information about task 1.

·                    Raise students’ awareness about the types of data.

·                     Learn new vocabulary related to task 1.

·                    To understand the meaning difference between academic and general modules.

·                    To have practice on academic writing task 1.



The general overview of general writing. The terms of passing exam, time limit, word limit, requirements.  (Handout 1.) 

Basic terms:


in addition



as a result

such as

because of



that is

not only ... but... also...








to summarise





on the other hand



in other words

for example


in conclusion




Speaking: As a whole group discuss about the general task 1.Pairs discuss the difference between academic and general modules.

Vocabulary (1): Complete the table. In the vocabulary exercise students learn new wocabulary related and used in writing general task 1 and task 2  (p. 126, Ex 1.1)

Vocabulary:  Linking words, prepositions. The following linking words are really helpful in writing letters, essays. Therefore it is crucial to learn them, and use while writing.

 (p126 ex 1.2-2.4) handouts 3-5

Writing: Practice test (p 130-131)







For the IELTS General Training Writing test candidates  will be allowed 1 hour to complete two tasks .The two parts of this practice Writing test are presented on two separate web pages.The total time allowed for the IELTS General Training Writing test is 60 minutes.

Writing task 1

            You should spend about 20 minutes on task 1

  write in a personal, semi-formal or formal style

  write at least 150 words

            Writing task 2

            You should spend about 40 minutes on task 2

  give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own knowledge or experience

  write at least 250 words

  General Training Writing Task 1 is always a letter. You will be given a problem or a situation and you have to write a letter in response to this. Don’t copy the words  from the question paper – use your own words. You must address all of the points raised and make sure that your ideas are organized in a logical way.

  When you have finished,

  check your spelling and that

  you have written at least 150

  words. Remember to leave

  enough time for Task 2!


Handout 2 1.1 Put the words into the correct column according to the type of letter they might be used in. Use your notebook.







be considered






would be





















would, be delighted








Handout 3


Use a word from the table in 1.1 to complete the sentences.

1……………….. I am writing to for my behaviour last night. It was inexcusable.

2…………….. I would like to about the treatment I received at your hotel.

3.I hope that you will.................. me for behaving in this way.

4. I am very.................... for the amount of time you have given up to help me.

5.Unfortunately, I will not be able to............ the party.

6.I am writing to................... for your help in finding a place to live.

1.3 Underline the correct preposition in each sentence. Sometimes no preposition is necessary.

1.I am sorry for /from the damage that I caused.

2.The manager told -/to me that there were no rooms available.

3.I was unhappy for/ with the way I was treated by your staff.

4. I would like to enquire about/for renting a car.

5.I would like to be considered in/for the position advertised.

6.I am available to attend -/to an interview at any time.

7.I would like to explain -/of what happened.

8.Would you be able to help-/to me?

9.Thank you about/for all of the help you have given me. to I am looking forward for/ to seeing you soon.


1.3  Match the words in column A with the words in column В to form some common phrases used at the end of letters.

A                                       В

Thank you    my CV

I would be                        faithfully

I look                           -— in advance

I have enclosed                 sincerely

Best                                   regards

Kind                                  grateful if you could

Yours                                wishes

Yours                                forward to

2        What is the best way to begin and end a letter to these people?

1     a friend, or someone you know well and address by their first name

2     your employer

3     a person you have never met

4     a person you have met only briefly, but whose name you know

Handout 4  Linking words

3.1      These words and phrases can be used to link ideas together. Put the words and phrases into the correct column according to their function. Use your notebook.


in addition



as a result

such as

because of



that is

not only ... but... also...








to summarise





on the other hand



in other words

for example


in conclusion









Introducing a contrasting idea



Giving an alternative

Giving an explanation

Drawing a conclusion



______ .____







Handout 5


3.2 Underline the correct linking word in the following sentences.

1.It can be difficult to write an essay, because/although there are several things you can do to make the job easier.

2.There are several things you can do to make writing easier.

For example/However, it can be helpful to make a rough plan of your ideas.

3.It can be helpful to practise writing within the time limit. You can time yourseir witn a clock ana /or a stopwatch.

4.You will not be allowed to use equipment as a result/such as a dictionary during the test.

5.I think I did well in the test although /in spite of l did run out of time at the end.

6.I think that my vocabulary has improved because/as a result of reading this book.

7.Improve the essay by inserting the correct linking words and phrases. There may be more than one possible answer.

8.however firstly furthermore such as nevertheless in addition consequently because particularly because of as a result.

4.2  Complete the sentences with adverbs from 4.1.

1                  .................     , I think learning vocabulary is a good idea.

2                                                          , I remembered how to spell the word correctly on the day of the exam.

3       He worked very hard, so when he received his test results he was..... proud.

4                                                       ..  my friend didn’t study for the test so he didn’t do very well.

5                                                       ..  if you work hard then you will improve.

Handout 6 Test practice

Choose the correct letter А, В, C or D.

1    John.................. on the table and called for everyone’s attention.

A held                              В placed                       C put                                 D stood

2    We have decided to................... a new industrial zone to encourage more businesses to move into the area.

A evolve                       В    grow up                     C    develop                     D     exist

3    The word put rhymes with....................

A suit                            В    cut                              C    foot                            D     blood

4    I never met our old school principal, but the new one seems very........................

A approachment             В approachable           C misapproach                 D unapproach

5    We don’t encourage................... social behaviour such as vandalism.

A anti-                           В    dis                              C    pre                             D     un

6    The word organise is a.................. of the word arrange.

A antonym                    В    corpus                        C    collocation                D     synonym

7    There are other books on this topic but Smith’s is thought to be the.................... work.

A definite                      В    definition                   C    definitive                   D     define

8                           many elderly people struggle to meet their everyday living expenses.

A Now days                  В    Nowday                     C    Nowdays                   D     Nowadays

9    You need to choose a new assignment topic - this one is not................... to the one you chose last term.

A dissimilar                  В    insimilar                     C    nonsimilar                 D     unsimilar

Ю There are several reasons..................... this change in decision.

A by                              В    for                              C    of                               D    why

11    The lecturer................ our attention to a large screen at the back of the room.

A    drew                       В    pointed                      C    gave                           D    paid

12    This medicine should help, but if the problem..................... come and see me again.

A    ocurs                      В    occurs                        C    recurs                         D    reccurs

13    It is.................. likely that the government will back down and agree to the tax cuts.

A    completely             В    fully                            C    highly                         D    totally

14    In 1990 the figures rose..................... a previous high of 75% to a staggering 89%.

A    by                           В    from                           C    in                                D    with

A drop                           В     dropped                  C     dropping                     D drops

16    There was a................. increase between 1989 and 2005.

A significant                  В     significantly            C     slightly                        D steep

17    The bread.................... baked in a hot oven and then put into bags ready for sale.

A has                             В     is                              C     were                             D can

18     We might be able to persuade more people to use the bus, but it is..................... impossible to stop people

from driving cars altogether.

A absolutely                В highly                                C very                             D a little

19     There were losses in the car industry last year..................... the tourism industry boomed.

A in addition                 В     because                    C    similarly                   D    while

20     We made a significant profit last year................... the losses made by our international office.

A although                    В     despite                     C    however                   D    as a result

21     I think school holidays are too long,.................... I do think that children need more breaks than adults.

A despite                      В     in spite of                 C    although                   D    furthermore

22     ................... I believe that banning smokers from public places is a very good idea.

A Clearly                        В     Fortunately               C    Justifiably                D    Personally

23     A................. study has shown that fewer children are taking up smoking.

A recnet                         В     recent                        C    rescent                     D    resent

24     The female birds eat very little food..................... the males.

A comparing    to         В     compared to             C    comparing with D           comparing

25     Generally speaking.................... have totally different interests from older people.

A kids                            В     guys                          C    youth                        D    the young

26     I am writing to................... for the position of tour guide advertised in your newsletter.

A application                В     apply                         C    invitation                  D    invite

27     I would be.................. if you could send me a brochure.

A    greatful                   В     gratefull                    C     grateful                    D    greatfull

28     I really must apologise................... the way that I behaved during my stay at the hotel.

A    by                            В    for                              C     of                             D    to

29     I.................. like to accept your kind offer of a free meal in your restaurant.

A    could                       В    can                             C     will                           D    would

30     I am really looking forward................... you again soon.

A         to seeing       В         to see C         seeing            D         see








Growing up


Mental and physical development


Keeping feet




Student life


Effective communication


On the move


Through the ages


The natural world


Reaching for the skies


Design and innovation


Information technology


The modern world




The green revolution


The energy crisis


Talking business


The law


The media


The arts


Language building 1


Language building 2


Academic Writing Task 1


Academic Writing Task 2


General Training Writing Tasks 1 and 2






Mustaqil ta'limni  tashkil etishning shakli va mazmuni


O'rganilayotgan horijiy tilda mamlakatlar davriy nashrlari tilining o'ziga hos hususiyatlari va ularning tarkibiy tuzilmalari, janrlari;

-        turli darajadagi ahborot habarlari:

-        aniq voqea-hodisalar to'g’risida siyosiy-iqtisodiy-madaniy ahborotlar;

-        eng ahamiyatli voqea va hodisalarni izohlab berish;

- o'z mamlakati va jahondagi aniq siyosiy-iqtisodiy-madaniy voqealar va jarayonlarni nazariy jihatdan umumlashtirish hamda magistrlik dissertaciyalarini bajarish jarayonida horijiy tildagi adabiyotlar, internet resurslaridan unumli foydalana olishni ko'zda tutadi.

Amaliy xorijiy til fanidan mustaqil ish magistrantning bilim va ko'nikma va malakalarini yanada rivojlantirish, yangi ma'lumotlar to'plash, mustaqil hulosalar chiqarish va turli ilmiy-amaliy gipotezaga hulosalar berishni o'rgatadi hamda chet tilidan bilimlarini oshishiga hizmat qiladi. Mustaqil ishlarning natijalari mavzu bo'yicha prezentaciya (Power Point), referat, ma'ruza, konspekt, debat (yoki round-table discussion) shaklida tashkil qilinishi mumkin. . Mustaqil ish magistrantlarga annotaciya, referat, o’'zaki ma'ruza va ahborot olish va taqdim qilish usullarini egallashga imkoniyat beradi. Ko'rsatib o'tilgan ish turlari ta'lim jarayonida davom etadi va material hajmi, murakkabligi oshib boradi, shuningdek o'qituvchining bevosita rahbarligi ham kamayib boradi. Mustaqil ishni muvaffaqiyatli bajarish uchun uni aniq rejalashtirish va tashkil qilish tavsiya etiladi. To'g’ri tashkil etilgan mustaqil ish o'zlashtirishni sifatini oshirishga, magistrantlarning amaliy horijiy tildan bilimlarini ortishiga yordam beradi.


Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ishlarning mavzulari.


Mustaqil ish mavzulari sohalar hususiyatini inobatga ogan holda kafedra mutaxassislari tomonidan belgilanadi.Mavzular talabani mustaqil bilim olishga ongli ravishda yo'naltirishi lozim. Bunda:

·        sensor ta'lim uslublari (vizual, audio, kinestet, taktil);

·        ta'lim uslublarining Xani va Mamford tasnifi (nazariyotchi, faol ishtirokchi, reflektor, pragmatik);

·        introvert va ekstrovert;

·        yaxshi bilim olish uchun ta'limning samarali uslublaridan oqilona foydalanishga asosiy e'tibor qaratiladi.

Vazifalar ustida ishlash jarayonida:

         vazifalarni aniqlash va personalizatsiya qilish;

         kutubhonalardan unumli foydalanish;

         internetdan maqsadli va  samarali foydalanish;

         plagiat (ko'chirmakashlik) ga yo'l qo'ymaslik;

         hotirani yahshilash;

         imtihon va testga tayyorgarlik ko'rish;

          ta'lim ko'nikmalarini bosqichma-bosqich egallab borish;

         amaliy vazifalarni bajarish;

         mustaqil o'qish;

         dolzarb mavzular muhokamasi;

         matnlar /maqolalar/video materiallarni tanqidiy muqokama qilish;u       talaba  portfoliosiga alohida ahamiyat beriladi.


Mustaqil ishlarni tashkil etish shakli va mazmuni


 Mustaqil ishni bajarish jarayoni ko’proq :  bo’yyiach qo’shimch material izlab toppish, ilmiy ish yozish, so’z boyligi av nutq ravonligini oshirirsh loyihalari bo’yicha olib boriladi. Bundan tashqari mustaqil ishni bajarish jarayonida talabalar tanlangan mavzu boyicha material to’plab, uni tahlil qilib, o’z xulosalarini yozma ravishda bayon qilishi  va o’zining tanqidiy fikrigaega bo’lishi ko’zda tutiladi.

Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ish mavzulari o’tilayotgan mavzular va soha bilan bog’liq bo’lish lozim. Muayyan ko’rsatmalar bo’yicha talabalar Power Point dasturida taqdimotlatlar  tayyorlashi va uni hmoya qilishi talab etiladi..


Talabalar mustaqil ta’limining mazmuni va hajmi

1 semestr

Mavzular nomi va mazmuni




6.     Scientific research article.

7.       Report writing.








Speaking : Programme of vocabulary development:

3.     Working on vocabulary

4.     Glossary



Topics for Power Point Presentation:  choose one of them and give a presentation

Achievements within independent years . Science.  Mission and vision.  Education  Universe.  Culture.. Traveling.  Internet in our life. The role of teachers in society. People & relationships. Let's speak about advantages and disadvantages of your work.  Friendly family. The Constitution of Uzbekistan”. We are against drugs and aids. Transportation. Internet and Modern life.The role of the Mass Media in our life.













2 semestr


Mavzular nomi va mazmuni




a)     Annotation to the thesis.

b)  Essay Writing








Speaking : Programme of vocabulary development:

a)     Working on vocabulary

b)    Glossary



Topics for Power Point Presentation:  choose one of them and give a presentation

 Health. Charisma. Leadership.  Decision making. Carrer advancement. Media and communication. Communications. A language I would like to learn. The role of technology. Gadgets and gismos.  History of IT. The Future of computing.   Money matters. The art of advertising.  Business and money. Currency of the world.   Earth today. News events. The way of getting news. Home. People and places. Talking about something you have had done recently, or are having done soon. Hobbies.  Youth . Childhood memories.










 3 semestr


Mavzular nomi ва mazmuni



Writing a master’s  thesis and giving  PP Presentation






Speaking: Programme of vocabulary development:

a)Working on vocabulary

b) Glossary









Lesson 1. Growing up


Accommodate -  provide lodging or sufficient space for;

Adolescence - the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult;

Endure /in'djua/ - to hold out against, to continue to exist;

Interaction - reciprocal action or influence;

Nurture - the care and attention given to someone or something that is growing or developing;

Resemblance - a way in which two or more things are alike;

Rewarding -  giving you a good feeling that you have done something valuable, important, etc;

Rivalry - competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field;

Stable - resistant to change of position or condition;


adolescence – the period of time in a person's life when they are developing into an adult

a troubled adolescence

yet another novel about the joys and sorrows of adolescence

adulthood - the part of someone's life when they are an adult

bond - a close connection joining two or more people

the bond(s) of friendship/love

brotherhood - (the members of) a particular organization or (more generally) friendship and loyalty

Character - the particular combination of qualities in a person or place that makes them different from others

Childhood - the time when someone is a child

conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles

connection - when someone or something is related to someone or something else

fatherhood - the state or time of being a father

friendship -when two people are friends

instinct - the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it

interaction - when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other

motherhood -the state or time of being a mother

nature - all the animals, plants, rocks, etc.


parent - a mother or father of a person or an animal

relation relations .the way in which two people or groups of people feel and behave towards each other

relationship -the way in which two things are connected

relative - a member of your family

resemblance -when two people or things look like each other or are similar in some other way

rivalry - when people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing

sibling - a brother or sister

teenager - a young person between 13 and 19 years old

temperament - the part of your character that affects your moods and the way you behave

a fiery temperament

tie  - to fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long thin material, or to (cause to) hold together with a long, thin piece of string, material, etc.

Upbringing - the way in which someone is treated and educated when they are young, especially by their parents, especially in relation to the effect which this has on how they behave and make moral decisions



close - to (cause something to) change from being open to not being open

close-knit - describes a group of people in which everyone helps and supports each other

a close-knit family/community

maternal - behaving or feeling in the way that a mother does towards her child, especially in a kind, loving way

maternal instincts

parental - connected with parents or with being a parent

parental advice/influence

rewarding - giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well

stable - firmly fixed or not likely to move or change




Accommodate - to provide with a place to live or to be stored in

Adopt - to take another person's child into your own family and legally look after him or her as your own child

Breakdown - a failure to work or be successful

Develop -to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form

endure -  to suffer something difficult, unpleasant or painful

establish - to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time

inherit - to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died

Interact - to communicate with or react to

nurture - to take care of, feed and protect someone or something, especially young children or plants, and help them to develop

relate - to find or show the connection between two or more things

Researchers are trying to relate low exam results and/to/with large class sizes.

Lesson 2. Mental physical development








1.Possession of the means or skill to do something: the manager had lost his ability to motivate the players.

2.Talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area: a man of exceptional ability | [COUNT NOUN] pupils of all abilities.



1. A juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity



1. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others: he will vouch for her good behaviour | his insulting behaviour towards me.

2. The action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances



1. The state of being a child. The period during which a person is a child: he spent his childhood in Lewes | [AS MODIFIER] a childhood friend.

2. The state of a child between infancy and adolescence



1. An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances: structuralism is a difficult concept | the concept of justice.



1. A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant: abrupt withdrawal of drug treatment can have serious consequences | many have been laid off from work as a consequence of government policies.

2.A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

3. The outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual

4. Having important effects or influence



1. A movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning: Alex made a gesture of apology | [MASS NOUN] so much is conveyed by gesture.

2. Motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling

3. Something done as an indication of intention



1. (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level

2. The process of increasing in size: the upward growth of plants | the growth of the city affects the local climate.

3. A process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important



1. The vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top

2. The highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development

3. (of a standing person) The measurement of someone or something from head to foot or from base to top: columns rising to 65 feet in height | he was of medium height.



1. The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses: she'd never been blessed with a vivid imagination | her story captured the public's imagination.

2. The ability to form mental images of things or events

3. The ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems



1. The state or period of babyhood or early childhood: a son who died in infancy.

2. The earliest state of immaturity



1. A schoolchild between the ages of five and seven: their first year at infant school.

2.A very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk

3. (law) someone too young to have full legal responsibility



1. Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject: a thirst for knowledge | her considerable knowledge of antiques.

2.The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning

3. Factual information that a person knows

4. The (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something

5. Everything that is known



1. The state, fact, or period of being mature: the progress of an ingénue from childhood to maturity | the fish takes 35 years to reach maturity.

2. The period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed

3. The date on which an obligation must be repaid



1. The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information: I've a great memory for faces | [MASS NOUN] the brain regions responsible for memory.

2. The cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered

3. The power of retaining and recalling past experience

4. An electronic memory device



1. A stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.

2. A significant stage or event in the development of something: the speech is being hailed as a milestone in race relations.



1. A person's ability to think and reason; the intellect: his keen mind.

2.That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason

3. Recall or remembrance

4. An opinion formed by judging something



1. A person who is of equal standing with another in a group

2. [Brit] A nobleman (duke, marquis, earl, viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage



1. A length or portion of time: he had long periods of depression | the period 1977-85 | the training period is between 16 and 18 months.

2. The interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon

3. (ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games

4. The end or completion of something



1. A distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part of something's development: the final phases of the war | [AS MODIFIER] phase two of the development.

2. (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary

3. A specific identifiable position in a continuum, series or especially in a process



1. A measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against another quantity or measure: the island has the lowest crime rate in the world | buying up sites at a rate of one a month.

2. Be worthy of or have a certain rating

3. Evaluate how important or likely something is



1. A message that helps you remember something

2. A thing that causes someone to remember something: her ratatouille omelet is a blissful reminder of Sunday suppers.

3. Someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided


Social skills 

1.Ability to communicate, persuade, and interact with members of the society, without undue conflict or disharmony



1. The ability to do something well; expertise: difficult work, taking great skill.

2. An ability that has been acquired by training

3. Ability to produce solutions in some problem domain



1. A point, period, or step in a process or development: there is no need at this stage to give explicit details | I was in the early stages of pregnancy.

2. A specific identifiable position in a continuum, series or especially in a process.

3. A large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience.



1. A young child



1. The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another: students in transition from one programme to another

2. An event that results in a transformation.

3. A change from one place, state, subject or stage to another

4. A musical passage moving from one key to another.




1. Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence: abstract concepts such as love or beauty.

2. Not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature.

3. Dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention.

4. (computing) of a class in object-oriented programming, being a partial basis for subclasses rather than being completely defined and directly usable.



1. Of or being or relating to or involving cognition.



1. Awkward in movement or in handling things: the cold made his fingers clumsy.

2. Not elegant or graceful in expression.

3. Difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape

4. Showing lack of skill or aptitude.



1. Having affection or liking for: I'm very fond of Mel | he was not too fond of dancing.

2. Extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent.

3. (followed by 'of' or 'to') having a strong preference or liking for.

4. Absurd or silly because unlikely.



1. (of animals) fully developed.



1. Characteristic of a lack of maturity

2. (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life, development or growth

3. Not fully developed: many of the fish caught are immature.

4. Not yet adult



1. Free from outside control; not subject to another's authority: an independent nuclear deterrent | the study is totally independent of central government.

2. (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces

3. (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence

4. Not controlled by a party or interest group



1. (Of a person, attitude, or action) not showing a proper sense of responsibility: [WITH INFINITIVE] it would have been irresponsible just to drive on.



1. Fully developed physically; full-grown: she was now a mature woman | owls are sexually mature at one year.

2. Fully considered and perfected

3. Having reached full natural growth or development



1. Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious: be patient, your time will come | a patient and painstaking approach.

2.Enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance



1 Showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention: I became very rebellious and opted out.

2. Discontented as toward authority

3. Participating in organized resistance to a constituted government



1. Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy: a significant increase in sales. 2. Fairly large

3. (statistics) too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation

4. Rich in significance or implication



1. Showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviour that one does not necessarily agree with: we must be tolerant of others | a more tolerant attitude towards other religions.

2. Tolerant and forgiving under provocation

3. Showing or characterized by broad-mindedness

4. Able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress

5. Showing the capacity for endurance




1.Come into the possession of something concrete or abstract

2. Take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect

3. Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)

4. Locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar

5. Acquire something through effort

6. Gain knowledge or skills

7. Gain through experience



1. Make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation

2. Work out

3. Gain through experience

4. Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)

5. Come into existence; take on form or shape

6. Change the use of and make available or usable

7. Grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment



1. Show, express or direct through movement



1. Become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain

2. Pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become

3. Increase in size by natural process

4. Cause to grow or develop

5. Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation



1. Reproduce someone's behaviour or looks

2. Appear like, as in behaviour or appearance

3. Make a reproduction or copy of


Look back

1. Look towards one's back

2.Look back upon (a period of time or sequence of events); remember



1. Be or become completely proficient or skilled in

2. Get on top of; deal with successfully

3. Have dominance or the power to defeat over

4. Have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of



1. Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation

2. Develop and work out fully in one's mind

3. Become due for repayment

4. Cause to ripen or develop fully

5. Grow old or older

6. Cause to ripen and discharge pus



1. Have and bring to mind a memory of something; bring back knowledge from memory

2. Keep in mind for attention or consideration

3. Recapture the past; indulge in memories

4. Show appreciation to

5. Mention favourably, as in prayer

6. Mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship



1. Put in the mind of someone

2. Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned



1. Recall the past


Throw a tantrum

1.To have a temper tantrum; to put on an active display of childish temper



1. (medicine) view the outline of by means of an X-ray

2. Form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract

3. Imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind

4. Make visible




1. In a typical manner

2. Most of the time; in most cases

Phrases with mind


Bear in mind

1. Keep in mind

2. Allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something

3. Remember and take into account: [WITH CLAUSE] you need to bear in mind that the figures vary from place to place.


Broaden the mind

1.Increase your knowledge


Have something in mind

1. To have a plan or intention


Have something on your mind

1. To be worrying about something


It slipped my mind

1. To forget something that you had to do


Keep an open my mind

1. To wait until you know all the facts before having an opinion or making a judgment


My mind went blank

1. Used for saying  that someone is/becomes unable to remember or think anything


Put your mind at ease

1. To stop someone feeling worried

2. Stop you from worrying



  Lesson 3.  Keeping feet



allergy - a condition that makes a person become ill or develop skin or breathing problems;

depression - a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious;

diagnosis - a judgment about what a particular illness or problem is, made after examining it;

insomnia - when someone is unable to sleep, over a period of time

nutrient - any substance which plants or animals need in order to live and grow;

stress - great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something which causes this condition.


brisk - quick, energetic and active;

harmful - causing harm;

healthy - good for your health;

infectious - able to pass a disease from one person, animal or plant to another;

obese - extremely fat;

vital - necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important.


avoid - to stay away from someone or something, or prevent something from happening or not allow yourself to do something;

counteract - to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect;

cure - to make someone with an illness healthy again;

eliminate - to remove or take away;

prevent - to stop something from happening or someone from doing something;

recover - to get back something lost, especially health, ability, possessions, etc.


Anxiety [aŋ-ˈzī-ə-tē] - fear or nervousness about what might happen;

Asset - a valuable person or thing;

Craving - a very strong desire for something;

Disorder -  to disturb the regular or normal functions of;

Harm -  physical or mental damage or injury;

Insomnia - the condition of not being able to sleep;

Obesity - a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body;

Onset - the beginning of something;

Acute - very strong and sensitive;

Brisk - moving or speaking quickly, pleasantly cool or cold;

Obese - very fat, fat in a way that is unhealthy;

Curb - something that controls or limits something else.


Unit 4 Lifestyles





When a lot of things are happening or people are moving around.


one part of a situation, problem, subject



a feeling or opinion about something or someone



to succeed in finishing something


when someone is trying to win something


Too many rules might deaden creativity


Happening on or relating to every day.

Exercise has become part of my daily routine.


To want something, especially strongly:

I desire only to be left in peace.


The feeling of being disappointed:

Book early to avoid disappointment.


which is obtained from doing, seeing or feeling things:


a feeling of pleasure because you are getting what you want from life:


an activity which someone does for pleasure when they are not working:


the time when you are not working or doing other duties:

leisure activities


someone's way of living; the things that a person or particular group of people usually do


someone who always believes that good things will happen


the likely future situation:

The outlook for the economy is bleak.


an occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do


the type of person you are, which is shown by the way you behave, feel and think


something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things


the force you produce when you press something


someone who hopes for or accepts only what seems possible or likely, and does not hope for or expect more


the possibility of something bad happening


the characteristic of having good judgment, especially when it is based on practical ideas or understanding:


something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things


the force you produce when you press something


someone who hopes for or accepts only what seems possible or likely, and does not hope for or expect more


the possibility of something bad happening


to succeed in finishing something


to interest or attract someone


to pull or draw someone or something towards them


to decide what you want from a range of things


to show a feeling, opinion or fact


to get pleasure from something:


to do something that is expected, hoped for or promised or to cause it to happen


to (cause something to) get better


to cause someone to behave in a particular way


to take part in or become involved in an activity


to feel regret:

Is there anything you've done in your life that you regret?


to (cause someone to) become less active and more calm and happy, or to (cause a part of the body to) become less stiff:


to please someone by giving them what they want or need


busy with or ready to perform a particular activity


feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do


unable to think clearly or to understand something


not pleased with something; feeling that something is not as good as it should be


extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong


We received a negative answer to our request


existing, happening or done outside, rather than inside a building


certain and without any doubt:


recreational  activities/facilities/interests


achieving the desired results


Unit 6 Effective communication



Accuracy – the  quality or state of being correct or precise.

Communication – 1) the imparting or exchanging of information or new 2) means of connection between people or places, in particular.

Concept – 1) an abstract idea; a general notion. 2) a plan or intention; a conception. 3) an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity.

Conjecture – an  opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

Dialect – a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group.

Fluency – the  ability to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately.

Gesture – a  movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.

Hesitation – the   action of pausing or hesitating before saying or doing something.

Language – 1) the  method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. 2) the system of communication used by a particular community or country.

Linguist – 1) a person skilled in foreign languages. 2) a person who studies linguistics.

Linguistics – the  scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics. Specific branches of linguistics include sociolinguistics, dialectology, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, historical-comparative linguistics, and applied linguistics.           

Means of communication – the  means of sending or receiving information

Mother tongue – the  language that a person has grown up speaking from early childhood.

Native speaker – a  person who has spoken the language in question from earliest childhood.

Pronunciation – the  way in which a word is pronounced.

Sign language – a  system of communication using visual gestures and signs, as used by deaf people.

Vocabulary – a  list or collection of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined


Incoherent – expressed  in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear

Inherent – existing  in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

Sophisticated – cleverly  designed and complicated

Spontaneous – performed  or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.



Clarify - make (a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly comprehensible

Communicate – share  or exchange information, news, or ideas.

Comprehend – 1) grasp  mentally, 2) understand.

Conclude – 1) bring (something) to an end. 2) arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning

Confirm – establish  the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case).

Converse -1) engage in conversation 2)             have a conversation

Define - to explain something clearly or to give the meaning of something

Demonstrate – 1) to show how something works 2) to make an idea clear to people

Distinguish - to see or hear clearly, or to see details

Emerge – 1) to come into existence as something 2) to become known

Evolve - to work out gradually a scientific theory or a way of working

Express - to show thoughts or feelings in words, pictures or actions

Gesture - to make a movement with your hands

Illustrate – 1) to put pictures into a book 2) to explain something clearly, often by using pictures

Imply - to suggest something without saying it directly

Indicate – 1) to point to something 2) to draw someone’s attention to something

Pronounce - to speak sounds, especially in a particular way

Recall - bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind, especially so as to recount it to others; remember.

Refer – 1) to be about something or someone 2) verb to look into something for information

Signify - to indicate something important

State - express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing

Stutter – 1) to repeat the same sounds when speaking 2) talk with continued involuntary repetition of sounds, especially initial consonants 2)

Suggest – to  mention an idea to see what other people think of it

Translate - to put something which is said or written in one language into another language


There is something to be said for – said to mean that something has advantages

Needless to say – as you would expect; added to, or used to introduce, a remark giving information that is expected and not surprising:

Have a say – be allowed to state a view, help to make the decision

When all is said and done – said when you are about to tell someone the most important fact they should remember in a situation:

Having said that – despite what has just been said:

To say the least – used to show that what you are describing is in fact much more serious or important than you have suggested:

You can say that it again! – used to show that you completely agree with what someone has said

That is to say – said when you want to give further details or be more exact about something:


Unit 7 On the move


accommodation -a place to live, work, stay, etc. in

attraction -something which makes people want to go to a place or do a particular thing


community -the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group or nationality

countryside -land not in towns, cities or industrial areas, which is either used for farming or left in its natural condition

destination -the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken

ecotourism -the business of organizing holidays to places that people do not usually visit in a way which helps local people and does not damage the environment

effect - the result of a particular influence

facility- a place, especially including buildings, where a particular activity happens

identification -when you recognize and can name someone or something

inhabitant -a person or animal that lives in a particular place

itinerary-a detailed plan or route of a journey

journey -the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle

landscape- a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its appearance

luggage -the bags, cases, etc. which contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling

peak -the highest, strongest or best point, value or level of skill

tourism -the business of providing services such as transport, places to stay or entertainment for people who are on holiday

tourist -someone who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday

transport -when people or goods are moved from one place to another

travel - to make a journey, usually over a long distance

travelling -the activity of making journeys; travel

trend -a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving

trip - a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again

village- a group of houses and other buildings, such as a church, a school and some shops, which is smaller than a town, usually in the countryside

adventurous -willing to try new or difficult things, or exciting and often dangerous

budget -a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend

breathtaking -extremely exciting, beautiful or surprising

coastal -situated on, or relating to the coast

cosmopolitan-containing or having experience of people and things from many different parts of the world

diverse -varied or different

flexible -able to change or be changed easily according to the situation

foreign -belonging or connected to a country which is not your own

peaceful -without violence

picturesque -(especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way

pollute-to make an area or substance, usually air, water or earth, dirty or harmful to people, animals and plants, especially by adding harmful chemicals

quaint -attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned

remote-far away in distance, time or relation

rough -not even or smooth, often because of being in bad condition

rural -in, of or like the countryside

scenic -having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features

stunning -extremely beautiful or attractive

tough -strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated

traditional -following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing

unspoiled -An unspoiled place is beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by people

urban -of or in a city or town

affect -to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change

fluctuate -to change, especially continuously and between one level or thing and another


 Unit 9

Agriculture - farming

Animal -  something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish or insect

burrow - a hole in the ground dug by an animal such as a rabbit, especially to live in

climate -  the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place

crop - (the total amount collected of) a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large amounts

decline - to gradually become less, worse, or lower

den - the home of particular types of wild animal

disaster - (an event which results in) great harm, damage or death, or serious difficulty

ecological - relating to ecology or the environment

ecology - the relationships between the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc., usually of a particular area, or the scientific study of this

evolution - the way in which living things change and develop over millions of years

extinction- a situation in which something no longer exists

fauna - all the animals that live wild in a particular area

flora - all the plants of a particular place or from a particular time in history

genetics - the study of how, in all living things, the characteristics and qualities of parents are given to their children by their genes

 habitat -the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives

human-of or typical of people

insect - a type of very small animal with six legs,

Mother Nature - nature, especially when considered as a force that controls the weather and all living things

Pesticide - a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects

Predator- an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals

prey - an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal

repercussion - the effect that an action, event or decision has on something, especially a bad effect

endangered - animals or plants which may soon not exist because there are very few now alive

extinct - not now existing

genetic -belonging or relating to genes


introduce - to tell someone another person's name the first time that they meet

native - relating to or describing someone's country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place

natural - as found in nature and not involving anything made or done by people

resistant - not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas

semi-arid - describes an area or climate with little rain but not completely dry

scent - a pleasant natural smell

species - a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other

soil - the material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow

vegetation- plants in general or plants which are found in a particular area

vermin - small animals and insects that can be harmful and which are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers

weed - any wild plant which grows in an unwanted place, especially in a garden or field where it prevents the cultivated plants from growing freel

arid - very dry and without enough rain for plants

catastrophic - An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.

disastrous -extremely bad or unsuccessful

domesticated - able or willing to do cleaning, cooking and other jobs in the home, and to look after children

tropical - from or relating to the area between the two tropics

vulnerable -able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced or attacked

wild -uncontrolled, violent or extreme




adapt - to change something to suit different conditions or uses

combat - a fight, especially during a war

cultivate - to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to grow a particular crop

eradicate -to get rid of completely or destroy something bad

evolve- to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually

hibernate - (of some animals) to spend the winter sleeping

tolerate- to accept behaviour and beliefs which are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them


Unit 10 Reaching for the skies


Crater - large bowl-shaped cavity in the ground or on a celestial object, typically one caused by an explosion or the impact of a meteorite

Debris - scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Horizon - the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet

Launch - set (a boat) in motion by pushing it or allowing it to roll into the water

Meteor - a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the earth's atmosphere from space

Orbit - the regularly repeated elliptical course of a celestial object or spacecraft about a star or planet

Outer space - the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere

Satellite - an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication

Simulator - a machine with a similar set of controls designed to provide a realistic imitation of the operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or other complex system, used for training purposes

Space shuttle - a rocket-launched spacecraft able to land like an unpowered aircraft, used to make repeated journeys between the earth and space

Universe - the whole of space and all the stars, planets, and other forms of matter and energy in it.

Weightlessness - a state in which an object has no actual weight or no apparent weight

Commercial - concerned with or engaged in commerce

Extreme - reaching a high or the highest degree; very great

Inevitable - certain to happen; unavoidable

Outer - outside; external

Terrestrial - of, on, or relating to the earth

Uninhabitable - unsuitable for living in

Unmanned - not having or needing a crew or staff

Acclimatise - become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust

Colonise - send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it

Float - rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking

Propel - drive or push something forwards

Rotate - move or cause to move in a circle round an axis or centre

Sustain - strengthen or support physically or mentally

Undergo  - experience or be subjected to




Ходжакулова Н.Х

(ТАТУ, Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчиси )

Case study---1

Sarah’s 24-year-old son lives at home, stays in bed till late, and watches TV all day. He buys and sells drugs. He’s clever, but he dropped out of school. He’s never had a job. His father wants to throw him out, but Sarah worries that he could get further into  drugs and end up in prison. “Should  I throw my son out?”

How would you solve this case.

Case annotation: conducted in a direct object, question, expressed in print and case stories.

Methodical instructions:

1.      The listener have to find the exact situation

2.      The listener have to find the main problem

3.      Find ideas

4.      Get ideas

5.      To find a solution to the case on the basis of the ideas

6.      Give advice on resolving the case

Teacher’s version of solving the case: Children always need the support of their parents. Whether they’re four or 24. I think you should pay for him to get some qualifications, and when he’s ready, you should help him to find somewhere to live. Meanwhile, you’ve got to give him all the love that he needs..

The listener:

To distinguish the main problem




Accepted ideas


Case solution


Offers on resolving the case


Ходжакулова Н.Х

(ТАТУ, Чет тиллар кафедраси ўқитувчиси )

Case study---2

You friend studies at university. Sometimes when he has free time he works at the café. It is his part time job. He has to support his family, because his father died two years ago. It is too difficult to earn money and study at the same time. he decided to take Gap Year and go to Russia to earn some more money.

If he goes to Russia, his family (mother and two little sisters will stay alone)

How would you solve this problem?

Case annotation: conducted in a direct object, question, expressed in print and case stories.

Methodical instructions:

1.      The listener have to find the exact situation

2.      The listener have to find the main problem

3.      Find ideas

4.      Get ideas

5.      To find a solution to the case on the basis of the ideas

6.      Give advice on resolving the case

Teacher’s version of solving the case: I would advise him not to go abroad and try to find a job in Uzbekistan. If he leaves his family they will get into troubles without him.

The listener:

To distinguish the main problem




Accepted ideas


Case solution


Offers on resolving the case




3.1. Asosiy adabiyotlar:

Ingliz tili

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19.                Don Shiach. How to write essay. – Oxford. 2009.

20.                Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in use. Cambridge. 1998

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22.                Vocabulary for IELTS, Pauline Cullen. Cambridge University Press 2008

23.                BusinessVocabulary in use (Intermediate, advanced level), Bill Mascull. Cambridge University Press

24.                Mitchel Vince with Peter Sinderland. Advanced Language practice. Cambridge University Press.

Qo’shimcha adabiyotlar

5.     КрыловаЛ.Р. Сборникупражненийпограмматикеанглийскогоязыка. – М., Книжный дом, 2003

6.     Боқиева Г.Х., Ирисқулов М.Т. InTouchForever Тошкент, 2006

7.     Мўминов О. Public relations. История и теория. –Ташкент, Ijod dunyosi, 2004

8.     Santiago Remacho Esteras.  Infotech English for Computer Users (4th ed.) CambridgeUniversity Press 2011